Chapter 1237 Whetstone

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Seeing that Lu Ye had endured one of his lightning strikes without any serious harm, Fa Cultivator frowned slightly. He could see clearly that at the moment when his thunder power struck, the soldier cultivator did something unknown, and placed where the attack landed.

A thick layer of protection was formed, which offset most of the power of the lightning strike. This was the key.

He didn't care much. The confrontation had just begun. If he had some advantages, he could quickly turn this advantage into a victory!

Seeing the soldier cultivator rushing toward him again without any discouragement, the cultivator calmly shook his fan gently, spreading the lightning strike.

Lu Yelang sprinted forward, swung the long sword in his hand, and slashed out a series of sword lights. He met the wind blade fireball in the air, his body moved up and down, and he kept approaching the direction of his opponent.

The roaring sound continued to explode, which was the collision of the sword light and the wind blade fireball, and the spiritual power was temporarily chaotic.

However, whenever he approached a certain distance from the Dharma Cultivator, there would always be a lightning strike from the front without any warning, knocking him back and making all his efforts in vain.

The scene looked like Lu Ye was going in the opposite direction against a wave of Taoist magic, but he was thrown away every time.

The opponent's lightning strike was the key. Without the lightning strike, Lu Ye felt that he could completely break through the magical blockade of the magic fan. As long as he was pulled closer to him, the rhythm of the battle could be controlled by him.

But how to deal with lightning strikes is really a headache. Lightning spells have always been famous for their speed. When you see it, it has already hit you, and there is no room to avoid it in advance.

So we can only start with the magic cultivator who uses lightning strikes!

Thunder spells are indeed extremely fast, but everything has advantages and disadvantages. It is impossible to take advantage of all the benefits. Thunder spells have an indelible disadvantage, that is, they are difficult to control.

Unlike the wind blade and fireball, after the spell is cast, the magician can still control it, but once the power of the lightning strike is unleashed, it is a straight-line attack that even the magician who casts this spell cannot control.

In other words, this thing can't turn!

Lu Ye has also encountered some magic cultivators in Kyushu who can perform thunder spells. Of course, their strength and attainments in magic cannot be compared with the fat cultivator in front of him, but the principle is the same.

So as long as you find the right method, you will eventually have a way to deal with it.

After rushing in again and again, and being repelled by lightning strikes again and again, Lu Ye finally noticed some patterns.

When Fa Xiu used lightning strikes again to repel him, his figure suddenly turned in advance, but the expected lightning strike did not come. Fa Xiu looked at him again, with a meaningful smile on his lips.

The moment Lu Ye paused slightly, lightning flashed out.

This guy... is so treacherous!

Lu Ye thought he had found some patterns, but in fact the patterns he found were just what Fa Xiu asked him to find. In other words, this was simply a flaw deliberately exposed, a long-planned trap!

I don’t know how many people Fa Xiu has deceived using this method.

This lightning strike was more powerful than all the previous ones, and the energy contained in it was definitely not something that a few temporarily constructed guardian spirit patterns could withstand.

Lu Ye was looking for a way to deal with Fa Xiu's lightning strike, and Fa Xiu was not observing Lu Ye. He was confident that this lightning strike, which had been preparing for a long time, would be enough to severely damage the military cultivator. Then it was time for him to reap the fruits of victory.

He is not a simple person at the eighth level of Shenhai. It can be seen that he has a lot of fighting experience, but he seems to lack some experience in fighting against top powerhouses.

I have to say that Fatty Fa Xiu’s eyes are very poisonous!

Although Lu Ye had many battles as he grew up, his cultivation was too fast and his foundation was too strong. This led to a drawback. Few of the opponents he encountered could compete with him.

Basically, he solved them quickly and quickly.

The Saints of the Blood Refining World are quite good in strength, but under the suppression of the Holy Nature, their performance is unsatisfactory.

Lu Ye had also received guidance and training from Jian Guhong and others. Although they were all powerful, that kind of guidance and training was somewhat different from a life-and-death fight.

The growth of a monk is not invincible all the way, and it is not a bad thing to encounter some setbacks occasionally.

Looking at it from another perspective, it is precisely because of the accumulation of many setbacks that a monk becomes invincible!

Lu Ye himself is also aware of this problem, so he is naturally trying to make up for this shortcoming. The battle between the Divine Sea in the Reincarnation Tree is a good opportunity. Top monsters from thousands of realms gather here, and everyone has their own abilities.

With good skills and plenty of time, he can be his whetstone.

Otherwise, he would use such a stupid way to fight with Fa Cultivator because his brain is cramped. If his strength is equal, if he cannot close the distance with Fa Cultivator immediately, he should run away immediately and look for the next opportunity.

