Chapter 148: Baigan Ten Years

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Lin Zhao raised his head and looked into the distance.

A figure floated over, dressed in white as snow, with an empty sleeve on the right side, but it became more and more graceful and graceful. Today, Zhi Zhi is already at the peak of the Twelve Realm, and is very close to the Thirteenth Realm.

"Sir, what are your orders?" she asked with a respectful smile.

"Come with me to the ancestral home of the Mo family," Lin Zhao said.


The fish in the pond frowned: "Mountain Master, why are you going to the Mo family's ancestral court? Do you want the fish in the pond to follow you, so that you can take care of me?"

"No need."

Lin Zhao shook his head: "Our mountain top garden is now in tatters, and everyone's residences were burned down by the demon clan back then. So I have to go to the Mo family's ancestral court and ask them to allocate some materials and manpower to help."

If we rebuild the Shanding Villa, we will have more and more people in the future, so it is urgent to rebuild the Shanding Villa."

"That's it..."

The fish in the pond nodded: "If you want to go to the ancestral home of the Mo family, Sword Immortal Gardenia is indeed more suitable than me."

Zhi Zhi frowned lightly, pretending not to hear anything, and just asked: "Sir, when will we set off?"

"It's better to leave sooner rather than later."


Zhi Zhi raised his hand, and a ray of sword light rose up, leading Lin Zhaoyuan to the ancestral court of the Mo family.

The borderland where the sky and the earth meet, where clouds cover the fog and the rules of all things between the mountains have begun to become blurred. This place is the boundary between the upper world and the lower world, and is also the ancestral home of the Mohist family, the ancestral court of the military strategist, and the Confucian Wenlin.

As for the location of the ancestral court, monks from the upper world can come, and monks from the lower world can also come.

The ancestral palace of the Mohist family is held up by more than a dozen peaks, like a city in the sky, and its construction can be described as ingenious.

In front of the ancestral court, there are six Mohist knights with good cultivation standing guard. They all have swords on their backs and their aura is strong.

Lin Zhao stepped forward, clasped his fists and said respectfully: "Lin Zhao from the lower realm, please see Juzi."


Several Mohist disciples' eyes lit up, and they looked directly at the legendary Snow Land Tianchi Lin Baiyi. One of them said in a deep voice: "Master Lin, please wait a minute. I will go and report to the emperor right away."

"Okay, thanks!"

Not long after, the disciple left and returned. Several disciples worked together to open the ban on the Mo family's ancestral court and opened a small door for Lin Zhao and Gao Zhi. Just after Lin Zhao stepped into the Mo family's ancestral court, there was a person in front of him.

The Mohist monk came over, dressed in a green shirt, with a sword hanging behind him, and his whole body was filled with the extremely strong Mohist sword intention.

The person who came was none other than Xu Shuo, known as Xu Laoer. Among the younger generation of the Mo family's ancestral family, he was second in swordsmanship, second in formations, second in mechanisms, and second in everything.

However, now Xu Shuo's Qi is extremely strong, and the sword that surrounds him is very majestic. Lin Zhao just glanced at it and already knew that Xu Shuo had recovered from all the wounds he had suffered since the battle in Luchen Bureau in Shuzhou, and even

He has taken a step further, broken through the shackles of his own ego, and is now a genuine Thirteenth Level Great Sword Immortal.

"Brother Xu!"

Lin Zhao clasped his fists and said with a smile: "Are you in the thirteenth realm?"


Xu Shuo grinned: "I'm lucky enough to step into the Thirteenth Realm, I'm laughing, I'm laughing!"

After saying that, he glanced at Zhizhi and found that Zhizhi had also returned to the peak of the Twelve Realms. He immediately smiled and said: "Zhizhi, long time no see, how are you always?"

"Not bad, thank you Xu Jianxian for your concern."

"you are welcome."

Xu Shuo seemed to have broadened his mind a lot after entering the Thirteenth Realm, and had a new understanding of the relationship between men and women. His eyes only paused on Gao Zhi's pretty face for a moment before looking at Lin Zhao and patting Lin Zhao.

He put his shoulder on his shoulder and said with a smile: "Good boy, you are much stronger now. The foundation of this eleventh-level warrior is really solid. If you enter the rebirth state in the future, how can you do it!?"

