1026, the butt is full of shit

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Yang Fan glanced at them coldly and said: "Now that everyone is here, let's talk about the next step. Since the city has been surrounded, the next step is to assign various troops to attack the city..."

Before Yang Fan finished speaking, Man Gui suddenly said: "Uncle Dingyuan, I think now is not the time to discuss the distribution of sieges. There is still an important issue that has not been resolved. If Uncle Dingyuan cannot solve it for the brothers, I am afraid that

Brothers will be powerless when they attack the city."

Although Yang Fan was very unhappy to be interrupted, he still looked at him with a warm face and said: "General Man, if you have any questions, just ask."

"Our soldiers and horses in Shanxi Town have been in arrears with military pay since last year. It has been eighteen months today. Brothers, there is no rice to cook at home. There is a saying that the emperor is not short of hungry soldiers. If there is a problem of arrears of pay,

If we don’t solve it, I’m afraid the people below will be unable to do their job.”

Zhang Shize became furious when he heard that Man Gui said that he wanted to solve the problem of salary arrears. Who doesn't know the financial difficulties of the imperial court now. The troops were not in huge salary arrears, and the emperor had paid for the deployment this time with his own money.

It was the account of Xinghe Bank, not the account department.

The angry household members jumped up and down and cursed. The 30% rule was broken this time. Not only did they feel sorry for the money, but they were also afraid of making a bad start. If they follow the rules in the future, wouldn't they be breaking an important link for civil servants?

A way to make money?

"Before departure, didn't your Majesty give you some silver? Each of you received three taels of silver, and you had 10,000 cavalry. Your Majesty issued you thirty thousand taels. This money went to Xinghe Bank, and the household department did not lose a penny."

Zhang Shize said angrily.

Everyone can understand the issue of pay. This is a routine operation that has been done every few years since Xuanzong. Some of the purposes are to expel the superiors, some are to argue for treatment, and some are simply to avoid war.

However, if the money is in place, even though it cannot be fully reissued, the officers and soldiers will still buy it, and it will never be endless. Man Gui and others have already taken the money from His Majesty's internal funds, and now they show up and ask Yang Fan to make up for the arrears.

Too much.

Mangui glared and said, "Young master, don't talk nonsense. Our soldiers in Shanxi Town are not comparable to noble people like you who are well-dressed and well-fed. We are poor and have a small business. If we lack a handful of firewood, we will not have to cook."

Yes. Departure is the money for departure, and the wages owed are the money owed for wages. Killing the enemy is the money for killing the enemy. How can they be confused."

Zhang Shize was immediately furious. He hated others calling him Young Master.

He rose to power based on his own strength, not relying on the British government.

Indeed, according to the usual practice, before the Ming army goes into battle, the first thing is to make up for the arrears of pay. The amount of the payment depends on the financial situation. The second thing is to make money. The third thing is to give out silver rewards for the gains.

To make up for the arrears, you have to pay some amount. The amount of silver for excavation is usually about three taels, which is divided according to the head. For beheading a true Tatar, it is fifty taels of silver, which can be cashed on the spot.

Or if you give up the silver, you can be promoted to one level. If a soldier captures a true Tatar head, he will be promoted to a corps commander. If he captures another head, he will be promoted to a small flag. And so on.

Man Gui himself was like this, he was promoted all the way up, from corps commander, small flag, general flag, trial 100 households, 100 households, deputy 1000 households, 1000 households...

However, this is a normal situation, and the current special situation must also be considered. The imperial court's finances are already so difficult. Except for Yuandudu, who can get military pay, Jiubian has basically not seen a penny of silver.

At this time, it was already very difficult for the emperor to get his own money.

When Mangui made a fuss, all the generals and guerrillas in the big tent started shouting that they were too poor to survive. They almost beat out the whole family and started begging on the streets.

Suddenly, the big tent was as chaotic as the vegetable market.

Yang Fan waited for them to finish venting without saying a word and slowly calmed down.

"General Man, how many soldiers and horses do you have under your command?" Yang Fan looked at him and asked.

Mangui looked into Yang Fan's eyes, and suddenly felt a little guilty for no reason. Then he thought that asking for back pay was a matter of course, and there was nothing to be afraid of. The same was true when the emperor came.

He immediately puffed up his chest and said loudly: "I have about 10,000 soldiers and horses under my command."

Yang Fan asked: "More than 10,000, or less than 10,000?"

What’s the actual number of people?”

Man Gui was asked and was suddenly stuck. He suddenly didn't know how to answer. In fact, he really didn't know how many people he had under his command. He only had a rough idea.

"You don't even know how many troops you have under your command, how did you become the commander-in-chief?" Yang Fan scolded.

Man Gui suddenly thought that this was Yang Fan deliberately embarrassing himself in front of everyone. His face turned red and he said loudly: "Uncle Dingyuan, does he know how many people there are in the capital camp?"

There is no so-called digital management in this era, and it is normal for the number of soldiers to be accurate to less than single digits.

When the army gathers together, people die unexpectedly every day. For example, those who die of illness, those who starve to death due to lack of food and food supplies, those who are beaten to death, those who are murdered, those who run away, those who disappear, those who defect. Those who build fortifications, dig trenches, cut down trees,

An accident may result in casualties.

Therefore, the number of people is just a dynamic number that fluctuates in a range. No one can clearly grasp it in real time. In fact, they are too lazy to pay attention to it so clearly.

Man Gui expected that Yang Fan also didn't know how many people there were in Beijing camp. Because Beijing camp was a famous quagmire, no one could figure it out.

There are all kinds of shady stories and intertwined interests, which can affect the whole body.

"Before the departure of the Beijing camp, the actual number of soldiers was 87,145. As of yesterday evening, the cumulative casualties were 6,875." Yang Fan waved his hand, and the secretary placed the information on the note.


Yang Fan said: "I can immediately gather the 50,000 Beijing camp here. Their actual number is 47,511 people. You can count the number of people camp by camp. If there is one missing, I will make up for all the arrears for you."

Suddenly, there was a lot of discussion below.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Dingyuan really paid attention to casualties and losses every day.

Mangui was dumbfounded. They really knew. Now he was in trouble.

Yang Fan asked: "How many wives does General Man have?"

"The general will have one wife and five concubines in total." Man Gui said subconsciously.

Yang Fan smiled and said: "You know very well how many wives you have, but you can't even tell how many soldiers you have. You are really a bad guy."

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter below.

Man Gui's face turned red and she wished she could find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

"Uncle Dingyuan, don't change the subject. Anyway, if you don't pay your brothers, I can't command them."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "Pay, pay. Have you really paid all the money?"

Man Gui immediately acted like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, roaring angrily: "Our army's opening silver was naturally distributed in batches, and every officer and soldier received it."

Yang Fan yelled: "Tell me that ****, you don't even know how many soldiers you have, how the hell did you distribute money to every soldier?"

This chapter has been completed!
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