Chapter 1154. Busy recruitment, so fresh leeks!

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Once you hear that there is really no one to choose from, you can be assigned by the territory to jobs that are not technically difficult.

Rao was a survivor with great ambitions, and he couldn't help but feel relieved.

Having a guarantee and not having a guarantee are indeed two different things.

Although they didn't want to think about the embarrassing situation if no one was selected, they had to admit it in their hearts.

In this unfamiliar territory, surviving is the first important thing.

No one dares to take it lightly.

Especially those who have mastered professional skills are more worried than ordinary people who are strong and healthy that what they have learned throughout their lives will be of no use.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, a total of 270 people packed their luggage and anxiously came to the gate of the isolation point compound to wait for the next instructions.

Originally, more people should have participated in this talent selection, but in the end, because many people had not been completely cured of infectious diseases, they were delayed to the next batch.

Soon, under the leadership of the staff, more than two hundred people marched straight to the main square of the outpost camp.

Previously, this place was a closed place, and survivors could not go and check it out at will.

Only now did they truly see the core of this outpost.

Approximately several thousand square meters.

Although the large square has not yet been completely built, it has been laid with neat floor tiles and drainage facilities.

Dozens of tents are being set up in the square, with signs written in large characters hanging on them.

Among them are tents set up by bosses who have obtained recruitment qualifications, and there are also recruitment points set up here by factory owners in Longteng Village.

The survivors who had just arrived here were similar to the survivors of the Harvest Tribe before. They were really shocked when they saw the vast scene in front of them.

"Factory, there is an assembly line factory here?"

"Oh my god, machinery factory, electronics factory, building materials factory. Did I read that correctly?"

"Ah, this, the development here is due to the use of aphrodisiacs, how come it has become like this so quickly?"

"Don't make such a fuss. During this time, is it possible? Damn it, why is there a chip factory here?"

"Isn't it possible that the Earth players here have looted and inherited the legacy of the Blue Star people?"

"The square is so big."

Different people have different directions of attention.

Someone saw the advertisement on the sign in front of the tent and froze in disbelief.

Some people noticed the huge construction scale of the square, and the exaggerated construction cost immediately flashed in their minds.

For a group of humans on Earth who have returned to the primitive era for more than a year, everything now seems to be built on unreal fantasy.

Just from reading the words, they can imagine in their minds how much they have to pay to develop from scratch to what they are now.

"That's the second round of recruitment. Your destination today is not here."

The survivors sighed for a long time, and after the crowd calmed down a bit, the staff walked back to the front row of the newcomers, signaling them not to stop and continue walking deeper into the square.

There is an auditorium-like building there.

Although the construction has not been completely completed, the main external facilities have been completed.

After passing through the isolation belt to prevent building materials from falling, everyone came to the inside of the auditorium.

Suddenly, rock music started playing from nowhere.

It's as if you suddenly came from a deserted street to a busy city, and the excitement suddenly makes people feel excited.

I saw that the structure inside the auditorium was similar to that of the Colosseum in ancient Rome.

In the middle is a low circular platform, surrounded by steps that continue to extend upward.

At this time, many figures were flashing on the steps, looking like spectators watching a beast fight.

But before all the survivors entered the scene, someone couldn't help but stood up and shouted loudly.

"Look at me, the Thorny Moon Chamber of Commerce is recruiting new people. As long as you are willing to choose the combat route, as long as you are willing to travel around the wasteland, the Thorny Moon Chamber of Commerce is definitely the best home for you!"

"Bullshit, our Muli Chamber of Commerce is the best. Newbies, look here, we don't need you to go out and fight, we just need to be responsible for the logistics!"

"Recruiting new talents with high five-dimensional skills is required to choose the mechanical apprenticeship route and receive favorable treatment."

"Is there a chef? Is there a chef? Look at me, the Firepower Weapon Shop is looking for a chef!"

"Go away, you're just recruiting eight chefs from a weapons shop, you're causing trouble, aren't you?"

