Chapter 1238 From a small place

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The fat cultivator couldn't help but sigh. He originally wanted to wait for a while before activating his trump card, so that his method would be stronger and more reliable.

But the military cultivator has obviously noticed it. If he delays it any longer, it's hard to say what the situation will be like, so he can only mobilize in advance!

With the thought in his mind, the power of thunder suddenly surged around Fatty Faxiu. At the same time, the warning signs in Lu Ye's heart also increased sharply, and the skin all over his body felt a numb feeling. It was the thunder pool around him that was about to explode.


The cultivator stopped retreating, stood still, took a magic formula, and smiled at Lu Ye, who was rushing towards him: "Fellow Taoist is very powerful, but this is a fight of chance and has nothing to do with personal grudges.

, please forgive me fellow Taoist!"

They are all from different realms and have never met before. Naturally, there is no grievance to talk about, so he is right. In the battle of opportunities, no one will hold back in the face of the biggest opportunity in the Divine Sea Realm.

At this moment, the Dharma Cultivation Picture can be seen!

As expected, the military cultivator will be severely injured or even killed in the next moment!

But he suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart, because even though he was in a desperate situation, Bing Xiu's expression calmed down, which was a bit abnormal.

Then he saw a stream of light coming out of Bingxiu's waist and hitting him!

Is this a royal weapon?

The Dharma cultivator laughed out loud. He didn't have any cultivation skills but still played with the royal weapon.

Royal weapons are a means for military and physical cultivators to make up for their lack of attack distance when their strength is low. They are very popular among low-level monks. Because their cultivation is low, neither military cultivators nor physical cultivators have the ability to reach far distances.

It is a means of distance attack, but as the monks' cultivation level increases, this kind of thing is basically eliminated.

That's not to say that it's not lethal, but for military and physical practitioners, they are more willing to trust their own weapons and fists, so that they can exert their greatest power.

The royal weapon... can only be regarded as the icing on the cake.

Is this because Guizhou Donkey has run out of skills? So after knowing that he can no longer close the distance, he uses his imperial weapon to attack?

With this thought in his mind, Fa Xiu had no intention of taking away the imperial weapon. The opponent he encountered this time was very strong. There was no guarantee that he would not do anything with the imperial weapon. It was better not to contaminate it.

On one side of his body, the stream of light from the imperial weapon brushed against him and flew past him.

At the same time, the power of thunder that had been lingering around Lu Ye shone brightly, and at zero time, the place where he was turned into a thunder pool where thunder snakes roamed!

This was a trump card that Fa Xiu had planned for a long time. Although he had to be urged to activate it in advance due to the development of the situation, the power was still too powerful for him to do. It was definitely not something someone at the level of the Divine Sea Realm could resist at will.

This time, even if the soldier doesn't die, he will be seriously injured!

The cultivator raised the precious fan in his hand, activated it with spiritual power, and looked ahead with all his concentration, preparing for a last strike in advance.

However, at this moment, there was an inexplicable aura behind him. The Fa Cultivator was instantly horrified. When he turned his head hastily, he was shocked to find that the Bing Cultivator, who was supposed to be dying in the thunder pool, had somehow appeared behind him!


This is simply impossible! He has no idea how the other party did it.

Facing the other party's calm gaze, Fa Xiu knew that he was probably in trouble this time!

While the Panshan Sword was raised high, a thick sheet of blood burst out behind Lu Ye, suddenly spreading into a sea of ​​blood.

As the Panshan knife fell, the sea of ​​blood also rolled back.

At such a close distance, Fa Xiu had no room to dodge. He slashed at him with a powerful and heavy sword. He immediately felt like he was being hit by a big mountain, and his fat figure fell downwards involuntarily.

Thanks to his caution, he activated the power of the pagoda to protect himself from the beginning of the battle, otherwise a single sword attack would have been enough to break him in half.

Although the treasure light of the pagoda blocked the strike of the sword, the fierce power could not be eliminated. When Fa Xiu's figure fell downwards, he felt that the five internal organs in his chest and abdomen were displaced, and his blood surged.

Before he had time to stabilize his body, he was already wrapped in a sea of ​​blood and fell into a thicket of sticky tung trees.

"Blood magic?"

Horrified, it makes no sense. He is obviously a warrior cultivator from a clan, how can he use blood magic? Is this guy a master of the art of war?

He didn't think that Lu Ye was a vampire. The characteristics of a vampire were very obvious and completely different from the human race. There were also people who practiced blood arts in the human race, so he thought that Lu Ye was a co-cultivator in the art of war.

What kind of evil talent is this? Judging from the blood spells performed by the other party, they seem to be more sophisticated and magnificent than the real vampires.

What greeted him was the second slash. His figure was rolling and sinking in the sea of ​​blood. He couldn't stop at all. He fell into the sea of ​​blood and was attacked and slashed hard by Lu Ye. Even though he was a well-deserved monster in this realm, he couldn't stop at this moment.

No waste.

Real battles are always so dangerous. The side that clearly has a huge advantage may be defeated and killed in an instant.