Lin Zhao smiled and said: "If you enter the rebirth realm, it will be roughly equivalent to the level of Chen Ben's rebirth realm back then. I feel that it shouldn't be too different. After all, there is at least a background in sword cultivation in the twelfth realm."

"Indeed, to be honest."

Xu Shuo took it seriously and said, "Are you here to ask to see the Master?"

"Well, the mountain top garden has to be rebuilt. I'm afraid only the Mo family's ancestral family in the world can take on this job."

"I knew it."

Xu Shuo smiled slightly and said, "Don't go on to see the Master yet. Come with me to the back mountain. Let's see the other person before we talk about it. I have to go and see him off."

"Ah?" Lin Zhao was surprised.

Xu Shuo had already raised his sword and turned into a rainbow light and went straight to the back mountain. A group of Mohist disciples not far away had solemn faces. Lin Zhao also raised his sword and headed towards the back mountain with Gao Zhi.m.

The breeze blows, and the mountains behind the Mo family's ancestral home are like spring all year round, with a scene of birds singing and flowers fragrant.

Ahead is a valley with countless spiritual fruit trees growing there, all of which are wild. In addition, there are many spiritual beasts passing through it, which are very fairy-like. From a distance, one can even see female Mohist monks carrying baskets passing through it. , picking those ripe fruits, while carrying swords behind him, with sword intent lingering all over his body.

On the hillside on one side, Xu Shuo led Lin Zhao and Zhi Zhi to the front of a green tomb.

On the stone tablet in front of the tomb, there is a line of words written -

The tomb of Mohist Lu Qi.


Lin Zhao was shocked when he saw it, and the figure of the fat man with the pear blossom gun appeared in his mind. For a period of time in the snow-covered Tianchi, he was lazy, messing around with women, but after all, he was a master of the Mohist family, the most capable person in the world. After fighting in one of the thirteen realms, he frowned and murmured: "Senior Brother Lu Qi, when did you leave?"

"five years ago."

Xu Shuo said softly: "During the battle in Tianwaitian, in order to protect Juzi, Senior Brother Lu fought a bloody battle with the fearful inner demon. In the end, he died of exhaustion. The pear blossom gun was broken, and his body was burned to ashes by the inner demon's flames. , not a single thing was left behind. What is buried here is one of his tombs. According to his wishes, Xishan is the place where the ancestral home of the Mo family grows spiritual rice and spiritual fruits. Senior brothers are buried here, and you can often visit your junior sisters."


Lin Zhao couldn't help but laugh, but his mood was a little heavy. He slowly knelt down on one knee, took out a bottle of wine and gave it to Lu Qi.

Xu Shuo sat down on the ground with a sad face and said: "Actually, senior brother sent me a message when he left. After listening to his words, I broke through, otherwise it would still be difficult."

"What did he say?" Lin Zhao asked.

Xu Shuo sighed, looked up at the sky, and said: "He said, junior brother, although our Mo family ancestral family has contributed a lot in the upper realm, it has always been criticized as the one that the four major ancestral families cannot fight the most. Senior brother, this battle must be I can't go back, my master is old, everything is on you, Xu Shuo, I hope you can abandon your inner demons, revitalize our Mo family, and don't live in a state of confusion."

As he said that, Xu Shuo's eyes were red, and he said softly: "How can any senior brother in the world push his junior brother like this, don't you think? That's it for what I said. If I, Xu Shuo, don't enter the Thirteenth Realm, what will happen to me in the future? I'm going to meet my senior brother under the underworld..."

Lin Zhao was silent, not knowing what to say to comfort Xu Shuo. It seemed that... there was no need to comfort Xu Shuo. Xu Shuo could break through the Thirteenth Realm, which meant that he had already broken the state of mind. He just came to the grave of his senior brother again. , my heart is still extremely depressed.


Lin Zhao stood up, rushed to Lu Qi's tomb, clasped his fists, and said: "Senior Brother Lu Qi, the mountains will remain green and the water will flow forever. The future of the human race will be borne by the living. Please rest assured, Senior Brother Lu Qi!"

Xu Shuo smiled slightly: "Let's go and see the master."

