Chapter 1182: After all the hardships come happiness, the fate of ordinary people!

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April 11th of the second year of the wasteland calendar.

As the knockout rounds came to an end on the second day, the fate of more than hundreds of millions of survivors changed.

As the saying goes, some people are happy and some are sad.

The survivors who successfully won three knockout rounds and advanced to the third day of qualifying were naturally happy. Most of them received the attention of their respective territories and began to break away from the ranks of ordinary people.

Players who lose the knockout round have no choice but to face the reality.

Either prepare to set off to seek opportunities deeper in the New World, or concentrate on continuing to work hard in the current territory.

Of course, there are exceptions.

Southern New World, Taihu Territory.

Next to a huge naturally formed freshwater lake, there are hundreds of simple wooden houses.

The wooden houses seem to be arranged in a scattered manner, but if you look down from the air, you can see them.

Different wooden houses are like horns to each other. When encountering enemies, they can naturally form a well-organized defensive posture.

At this time, in a slightly larger wooden house in the center.

As the undetectable spatial distortion erupted, Fan Fuzheng's illusory body gradually solidified, immediately attracting the attention of everyone around him.

"Lao Fan, the third round is over so soon?"

In the crowd, a strong man with a bold face stood up and spoke with a clear northern accent.

"Did I tell you that if your first two rounds were so difficult, the next round will definitely be easy."

"Easy?" Fan Fuzheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "Old Zhan, I let you down, I lost this third round!"

"Lost?" Lao Zhan's eyes widened in disbelief.

As the lord of Taihu Territory, he knows best how powerful Fan Fuzheng is.

After all, when the average route level in the entire territory is only two and a half levels, he can push his route level to level ten by relying on hard work and talent.

This kind of strength is estimated to be at the forefront even in those very large territories.

Moreover, Fan Fuzheng's abilities are not just words on paper.

The Taihu territory planned and built by him relied on such complex and difficult architectural arrangements to dissuade batch after batch of passers-by who wanted to catch the autumn wind.

Such a genius was gone on the second day of the knockout round and in the third round???

"I have no choice but to meet Qin Chuan, the chief architect of the Long Banner Territory. He is much more powerful than Lermontov."

"And the test topic is to build security facilities, which I am not familiar with."

Fan Fuzheng was thinking about his own advantages, and what he relied on was actually nothing more than two things -

First, the route level is several levels higher than ordinary people.

Second, learn the rich architectural knowledge available on Earth.

However, it may be because reaching level ten will cause a qualitative change in the route.

Ordinary low-level survivors are randomly matched, and it is easy to determine the winner in just one round due to the difference in strength.

However, the opponents he ranked in the three rounds of the knockout round were all at the same level, reaching level 10 or those with rare routes.

As the so-called strong dialogue has, the barrel effect is obvious.

When everyone has similar strengths, what they compete more with is actually their shortcomings.

The chief architects of these large territories have countless resource supplies and can know information that ordinary people cannot know at all.

In a duel, you have an inherent advantage.

If his luck hadn't really exploded today, Fan Fuzheng thought he wouldn't be able to get through the first round.




Even though he was eliminated, even though he didn't get a chance to compete in the next ten thousand battles.

I still got the safest and most enviable guarantee!

"Oh my God, you are actually the chief of the Dragon Banner Territory. You are so lucky."

Lao Zhan sighed, knowing that the strength of the Taihu Territory was holding him back.

How can I compare my small territory of just over 3,000 people with someone else's territory of millions of people?

If Fan Fuzheng could have joined the human Su Shen's territory earlier, he would certainly not be at such a disadvantage today.

"Originally I wanted to keep you here, but now I really can't open my mouth anymore."

Fan Fuzheng told Lao Zhan the news about being contracted by Somo as early as after the first competition.

The latter was naturally extremely confusing at first.

After all, Fan Fuzheng played an indispensable role in making the entire Taihu Territory what it is today.

Once he is gone, how to expand and build the territory will immediately become a problem.

