Chapter 1150 Two years of daily life, more news about survivors!

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[Territory public chat channel]

[March 5, Year 2 of the Wasteland Calendar]

[Today’s weather: light snow. Temperature: minus 5 degrees ~ minus 15 degrees]

[Updated activity scope: the entire territory (the three regular routes have free shuttle buses every morning, noon and evening, and the remaining routes can be chartered at your own expense); the western suburbs of Qinggang City (entering the area controlled by allies, please do not make noises and cause trouble, otherwise

Will be handled strictly in accordance with territorial laws); Qinggang City Fifth Ring Road (there are many mutated plants, or there may be attacks by radioactive beasts, please be careful when entering)]

[New exploration point: Red Core Shelter (now open, need to obtain approval before going)]

[Small speaker from the Territory: Coming from about 600 kilometers north, we have found 373 lucky people. We are now on the troop carrier returning to the territory. We will arrive at the territory in the evening. There are many professionals among the lucky people who are interested.

The boss can come to the General Work Administration in advance to check and make reservations.】

【Today’s recommended store:】

【Today’s recommended recipe:】

Just as the survivors were on their way back, a new day began in the territory.

Since most factories already have indoor factories, the impact of this light snow is actually not great. Only a few industries that are already weak in winter, such as construction, agriculture, and mining, have been affected.

Hope inside the village.

The asphalt-paved central road had been cleared of snow by cleaning workers early on, and snowdrifts were piled on the roadside, waiting to be taken to the Bagua furnace for burning.

Although some cement roads were not separated in such a timely manner, there was only a thin layer of snow on them, as soft as cotton.

The transplanted saplings on both sides of the road had lost their leaves some time ago and were bare, looking a bit desolate.

But now with the decoration of snowflakes, it looks like the heavy snow is brewing with life.

The residential houses scattered among the roads have now reached a certain scale.

The prefabricated houses of the past have now all been eliminated and replaced with reinforced concrete earthquake-resistant structures.

The two-story buildings are connected in series from the street to the end of the street. Only one row can accommodate 80 upper and lower 80 independent rooms, a total of 160 independent rooms.

The accommodation in the room was not as tense as it was at the beginning, with dozens or hundreds of people crowded together.

This winter, the space of each room has increased to 20 square meters.

Entering it, there is a small living room of about five square meters, which can also be said to be a small public kitchen.

On both sides are bedrooms separated by simple board walls. Each bedroom can only accommodate up to four people.

Although it is still not possible for everyone to have an independent private space, it is much better than before.

At this time, the villagers holding hot breakfast in their hands were filing out of the house, laughing and chatting, while heading to the connection point between Hope Village and Longteng Village.

Living in Hope Village and working in Longteng Village has become the norm for most people.

The commute time on both sides is about forty minutes.

Taking advantage of this period of time, the villagers can just finish their breakfast and check the chat panel to see what new announcements there are today or what new news there is in other parts of the world.

As the saying goes, when you are in the wasteland, you need to broaden your horizons.

Otherwise, during the lunch break every day, when everyone gets together to brag, they won’t be able to find a place to say a few words.

"Hey, finally there are new survivors joining us. It's not easy in this snowy day."

"I heard that the territory has recently set up a search and rescue team. It should be that they took the initiative to search and rescue."

"This group of people is so lucky. It's 600 kilometers, and it won't take more than half a month to walk."

"That's the truth. When our Harvest Tribe came over, some of the people's feet had several layers of skin worn off."

“It’s good to have more people, but our factory is currently short of people, and it turns out we can’t find anyone.”

"My opponent, our mining site is also short of people now, but there is no place to look for these people, unless we go to those little fishmen."

"Forget it, it's okay for the little fish people to do construction, but mining should not harm others."


Almost all villagers have a 100% friendly attitude toward new survivors.

This is related to the current environment and rules of the territory, as well as the extremely smooth development of the manufacturing industry.

The current manpower of each factory, let alone expanding production, requires overtime work to complete the existing production scale.

It's certainly a good thing for new people to come in.

For those factory owners, the new labor force will naturally make the development speed several times faster.

Even the owners of several shops were interested. After all, everyone knew that newcomers' labor was the cheapest and would definitely be several times cheaper than the old fried dough sticks in the village.

If you want to develop the store, you need a few more newcomers to take advantage of it.