The living room of the Mo family's ancestral home was spacious and bright. The Fourteenth Realm Juzi, dressed in a light blue gown, came to the door in person and said with a smile: "Lin Zhao, you are here!"


Lin Zhao was a little flattered and hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted: "Lin Zhao has met the old man Juzi!"

"you are welcome."

Juzi smiled and said: "Your layout in the human world is very effective. Now it is almost possible to feed back to the upper world. The future of the human race is getting better because of this battle."

"Senior has given me too much praise."

After Lin Zhao sat down with Juzi, he was not embarrassed to drink the fragrant tea from the Mo family's ancestral home. He just clasped his fists and said with an apology on his face: "This time, I still have to ask for help from the Mo family's ancestral home. Now I and I

Zhi and others have returned to the Snowy Tianchi, but the mountain top garden is in dilapidated condition, and the original buildings have been demolished by the demon clan, so... I would like to ask the Mo family's ancestral family to send a group of craftsmen who are good at construction, and transfer some by the way.

Go to the lower realm with supplies and help me rebuild the mountain top garden."

He coughed and said: "Of course, we will not let the monks of the Mo family's ancestral home work in vain. As the cost of repairs, we can currently spend about 10,000 gold mullet coins. If it is not enough, we will talk about it later. We will slowly

Pay it back."

As he spoke, he took out a large bag of gold mullet coins, a total of ten thousand coins.

"No need."

The Fourteenth Realm Juzi shook his head and said with a smile: "The mountain top garden was razed to the ground, not just for yourself. You were burned to the ground by the demon clan for the sake of the human race. Which sect in the human race dares to say that it does not owe

Shanding Villa’s favor? Although our Tao family also does business, our conscience has not rotted away, so let alone rebuild Shanding Villa, including helping you rebuild Baicheng in the future, our Moh family can do all these things.

I don’t even need gold or any money.”


Xu Shuo was surprised that the master was too generous today. He reminded him slightly: "Master, the total amount of gold mullet coins needed to rebuild Shanding Garden and Baicheng is not as simple as ten or twenty thousand.

The income and expenditure of our ancestral family in the past two years have not been sufficient."

"It doesn't matter."

Juzi smiled and said: "Just think that the Mo family's ancestral shop has been working in vain for ten years in the world. What does it matter?"


Xu Shuo clasped his fists and said with a smile: "Master's mind and realm are indeed beyond the reach of my disciples!"

Juzi narrowed his eyes and smiled secretly in his heart. "You brat, your ability to flirt with horses and beards is increasing day by day like your swordsmanship. There is a bright future. After Lu Qi died in the world, Xu Shuo should be the next Juzi."

This boy, Xu Shuo, has a gentler temperament than Lu Qi, and is actually more suitable for running the Mo family's ancestral family.


A Kunpeng fairy boat from the Mohist family's ancestral court arrived at the snowy Tianchi. Thousands of Mohist monks and craftsmen disembarked from the fairy boat. In addition, there were a large number of materials, various top-quality beams, bricks and tiles with strong spiritual energy, etc. The Mohist family's ancestral court

In order to rebuild the Shanding Villa, he did not hesitate at all, and Lin Zhao sent Chi Zhongyu to Jeju to hire a large number of human craftsmen to do some hard work and help rebuild the Shanding Villa.

Late at night, a figure fell in front of Tianranju. It was Yu Wanning. She frowned, clasped her fists and said: "Mountain Master, there is something going on at Shanhaiguan. The demon tribe sent a large number of troops out of the customs, aiming at the Beixi River.



Lin Zhao frowned: "Zhi Zhi, Yu Wan Ning, and Fish in the Pond, come with me and let's see the excitement."

"Yes!" After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Xingxing Reading app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website no longer updates the latest chapters, and Xingxing Reading novels are no longer available.

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He took a deep breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously looked around and became even more confused.

A single dorm?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my could I not have any injuries at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapters for free without ads.

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

My body and appearance have all changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:???

The names of the first two books are pretty normal, but what happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern pet breeder. The website will be closed soon. Download the Star Reading app to provide you with the great god Lost Leaves. I am the Sword Immortal.

Beast master?

This chapter has been completed!
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