But now, no matter how thick-skinned he is, he dare not mention the word 'stay'.

This is a heavy responsibility and a necessary responsibility for a lord.

Or to put it more bluntly.

If there was a chance to join Su Shen's territory now, even he would be extremely excited.

There is even the urge to abandon the entire territory!

"Old James, I am here" Fan Fuzheng was a little moved, and for a moment he was extremely reluctant to leave.

Compared with other families in the wasteland, the Fan family is considered the luckiest group of people.

From the beginning, the family of four was thrown together.

Later, I met an old comrade named Zhan Xiang and joined the gathering place he created.

It is precisely because of a group of comrades who dare to fight and fight together that we can persist all the way to where we are today.

However, the territory that was created now is finally on the right track, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

"It's okay. I still have this bit of self-awareness. What's more, since you went to Su Shen's territory, it's not like we won't be able to see each other for the rest of our lives."

"Perhaps it won't be long before you become famous, and you can help us find a way, and then the entire territory will benefit from you!"

After figuring it out, Lao Zhan became more open-minded.

He used to always think about how to capture these large territories, but now isn't this just an opportunity?

Moreover, it is also the territory of human Su Shen, which is simply a huge opportunity.

Just as he said, if Fan Fuzheng gets out of his position, the entire Taihu territory will benefit from it.


"Okay, okay, don't be so mother-in-law, go back and pack your things and get ready to leave."

Lao Zhan smiled and pretended to kick Fan Fuzheng, and the atmosphere of separation in the room immediately became lighter.

Seeing this, the other comrades could only swallow the manuscripts they had prepared in their stomachs and say goodbye to each other.

They also knew it at this time.

The sky is high enough for birds to fly, and the sea is wide enough for fish to leap.

No matter how much reluctance you have, it can only be turned into a blessing.

After a while of saying goodbye, Fan Fuzheng finally pushed the door open and went out under Lao Zhan's repeated urging.

It was almost dusk, and the warm sun shone on the houses, casting long slanting shadows on the ground.

Compared with the past few days, the cold winter air is still bit biting.

But for some reason, Fan Fuzheng only felt warm all over, as comfortable as if he had taken a hot bath.

"Honey, I'm back!"

Weaving through the streets, we came to an inconspicuous house.

Before entering the room, Fan Fuzheng couldn't wait to shout.

"So fast?"

Zheng Yali, who was sitting in the yard sifting seeds with her two children, raised her head.

Realizing that Fan Fuzheng, who usually had a straight face, smiled for the first time in a long time today, he couldn't help but stand up in surprise.

"Won all three rounds?"

Afraid of putting pressure on Fan Fuzheng.

The family had already agreed yesterday that they would never open the game panel to check for news before he came back today.

Looking at this performance now, is it stable?


"What are you going to win? If you win, you will encounter monsters and you will be eliminated in the third round."

Fan Fuzheng waved his hand indifferently, walked over and put his hand on his daughter Fan Han's head and touched it, then looked at his son Fan Jing with relief, his eyes full of pride and happiness.

"Stop working so hard, Yali, take out all the supplies you have accumulated."

"We must have a good meal tonight to celebrate and give the children something extra to eat before they leave!"

"You're eliminated and you still celebrate?"

The skinny Zheng Yali looked shocked, and most of the smile on her face disappeared.

For a moment, she was a little worried that Fan Fuzheng had been preparing for this competition for too long, and was unable to accept the blow after being suddenly eliminated, and had a mental problem.

And before leaving?

Go, where to go?

This huge wasteland, a new continent full of crises, where can we go beyond the Taihu territory?

"Are you okay?"

"What's the matter? It depends on what you say."

The reaction of his family was as expected, and Fan Fuzheng suddenly became even more proud and excited.

Some people live a comfortable life, with one person having enough to eat and the whole family having no worries.

Some people are just the opposite. Only by bringing better living conditions to their families can they feel happy.