"If you make trouble for Nm, go out to fight if you don't accept it. I'm willing to give the chef a maximum salary. I'm wrong. I have three places in my hand. Chefs who are willing to come can bring their families to the interview. You are welcome to bring your family with you!"

"Fuck, I want to report to the lord that the Fire King is disrupting the market!"


Before the newbies could react to what was going on, figures in the audience were already arguing.

There is no way, in the past six months, almost no newcomers have entered the Tianyuan Territory except for the hundred people from the Harvest Tribe.

Not to mention it is a stagnant water, but at least the competition in the market is about to fall into a monopoly state.

Take the catering industry as an example.

The first batch of players who chose the chef apprentice route have already raised their level to the point where they are considered to be at the forefront of the entire wasteland due to the training of the territory and the huge market.

With the abnormal route ability bonus, it is okay to eat the food made by ordinary people.

But it is simply impossible to compete with these chef apprentices in the market.

After all, even if it's the next day's flatbread, as long as it's heated in the hands of those guys, it will produce a scent that makes your scalp numb.

How to argue?

I am not willing to just give up an industry that can continuously generate money.

At least for now, the bosses who have a lot of money in their hands are still willing to give it a try to see if they can train new chefs to break the existing monopoly in the territory.

"Ahem, you see, they are so enthusiastic."

The staff member who led the survivors in coughed slightly in embarrassment.

"You must have been familiar with the route before coming here, right?"

As the game gives humans a powerful weapon to establish a foothold in the New World and fight against the Blue Stars and alien races, many survivors eagerly established temporary territories as soon as they migrated ashore from the deep sea.

The purpose is very simple, to get a route as quickly as possible, and to gain an advantage by leveling up before others.

Along the way, although the survivors present had not joined the Sanren territory, they also obtained a lot of valuable information from the world channel chat.

From the most basic five-dimensional personal attributes to the range of routes that attributes can choose.

From the advantages and disadvantages of common and rare routes, to the comparison between routes of various civilizations.

There are many territories established at present, the civilization directions chosen are also different, and the types of extended routes are also different.

But generally speaking, Tianyuan Territory has chosen the most modern civilization, and only a few territories have chosen weird and fantasy routes. Not much information has been released yet.

"The civilization chosen for our territory is also a modern technological civilization, so you should have heard of the route."

"In this case, I will give you a brief introduction first as required."

"Combat type: training ground soldier, boxing enthusiast"

"Survival system: scavenger, farmer"

"Scientific Research Department: Construction Apprentices, Mechanical Apprentices, Handicraft Enthusiasts"

"Life Department: Chef Apprentice"

The previous group of players who escaped from the research institute had satisfied their needs after staying there for a month.

After surviving the Metal Sigh disaster a few days ago and accumulating enough points, Sumo added them to his options without hesitation.

Compared with the requirements, which are almost non-existent, only training ground soldiers with physique >2 and bone strength >1 are required.

The requirements of boxing fans are actually higher than the most demanding chef apprentice in the territory, almost reaching the edge of the rare route.


[Route: Boxing Lovers (lv1)]

[Selection conditions: Physique > 4, Bone Strength > 3, Talent > 3, Route Points "1"]

[Route bonus: Physique +2, Bone Strength +2, Close Combat Physical Recovery Speed ​​+15%]

[Special bonus: None (unlocked at lv5)]

As the only route that requires three attributes, boxing fans satisfy the pursuit of many melee players.

But unfortunately the selection criteria are too high.

After the introduction by the staff, the survivors present looked at each other, but in the end there was not even one who met the conditions.

It is enough to prove that those who escaped from the research institute were indeed the better ones among human beings.

"Based on the question set you provided in the morning, we have reviewed the results to guide you in choosing a route. Now, the survivors who heard my name called, please come forward and get your personal results."

"Of course, the results are for reference only and are not the only choice for everyone. They are only used as a limited reference for your choices."

"If the recommended route does not meet the requirements for the time being, you can also put it aside for now. In addition to talent, several other territories have developed corresponding improvement methods."

Three points are destined, seven points depend on hard work.

Physique, bone strength, brain power, talent, health.

