Chapter 1178 Second round, lively audience!

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"If you want to prove whether my guess is correct, just watch the knockout matches in the next few days!"

"As for the true purpose of the game, this conclusion must be made with caution."

"And now."

"Studying how to make more money from the knockout rounds and harvesting more wool is the right thing to do!"

In just one of the most ordinary knockout matches, the territory can gain a total of three million survival points.

And this does not include the billions of plates bought by human survivors all over the New World.

Of course, aliens also bought a lot of them, even proportionally more than human survivors.

But one thing that is certain is the therapeutic effect brought by this dish of cow ear medicinal food.

For aliens, they are definitely not as good as humans.

After all, there was a heavy fog disaster that lasted for half a year, and the hidden scars left by various tribulations in the wasteland for a year.

The bodies of the vast majority of human survivors have reached their limit.

It is only because the migration is not completely over yet and we have to use our willpower to persevere that large-scale chain reactions do not occur.

This can also be seen from the newcomers rescued in the territory.

Most of the people were still doing well before they came back from the rescue. They could eat, walk, run and jump. They looked much healthier than the old residents in the territory.

However, I came to the territory and lay down peacefully for a few days until I was sure that I was really safe.

On the contrary, these people quickly become ill and suffer from all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases.

Now, this plate of medicinal food is equivalent to helping the human survivor group solve a big problem in advance.

In other words, the time when this trouble broke out was pushed back by at least half a year.

"What if the next step is a cooking competition!"

"Perhaps there is still a chance to harvest wool."

Sumo's eyes suddenly lit up. He thought of the ingredients on the cupboard and had an idea in his mind.

However, whether this idea can work or not remains to be tried.

Keep all inferences in your mind.

Sumo opened the rare routes rewarded by the game and took a look.

Not surprisingly, it turned out to be a medicinal diet apprentice that he modified using the route.

Now this rare route has become a permanent route in the territory, and players can choose it only if their attribute points meet the standard.

In the past, Sumo might have asked people with up to standard attribute points in the territory to change jobs and try it out.

Let’s see what special benefits the rare route will bring after level 10.

But now that I know the talent of compatibility, I naturally don’t need to do this.

The knockout round of the Battle of Ten Thousand Paths will allow every survivor to gradually understand their destiny in the competition.

And among the tens of thousands of different routes, you can finally find the one that suits you.

The day after the knockout rounds begin.

The competition time is still between 8 am and 4 pm.

The difference from yesterday is that the rules of the second knockout round have changed slightly.

There is no longer just one game throughout the day like yesterday, players can advance after winning.

In the second round, players need to get at least three wins to advance.

That is, you must enter the Wanjing Arena three times in a row and win each time to advance to the next round.

At the same time, from the beginning of this round until the end of the audition elimination.

The game will no longer limit the number of times players can enter. As long as they win, they can enter unlimited times.

Although the reward after winning will decrease according to the number of entries.

But mosquito meat is still meat no matter how small it is. Many powerful liver emperors are already sharpening their knives and preparing for a good fight.

And those who are weak and lucky will be under great pressure this round.

Yesterday they could observe a wave outside until they were familiar with the rules of the game before entering.

But if you stay outside for too long today, it's easy to go in and encounter players who have already won three games.

Even if you are lucky enough to win the opponent, you still have to accept two more rounds of tests.

It can be said that starting from the second knockout round, strength will officially become the key to advancement!

There are exceptions, however.

Soma himself is one of them.

Affected by the loopholes in the rules that were filled yesterday, the bye in game rewards directly helped him avoid all the games on the second day, and he entered the third day without pressure.

Although most people who tasted the sweetness yesterday are sighing, eager for him to enter and bring another big wave of wool to the human community.

But after thinking about it, Sumo gave up the idea of ​​going in to get rewards.

Not necessary.

The real big prize will only appear after the audition is over.

The current elimination rewards are at most a few points and experience.

As for the points, he had already obtained a full 500 points yesterday. The experience also depends on the strength gap between the two sides.

A lot of points will be awarded for playing the game against the weak against the strong, but very few points will be awarded for playing against the weak.