It's just that he really can't understand why Bing Xiu suddenly appeared behind him. He should be in his own thunder pool!

But soon, he realized the problem.

Before the power of the thunder pool exploded, Bingxiu shot a weapon at him. Because he was jealous, he did not make contact with the weapon and let it fly behind him.

Looking back now, the location where the military cultivator appeared was exactly where the imperial weapon was!

He has a way to change the direction of his royal weapon? What kind of ability is this?

It has to be said that Fa Xiu's thinking was a bit wrong. The method used by Lu Ye was not to change positions with the imperial weapon, but to directly use the power of the void spirit pattern to teleport to the location of the imperial weapon! 3

Just the moment before the power of the thunder pool explodes!

Too late, the power of thunder that has been constantly accumulating has been lingering around him, and he has never been able to get rid of it. It will follow him wherever he goes. If he uses this method in advance, it will only make the practitioners wary.

It's even worse if it's too late. If it's too late, it will really be shrouded in thunder.

You can only move out when the thunder pool erupts, not only avoiding the power of the thunder pool, but also catching the enemy by surprise.

In fact, Lu Ye could do this from the beginning. Ever since the talent tree changed for the second time and he deduced and imprinted the void spirit pattern on the leaves of the talent tree, he no longer feared others attacking him from a distance.

He can use the Void Spirit Pattern to move to the enemy anytime and anywhere, and supplement it with the Blood Sea Technique. It can be said that at the level of the Divine Sea Realm, with this fighting method, he can be invincible.

If not, how could he carry a weapon box with him when he is now in the Divine Sea Realm, and how could he use the weapon control technique on the enemy? If he has the skill to use the weapon, he might as well chop off a few more swords, and the power may still be there.


The royal weapon is just a cover. Building the void spiritual pattern on the royal weapon is Lu Ye's real purpose.1

This is a set of tactics unique to him, an extremely flexible tactic. In the Zerg tree world, he used this method to sneak attack the aphids. Now it is Fatty Faxiu's turn.

In the sea of ​​blood, Fa Xiu was still struggling to resist, but his efforts were destined to be in vain.

The sticky restraints of the sea of ​​blood slowed him down greatly. If he could not escape from the sea of ​​blood, he would be just a lamb to be slaughtered.

- Under the chops that were as heavy as the mountains, the fat man continued to draw blood. Finally, at a certain moment, his pagoda could no longer provide him with protection. The gleaming pagoda became dim and lost its spirituality.

Then it collapsed!

With a muffled sound, the fight subsided.

The sea of ​​blood converged, revealing two figures.

Lu Yesong stood loosely in mid-air, the Panshan Sword had been sheathed, and the fat Faxiu fell in front of him. He was not dead yet, just hanging on for a breath. 0

Although he had just experienced a life and death fight, Lu Ye actually admired this person, because even if he fell into an absolute disadvantage, even if he had no power to resist, the fat man did not ask for mercy, because he knew that since he

He came here with murderous intentions, so it is only natural for others to kill him.

You can't say that you can't kill someone, but ask others to let him go.

"It's a shame to make my fellow Taoist laugh!" The fat man sighed heavily.

Lu Ye remained silent. He didn't know what to say to a person who was destined to die, and the person he killed.

"So, Taoist friend was sure of defeating me from the beginning, so why didn't he take action?" Fatty asked. This was also what he was most confused about. What if Lu Ye had shown such miraculous skills from the beginning?

, he would turn around and leave without getting into any entanglement with Lu Ye.

It doesn’t seem right to say that someone deliberately showed weakness to the enemy, because in the whole process, the military cultivator also took huge risks, and a bad result would be to kill himself.

Fa Xiu didn't think that the other party had such an intention. Lu Ye didn't want to say anything, but since they asked, let's just treat it as casual chat. The battle is over anyway.

"I come from a small place and don't have much knowledge. Now that I have the opportunity, I should hone myself more and open my eyes to see what monsters in other realms can do."

This is a good reason.

Fa Xiu burst out laughing. It turned out that he was regarded as a whetstone, and he also perfectly completed the tasks of this role.

"What a coincidence, I also come from a small place." The cultivator smiled, "So fellow Taoists, it's best not to use me as a standard to measure the monsters in the top realm. When fighting against them, you should be more careful.


The conversation changed and Fa Xiu said, "But with Taoist friend's methods, the top 100 is stable. I am here to wish you Taoist friend a smooth future and good luck in everything."

Lu Ye nodded: "Thank you for your good wishes."

If an uninformed person saw such a scene, they would probably think that two friends were chatting here, completely unable to see the dangers of life and death just now.

"Hey, what a short and hasty life!" The fat man sighed heavily again. When he finished speaking, his head suddenly fell and his whole body fell downwards. 3

Lu Ye raised his hand to catch his body, activated his spiritual power, and flames shot up into the sky.

After a while, Shi Shiran destroyed the corpse and put away the storage bag and treasure fan left by the other party, and left the place.

The conversation with Fatty Faxiu was good, but this did not prevent him from harvesting the spoils, which he also deserved.

This chapter has been completed!
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