1939 snow

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 The commercial tax in the Tang Dynasty was very low, even as low as 1 in 30 taxes. This was also the lowest standard for commercial taxes since the Han Dynasty.

And that’s not to mention, the thirty-one tax in the regulations still has to be discarded at the cost! That is, the so-called thirty-one tax policy is implemented on the basis of profits.

However, there will never be a shortage of things that people's hearts are short of and snakes swallow like elephants!

Even with such a low commercial tax, there are still countless traders trying various ways to evade paying taxes, or falsely report their transactions, or hide their profits, or simply engage in private transactions. The number of times is beyond words.

And among these methods, relying on the name of a powerful person has become the safest, simplest, and most common method nowadays.

Not to mention anything else, the many prime ministers in the political hall have many affiliated merchants who travel all over the country to provide them with a steady stream of money.

Otherwise, how could they support so many servants, wives, and concubines with the little salary they received? If they really didn’t have this extra income, I’m afraid they would really answer the saying, “It’s not easy to live in Chang’an for a long time!”

Of course, regarding affiliating officials to do business, this was not a major violation of the law. Even the emperor himself knew it clearly, so it was at most a legal loophole.

Just like at this time, anyone who passes the examination to be a scholar will immediately have hundreds of acres of land under their name.

Scholars don’t have to pay taxes, and officials don’t have to pay taxes either!

"Xiao Han? Xiao Han!"

In the political hall, Changsun Wuji looked at Wei Zheng's disappearing figure outside the house, and then looked meaningfully at Xue Shou, who was once again immersed in the papers, with a glint of light flashing in his shrewd eyes!

He keenly felt that Chang'an was about to change!


Xiao Han, who is far away in Guangzhou, doesn't know whether Chang'an has changed or not, but what he knows is that Guangzhou has really changed!

Since the beginning of winter this year, the weather here has become colder and colder! Xiao Han sometimes gets so cold that he wonders if he is in the wrong place! He mistakenly mistakes the north for the south!

Especially this morning, there were scattered snowflakes floating in the sky.

"It's snowing! It's snowing!"

As soon as the snow fell in the sky, countless children ran past the streets like crazy, shouting about the snow.

The middle-aged people who were doing nothing in the shops on both sides also showed surprise and looked up at the white elves flying in the sky.

Among them, only a few elderly people who looked very old would look at the falling snowflakes, sigh, and say: "I didn't expect to see snow falling again in my lifetime."

That’s right, it really snows in Guangzhou!

According to local county records, the last time it snowed was probably sixty years ago. It’s no wonder that even middle-aged people in their thirties and forties would rush out to see this rare spectacle.

“It will also snow in Guangzhou?”

In the warm room of Shibosi, Liu Hongji touched his shiny bald head, ran to the window sill, and curiously looked at the snowflakes flying outside.

The snow in Guangzhou this time was not too heavy, and it was incomparable with the heavy snow in the north. But for some reason, Liu Hongji always felt that the snow was several times colder than the snow in Guanzhong!

When he first arrived, he only stood outside for a short while and felt his scalp was numb from the cold. After entering the house, he rested for a while and then he felt better, but his head still felt numb and itchy.


"Regardless of whether it will happen or not, hasn't it already happened?"

Xiao Han was standing by the window watching the snow at this time. Hearing this, he smiled bitterly, turned back and walked to the fire, skillfully took out his hand from his sleeve and started to warm himself.

Since the temperature dropped sharply, the thing Xiao Han did most was to sit around the stove.

There was nothing he could do, the winter in Guangzhou was too cold, so cold that even a child like him who grew up in the north found it unbearable.

After all, the cold in the north is just cold. It is considered a physical attack. Wear more clothes and it will pass after a while!

But the cold in Guangzhou seems to have magical properties, which can make people feel cold from the skin to the bones, as if they are in a cold storage that is constantly sprinkled with water. It is really unbearable.

"Get off, get off! I'm concerned about when we can go back. I'm tired of the food here. I haven't eaten anything from the sea since so many people died last time." Liu Hongji heard this.

He glanced back at Xiao Han, then strode to the fire, squatted down and asked.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute." When it came to returning to Guangzhou, Xiao Han would always use the words "wait a minute" to prevaricate Liu Hongji, as if he was already reluctant to miss Shu and was unwilling to return to Chang'an.

"What? You still have to wait." Liu Hongji glared at Xiao Han angrily: "We have been out for half a year, and everything is over. It's time to go back and do business!"

"Who said the matter is over? The Shipping Company still has some unfinished business!" Xiao Han laughed and found an excuse to stop him.


Obviously, Xiao Han's poor acting skills could not deceive Liu Hongji. He still glared at Xiao Han angrily: "Don't think I don't know, isn't the Shipping Company collecting some taxes at the dock at this time? Now

With such a long wall blocking it, who can escape without paying taxes?"

"Well, that's different..." Xiao Han grinned awkwardly.

Indeed, as Liu Hongji said, in winter, merchant ships do not move very closely, and most overseas merchants avoid this cold season. Except for a few ships going to Jiangnan, there are no other ships on the dock.

, so today's Shibo Division is really useless.

"Are you still dissatisfied with the emperor's decision?" Staring at Xiao Han closely, Liu Hongji suddenly stopped smiling and asked with a serious face.

"What dissatisfaction do I have?" Xiao Han was startled and asked subconsciously.

Liu Hongji looked at Xiao Han and snorted coldly: "Okay! What can't you and I brothers say? In the past two days, that boy Luo Shixin told me everything!"

"Luo Shixin? What did he tell you?" Xiao Han became more and more confused as he listened. He felt as if his head had been filled with snow water. He had no idea what Liu Hongji was talking about!

"Pretending? Still pretending?" Seeing Xiao Han's appearance, Liu Hongji couldn't help but snorted coldly, and then said seriously: "Okay, don't blame Your Majesty! Your Majesty has his own reasons for doing this.

!As an emperor, he cannot tolerate you in everything just because he has a good relationship with you! He also needs a stable court and a group of subordinates who make him feel at ease, instead of just watching us generals get together, maybe in the future

Threatening his country and country!"

This chapter has been completed!
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