Chapter 1750: Weapon-haired Giant Blade

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In fact, not many people paid attention to the withdrawal of monks from the Three Realms from Baiyue Island, because it was not a big deal.

But soon, some news came out from the Vientiane Sea, causing countless people to turn their attention to the retreating team.

No one else, because the direction this team was rushing towards was not the Three Realms Island at all!

Twenty Tiger Shark warships clear the way ahead, followed by dozens of large starships, majestic and murderous... a standard posture of looking for trouble for someone!

Thinking back to some of the previous things, many people suddenly became cheerful, but some people were going to be unlucky!

Giant Blade Island!

When the war between Sanjie Island and Baiyue started, a group of men were dispatched from Jubian Island. Taking advantage of the fact that no one was stationed on Sanjie Island, they broke through the formation and briefly stayed on Sanjie Island. This time was very short.

, only half a day before and after.

Because Baiyue Island was defeated so quickly, Jubian Island immediately withdrew from Three Realms Island after hearing the news, for fear that the Three Realms monks would come back to beat them.

Although monks from the Three Realms came out in droves at that time, everyone believed that it was impossible for Yueyao from Three Realms Island not to know about this.

How they will handle this matter is what everyone is curious about.

In fact, there was no actual damage to the Three Realms Island itself. Jubian Island just came here for a walk and then left. It was like a visit and gained nothing. It is okay to treat the Three Realms Island as if nothing happened.


But seeing the mighty posture of the monks from the Three Realms at this moment, anyone who is interested will know that the Three Realms Island has made it clear that there will be grievances and revenge, and if there is hatred, just pretend that nothing happens? Impossible!

Ten days after the hustle and bustle of the Baiyue War, another hustle and bustle began.

More and more monks who got the news followed the Three Realms fleet and headed towards the Giant Blade Island, and all of them were worried...

Here on Sanjie Island, people are flocking out at every turn, and they don’t take the safety of their own spiritual island seriously. This is really a bit unexplainable.

Looking at the entire Vientiane Sea, even those forces that only occupy the medium spiritual islands will treat this island as the biggest treasure. After all, this is the foundation of their respective forces entrenched in the Vientiane Sea. Even if there is friction with any enemy, there will definitely be

Leave enough defensive power behind.

Three Realms Island didn't care at all. Such a good treasure land had been empty for more than ten days. They were not in a hurry to go back. After leaving Baiyue, they turned around and headed towards Jublade Island.

But no one really dares to take the idea of ​​Three Realms Island.

The frenzied behavior of Sanjie Island made countless Yueyao dumbfounded and uncomfortable in Wanxiang Sea. Imagine that if one day they become enemies of Sanjie Island and people come out to attack you, what should you do?

It seems that except for confronting the enemy head-on, all off-board moves are ineffective.

Looking at the entire Wanxiang Sea, everyone used to have rules and methods in the battle for Lingdao, but Sanjie Island is like a fool who disrupted the proper rhythm with his bastard fist.

On a starship in the Three Realms Fleet, Lao Tang was telling Lu Ye and others about the situation on the Giant Blade Island.

During the attack on Baiyue, Lu Ye and others did not pay attention to the fact that Jubian Island sent troops to capture Sanjie Island at the time, nor did they have time to pay attention. However, Tang Jun, who was relatively well-informed, naturally found out soon.

After the Battle of Baiyue Island, the monks from the Three Realms were not in a hurry to leave. Firstly, they really wanted to assist the Sifang Galaxy in building defenses. Secondly, they also took the opportunity to rest and recuperate. Giant Blade Island was the next target.

Tang Jun also took this time to inquire about many situations on Jublade Island.

Comparatively speaking, Giant Blade Island is worse than Baiyue, because Giant Blade Island is only a medium spiritual island, its situation is similar to that of the Sifang Galaxy, and its overall strength is similar to that of the Sifang Galaxy.

That's why when Yu Huan sent a message to Zhao Yunqi of Jublade Island, the other party couldn't wait to send troops to attack Three Realms Island, because in his opinion, this was an excellent opportunity to occupy a high-quality spiritual island.

In the end, it was really easy to occupy it! Zhao Yunqi was so proud at that time that he naively thought that from now on, Jublade Island would soar into the sky.

However, this happiness did not last long, and the news of Baiyue's collapse came back...

He was so panicked that he quickly withdrew his troops and left.

In the past ten days, the monks on Jublade Island have been living like years. No one knows what attitude Three Realms Island will have towards them. It was not until today that there was definite news.

On Jublade Island, in the meeting hall, several Yueyao people gathered together. Zhao Yunqi looked ugly: "Everyone, the people from Three Realms Island are coming towards us. It seems they are here to settle accounts."

"Then let's have a fight with them!" A muscular body cultivator said in a buzzing voice, with an unconvinced look on his face: "I have inquired, and the power of Three Realms Island is about the same as ours. If we really fight, we may not lose!"

Zhao Yunqi looked at the bodybuilder speechlessly, feeling a little headache.

A woman next to her sighed and spoke leisurely: "What the monks are competing for is not their apparent strength. How powerful is Baiyue Island? There are two thousand stars. It has been operating for eight hundred years as a superior spiritual island. Three Realms

The island was defeated immediately, and there were no casualties. We are worse than Baiyue, how can we resist the monks from the three realms who are like wolves and tigers?"