Except for the fact that talent is destined by nature, it can only be improved by using attribute points or upgrading.

The other four items can be improved through corresponding training to meet the route conditions.

"Jin Chengsong"

"Zhao Mang."

The staff began to call numbers by name, and the survivors who were called came forward to receive the results.

Soon, Lin Cheng's name was called.

Lin Chengdu, who was still sizing up the owner of the auditorium from behind, stepped forward and took a piece of paper.

Spread it out with a simple message written on it.

‘Survivor Lin Cheng’

'Good at wilderness survival, good at using weapons, good at medium and close combat, recommended choice: combat system'

'Priority: Boxing enthusiasts (attributes are sufficient).'

‘Alternative: Soldiers at the training ground (choose to be assigned work after passing the assessment)’

"Combat type?"

Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment, then crumpled the note in his hand with a wry smile.

If he hadn't come to this territory, maybe he would have the same result as the analysis on the note.

Choose a combat route that can improve combat effectiveness to ensure the safety of your family.

But after living here for three days, Lin Cheng's thoughts changed slightly.

It’s so safe here!

The security guards with guns who patrol several times a day bring peace of mind, just like soldiers from heaven.

The chariots that pass by from time to time are like guardian angels, making people involuntarily feel at ease and sleep peacefully.

And that high wall.

If the territory that can build such a wall is in danger of survival, then what is the use of choosing the combat route? Do you have to rush forward and fight the enemy with bayonets?

He looked at his sister who was still waiting for news, and then thought of his mother who was still in the hospital.

Lin Cheng's eyes slowly became firm.

Although with his current five-dimensional attributes, he has reached the threshold for boxing fans to choose him.

But based on the performance of the bosses behind him, he still plans to choose a route that can take care of his family.

I don't want to be rich and powerful, I just want to live in peace.

This is Lin's father's last wish, and it is also what the last man in the Lin family should do.

"Hey, this route actually asks me to choose a mechanical apprenticeship. Is it true?"

"I still want to go out and fight."

Cheng Fei walked back with the note, muttering in a low voice as he walked.

Just because he is an undergraduate majoring in mechanics on Earth?

Is this recommendation too subjective?

In the chaotic wasteland, it is obvious to choose the combat route to have a higher probability of surviving in the future.

"That's right, it's recommended that I become a chef apprentice."

"But after thinking about it, it seems to make sense."

Opening his eyes and telling a lie, Lin Cheng fooled the people around him without blushing.

Didn’t the staff say that?

Anyway, I won't force them to choose. He was a chef on earth, so it's no problem to be a chef apprentice now.

"Okay, now you should all have your own route recommendations."

"Please follow my instructions. Players who choose the scavenger route should stand in this area. Players who choose the craft enthusiast route should stand in this area."

"Stand in the middle of the undecided ones, and you will lose the opportunity to participate in the first round of the job fair and participate in the second round."

Pointing to the square boxes on the ground that had been painted with different colors of paint, the staff quickly arranged for the survivors to stand in order.

There are almost no people who are still undecided. After all, on the way to migration, everyone has already been thinking about the route they will choose in the future. Naturally, they will not be swayed by a small recommendation now.

Only a few people chose to stand in the middle, ready to see the situation first before talking.

These people are all survivors with slightly higher fifth-dimensional attributes, and can choose all routes except boxing fans.

Compared with the elusive development in the future, they are more willing to focus on the benefits they can get from a different route.

"Wow, there are so many fresh leeks to choose from farmers. Do these guys want to farm so much?"

"Perhaps farmers are the safest, and it is best to upgrade. After all, this is the most popular survival profession in the world channel now."

"It's a pity that there are only four people who meet the requirements of chef apprentices?"

"Four people? Not bad. Think about how many of us with more than 10,000 people could choose this route."

"To give my brother some face, I want three of these four people. One of them will cook breakfast, one will cook lunch, and the other will cook dinner."

"Go away, the village chief said, free competition, you kid, don't even think about making advance reservations here."

"That is, if there is insider trading, I will report it to the village chief immediately."


This chapter has been completed!
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