Chapter 1239 Ling Jade Mine

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Lu Ye realized that he seemed to have made a mistake. He thought that in the early days of the Battle of the Divine Sea, everyone was running around like him, looking for targets.

But now that I think about it, there may be people who do this, but definitely not too many. More people should be dormant and waiting for opportunities to act, rather than exposing themselves openly.

In a confrontation at this level, whoever is exposed first will be at a certain disadvantage because it is easy to be targeted.

Therefore, those who dare to do this must be the top monsters from the top realms, the first batch of hundreds of people who rushed into the portal of Taichu Realm!

Those from the Divine Sea realm who come from ordinary large realms never have the courage to be too ostentatious.

This is probably the reason why he only encountered three battles in the few days he came to Taichu Realm.

Except for the blood I met when I first came in,

Clan, the second Fatty Fa Cultivator encountered, and another person was encountered on the clone side. Apart from that, there was no one else.


The opponent the clone encountered was an individual cultivator, and I don’t know which race he was from. He was covered in luxuriant hair, as if he had become a gorilla. In terms of single-round strength and background, he was almost on par with Fatty Fa Xiu, even if the clone controlled the sword.

Hu, his sword energy is unparalleled, and the fight was very fierce.

Although the clone can activate all the methods on the main body's side, Lu Ye himself is a sword-wielding warrior, and all his attainments in swordsmanship were obtained through the original sealing of the Soaring Dragon Realm.

In the past, when his cultivation level was not high, his attainments in swordsmanship would exceed his understanding of sword skills, but now as his cultivation level has gradually increased, these gaps have been gradually smoothed out.

This is also the reason why Lu Ye still insists on following his own path even after he obtained the origin of the Soaring Dragon Realm and had the ability to imitate the lifelong cultivation of many strong men in the Soaring Dragon Realm.

Only your own can develop sustainably. If you pick up the wisdom of others, even if you are strong for a while, your achievements will be limited in the end.

Looking back now, his original persistence was correct and he did not get carried away by temporary gains and losses.

So at this stage, even if the main body and the clone have the same background, in terms of real strength comparison, the main body is definitely stronger and the clone is slightly inferior.

If I were to encounter that body cultivator of unknown race, it would certainly be a fierce battle, but it shouldn't be difficult to win. It would be nothing more than a close-up fight that he is most familiar with. With the Moshan Dao fused with the soul-cutting sword in his hand, he could deal with it.

This kind of enemy who likes to stay close to me has a huge advantage.

But things are not as good as the clone.

The strong hair on his body is the most natural protection. When the sword energy strikes him, the power is often greatly reduced. The opponent just resists the unparalleled sword energy attack and rushes in front of the clone. He thought he could seize the advantage and make the final decision.

A shop of clinker clones and blood sea techniques.

The physique was stunned for a moment.

Needless to say, the result was that the body trapped in the sea of ​​blood was unable to advance or retreat. During the fierce battle, the clone was scolded, calling his wife cunning and deceitful, and calling him shameless.

Compared with Fatty Fa Xiu's surrender, he looked a bit like he couldn't afford to lose. He probably knew that even if he begged for mercy, the clone would not really let him go.

The monks who entered the Taichu Realm may realize that they are incompetent and withdraw peacefully, but this will never happen in the middle of a battle. Even if there is a verbal agreement between the two parties, if the winner lets the loser go, will the other party really quit willingly?

If he turns around and runs away, there will be some trouble again.

Therefore, either there should be no conflict with each other, and once there is a conflict, then kill them all. This is the safest way.

Lu Ye himself no longer bothered to look for anything. Taichu Realm was very big, and even if he looked for it, it would be difficult to gain anything, so he let his clone wander around.

As for me, he discovered a vein of spiritual jade!

It's not that he has such good eyesight that he immediately found this spiritual jade vein, but that there are traces of someone collecting it here, so if you pass by nearby, it will be difficult not to be discovered.

As for who collected it, you can use your toes to figure it out. It must have been done by monks who entered the Taichu Realm a hundred years ago, or even longer.

because of this

The traces left in it have been there for some time and are by no means new.

Spiritual jade is a unique cultivation resource for monks above the Star Realm. Monks below the Star Realm cannot absorb the condensation gathered by refining. Basically, it only exists in the starry sky or on some Death Stars or Desolate Stars.

, of course, there are also top-level realms.

Such as Jiuzhou and Wushuang Continent, the stars in the realms with traces of living beings will not give birth to spiritual jade, because the energy absorbed by these realms from the starry sky has been digested by itself and turned into the foundation for its own growth. Naturally

There will be no condensation.

Death Stars are different from Desolate Stars. They have no vitality, cannot be digested, and do not need to grow. After years of accumulation, spiritual jade will naturally be born.

