173 month is hometown Ming

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 Luzhou is the last stop of Fang Zhuo's first round of city inspection, and it is also a stop that was temporarily added.

He did not expect that what was supposed to be a polite inspection would be met with the most sincere reception.

Such a place, such leadership...

There are not many places that can interest Fang Zhuo in the semiconductor wafer fab project, and Luzhou is considered the fourth.

Yangcheng, Luzhou, Shencheng, Jingcheng, Lin'an.

Fang Zhuo's mental ranking is basically this.

The current conditions given by Yangcheng combined with the city's future development are still the best. Although Beijing has not yet visited Beijing, Fang Zhuo is confident that he will get good conditions because of the performance of Medical Group in Beijing in the first half of the year.

Luzhou should not have been on the list originally. Even in the second round of city inspections set by the project team, it will still be relatively weak.

A very simple comparison:

Yangcheng's fiscal revenue last year was 24.5 billion, and Luzhou's estimated revenue was 6 billion.

The GDP of Yangcheng last year was 322.4 billion, and that of Luzhou was 41.28 billion.

The GDP of the secondary industry in Yangcheng last year was 122.4 billion, and that in Luzhou was 20.7 billion.

All data indicators vary greatly.

This gap will also have an impact on enterprises. For example, in attracting talents, the cost for enterprises to attract talents in Luzhou will inevitably increase.

Even though the leader took out the city card of University of Science and Technology of China...

However, although the University of Science and Technology of China is a very good and excellent school, in the field of microelectronics, it lags behind Xidian University in Chang'an, the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in Rongcheng, as well as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Dongda University, Postgraduate University and other schools.

If we really want to settle in Luzhou, then...

Fang Zhuo began to seriously consider this issue in his mind on the way to the Jie Feng Banquet with his leader.

Luzhou does have shortcomings and gaps, but it is not without its advantages. Just mention seven or eight, no, five or six, no, three or four...

Let’s talk about the most important thing.

The leadership team here can regard projects as their greatest treasure.

Fang Zhuo can feel the leader's red-eyed desire for development. Since Luzhou can provide funds comparable to those of Yangcheng, it can provide better preferential policies, and it can pay the greatest attention to projects initiated by a layman like him...

Then it’s not a bad idea to settle here.

Funds are important, talent is important, and the future of the city is important, but there are various ways to deal with it. Projects like the wafer fab inherently require a long cycle, require concentration on work, and require long-term support.


Once a city like Luzhou invests, it can be regarded as being trapped in it in disguise.

Fang Zhuo is a villain first and a gentleman later, and is more willing to view local support from a relatively long-term perspective.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the motorcade arrived at the hotel where Feng Yan was staying, and Fang Zhuo met with the leaders of the province and city.

He almost had the illusion that he was the superior leader who came to Luzhou for inspection.

We met with all the leaders of Luzhou, big and small, from city to district, from finance to personnel.

How did this view come about?

Wang Shushan, the provincial leader, accompanied him through the process, and the implication was clear: once the project is launched, the young president must give the green light all the way, and all departments must cooperate.

There was still no mention of my hometown at the reception banquet. The entire conversation centered around semiconductors. Occasionally, I talked about Yike's well-known players, and also mixed in with some online registration in Luzhou.

Fang Zhuo looked at some department leaders who were obviously suddenly learning semiconductor knowledge and racking their brains to talk about this topic. He felt both funny and... but also respectful.

We didn’t drink too much at the dinner, and the project team and local leaders were all sober.

At 9:30 in the evening, the reception banquet ended, the leaders left, and the top leaders said goodbye one by one.

Wang Shushan held Fang Zhuo's hand and said sincerely: "I hope Mr. Fang can see our ice-hearted heart and seriously consider Luzhou."

Fang Zhuo solemnly agreed.

The city leader of Luzhou also shook hands with Fang Zhuo: "Mr. Fang, we in Luzhou are not as rich as other places, but as long as Mr. Fang is willing to give Luzhou a chance, we will not let Mr. Fang down."

Fang Zhuo didn't want to smile at this time, so he still shook hands solemnly to avoid being frivolous.

After all the leaders left, the project team held a discussion meeting in the boss's suite.

Fang Zhuo explained the conditions one by one.

In fact, at the reception banquet, leaders of many departments directly discussed relevant plans, including water security for the wafer fab project, welfare subsidies for employees after they move in, and the use of high-quality teaching resources in the city...

The attitude shown in these plans is that Luzhou is gathering the efforts of the whole city to retain the wafer fab project.

It is worth mentioning that this is the first time the project team has heard local cities talk about water security in fabs. Semiconductor manufacturing requires a large amount of stable water supply. For example, a 200mm wafer fab has a monthly production capacity of 40,000 pieces per day.

The water consumption will be 8,000 to 10,000 tons.

Everyone really felt the sincerity of Anhui Province and Luzhou.

When Fang Zhuo said "1.3 billion, tax-free for 10 years", the entire project team looked at each other.

This offer was higher than that of Yangcheng, the most economically developed city in the country, and we had been talking about it for several days.

Everyone was stunned for a while, and associate professor Yu Jun gave a unanimous sigh: "The leaders of Anhui Province and Luzhou are so courageous!"

"If you are bold, you are indeed bold, but if you ask me, I still choose Yangcheng." Lecturer Zeng Xiaoyang shook his head and said, "The intangible conveniences and benefits brought by Yangcheng are much greater. Not to mention the same investment figure, even if Luzhou gives another 200 million

, I feel..."

"The leadership team is very important, but now I think we can settle in Luzhou." Yu Jun, who had persuaded Fang Zhuo when he arrived, has changed his position. "The leadership support and the leadership's full support are completely different things."

"No, the leaders in Yangcheng are also very good."

"Talk about leaders alone, the leaders of several cities have an okay attitude towards our project. Luzhou's foundation is too poor. This is not something that can be solved in a short time."

"The relevant majors of the University of Science and Technology of China are not among the top ten in the country. If you ask me, it is better to go to Chengdu and have a look. There are a large number of talents there, and their vision of industry may not be inferior to that of Luzhou."

The project team argued for a while, but most of them still disagreed with settling in Luzhou.

Finally, everyone turned their attention to the boss who was standing by the window smoking.

This project was started by Fang Zhuo. Although he was a layman and although he claimed to weigh the opinions of many parties, everyone in the team knew that he had to make the final decision.

Fang Zhuo smoked a cigarette leisurely and looked out the window at the night scene which was completely different from Shanghai.

The night view of Yangcheng is the same as that of Shanghai, with the lights and bustle of a big city.

Luzhou is much darker here. Looking around, there are only a few lights dotting the whole city in the quiet night.

Fang Zhuo took the last puff of his cigarette, looked up at the full moon that was even brighter in the darkness, and sighed leisurely.

"The moon is the brightness of my hometown."

This chapter has been completed!
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