It’s not like this to move forward recklessly.

But all the observations just now are not meaningless after all, especially when faced with the threat of such a force that can seriously damage himself, Lu Ye has warning signs in his heart, so when the warning signs are raised, even though he does not understand what will happen, he can

Still instinctively shifted his body.

The thick thunder swept his body into the distance, crackling and exploding, leaving a dark mark in the void, and a burning smell entered his nose.

The smile on Fa Xiu's face turned into astonishment. He didn't expect that Lu Ye could still be like this. What is certain is that there is no problem with his strategy. During the previous realm competition, one of the strongest opponents was let go by him like this.


There was nothing wrong with the plan, but it failed in the end. In the final analysis, there was only one reason. The military cultivator had extremely powerful instincts, so he was able to dodge while doing it himself, so that his lightning strikes would have no effect.

Amazing! Fa Cultivator secretly exclaimed, such an opponent can no longer be measured by the eighth level. This is a strong man whose strength is completely equal to his.

Fa Xiu was a little distressed. To be honest, he thought he could be a soft persimmon, but he didn't expect to be kicked on the iron plate. The battle of the divine sea has just begun. It is not a wise behavior to compete with such a strong man. It consumes

If it is too large, it will be detrimental to subsequent actions.

But the matter has come to this point, and both sides have no way out. It is not possible to just give up and make peace. Faxiu felt fierce in his heart. This is the first opponent he has encountered. If he can't solve it, then what's the point of talking about it?

In the future? I will kill him no matter what!

The fierce fight continued, and Fa Xiu quickly discovered something was wrong.

Bing Xiu's perception of lightning strikes seems to be getting more and more acute. Before, every time he struck a lightning strike, the opponent could only use his protective power to resist. But with that perfect dodge, the opponent seemed to have noticed something. Now

He avoided nearly half of the lightning strikes in advance!

The cultivator couldn't help but sigh. There is indeed no trace of thunder spells. Once they occur, there are flaws in the person who casts them. Smart people will not target thunder spells, but only use them.

Targeted at the person performing the spell.

He hid it very well before, and even took the initiative to sell another flaw to hide his real flaw, but Bingxiu's perception was too strong and his eyes were too poisonous, so he had already noticed it.

This is the reason why he can avoid it in advance.

If this continues, the situation will inevitably become worse and worse!

The situation is indeed getting worse for Fa Xiu, because lightning strikes cannot work every time, which makes Lu Ye's sudden advance easier. During the initial fight, Fa Xiu stood calmly on the spot.

, but now, he is forced to keep retreating.

It's impossible not to retreat. If we don't retreat, the military cultivator will soon take advantage of us.

But he still has no intention of giving up, because his most powerful killing move is in the making. Once it takes shape, it will not determine victory or defeat, but life and death!

When the situation developed to this point, he could only make a desperate move and prepare his strongest killing move before the soldier broke through his magic blockade and came to his side. For this reason, he had to speed up the use of lightning strikes!

Originally, he shouldn't have done this, because it would be too easy to expose the flaws in his thunder spells, but since others have seen through it, there is no need to hide it, so he just does it openly.

There was only one result: Lu Ye avoided all the lightning strikes!

But he was not happy at all, because as the other party continued to use thunder spells, a huge sense of crisis enveloped him. It was not clear at first, but as time passed, it became stronger and stronger, as if there was a cloud hanging above his head.

A sharp sword that can fall at any time!

He quickly discovered the problem, that is, there was a trace of thunder power lingering around him for some reason, and no matter how he moved, he could not get rid of it.

Moreover, the power of these thunders is constantly being strengthened as Fa Xiu casts his spells, and may explode at any time!

Lu Ye's heart couldn't help but throbbing. If such a thunderous force exploded, it would be equivalent to him falling into a thunder pool. Even with his strong body, he would probably be severely injured.

This fat man has a lot of tricks and tricks. I thought I had already defeated him, but who would have thought that he would do something like this again.

However, it also gave him some knowledge, so that he could be prepared in advance when encountering such an enemy in the future.

In this situation, he actually has a choice to make a quick decision. This is a method he has already prepared to deal with Fa Xiu, but if he really does this, he might force the other party to activate the power of Lei Chi in advance.

, and he will die together, because he can't get rid of the power of thunder lingering around him, these things are like maggots on the tarsus, tightly surrounding him.

You can only endure it temporarily, paralyzing the opponent, and on the surface the attack becomes more violent, as if you want to kill the opponent quickly.

The distance between them was rapidly closing, and when Fa Xiu's lightning strike failed to cause much hindrance to Lu Ye, the situation was already doomed.

This chapter has been completed!
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