Chapter 1179 Accident, the Lord Judges hidden option!

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There was a chattering discussion.

People who were close to the sea area near the roots of the giant tree were so excited that they had even thought about spreading the news when they went out and trying their luck with the people around them.

But people far away were booing and sighing everywhere.

It's probably the feeling that you can't get what you ask for, and that it's hard to find it in your life.

Obviously they have seen Sumo with their own eyes, but they have no way to use this opportunity to gain opportunities.

Moral kidnapping?

Forced questioning?

If the end of the journey of tens of thousands of kilometers is the earth and a safe return home, then all the survivors will go crazy.

But no matter how safe Su Shen's territory is, it is still a thorn in the side of all foreign races in the New World.

If they choose to migrate.

Not only do you have to bear the risks along the way, but you also have to bear the risks once you get to the territory.

It doesn’t work, and it’s not necessary!

Seeing the moods of the people around me changing again and again, I slowly calmed down from the initial excitement.

Somo secretly let out a long breath, and couldn't help but feel that his previous preparations were indeed not in vain.

Hiding, yes.

But you can hide it for a while, but you can't hide it forever.

When it was decided to rescue survivors and expand the territory's population, several rounds of meetings had already been held in the territory to discuss how to deal with different situations.

Among them, being directly exposed to coordinates by newcomers is undoubtedly the most troublesome.

However, after these rounds, the territorial guards have taken better precautions.

As long as a newcomer really wants to do this, he will be monitored when he comes up with the idea, and the worst case scenario does not happen.

Further down, the dwarves of all nations who know the coordinates of their territory are also a big trouble.

After all, humans really can't find the location of Tianyuan's territory now, but those dwarves have detailed maps.

Once these guys react, pass the news to the human survivors.

With the convenience of the world chat channel, all players in the entire New World will know about it in less than half a day.

At that time, it would be a bit too obvious to tell the location of the giant tree root sea area.


"Speak of it."

Sumo looked around at the different expressions around him, paused in his tone and said with a smile: "You don't have to be so anxious. We have found the people at the gathering place now. Just stay well and live well."

"To be honest, it will take at least a year and a half to come from the edge of the New World, right? Maybe while you are still migrating, my territory has already developed and expanded, radiating the control area to your previous gathering place."

It can't be stopped.

Then we can only guide everyone's thoughts from other aspects.

Sure enough, when Su Mo said this, many people in the venue looked surprised.

Instead of them going through all the trouble, it would be better to wait until Su Shen's territory expands.

As for whether it can be expanded?

Almost no one thinks about this issue.

If human beings such as Su Shen can't do this, then which territory can we expect to be able to do this?

The chaotic New World is not just populated by Earthlings.

Facing those Blue Star people and alien races, it is really difficult for ordinary people to imagine what will happen next.

"Su Shen, we can't go to your territory, but can we?"

"Open our eyes?"

"Yesterday, the World Channel was discussing your fifth-level territory. Everyone is so itchy."

After realizing that he couldn't go to Su Shen's territory in a short time.

The mentality of the people around changed again, and they began to care about the development of Tianyuan territory.

As for the following game, who else can spare the time to watch it?

Anyway, they, the audience, won’t get any rewards if they lose or win, so they might as well take the opportunity to ask more questions.

There's no guarantee that Sumo's casual reminder will make it twice as difficult for them to survive in the future!

"My territory"

Sumo pondered for a moment.

However, before he could answer, the manual on the bench flew up out of thin air.

There was a flash of light, and the manual automatically turned the page to the end, revealing the red heart logo.

Are you so lucky to be selected as a judge?


The game prompt sounds.

[Record]: The player ‘Sumo’ has obtained the qualification as a judge. Do you accept it?


I haven't figured out how to answer these people about the current situation in the Tianyuan Territory. It is naturally great to be able to use my status as a judge to get away from this group of people's questioning.

Sumo nodded happily, his figure slowly disappeared, and then appeared in the center of the competition venue.

The two people on the field were still nervously preparing for the game.

Suddenly the sound sounded, and I quickly turned to look at the judges' seat in the middle.

But when I saw it, I was stunned.

"Damn, I read that right, right? Su Shen?"


Before entering the game, it was indeed difficult to imagine that everything would develop like this.

The game that should have been the center of the spotlight has now become the least of everyone's concerns.

At this moment, not only the audience was frantically discussing the message Soma had just delivered, but also the sea area with giant tree roots.

