1933 Yellow Flower Smoke

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 "Bang bang bang..."

The noise around him started again, and the clerk standing on the table saw that no one was listening to him again. He felt helpless and had no choice but to pick up the weight and pan again and started banging desperately.

"Shut up! Anyone who dares to shout again should stop thinking about it! I'm not afraid to tell you that the imperial court has limited funds, but there are not so many ships and supplies for you to waste. You all want to go? That doesn't necessarily mean you can't go.

!Hurry up and get in line first!”

Accompanied by the roar of the clerk, a strange scene soon appeared on the dock:

In front of the Shibosi wooden house, a long queue composed of various people appeared. This long queue started from the door of the wooden house, meandering, and extended to the high wall outside the dock.

Moreover, as time goes by, this long queue continues to increase in length, because people are coming from the city one after another and hurriedly joining the queue.

"Xiao Han! What are you going to do! The people on the dock are not working anymore, they just want to go to Fuso Country! My sugar has just been shipped out to two ships, and now it has stopped again!"

In the city, in the yamen of the headquarters of the Municipal Shipping Department.

Xiao Han was wrapped in a fur coat and stood guard by a tumbling stove. He hummed another sentence in his mouth: "After eating pickles and rolling tofu, the emperor will not be able to do as well."

Unexpectedly, before the tofu was in his mouth, the door was pushed open with a bang, and then a man burst in angrily. Xiao Han was so frightened that he almost threw his head into the tofu pot.

“…仡…Brother Pu Pu?”

Patting his little heart that was beating wildly, Xiao Han looked at the person who came in in surprise: "What kind of wind is this, blowing you here?"

"What wind? Cold wind!"

Pupu was originally annoyed because the candy in his hand could not be sold for a long time. Now when he saw the culprit hiding in the room leisurely and eating hot pot, he immediately felt the fire in his chest rising up, almost to the point of being overheated.

Break through his Heavenly Spirit Cap too!

I saw him walking into the room with a dark face, and then sat down opposite Xiao Han, staring at him with wide eyes and saying: "You'd better make it clear today, did you do this on purpose?"

!The weather is so cold this year, and the people in my Jiuxiang Eighteen Villages are waiting to sell their sugar so that they can exchange for some food and cloth for the winter! But at this juncture, you are instigating people to find Fusang Country? Why don’t you go find it?

Buzhou Mountain?"

"Buzhou Mountain? Wasn't Buzhou Mountain knocked down by the Water God?" Xiao Han didn't notice the difference in Pu Pu's face at first. He grinned. As soon as he answered casually, he realized that something was wrong around him. Why did the room suddenly become different?

So cold?

"Ahem, you're kidding! The search for Fusang Kingdom is all nonsense by my subordinates. By the way, this idea came from Magistrate Zhang. If you have any questions, you can go to him!"

Xiao Han shuddered and realized that the murderous aura was lingering. He immediately changed his words and sold Old Man Zhang cleanly!

If County Magistrate Zhang was nearby at this time, he would definitely jump up and strangle Xiao Han to death here.

"I don't care who came up with this! I want to sell sugar quickly! Buy food." It was obvious that Gupu didn't believe Xiao Han's words of shirk responsibilities and glared at him with gritted teeth and growled!

In the past, when winter was about to come, the people in their Miao village would always organize young people to go on several large-scale hunts in order to catch some prey for fur, meat, and animal tendons.

As for the women in the village, they will not be idle. They will rush to the forest to pick some mushrooms and fruits before everything withers away, so that they can live more comfortably in the winter.

But this year is different from usual. With Xiao Han as a stirring stick, all the people in their village are busy making candy and have no time to stock up on food!

It just so happens that the weather this year is colder than before. Seeing that winter has just entered, it is already extremely cold at night! If there is no more food coming in under this situation, then he, the leader of the clan, will probably have no other choice but to take the blame and commit suicide.


"Just sell sugar, don't you have a boat? If it doesn't work, we don't have to go to Jiangnan to sell it, we can just sell it to Guangzhou..."

Opposite me, Xiao Han's voice became softer and softer because he noticed that Gupu's face was getting darker and darker. In the end, he was almost the same color as the bottom of the pot...

"Those of my ships? Haven't you brought all of my ships to be renovated? You still have to charge me a remodeling fee! As for selling them to Guangzhou? Those profiteers are so evil that they gave me less than half the price.

! If you sell it to them, you can exchange it for one hundred kilograms of grain, but now you can only exchange it for fifty kilograms, and we must not lose our lives!"

Pu Pu gritted his teeth and roared. He had never thought of selling the candy locally, but he couldn't bear it. Guangzhou was not rich at this time, and it couldn't compare with Jiangnan! There were only a few companies that could afford candy, and the rest

Yes, they are all businessmen who are greedy for money. They are like leeches, trying to get into you and suck your blood!

"Ahem..." Xiao Han thought of his cheating to buy a boat, and felt a little guilty. His eyes couldn't help but glance around: "Ahem, the predecessors of those ships were pirate ships, and they couldn't hold too much.

The cargo can't carry too many people, and apart from running fast, it has no other benefits. You have also seen that other merchants have bought ships, so they have to dismantle and rebuild them? As for the fees, I only charge the cost. "

Pu Pu looked at Xiao Han with cold eyes and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth: "I don't care! Please think of something for me!"

Xiao Han gained courage, spread his hands, and rolled his eyes: "What can I do? I can't go to the dock and tell them to wait and finish the work before going to Fusang Country? By then, the wind will change.

, those people will never find a place in their lifetime!"

"Oh? So, you have nothing to do?" Seeing Xiao Han's unwillingness, Pu Pu suddenly sneered, and then reached out his hand behind his back.

"Scared! What are you going to do!" Xiao Han was startled by Gupu's action. He subconsciously slid back a few steps. After keeping a safe distance from Gupu, he saw clearly that he was not trying to pull something out.

What kind of murder weapon? Instead, he took out a piece of grass, a piece of grass that was yellow and dry, with fat leaves!

"This is..." Staring at the strange grass in Gupu's hand suspiciously, Xiao Han's doubts flashed across his face, and then, the doubts disappeared, replaced by a strong look of ecstasy.


"Huanghuayan! This is Huanghuayan! Did you really find it? Where did you find it? How many are there?"

Staggering and rushing back, Xiao Han's eyes widened, and he was ecstatically trying to reach out to take the strange grass in Gupu's hand.

"Wait a minute!" Unexpectedly, before Xiao Han stretched out his hand, Gupu had already taken the "strange grass" back.

"Want it? Sell me some candy first!"

This chapter has been completed!
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