1932 The Age of Small Voyages

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 In the past few days, for some reason, rumors about Fusang Kingdom suddenly spread in Guangzhou.

In a short period of time, the whole city knew about it. Even later, even the little kid with a snotty nose could say a few words: "The east will come out, and the fusang will shine on my threshold."

” and the like.

"Hey, have you heard? The pirates we captured a few days ago were all sent out to search for the Fuso Kingdom! I heard that as long as you find it, not only will all your guilt be wiped out, but you will also be able to make contributions and get rewards!"

In the newly opened Dongcheng Pier, a porter wrapped in ragged linen clothes said excitedly to his brothers who were working together.

"Oh, it's so mysterious. Is this the case?" After hearing this, the man squatting under the wooden box to take shelter from the wind spat out disdainfully and said, "Who on the dock doesn't know about this? Besides, I was the only one who heard about it yesterday.

, after a pirate named Iron Beard set out, because he was unwilling to go to Fusang Country, he was betrayed by his subordinates who were eager to get rid of his crime and meritorious service. Hey, it is said that he died a miserable death!"

"Ah? Is there still such a thing?"

"Of course! At that time, they were not far away and had not yet left the trade route. Many merchant ships had received the news. How can this be false?"

"Tsk, tsk, how many benefits do we have to give to make those thieves work hard to find that Fuso country? Do you think that if we can find it, we won't have to work anymore for the rest of our lives?"

"A lifetime? Humph, then you won't have to work for three lifetimes, and your mother-in-law will be able to marry a lot of people!"

"Hey, forget about a bunch of wives, I just want one who can carry on the family line for me!"

"Okay, stop dreaming! You don't even have a ship, how are you going to find Fuso Country? Plan a plank? You'd better take a break and save up some energy to move the goods later. There are no pirates this year, and the dock is full of work.

Much better than before!”

"Hey, no matter how much you work, you can't make much money. You think it would be great if we had a boat..."

The conversation between the two gradually became quieter, but there were more and more people with the same thoughts as them! There were even some small and large gangs composed of people from all walks of life, who were already busy looking for ships to prepare to go to the legendary

Take a look at the place to see if you can make some serious profit.

Just as this group of people was surging in love, in the city, the Shifusi Yamen issued several announcements in a timely manner, which suddenly pushed the enthusiasm for overseas adventure to the peak!

The announcement said:

From now on, anyone who wants to find the Fusang Kingdom can have the yamen sponsor a ship and prepare various items for the voyage for free. At the same time, veteran crew members will explain in detail various precautions at sea.

Moreover, anyone who successfully reaches Fusang Kingdom and can bring back a few things needed by the Yamen can receive generous rewards based on merit! Those with great merit can even be granted official titles!

The announcement was very short. It did not use obscure classical Chinese to highlight the culture of the yamen adults, but directly used vernacular! However, such an announcement in vernacular almost made the people in Guangzhou excited!

If the huge rewards given by the court are only attractive to people from poor families like porters, then the last item of official titles and titles is enough to make even rich and wealthy country gentry go crazy!

I'm a good boy, I'm going to be knighted!

This is not just about being an official, but a valuable certificate that can be passed down to future generations and benefit generations of people!

You must know that since Li Shimin ascended the throne in the Tang Dynasty, there has been a hidden rule that non-military merits and no titles are allowed!

So except for the random knights that Li Yuan granted at random when he was conquering the world and winning people's hearts at the beginning, no one has ever been heard of being awarded a title later!

If they just take the risk and go to Fuso Kingdom to get something and be crowned a knight, then it will definitely be worth it, no matter how difficult and dangerous it is!

"I want to go to sea!"

"Let's go too!"

"And I!"

As soon as this news came out, countless people surrounded the wooden house of the Shipping Department at Dongcheng Wharf in an instant, three times inside and three times outside! Countless people crowded in front of the wooden house, shouting that they were going to sea to find the Fuso Kingdom!

"Quiet, quiet!"

At the door of the wooden house, a small official from the Shipping Department wearing official clothes was surrounded by people, shouting at the top of his lungs to make the people around him quiet.

But as soon as his voice came out, he was drowned in the countless shouts around him. His voice was almost hoarse, and no one listened to his words and became quiet.

"My lord, my lord! Use this!"

Just as the official was panting heavily and looking feebly at the crowd, a subordinate ran out of the house in a hurry, carrying a large scale used to weigh things, and handed over the weights and pans in his hands.

He said: "Use this, it will work!"

"Use this? How to use it?" Looking at the scales and weights in his hands, the official looked at his subordinates in surprise.

"Knock! Knock hard!" The subordinate said and gestured in an effort to make his voice heard by the superior.

"Oh, knock!" The officer suddenly realized, and his face turned red. Just now he thought he was using a weight...

"Bang bang bang..."

Soon, a loud metal collision sounded like a gong, causing the noisy people outside to be startled. They subconsciously closed their mouths and looked here!

"Quiet! Listen to me!"

Seeing that everyone finally calmed down, the clerk who was so anxious that his forehead was sweating finally breathed a sigh of relief. He dropped the weight and pan in his hand, jumped to the table nearby and shouted:

"Those who want to go to Fusang Country, please line up for me! Come to me one by one to sign up! But let's say it first! Fusang Country is extremely far away from here! It's a full 30,000 miles! During this period, you will have to overcome all the difficulties and obstacles on your own! If

One bad person will be buried in the sea, and the Yamen will not be held responsible!"


After the clerk finished shouting at the top of his lungs, the crowd that had just calmed down suddenly became commotion, and some people who had rushed over to sign up when they were excited began to show hesitation on their faces!

They only think about how to get riches, but forget that this wealth requires their lives to fight for it. And it is very likely that if they don’t get the wealth, their lives will be lost. This will be a big loss!

"Fuck! I'm a single person with nothing to worry about, so if I die, I will die! I don't blame anyone except my own bad fate and the inability to enjoy the blessings!"

Just when everyone at the pier began to talk in low voices and buzzed loudly, a porter in linen clothes came to the front of the crowd with a big smile, patted the table at the foot of the clerk and said boldly: "Please register your name for me first.


"That's right! It's just a matter of death! Anyway, if you die early or late, you will have to die! If it really happens, you can leave an inexhaustible family legacy to future generations!"

The man's words seemed to remind everyone present, and in an instant, countless noises started to sound again.

This chapter has been completed!
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