Ah no, just bring in a few new people to help!

Of course, not everyone is so optimistic, and many people are worried.

The addition of new people means that the current competition will definitely become more intense.

Sitting on the wicker chair in front of the shop, the 'Youyou Fire King' was blowing the cold wind and stared at the shuttle buses filing out of the village entrance with a sad face.

It was obvious that he was one of the anxious people.

In terms of background, the bosses of the current factories in the territory are either some technical experts or have Ph.D.s from some well-known universities. Occasionally, some of them even play mixed doubles.

In terms of ability, these people know astronomy from top to bottom and geography from top to bottom. They can talk about beautiful women and farming. It is more than enough to beat him with one hand.

In terms of potential, learning is his biggest headache, but for those people, they wish they could study for twenty of the twenty-four hours a day.

How can humans compete with a bunch of lunatics?

As the first store in the territory recognized by the lord and granted loans, it is also the first star store opened in the core of Hope Village.

Moreover, as a big boss who sells tens of thousands of pieces of a single product (wolf crossbow), Yoyo Fire King is very sad.

His weapon shop lasts about four days, or five days?

Can not remember.

Anyway, no one has come to pick out weapons for a long time.

Yes, it has deteriorated to the point where no one even goes in to take a look!

Since the Metal Sigh disaster ended, the villagers who were originally willing to come and see the wooden crossbows were no longer interested this time.

The further improvement of the industrial system has completely driven down the price of guns.

Now the price of a standard gentleman's pistol has plummeted to 25 copper coins, and half a month's salary is enough to buy one.

Although the retail price of bullets is slightly higher, they still cost 5 iron coins each.

But that thing is not really used for fighting. It is of little use if you buy it. It is enough to store a magazine.


You said that to buy a gun, you need to go to the territory to apply for a gun license first. To apply for a gun license, you need to study a systematic shooting tutorial and participate in several shooting tests?

This is not a big problem, just treat it like taking a driver's license test.

Anyway, I came here and had nothing to do. I usually go to the shooting range to learn some shooting after work.

Then, if an enemy comes, you can pick up a gun and become a temporary soldier to protect your home!

With such a change in thinking, it is inevitable that the Wolf Crossbow will be disliked.

After all, no matter how powerful it is and how easy it is to use, how many people who are really willing to go out of the territory to fight don’t have guns?

"Hey, boss, why are you sitting outside?"

Not far from the weapons store, a girl with a pompous hair came over, holding breakfast in her hand.

When he saw the Firepower King Youyou sitting at the door, he was immediately startled.

When the weapons store was doing its best business, the number of people including the owner and the owner's father expanded to ten.

The size of the weapon shop also tripled, with production capacity reaching fifty weapons per day at its peak.

However, now, the boss is depressed by the current situation. Dad was so busy some time ago that he went back to rest, and she is the only clerk left.

Is it possible?

"It's okay, I came here early, so I can blow in the cold air to wake myself up."

There was no mention of layoffs. Malan breathed a sigh of relief and quickly took out the key from her bag and opened the door.

A dull smell of rotting wood came from inside, as some unprocessed wood was piled in the corner.

It seems to have been piled up for many days, right?

Since the order was so cold, the workers who processed the wood have not come again, and the boss has no time to care about it.

He glanced at Yoyo Fire King who was still sitting at the door in a daze.

Malan fetched a basin of water and began to diligently wipe the fly ash on the counter with a rag.

It's just that there are only so many jobs that can be done in the shop, and it can basically be done in less than half an hour.

Looking at the boss who still hadn't left, Malan gritted his teeth and could only go and sort out the pile of rotten wood.

"Forget it, we don't need those things anymore."

Hearing the noise, Wu You finally came to his senses and sighed lonely.

"Without customers, I don't think our store can stay open for long."

It is indeed a good and symbolic thing that the residents do not make money to buy weapons.

Moreover, there are still thousands of copper coins in the store account, which can be maintained for a long time even if there are no customers.

But when the tree is removed, it dies, and when people are removed, it lives.

It's time to find a new business before more people join the territory and create fierce competition.

"Boss" Malan opened her mouth but stopped talking.

"Just say what you want to say, I won't fire you until the store closes."


You won't be fired as soon as you hear it.