Even the two people who were preparing for the competition got carried away and subconsciously forgot about preparations for the competition.

But they have forgotten that today is different from the past.

Because of Corrado's reckless attack yesterday, the game has added purple barriers to both sides in today's knockout round to ensure safety.

As long as the competition is not of a combat nature, neither side can disturb the other.

Of course, there is no way to contact the judges in the middle.

"You are competing against each other. This is a knockout round. If you have anything to say, we will talk about it after the competition."

Since the number of viewers did not exceed one million, the game only selected one judge from the audience.

Sumo looked around and reminded him in a loud voice.

The two of them paused for a moment before remembering where they were now and quickly scratching their heads to think back.

[Record]: The contestants in this competition are: red side (Fan Fuzheng), blue side (Lermontov)

[Record]: This competition is classified as: Skill type

[Record]: The purpose of this competition is to get an apple ten meters above the ground.

[Record]: Participants can use all materials in the venue at will, and the competition time is one hour.

[Record]: After the time is up, the judges will try through the buildings built by the contestants.

[Record]: If the judges cannot get the apple in the end, the winner will be decided based on the sum of the meters climbed.

The game prompt sounds at the right time, indicating that the game is about to begin.

Obviously, this is a game for architecture players.

Somo raised his eyes and looked at the introductions from both sides that appeared in the void, and felt a little jealous for a moment.

Sure enough, the masters are still among the people.

After such a long time, Tianyuan territory has not yet cultivated a construction player above level 10.

But these two people are both level ten!

Fan Fuzheng’s route on the red side is ‘Construction Experienced’, which should be the new name of the construction apprentice after promotion.

The Lermontov route on the blue side is the ‘Structural Planner’, which is actually a rare level route.

This is wonderful.

The competition between two level 10 players, the confrontation between the ordinary route and the rare route.

The test happened to be their best building.

"They are so strong, they are all level 10 bosses!"

"Hey, it's not just that. Lermontov is the chief architect of the Western Alliance. It's not as simple as level ten."

"The Western Alliance? Is that a large territory in the west of the New World that already has five to six million people?"

"It's incredible. Can a territory of five to six million people achieve first place? Or is it a rare route? This means that we can directly crush the opponent?"

"Crushing? I don't think it's possible. Although Fan Fuzheng is on an ordinary route and has a low reputation. But I remember that this guy is the first player in the architecture department to reach level ten, so it's definitely not easy."

"It's that person. Oh, I remembered. He was still sharing his experience on the World Channel at that time."

"Have a strong conversation? You can still see Su Shen. The value of these ten disaster points is sky-high!"

The audience on the stage cheered loudly.

On the field, both Fan Fuzheng and Lermontov are famous figures.

Since you are paying to watch the game, the stronger the two sides are, the more clues they will have.

Otherwise, it becomes a one-sided abuse of food, which is really meaningless.

It attracted everyone's attention for a while.

Sumo also cheered up and observed how the two would finish the game.

[Record]: The game officially begins!

A gong sounded, and the sixty-minute countdown began.

Countless materials turned from virtual to real and appeared in the barriers on both sides.

Most of them are ordinary boards, about one meter long and thirty centimeters wide.

It is not difficult to build a high ladder that can reach a ten-meter-high apple, but it is certainly not easy.

After all, the tall ladder was built for the judges to go up and get the apples.

In addition to being strong and sturdy, the needs of different judges must also be considered.

For example, if strength is needed to climb, the judge created by the game is a short and weak woman.

That's right, it must be zero points.

"Don't panic, don't be anxious, just be steady."

Taking out a few long wooden boards, Fan Fuzheng picked up a hammer and started hammering.

It seems that every time you exert force, your body will tremble, but in fact you can find it if you look closely.

It’s not about exerting influence, it’s about being nervous, it’s about being excited!

"Shen Su is watching the battle!"

"Whether you can become famous in one battle depends on today!"

Ordinary people only have so few opportunities in their lifetime.

I don't have the luck to enter a very large gathering place to show my skills.

Now I have encountered the highest-level territory and the most powerful lord among humans.

He upgrades the route level day and night and prepares for the battle, fearing that he will fall behind others.

Isn’t this the moment you’ve been waiting for?



The silent hammer echoed like a powerful heartbeat.

Both of them are at the top of their game, and their character is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Once he entered the state, he immediately showed his real skills.