And Fan Fuzheng is exactly the latter.

He looked at his wife Zheng Yali, who was looking uneasy at this time, and her children, who looked very apprehensive.

Fan Fuzheng smiled happily.

The smile is mixed with the relief that the pain is gone and the joy comes, and also contains the open-mindedness that is as sweet as a shepherd's purse.

Unlike those who were eliminated.

He lost, but he lost happily.

Isn't it just for this day to work hard to improve the route level and complete tasks day and night?

"Lao Fan, I heard that you were selected by Lord Su?"

Before Fan Fuzheng could explain himself, the neighbor who heard the noise in the wooden house next door poked his head out first.

"real or fake?"

"Hey, of course it's true. Why is there any need to lie about this kind of thing?"

Seeing the envious and jealous expressions of his neighbors, Fan Fuzheng couldn't help but feel happier.

However, Zheng Yali was even more confused. After searching in her mind for a long time, she could not remember that her family knew Lord Su.

On the other hand, the eyes of a pair of children were bright, as if they had thought of something.

"Yes, you guessed it right, he is Lord Sumo, our human God Su!"

Fan Fuzheng raised his head and did not show off.

It took about five minutes to explain clearly the first thrilling competition and the effect of the contract he signed when Somo came to the rescue.

More than just luck.

And strength!

After hearing this, several neighbors who came over to gossip couldn't help but sigh: To make iron, you have to be tough yourself.

Let them pass, let alone be on an equal footing with the chief architect of the Northern Alliance.

In just one hour, it is difficult to build a tall ladder.

"I really envy you, Lao Fan, this is the end of all hardships!"

"Yes, in the past we secretly discussed that your efforts were in vain, but now that I think about it, my face really hurts."

"It's better to go to Su Shen's territory. It's better to go there. That's where you can make your best."

"Yes, our Taihu territory has buried a talent like yours."

"Old Fan, when you get rich, don't forget us brothers. When you return home in fine clothes, I will be the first to pick you up."

In addition to envy, a group of people are still envious.

However, the people who can be in the Taihu territory are all those with good character who have been carefully selected.

No one goes crazy with envy and has other bad thoughts.

"Easy to say, easy to say. After we get along, we will never forget our brothers."

Fan Fuzheng nodded in agreement, and there was absolutely no fault in his conduct.

But not until everyone has been sent away.

Zheng Yali, however, remained stunned on the spot, with a look of astonishment on her face, as if she was listening to a fantasy.

"Our Su Shen's territory?"

"Can we be teleported directly there?"

At this moment, no matter how slow her perception of the situation in the New World is.

Mention the words human Su Shen.

Anyone who is not a fool can know what this means.

"Of course, this is a contract signed by the game. Our whole family can just be transported there."

Afraid that Zheng Yali wouldn't believe it, Fan Fuzheng opened his game panel.

Until the clear choice appeared in front of the family.

The excitement that had been suppressed for a long time finally burst out!

I saw Zheng Yali's legs and feet went weak, and she collapsed on the ground on the spot, crying like rain.

One scene after another.

The bitterness and suffering since traveling to the wasteland flashed before my eyes like a revolving lantern.

For an ordinary earthling.


Seek to live.

Fight with others.

Fight with aliens.

Hiding in disaster XZ.

These sufferings were compressed into just over a year, and it was like a nightmare.

If you accidentally dream about those moments of life and death at night, you will be so scared that your whole body will freeze and you will have insomnia all night.

And now.

"We can go to Lord Su's territory, and we can survive!"

"We no longer have to hide or worry about enemies!"

Zheng Yali kept mumbling, tears streaming down her face, and her two children also sat on the ground and cried.

Fan Fuzheng wanted to hold on at first, but within two moments, he was also infected and sat on the ground crying.

The family cried and hugged each other and laughed.

He smiled and started to cry again, venting the anguish and sadness in his heart like he was going crazy.

"Life will be good, and things will be better in the future!"