Ti Xiu was dissatisfied: "Junior Sister Le, why should we raise others' ambitions and destroy our own prestige? I heard that the biggest reason why Baiyue lost was that people from Three Realms Island sneaked in. We just need to guard against this and stick to our souls.

Island, what can Three Realm Island do to us?"

"The key is their infiltration!" Junior Sister Na Le sighed: "So far, no one knows how the people on Three Realms Island did this, so no matter how hard we prepare, we may not be able to prevent it!"

She paused for a moment, then continued: "The most important thing is that the Three Realms Island came with great power to defeat Baiyue, and the stars on the island were very frightened!"

Xingxiu is panicking, and his fighting spirit and fighting strength will be affected. Jublade Island cannot be defended by them alone for a few months!

Another old man said leisurely: "Sneaking into Sanjie Island shouldn't be an easy task. They succeeded because Baiyue was unprepared. If we take more precautions, we should be able to avoid this situation from happening. I am now afraid that this group of people will surround me."

No attack!"

This is also possible, and if this happens, it will not be a good thing for Jublade Island. Once it is besieged, people on Jublade Island will not be able to enter or exit, which will inevitably make people panic. Over time, problems will definitely arise.


Therefore, the deployment of giant swords in Sanjie Island this time is a big crisis for Giant Blade Island.

Zhao Yunqi regretted it extremely. At that time, he was so obsessed that he immediately attacked the Three Realms Island after being informed by Yu Huan. But who would have thought that the Three Realms Island was so ferocious that a huge Baiyue would be destroyed at the drop of a hat...

I'm afraid it will be difficult to get rid of him if he is provoked now.

The Yueyao people discussed for a long time but failed to come up with any proper plan. Soon Xingsu hurried in and reported with an ugly face: "Dear island owners, the people from Three Realms Island have arrived!"

Zhao Yunqi and others' expressions changed, they came so quickly!

Several figures immediately left the main hall, rose into the sky, and looked up. They saw dozens of miles outside the island. The fleet from the Three Realms Island had indeed arrived. Twenty tiger shark warships were rushing towards this side, glaring at them, and many stars were coming from the star boats.

They walked out and gathered in small groups, ready to form a formation at any time, as if they were going to storm the Giant Blade Island.

Zhao Yunqi's scalp felt numb...

In terms of defensive strength, Jubian Island is not as good as Baiyue Island, so he is not sure how long his island defense formation can last once Sanjie Island is attacked.

He has heard that there is a very special Xuanwu Formation on Three Realms Island, which can combine the power of five Yueyaos to deliver a shocking blow. This is how the protection of the center of Baiyue Island was broken more than ten days ago.

With many thoughts in his mind, Zhao Yunqi had already imagined the worst and worst scenario, but fortunately for him, the Three Boundary Island side only put up a strong attack posture and did not actually take action.

Zhao Yunqi is a flexible person, so after thinking about it in his mind, he knew that today's matter could still be slowed down. The other party did not seem to have the intention to take action directly, otherwise the war would have started at this moment.

He immediately stepped out and came to the island protection formation. He looked at the place where several Yueyao people gathered on Three Realms Island and held his hands in the distance: "Zhao Yunqi, the giant blade, I have met all of you fellow Taoists. Who is in charge of this?"

Luan Xiao'e took a step forward without hesitation and said in a cold voice: "I am the big island owner of Three Realms Island, Luan Xiao'e."

"It turns out it's the Lord of Luan Island, I'm glad to meet you." Zhao Yunqi greeted, pretending to be surprised: "But I don't know that there is something about our Jubian Island that offended Guidao, so that the Lord of Luan Island led troops to surround me.


Luan Xiao'e looked at him indifferently: "If you talk like this, then there is no need to say anything."

Zhao Yunqi looked a little uncomfortable, but he didn't dare to get angry. He coughed lightly and said, "I think it's because of what happened ten days ago. Lord Luan, I can give Guidao an explanation for this matter."

Luan Xiao'e remained silent.

Zhao Yunqi said: "It's like this. Ten days ago, a group of thieves wanted to harm my giant blade. After a fierce battle with my giant blade monk, they escaped. Zhao led his troops in pursuit. That group of thieves actually rushed into Guidao.

Hiding in the middle, Zhao had no choice but to kill them and kill them...well, that's it."

It has to be said that Zhao Yunqi's ability to tell lies with open eyes is still very good. Such arrangement makes it look like he has nose and eyes, and there is no trace of hypocrisy on his face.

But anyone can see that he has lost his momentum, otherwise he wouldn't be able to explain like this.

As Yueyao, Zhao Yunqi also didn't want to be a lowly person. However, the Three Realms Island came with the power of defeating Baiyue. Not to mention that the stars on the island were frightened, even Yueyao himself was frightened.

He could not guarantee that Three Realms Island would not be able to defeat Jublade Island, so no matter what, he must avoid this battle today.

It is not easy for the Giant Blade Galaxy to occupy a medium-sized spiritual island on the Wanxiang Sea. If it is lost in his hands, it will be the sinner of the entire galaxy.

"So that's what it is?"

Just when Zhao Yunqi was on tenterhooks, Luan Xiao'e replied leisurely: "But how did I hear that it was Daoist Fellow Zhao who led his men to storm our Three Realms Formation and break through it?"

"That's nonsense!" Zhao Yunqi strongly denied it. "This is purely false. I, the giant blade monk, only focus on developing myself in this sea of ​​​​everything, and never have any entanglements or frictions with any forces. This is well-known."

This chapter has been completed!
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