Fan Fuzheng did not rush forward and chose a conventional high ladder, using triangles as a stable structure to find fulcrums to build.

Lermontov did the same, but the details were different, choosing a pseudo-quadrangle that was difficult to understand.

Can the four sides still have support?

Some people in the field were confused.

But soon, when Lermontov formed another nested quadrilateral, the two superimposed turned out to be the three-sided fulcrum of the interlaced space.


Soma nodded secretly.

A layman watches the fun, an expert watches the door.

Being able to develop the ‘Skyscraper’ and apply it to the Sun Chaser Armor, his architectural attainments are already considerable.

However, compared with these two people, he has no disadvantage in theoretical knowledge.

But in terms of practical experience, there are some bad habits that academics cannot get rid of, and they always like to pursue the ultimate effect.

If the difference in strength is too big, you will naturally have an advantage in such exam questions.

But if the strength is close, the disadvantage is very obvious.

One hour is simply not enough!

On the court, both Lermontov and Fan Fuzheng were obviously aware of this problem.

A dizzying forty minutes passed, and two high ladders were already taking shape in advance.

The red square is nine and a half meters high, and the blue square is nine meters high.

Fan Fuzheng took into account that the game judge might be a dwarf, leaving only a height of fifty centimeters.

Lermontov was slightly enlarged, lowered in height, and strengthened the stability of the climb.


"Sure enough, we still have to compete with each other to find out the true genius!"

This is not about determining the strongest person in different routes. It is clearly a showcase of talents for the major lords.

Those ordinary survivors just said how powerful they were, and Sumo didn't believe it.

But now both of them have shown their absolute authenticity.

If you can capture the Tianyuan territory, you will definitely be a powerful helper!

[Record]: When the timer ends, both contestants are asked to stop their movements and return to their original positions.

In fact, there is no need for game prompts, there are only two minutes left.

The two of them had already given up on each other at the same time, standing in the distance calculating each other's ladder problems with their eyes.

A flash of purple light flashed, and two tall ladders were teleported to the center of the field at the same time.

The apple hanging ten meters high also appeared, very close to the top of the high ladder.

[Record]: The judges are being randomly generated.

Beside Sumo, two gray figures quickly solidified.

Although there are no specific details, the face is covered by a fog.

But when he saw that the figure that appeared was at least 1.6 meters tall, Lermontov, who was so tall, couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

[Record]: Judge No. 1 please ascend the ladder.

The game prompt sounded, and the gray figure stood up awkwardly.

There seemed to be nothing unusual, but as the figure climbed onto the handrail of the red square ladder, the expressions of the two contestants changed drastically at the same time.

Creak, creak.

This is the sound of being overwhelmed.

Fan Fuzheng used hundreds of force points to support the tall ladder, which could withstand a weight of more than 500 kilograms. At this time, it was actually a bit swaying.

Could this guy weigh two hundred and fifty kilograms?

Clearing everyone's doubts, the game once again provided the judges' information.

【Judge No.1】

[Race: Snake Elephant Tribe]

[Height: 178cm]

[Weight: 274kg]

Five hundred and fifty pounds?

There are so many alien projections that seem to be about the same size as humans, showing a weight beyond ordinary people's understanding.

Watch as this guy climbs the tall ladder and takes down the apple.

After coming down the already shaky high ladder, Fan Fuzheng's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

In this wave just now, at least one-third of the force points were deflected.

If someone of this weight were to go up next, it would probably collapse halfway through.

"That's not fair!"

I wanted to shout these words directly, but I glanced at Somo who was thoughtfully beside me.

Fan Fuzheng had no choice but to hold back and continued to look at Lermontov.

The situation is also not optimistic.

Although Lermontov took the risk to increase the stability of the high ladder, it was still unable to perfectly support the weight of more than 500 kilograms.

After coming down, the high ladder was also damaged, and the difference between the two sides was within 5%.

[Record]: Judge No. 2 please ascend the ladder.

Both parties got full marks in the first round, and Yugi didn't hesitate to call out the No. 2 figure to go up the ladder.

This time from Lermontov's side.

By observing the figure's posture and walking style, it was found that the ladder did not move at all after Judge No. 2 grabbed the ladder.

Lermontov breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that this guy is not heavy, and is even lighter than ordinary people.

Is this closed?!

However, before he could be happy, what happened in the next second made Lermontov scream out in surprise.