Holding his family members with both hands, Fan Fuzheng murmured, and the belief in his heart became stronger.

At night, a strong fishy smell wafted into the Fan family's cabin.

Most of the salted fish that had been stored at sea was taken out and put into a pot to make fish porridge.

Then use the whole grains that you are reluctant to eat on weekdays and bake a few golden and soft flatbreads.

Although the flatbread is a bit dry and hard, a bit chewy.

But for the Fan family, who may not have enough to eat once a month, this is a rare treat.

After eating until their stomachs were round and bulging, the family stopped and sat down at the dinner table to chat.

"Dad, after I go to Su Shen's territory, can I change the route?"

Daughter Fan Han stuck out her tongue: "It's unlikely that Su Shen's territory still lacks a construction apprentice for me, right?"

In order to support the development of the system, the family includes Zheng Yali.

The chosen ones are all construction apprentices.

It's just that this route improvement cannot be improved simultaneously as Fan Fuzheng thought at the beginning.

Now he has reached level ten, while his daughter Fan Han and his wife Zheng Yali are only at level two.

Only his son Fan Jing is more impressive, but his level is only level four, which is far behind him.

"Don't worry about this now. Lord Su's territory should do more research on the route. When the time comes, you really need to find a suitable one, and I won't stop you."

"But I heard that those large territories have special routes. If I can change them for you by then, even if your father and I are dead, I will feel at ease."

Fan Fu was just pretending to be haha ​​and never spoke out on matters that would affect his future.

Only by experiencing it yourself can you know the huge difference between ordinary routes and rare routes.

Those special ability gains and extra attribute point bonuses can simply transform ordinary hostages.

Especially in large territories.

If further cultivated by the territory, the two combined can completely change a person's destiny.

"You don't care whether you want to die or not. You guy, you can't stand upright when you are proud of yourself."

Zheng Yali complained, but her face was filled with pleasure.

Obviously, the construction apprenticeship was not in line with her plans, but she had no choice but to choose now.

If this can be changed, I'm sure the Fan family won't need Fan Fuzheng to support it alone.

"I think so too." His son Fan Jing was stunned, and quickly took advantage of this opportunity to put forward his idea.

He actually prefers farming to working on the construction site.

When we were doing experimental fields at sea, he was the only one who produced Chinese cabbage.

It's just that Taihu Territory has never been able to draw a route related to farming, and finally had no choice but to choose a construction apprenticeship.

"Okay, you all change, all change!"

Everyone sang the opposite tune, and Fan Fuzheng simply did not intend to show off his status as the head of the family.

The family talked and laughed around the dining table until the feeling of bloating in their stomachs disappeared, then they got up and packed their things.

"I don't want any sundries. Lord Su has said that he will send them out."

"I'm talking about you, Yali, don't take those rotten straw mats, you won't need them."

"There is also food. Lao Zhan treats us well. We only need two or three days of rations. Leave the rest to him to distribute to people who are living in hardship in the territory."

"The weapons are right. You must bring Fan Jing with you. Get some salted fish and buy two iron spears with your Uncle Wang. Don't take any chances when you go outside. You must always be on guard against danger."

"You also need a radio, which is hard to find. Forget it, I'll go ask Lao Zhan."

"Fan Han, help your mother, don't make her tired."

Fan Fu is making some arrangements.

The four of them tidied up and changed things.

The Fan family has accumulated a lot of supplies before, and the quality is not bad, and most people are willing to exchange them.

Especially after knowing that he was about to go to the territory of the human Su Shen, some people would half-sell everything and give it away in order to be a favor.

But even then, I was still busy until midnight to prepare everything that needed to be prepared and to give away everything that needed to be given away.

"The next step is a new life!"

Lying on the cold hard bed, the wooden house was drafty from all sides, and the whole family was freezing and sneezing.

But looking at the looming crescent moon outside the window paper, I can't hide the joy in my heart.

From this moment on, they were extremely clear.

The fate of the family has completely changed!


This chapter has been completed!
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