After Ma Lan breathed a sigh of relief, she couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

If the store closes down, wouldn't the liquidated damages for dismissal be wasted? This guy is really a stingy guy.

"That's what I think. Since no one wants to buy weapons, we have a shop in such a good location."

"How about we just change our business and build a 24-hour convenience store, stocking some of the signature products from the stores in the territory, and then selling them at a slightly higher price?"

"That's inappropriate." Wu You was stunned for a moment.

It's not like he hasn't thought about changing careers, but there are too many problems.

"People in the wasteland are different from those on earth. In order to save some money, they would definitely take a few extra steps."

"How about changing it into a breakfast shop? I happen to know how to steam steamed buns, just like the one in front of the office building."

"You?" Wu You covered his forehead: "How can you, a manual route player, compete with those chef players?"

The Route Era gives players more possibilities and gives mediocre humans a new route to become stronger.

But at the same time, it has also raised the barriers to entry for each profession countless times.

For example, now, the chef industry in the territory has become a unique profession. It is almost impossible for players without route bonus to get a share of the pie.

"Then why don't we wait for the new batch of people to come and see if we can recruit some capable people?"

"We can hire a chef, or a big boss who can transform the store."

Malan flexed her fingers and thought for a while, and then said: "Those newcomers have never seen the world, so their requirements are definitely not high. Let's take the opportunity to sign for more time and years, and we will definitely make money without losing money."


Wu You's mind turned around and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"But what if they don't want to join our store? What I mean is that the seniority is increased and the salary is not so outrageous."

"What are you afraid of? I don't believe those other stores can give newcomers such good development space, right, boss?"

"you're right!"

Wu You couldn't help but glance at the only clerk he had left.

Look, this guy is even more exploitable than me!

But just like what she said, in the fire weapons store that was on the verge of closing down.

Newcomers can indeed gain great autonomy to decide the store's next transformation direction and sales strategy.

"If you decide to go, boss, you probably need to prepare in advance?"

"When I just came here, I saw a lot of people going to the General Administration of Work to submit applications?"

"What the hell?"

In fact, what Malan said was conservative.

The number of bosses standing at the General Administration of Work waiting to submit applications in advance to obtain the right to sign new employees is not just "a lot of people".

There are at least hundreds of people!

In terms of headcount, one person can only be divided into three people at most, not counting the gap at the factory.

The attitude of all bosses towards newcomers is unprecedentedly positive.

This was something that was hard to imagine before.

Even the lord Sumo could only describe it with four words: 'greatly shocked' after seeing it.

"The attributes of the newcomers have not yet been fully understood. If a baby with high attributes can be found, these bosses are willing to take them back and train them carefully."

"Other players with low attributes don't have to worry. It's easy to upgrade in the early stages of the route, which can quickly bridge the gap between them and other ordinary people."

The person standing in the office reporting became Mr. Qiao.

As for Chen Shen, because the chaos in the Giant Tree Root Sea ended in advance under Bao Lei's suppression, he was sent there three days ago to be responsible for the subsequent construction work of the sub-territory and the talent recruitment plan.

"Where are the rescue teams from other directions? Have you found anything?"

Su Mo pointed his middle finger at the table. In front of him was the report that the expedition team had just sent back in the morning.

What's a little strange is that the four rescue teams sent out by the territory have only found more than 300 people.

The expedition team responsible for heading to the Strategy Research Institute had gathered nearly a thousand people along the way.

"Except for the one heading west, which has no clue, the other rescue teams have basically discovered it."

Qiao Yuansheng nodded and continued.

"The current decision is indeed correct. Taking the initiative can help us add at least tens of thousands of people before spring comes. However, I think our specific implementation strategy is still a bit too conservative."

"How to say?"

"Did you know that there is now a territory on the World Channel pretending to be human Su Shen, and they are recruiting people under the banner of Su Shen?"

"I heard something." Sumo nodded slightly.

Not to mention under the banner of Su Shen, there are such things as Su Shen's 10-year die-hard fans, support groups, and old fan groups. As more and more survivors enter the New World, various miscellaneous organizations begin to spring up like mushrooms after a rain.

In addition, the territories and gathering places organized by players now have begun to be promoted on the world channel with different concepts, just like when they first traveled to the wasteland.

Is it possible that Qiao Yuansheng planned to start with world chat in his first battle?

This chapter has been completed!
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