I saw Judge No. 2 violently stepping on the gap in the high ladder, and jumped up suddenly.


Although the figure was a full three meters upward, the sound of breaking wooden boards kept sounding at the same time.

This guy can't crawl well, but he actually jumps. Is he crazy?

The judge information flashes.

【Judge No. 2】

[Race: Explosive Rabbit Tribe]

[Height: 161cm]

[Weight: 29kg]

He only weighs less than sixty pounds, but he shows unparalleled explosive power.

After three jumps, Judge No. 2 successfully got the apple, but it also left a mess on the ground.


After Lermontov reinforced it, the ladder collapsed and turned into a pile of broken wooden planks.

The only relief is that the game doesn't skimp on points.

A dazzling light appeared on the blue side's scoreboard like a taunt.

"It seems like I don't need to play anymore?"

Like the judge who didn't get the gnocchi soup yesterday, Somo now also counts as a bye.

As long as Fan Fuzheng's ladder collapses and judge No. 2 does not get the apple, the winner of this game will be determined.

"This is a loser. Master Fan's ladder is not reinforced. The tall ladder will not be able to survive three jumps."

"It's a pity that Master Fan failed because of caution. Sometimes you still need to take a little risk."

"You're right to be cautious. Lermontov was originally a famous architect in the world. Now he still relies on the giant Northern League. Even if he loses the game, he can still secure his position as chief architect by relying on rare routes.

, but Master Fan seems to be from a small or medium-sized territory in the south, so it would be a bit hurt to lose."

"There is no way. This kind of knockout competition is always a life-and-death battle. There is a big tree behind you to enjoy the shade. This is naturally a big advantage."

"Hey, look, the first time I jumped, I actually stopped. It didn't collapse, it didn't collapse!"

"The second time, I managed to hold on even the second time. Damn, you're so strong!"

"the third time"


There were no surprising surprises.

As Judge No. 2 stepped down hard again, Fan Fuzheng's high ladder suddenly collapsed.

All the fulcrums lost their meaning at this moment, and were broken under the huge impact, and countless dust and wood chips were scattered.


Fan Fuzheng was trembling all over and fell to the ground unwillingly.

Is he really to blame for being cautious?

Is he really to blame for not taking risks?

Don't they understand? Don't the game understand?

He is just an ordinary person, an ordinary person who has sacrificed almost everything for the tenth-level route!

How can such a little person take risks?


However, at this moment, a steady hand suddenly appeared in the dust and grabbed the apple.

A harsh buzzer sounded, and under the stunned gaze of countless people, the scoreboard changed.

Although the No. 2 judge fell straight from the air, the score obtained by the red side turned out to be

Ten points, full marks!


Fan Fuzheng raised his head in confusion, and was shocked to find that the two sides were back on the same starting line.

According to the rules, as long as the judges get the apple, the game will be a full score.

Unless one party cannot get it, the score will be determined based on the number of meters climbed.

The last wave broke out and judge No. 2 grabbed the apple.

Now both sides have got it, and according to the rules, there is no winner yet!

"They're all twenty points."

"Then, it's my turn?"

Looking at the two piles of ruins, Somo looked strange.

But before he could wonder how to get the apple, the next prompt of the game made him instantly ecstatic.

[Record]: Judge No. 3 ‘Sumo’ detected that the works of two contestants were ‘damaged’. He no longer fully complies with the basic rules of fair selection, which may lead to misjudgment and the judges being punished.

[Record]: As judge No. 3, you have the following choices:

[Record]: 1. Give up the qualification as a judge and receive compensation (return of ticket points, judge ticket*1)

[Record]: 2. If you retain your qualifications and continue to review, you will need to accept the punishment due to misjudgment. The game will not be responsible.

[Record]: Three, Lord Judge’s special option

If the contestant is willing to give up the original territory, the contract will be accepted and he will become a member of your territory. The lord can serve as an off-site aid and receive half an hour of aid time.

During the assistance time, if the lord restores the contestant's work and finally achieves the goal, the contract will be deemed successful.

Please note.

If the contestant chooses this option, after the contract is successful, he will be forcibly teleported to the lord player's territory within one day. (Up to three relatives can be teleported)

If neither contestant chooses a contract, this option will automatically be invalidated.

If the lord cannot complete the restoration of the work and achieve the goal, the contract fails, and this option will automatically be invalidated.


This chapter has been completed!
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