In addition, it would be better if we draw an alien race, as billions of people would pay to come in and be spectators and enjoy the fun.

But if the opponent was a human player who would suffer miserably, Sumo really didn't know how to deal with such a cruel move.

“The key is participation.”

"Just accumulate experience and take a longer-term view."

"Just follow what we prepared last night and don't make any mistakes to gain an advantage."

In the square in front of the village, Sumo said a few words and dispersed the team to eat before eight o'clock.

After analyzing the compatibility yesterday.

According to the idea of ​​​​what mode was encountered in the first round of knockout, what mode will it be today.

The territory has temporarily set up tutoring classes to provide 'extracurricular tutoring' to the corresponding contestants.

There are even some newcomers who are only level one or two. In order to win today's game, they are extremely determined to reset their routes and choose a route that is more suitable for competition.

This is a great opportunity to get ahead!

They have missed all the opportunities in the wasteland the year before, and they must not miss this one again.

As long as you can successfully break through the audition and prove your strength, you will definitely be valued by the territory and receive more resources.

And this is the only way they can catch up with the old residents and widen the gap with the newcomers behind them.

A little after eight o'clock.

The participating players who have been working hard for a long time began to call the game board to participate in the more brutal knockout competition.

After making sure that the medical team can treat the injured at any time.

Sumo was not idle either. He opened the game panel and simultaneously saw the games that could be watched.

After starting to watch the game, today's knockout match was indeed much more lively than yesterday.

It only takes a minute or two to go from top to bottom, and the number of games that can be watched has exceeded hundreds, and the number is constantly increasing.

It is based on the route level, comprehensive rating, and past performance of the participating players.

The stronger the matches, the higher they are ranked and the more viewers they attract.

"Hey, there are actually rewards for the contestants in today's viewing competition?"

After noticing the prompt on the page, Sumo was a little surprised.

When billions of people watched his game yesterday, there were no unnecessary rewards in the post-game game.

If you think about it carefully, this is actually unfair.

After all, the contestants can only do so much to keep the bottom of the box. If others see it, their shortcomings will be analyzed.

If things continue like this, ways to deal with them will naturally be developed.

After this patching of the rules, it becomes much more reasonable to add bonus rules to the game.

When the number of spectators reaches 10,000, disaster points will be awarded at the end, 200 for the winner and 100 for the loser.

When the number of viewers reaches 100,000, more disaster points will be awarded at the end. The winner will get 500 points, and the loser will get 300 points.

The rewards will be superimposed, that is, after reaching 100,000, you can not only receive the 100,000-level rewards, but also the 10,000-level rewards.

Calculating this way, you can still get 400 points even if you lose.

It's equivalent to a plate of beef ear medicine, plus ten tickets to watch the game, it's even more exciting than winning ten rounds on a regular basis!

When the number of viewers reaches one million, the reward after the end becomes more precious Ten Thousand Trails points.

But from here on, there will be no point rewards for losers.

The winner will take it all and get 100 Wanjing points that can be spent in Wanjing Mall.

With 10 million viewers, Wanjing points increased to 500 points.

With 100 million viewers, the point rewards will remain unchanged, but there will be additional random rewards.

It can be a precious rare route, or a shelter upgrade coupon, or even the perverted territory generator can be randomly drawn.

As for the number of people increasing, considering that there are not many people who can get this reward, the game does not set it further.

But Sumo saw an additional line of prompts on the panel:

The larger the audience, the better the random rewards will be.

"Is this a hidden benefit?"

Sumo nodded slightly and couldn't help but look forward to the blind box draw after the knockout round.


It's a little uncomfortable to think that foreigners can also receive these rewards.

Ignoring the battles between alien races in the front row, Sumo casually clicked on the battle ranked eighth.

It's two humans.

Pay ten disaster points.

Following a feeling of trance, when Sumo's vision became clearer again, he had already jumped to Area A11 in the Wanjing Coliseum.

Because it was a high-ranking battle, there were quite a few people coming in.

The arena's auditorium is packed with people, one after another, and there are heads and voices everywhere.

It's been a long time since I've seen such a lively scene.

For a while, Somo was still a little novel.


