1937 sale

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 "Don't do it? Why not do it?"

Xiao Han opened his eyes in surprise, but when he saw the struggling and hesitant expression on Liu Hongji's face, he immediately understood what he was worried about.

"Are you worried that the people who buy him will lose their morale by playing with things?" Xiao Han smiled clearly, sat up straight from his chair and asked Liu Hongji.

Liu Hongji looked at the cigarettes in his hand with complicated eyes, and nodded slowly: "For a box of money, not many wealthy households in Chang'an City can afford this price! And for so much money, only

To enjoy a moment of pleasure is really of no benefit to the people or the country!"

"It's not beneficial to the people? It's not beneficial to the country?"

Xiao Han blinked his eyes when he heard this. Thinking about how much tax revenue tobacco has contributed to the country in later generations, he suddenly felt as if he was laughing or laughing.

"How can this be of no benefit to the people or the country? You see, from the discovery of tobacco to its later cultivation, and then to rolling and selling, the people of the Gupu family received money, and the fishermen who collected sponges received money to make wooden boxes.

The craftsmen received money, and even the merchants who transported and sold them also made money! A small box of cigarettes can feed so many people! And the court will also collect a lot of tax revenue from it! How can it be said?

Is it not beneficial to the country?”

"But!" After Liu Hongji heard what Xiao Han said, instead of feeling relieved, he frowned even deeper. He looked at Xiao Han and asked: "Where are the people who bought it? I have only been smoking these cigarettes for a few days.

I already feel more and more inseparable from it. When I have nothing to do, I always want to smoke one! If those who buy it become addicted to it, won’t they end up with their families ruined?”

"Hey, you are too pessimistic in your thinking." Xiao Han was startled, then smiled bitterly.

In later generations, he had heard of people who became poor because of drinking, and also heard about people who became poor because of sex, or because of gambling, but he had never heard of people who had their families ruined because of smoking.

Gein cigarettes will not cause fatal harm to the human body like alcoholism. Nor will they be hopelessly addictive like drugs.

Just like Xiao Han when he first came to the Tang Dynasty, he smoked tree leaves if he didn't have cigarettes. If tree leaves are not easy to smoke, then just quit! It's a bit uncomfortable, but it's not like you're going to die for a cigarette, right?

"Don't worry, cigarettes will not be popular among the people for the time being. Of course, no one among the people will pay such a high price just to take a puff of it! So in the end, those who will spend money to buy it are not the wealthy gentry.

Wealthy businessmen! They are high-ranking officials showing their nobility, and the other one is those aristocratic families!"

Having said this, Xiao Han paused for a moment, and then continued to say to the thoughtful Liu Hongji: "Especially those aristocratic families, they have so much money that they can't spend it all. They always make it without spending it.

Not a thing!

I think we need to teach them how to spend money! At least spending the money is better than taking it back to fill graves! For example, you saw so many treasures in their secret room in Xun Mansion a few days ago.

The treasure is more than enough to supply their whole family with a lifetime of smoking! Not to mention those millennium-old families and noble families that have been passed down for a longer time! In that case, what are you worried about?"

"What you said makes some sense." Liu Hongji nodded slowly after listening to Xiao Han's words: "But how can you be sure that only the people we want to sell will come and buy our cigarettes?"

"Hehe, this is not easy!" Xiao Han heard this and said with a smile: "First of all, the price we set has eliminated the possibility of ordinary people buying it! Even those with small assets in their families will only buy it.

Just go back and try it out, it’s absolutely impossible to buy it in the long term! Only those with wealthy families will not care about the price!”

"What if the wealthy people in the family don't like our cigarettes?"

"Humph, don't you like it?" Xiao Han smiled, with a sinister smile: "If they don't like it, then I will force them to like it!"


There have been several heavy snowfalls in Chang'an City in winter. A thick layer of snow has been piled on the walls and roofs! Even some thin houses collapsed under the weight of the heavy snow, smashing them to death and freezing to death.


However, this snowy winter, which is no less than a disaster for ordinary people, is just a trivial matter for the wealthy families in Chang'an City.

Although they have no worries about food and clothing, they still hide in the warm courtyard of the house and indulge in debauchery! Enjoying the happiness that is exclusive to the rich.

In the south of the city, in the Cui family courtyard, two young people were sitting cross-legged on a soft couch, enjoying the graceful dance of the dancers in the hall, while laughing and chatting with each other.

"Brother Cui! I have a magical thing here! I heard it came from the southern jungle far away. After lighting it and inhaling its smoke, I feel my ears and eyes are clear and my mind is refreshed!"

"Oh? Is it possible, brother Xie, you also have fairy smoke?"

The young man known as Brother Cui first had a look of surprise on his face, and then hurriedly urged the man: "Hurry and show it to Brother Wei. The last time Brother Wei went to Cheng Guogong's mansion to find Brother Mo, he saw that Brother Mo had taken it.

, but before he could ask for mercy, Brother Chu Mo was caught by his father Cheng Guogong, hung up in front of me and whipped severely! Listening to his voice begging for mercy, I realized that what he was whipping was exactly

The legendary fairy smoke was stolen from his father."

"Ahem, how can it be called stealing when a son steals from me? Cheng Guogong's temper is really too bad!" Hearing this, the young man named Xie twitched the corner of his mouth, as if he imagined Cheng Chumo being hung from the beam by his father.

The scene is similar to playing a top, not to mention, with the legendary temper of Duke Cheng, he is completely capable of doing such a thing.

"That's right!" The young man surnamed Cui sighed with the same empathy: "I heard that this fairy smoke has many wonderful benefits, and even Sun Miracle Doctor praised it! I don't know why Mr. Cheng Guo is like this... Hey, poor Brother Chu Mo


"Maybe it's just that Mr. Cheng's hands are itchy!" The young man surnamed Xie shook his head: "Forget it, let's not talk about it. When I meet brother Chu Mo in the future, I will give him a few boxes of fairy cigarettes to prevent him from stealing them again.

It belongs to Mr. Cheng Guo! Now my brother has found out where these fairy cigarettes are sold. The price is only two yuan per box, which is much cheaper than going to a brothel! Come on, Brother Cui, let me try it together!"

This winter, in addition to the heavy snow flying all over the sky, there is another strange sight in Chang'an City, which is one or a few people holding cigarettes, closing their eyes comfortably, and constantly puffing away smoke.

Xiao Han knows very well that it is always easier to sell something from top to bottom than from bottom to top!

So he sent people to transport the tobacco leaves to Chang'an on fast horses, and first supplied them to Cheng Yaojin, Xue Wanche, Changsun Wuji and others. When these people puffed out smoke in front of their colleagues and subordinates, others would naturally imitate them.

When a big environment is formed, as long as you are in this environment or want to squeeze into this environment, you must be consistent with them! At least in terms of interests!

Note: Smoking is harmful to health. Coca-Cola is actually non-smoking. Please don’t be misled. If you can avoid smoking, don’t smoke.

This chapter has been completed!
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