Looking at the starry sky, except for the Taichu territory of the Reincarnation Tree, there is no way in the world for the Divine Sea Realm to directly obtain spiritual jade.

I came here because I am about to be promoted to the Constellation Realm. Although I can't use it now, I will be able to use it soon. Collect some early and you will be prepared.

Lu Ye once heard Jian Guhong and others talk about the experience of collecting spiritual jade in the starry sky. It was not difficult, it was just picking it up.

But after some attempts, he discovered that things were different from what Jian Guhong and others described.

Because the spiritual jade here is a vein, the spiritual jade is tightly stuck together. What he has to do is to separate these spiritual jade from their respective edges. If there is a slight mistake during the process, the appearance of the spiritual jade will be slightly different.

If it is damaged, the energy contained in it will quickly escape.

He had never come into contact with spiritual jade before, but now he discovered that this thing is not the crystalline material he imagined. It may be very hard, but that is just the hardening of the surface layer, but the inside is full of pure energy like a liquid.

, so during the collection process, it cannot be damaged at all. Once damaged, the piece of spiritual jade will be useless.

This thing gave Lu Ye the feeling of being like a berry, with a hardened surface and a dense pulp inside.

The reason why Jian Guhong and others thought it was easy was because the spiritual jade in the starry sky were all in separate pieces, so they only needed to pick them up.

But the spiritual jades in this spiritual jade vein are related to each other.

Sticking together, Lu Ye needs to find a way to open it with special force 1 in order to collect it. 1

At first, Lu Ye didn't know that he was doing a great job, but he got very little harvest, and most of the spiritual jades were destroyed.

His control of his own spiritual power is very delicate. Logically speaking, this is not difficult, but after finding out the way, he found that it is very time-consuming.

Because the spiritual power is mobilized to cut the spiritual jade, the progress is very slow. If you are a little negligent during the process, the skin of the spiritual jade will be damaged.

So he has been busy here for three full days and only harvested less than 300 pieces of spiritual jade.

Compared with the exploration of Jian Guhong and others in the starry sky, this kind of harvest is undoubtedly a lot, but there is a vein of spiritual jade in front of him, and he can take it all, so the result is very unsatisfactory.

But there is no need to rush this matter, so he can only take it patiently and slowly. Anyway, there is a clone wandering around outside, which will not have much impact on his battle in the divine sea.

He now has three birds in hand. As an early result, he is already very good. If the clone is lucky, he may still be able to gain something. It doesn't matter if he wastes some time on his side.

Of course, Lu Ye will not stay here forever. According to Yang Qing, once NM reaches P, the range of A22's activities will be reduced once.

At that point, this place will become a restricted area for movement, and he will have to leave if he doesn't want to.

While you can still stay here, try to collect as many spiritual jade as possible. This is the most simple and unpretentious idea for a person from the Divine Sea Realm who comes from a small place.

Dulang was like a frightened rabbit, constantly looking around in all directions as he flew by. He flew very short, only thirty feet above the ground.

For the Divine Sea Realm, this height is very unusual, because if there is an ambush on the ground, it will be easy to be attacked by surprise.

But there is nothing we can do. It is easier to attract other people's attention than flying high up, so we can only choose a relatively safer flying height.

He could only hope that everyone would be spread out in the early stages and no one would be hiding in his flight path.

Below, this is an event with a very low probability after all.

The reason why he was so nervous was because there was not much time left for him.

He had to rush to a place, and he couldn't stay there for too long because the rules of the Divine Sea War did not allow it.

There is a spiritual jade vein in that place, which contains extremely abundant spiritual jade resources, and for some special reasons, he and his realm need a large amount of spiritual jade for emergency purposes.

It is too late to expect his elders to search the stars for a long time. Time waits for no one, and there are not many elders left in his own realm of stars. After all, the income will be entrusted to him by farmers.


The reason why we know there is a vein of spiritual jade there is naturally because elders once mined there and left a detailed path map.

He was not lucky, because the location where he appeared did not give him any sense of familiarity. Without the iconic landforms for comparison, the route map in his hand was just a decoration.

His luck was not bad, because after searching for several days, he finally found a place with the path

The overlapping landmarks on the map made Wan Zheng clear.

According to his estimation, if everything goes well, he will have approximately a few months to perform. Such a long time should be enough based on his preparations.

After a lot of hard work, we finally arrived at the location of the Lingyu mineral vein, which is at the foot of an inconspicuous hill. Looking at the entire Taichu Realm, there are many such hills, so if not for preconceptions, no one would have thought that this place would be there.

There is a vein of spiritual jade.

The seniors in his realm were able to discover this place only by chance, and the inside story cannot be revealed.

This chapter has been completed!
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