Chapter 1157 Dark Ages, Civilization Dual Choice!

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[Record]: It is detected that the host’s territory has met the conditions for civilization upgrade. Do you want to upgrade it immediately?

4 p.m.

With the last thoroughly burned red brick, a special coagulant is applied to the brick.

Before the entire wall was completely sealed, a sound that sounded like it came from the underworld appeared in Sumo's ears in advance.

Have you met the requirements for upgrade?

Stay calm, open the system panel, and enter the civilization upgrade option.

At this time, all six requirements have turned a gratifying green color and have been labeled as completed.

Especially the spectacle.

The original requirement of the system was only three meters high and it could cover 800 acres of land to meet the conditions.

But now the entire security wall has reached an exaggerated 3.5 meters, covering 1,500 acres.

Sumo couldn't help but feel a little curious in his heart.

Compared with Oreo's previous statue, the scale of the current warning wall is more than ten times or a hundred times larger.

Not to mention how much the input materials cost, the workload alone is an astronomical figure.

The abilities that the Oreo statue has are already amazing.

What will happen to such a giant wall if it gets another bonus from the system?

"Wait first"

After getting up and reaching for the coat hanging on the hanger, Somo opened the door and walked out.

At such an important moment, it is too inappropriate to observe changes only through the monitoring room.

The evolution of this spectacle still has to be seen closely to see the mystery.

Top of the shelter.

Soon, a motorcycle airship rose from the spot and headed east at a speed of more than a hundred yards.

In the outpost camp, the site of the second round of job fairs, the square was bustling with people.

Different from the first round where the boss collects information and selects interviews, the situation in the second round is reversed and becomes a single selection interview for newcomers.

Every shop or factory has a signboard and employment requirements, and some even have salary packages posted.

If the above conditions are accepted, the newcomer can start the second round of interviews accompanied by staff.

The two parties agree to sign a contract of intent, and a binding labor contract can be formed after reporting the territory.

"Brother, you are so powerful!"

After signing the employment agreement with Wu You, Lin Yin turned her head, her malnourished and vegetable-colored face full of excitement and excitement.

In the first round, she was lucky enough to be selected by a store, but in the end she was screened out due to tight quotas.

But I never thought that Lin Cheng was so good that he not only found a top-paying job.

By the way, both she and her mother found suitable jobs!

"From now on, everyone is on their own. If you are unhappy, just come to you, Angkor."

Wu You, who was sitting behind the store's recruitment table, was eating pancakes and looking at the recruitment status of several nearby stores.

Due to the overall relocation of the industrial zone to Longteng Village, the weapons store is not the only one that Hope Village wants to transform.

In Qiao Yuansheng's plan, Hope Village will also focus on service and entertainment industries in the future.

Some businesses or stores with a production nature will either choose to continue development in Longteng Village, or choose a suitable direction for transformation.

Before that, some people had already gone to Longteng Village in advance to lay out their plans and almost occupied the entire market there.

Now that the opportunity has been lost, the remaining people have no choice but to transform on the spot.

"The bald brothers actually chose to work in the old electrician's recycling plant. It seems that these two guys are very ambitious."

Wu You thought about it and felt slightly relieved.

In the first wave, the only newcomers who had competition were the two brothers, but they took the initiative to join the recycling plant.

The recycling plant has now been moved to Longteng Village, so there is no direct competition between the two parties.

As for the remaining two female chefs.

No surprise, the two of them also encountered a waterloo in the second round and were eliminated.

It seems that not everyone has the idea of ​​​​training new people.

No, it should be said that not everyone has the idea of ​​​​transforming into catering.

"Hey, Angkor, what is that?"

At this moment, Lin Cheng's confused and shocked voice suddenly interrupted Wu You's observation.

Subconsciously turning her head to look in the direction of Lin Cheng's finger, Wu You was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

I saw a small black dot in the sky that was constantly enlarging, approaching quickly from a distance like a meteor.

It looks mysterious and scary.

Many newcomers who were excited just now already acted as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Their faces were full of fear and nervousness, fearing that the enemy was flying towards them.

Wait, it seems that these newcomers don’t know who is the lord of Tianyuan Territory?