A few seconds later, when a person nearby inadvertently raised his eyes, the scene exploded instantly!

"Damn it, it's Su Shen, am I dazzled?"

"God Su, God, God Su is really alive, I read that right!"

"The only fifth-level lord in the new wasteland!"

"Don't squeeze me! Don't squeeze me."

There is no survivor who is not excited, and no one can remain calm.

After realizing that the human Su Shen appeared next to them, most people couldn't care less about watching the game below.

Hugging in front and behind.

Seeing more and more people crowding in from behind, left and behind, Sumo was frightened and took a few steps back.

Fortunately, each area can only accommodate a maximum of five hundred people, and there is an air wall blocking the areas.

After making sure that no one from the surrounding area would rush in, the situation was slightly controlled.

"Su Shen, I am your fan, an absolute loyal fan!"

"Boss, do you still accept people in your territory? If you only need a place, I will set off right away."

"Yes, as long as you tell us, we will come directly over tens of thousands of kilometers without hesitation."

"Sir, Mr. Sumo, I am a senior mechanical engineer on earth. As long as your territory can protect my safety and provide basic food and accommodation, I can help you work without asking for anything in return!"

"I can do it, I can do it, I'm a hydraulic engineer, I can also work for free!"

"What is the use of machinery and hydraulic power now? Su Shen, I am a first-class architect and I have a certificate!"


Watching the game in the arena, which was fine, suddenly turned into a "job hunting" conference that made people laugh and cry.

The following few young players from Tianyuan Territory appeared in the auditorium in Area A11.

Seeing Sumo surrounded by the crowd and supporting him, he couldn't help but feel a little helpless and his face turned red.

Depend on!

Look at how crazy this group of people is. In comparison, they are simply too lucky.

I don’t know how many people in this new continent want to join the Tianyuan Territory but can’t.

Fortunately, fortunately, I am one of them.

And at this moment, they also understood why the territory strictly prohibited revealing their location.

If billions of people came together, the scene would be almost the same as a zombie siege.

Think about it again.

Those newcomers who try to expose their positions and sell information for profit should really die!

the other side.

Relying on the air wall provided by the game, the distance between everyone is kept to a minimum of fifty centimeters.

But even so, the crowd was also crowding around, and there were questions everywhere.

Sumo had no choice but to speak loudly.

"Don't worry, you are all crowding me so hard, I can't answer your questions, right?"

The voice fell.

at once.

The crowd immediately fell silent.

Such an exaggerated influence that radiates to all mankind immediately made the few young players behind him even more excited.

"The first one is the location of my territory."

"It's not that I don't want to tell you, but I am actually on the cusp of the storm."

"You are looking for me, and the aliens are also looking for me. Please understand."


Of course everyone present can understand, in fact, after Somo appeared yesterday.

Many people on the World Channel have already analyzed the reasons.

There are alien races that attract attention, there are the disadvantages of gathering too many humans, and there are all kinds of problems, big and small.

If the survivors think about it carefully, they can accept these reasons, but there are also some who still hold on to a glimmer of hope.

For this group of people, Sumo had already prepared a way to deal with them.

"However, if you really want to join, and you think you have the ability and perseverance, you can also accept the risks and costs of migrating all the way to nothing."

"There is a field of giant tree roots on the coastline in the northeastern part of the New World. There I will send people to screen talents every six months. There will not be too many places, so you must be mentally prepared for this."

Northeast of the New World, Giant Tree Root Sea!

Several people in the crowd brightened their eyes, obviously knowing the location of this sea area.

"I know, it used to be an inn, but recently it became a temporary gathering place."

"But it's very barren there, and there's no terrain advantage around it. If we're targeted by aliens, we'll be in trouble."

"I'm close. No matter what, I have to try my luck."

"Yes, what if you are lucky enough to be chosen by Su Shen?"

Hearing someone say this, many people's eyes dimmed instantly.

There is only a chance of being selected, but the cost of migrating all the way there is a bit too high.

Especially for those who landed in the southern part of the New World, the distance to the northeast was more than tens of thousands of kilometers.

If you really have this perseverance and determination, you can do well in the small southern territory.

such a pity!

This chapter has been completed!
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