I don’t know how capable the lords here are?

No, can't they guess it yet?

Thinking of this, Wu You smiled in a good mood, took out a bottle of the latest local grain wine produced by the village tavern from under the table, and took out a few exquisite glasses.

Open the cap and pour the yellow liquid with a slight earthy smell from the bottle into the cup.

"Come on, let's celebrate with a drink?"

Wu You raised his eyebrows as he raised his glasses in the direction of the airship.

However, Lin Cheng didn't have the slightest intention to drink at this time, and the hairs on his arms started to stand up.

"Don't think too much, now is not the time for you to know."

"Probably. Maybe, it will be done when you officially obtain your resident identity documents?"

Praise the lord!

In this chaotic apocalyptic wasteland, probably only this kind of absolute force suppression can create such a peaceful scene.

Looking at the bustling crowd in the square, Wu You had another drink and felt better.

In a sense, how different can it be from life on earth now?

There are good-quality and low-priced food, and from time to time you can also eat some special dishes developed by the chefs.

Isn’t this ten or a hundred times better than the takeaways delivered from unknown black workshops on earth, or the pre-prepared dishes that were forced to be made by a certain expert?

There is a place that is not big in space, but it is definitely adequate and warm, and the people who live in it are all friends who get along well.

Isn’t this ten times better than living alone in a rented house on earth, living a life of leaving early and coming back late, and spending money to buy sunshine?

Apart from that, let alone the experience in daily life.

If more than half a year ago, Tianyuan Territory was still living a life similar to ancient times, then now people's livelihood has completely reached the modern level.

Look at the Neng stone stove used for today’s interview. It’s already better to use than the induction cookers and stoves on earth.

In addition, a series of good things are being developed and will be released suddenly from time to time.

Suddenly, the airship passed over his head and caused a gust of wind, which made Wu You's hair float.

It is very similar to the fate of human beings in the wasteland. The foundation is unstable and may fall at any time if the wind blows.

But from another perspective, it is a future that is designed and arranged in advance.

Wouldn’t it be more exciting for such an uncertain tomorrow?

Usually when flying to this warning wall, in order not to disturb the guards below, Somo would fly down from the most crowded place every time to prove his identity.

But this time it was clear that the commotion was a bit big.

I noticed that there were newcomers hanging on the windows of the quarantined accommodation area, and they looked over in surprise and shock.

Sumo quickly pressed down on the airship and docked it in the parking area designated by the security wall.

Speaking of which, this parking area was not planned at first, but later on, airships and other air vehicles became available.

Taking into account the possibility of mass production of flying vehicles in the future, the initial version of the city wall plan was reconstructed and several areas for parking different vehicles were added.

The largest one, the widened part can even park five armed helicopters sideways, which is enough to show how grand the scale of the security wall is.

This kind of advance planning is also convenient.

Sumo praised secretly in his heart, and walked towards the tower in the center of the city wall under the respectful eyes of the guards.

It's about three stories high.

Including the height of the wall below, this tower can accommodate about five hundred people to rest inside.

It is usually a temporary resting place for guards when changing shifts, and there are many compartments inside.

When it comes to battle, it transforms into a shooting bunker, and enemies under the city wall can be easily targeted through the dug holes.

Of course, protruding the main body also means that it will become the enemy's first attack target.

But what no one expected was that the city wall below was designed with ordinary brick and concrete walls.

This tower uses a reinforced concrete design with strong iron as the skeleton, and its defensive capabilities are incredible.

Unless the cannon is aimed at one place and bombarded continuously, it is absolutely impossible to break through the tower first.

At this time, the guards who were resting inside did not know that the lord had arrived.

Through the door, Sumo heard many people talking quietly, passing the boring time in peace.

"By the way, did today's shredded potato rice bowl kill the salt seller? It's so salty, I drank four to five liters of water this afternoon."

"Haha, aren't you a fast runner? I wonder if you will try to grab it next time?"

"What's going on? My portion is a bit unpalatable. Are the newcomers here and the cooks running away to do their business?"

"How could it be? My portion was quite delicious. No, it tastes just like usual."

"Hey, you didn't know that. The portion they ate today was the work of those newcomers!"

"What, did the newcomer do it?"

"Of course, there are also chef apprentices among the newcomers. Don't they have to taste the dishes during the interview? Those dishes cannot be wasted. Of course they are given to you to eat!"

"Damn, it seems that there are only more than 200 people interviewing today, wait a minute. Are we going to have to eat the food cooked by the newcomers in the next few days?"

"Maybe, you can guess whether these things will be sent to the lord as well."


When this was mentioned, the old guard who knew the inside story suddenly became interested.

However, while he was happily gossiping, he didn't notice that the faces of the people around him suddenly turned strange.

Especially the person who was just about to laugh along, but now his face has turned red to the color of pig liver.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with you?"


A slight cough came from behind, and the old guard turned his head in surprise, and the smile suddenly froze on his face.

Of course, according to the law of conservation of smile.

The smile didn't disappear so suddenly, it just moved from the guard's face to Somo's face.

Hearing that the job fair was held in such a formal manner, and that the guards were very interested in the newcomers' dishes, Sumo couldn't help but step forward with a pleased smile.

"Shall I take a look at Cui Dacai?"

"Everyone has heard that our talented person is very interested in the newcomer's dishes."

"Then in the next week, he will have the honor of becoming our first food taster. All the dishes produced by the newcomers will have the opportunity to taste them."

Ha ha ha ha.

Realizing that Somo was not serious at this time, the tense atmosphere in the venue immediately relaxed.

The few guards who were still suppressing laughter couldn't help but laugh, and looked at Cui Dacai with eyes full of teasing.


"Of course, you can't taste it alone. You can choose five people to taste it together."

Apart from Cui Dacai, there were exactly five people sitting in the venue, and the intention was really obvious.

The law of conservation of smile strikes again.

The smiles on the five people's faces immediately transferred to Cui Dacai's face.

"Okay, okay, clear the tower and order all the guards on the walls to leave the security wall."

"Maintain a cordon of more than 50 meters. During this period, no one can approach without my order."

After relaxing with a simple joke, Sumo did not forget the main purpose of his trip.

There is currently no complete research on what changes will occur when upgrading wonders.

Even if the system that operates this process is reliable, it is not a game that may go wrong at any time.

Sumo was also unwilling to take risks and tried to minimize the risks.


Facing the lord's orders, the guards did not doubt him.

During this period, Feng Long, who was responsible for the defense of the city wall, also came over and did not rush up to ask the reason.

There were about two hundred guards, and they were quickly divided into two teams of equal numbers.

One team stood on the inside of the security wall and was responsible for the isolation work, while the other team went outside the security wall to enforce security outside.

Stuck at five o'clock, Sumo clicked on the system panel again and entered the civilization interface.

"I choose to upgrade!"

After the words fell, the red upgrade button paused slightly.

Six streams of different colors flowed out from the six conditions, rushing towards the upgrade button one after another.

With each influx, the red color on the button fades a bit.

Until the orange that represents the wonder pours in, all the red fades, and a conspicuous green blooms from it.

[Record]: It is detected that the host’s territory has met the conditions for civilization upgrade. Do you want to upgrade it immediately?

[Record]: The upgrade has entered the preparation state. Please ensure that there are no biological activities within the scope of the wonder.

[Record]: Biological activity detection is completed and enters pre-upgrade mode.

[Record]: Upgrade conditions are being tested

[Record]: It is detected that the host has chosen the evolutionary route and has reached the basic civilization double selection conditions. Please actively choose the upgrade direction.

[Record]: You will have one hour to consider. If you still have not made a choice at the end of the consideration time, the system will upgrade according to the original fixed route.

Civilization dual choice?

Sumo was stunned for a moment and looked at the newly displayed options and text descriptions on the panel.

According to the normal pace of development, the Bronze Age should be followed by the Dark Ages during the rise of Western Greek city-states, which corresponds to the period between the 12th century BC and the 9th century BC.

This period of history is recorded in the famous Homer epic, and the famous Trojan War also took place during this period.

Corresponding to the Chinese history, it happened to be the period when the Shang Dynasty collapsed and the Zhou Dynasty flourished.

This chapter has been completed!
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