Chapter 1017: The Eternal Mystery of Good and Evil in Human Nature

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Fu Jian had heard similar words from many people. The most recent one was said to him by Liu Yu, but this time it was said from a person who had served as a minor official in his court, which still made him sigh.

He couldn't help but murmured: "Yin Sima, it's such a pity that you were not found in Gu's court, but Yao Chang got an advantage. This is God's blindness, allowing Gu's dynasty to perish."

Yin Wei sighed: "The king of heaven is benevolent. This is the reason why you can survive for so long after the world is in chaos. But in troubled times, whoever can make the most of the evil of human nature, rather than the good of human nature, will win the world. Fear

It is always a more effective force than love. This is also the reason why Da Shanyu can win in the end."

Fu Jian gritted his teeth: "So, you also think Yao Chang is a bad person? Why do you still follow him? Are you also a bad person?"

Yin Wei said calmly: "My Lord Yao Chang cannot be simply defined by good and evil. He is decisive in killing and cold-blooded towards his enemies. He makes people hate and fear him, but he does not dare to be his enemy. Facts have proved that

, he is more popular than the King of Heaven. At least, people like me are more willing to follow the Great Chanyu."

Fu Jian said bitterly: "Well, you are right. In this troubled world, people will fear those powerful lords instead of benevolent and virtuous kings. People like you, for the continuation of the family, for the sake of glory and wealth, turn to more powerful people."

It is natural for Yao Chang to succeed. But I still say the same thing, the jade seal has been given to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, don't ask me to hand it over."

Yin Wei nodded: "I know the King of Heaven is telling the truth. You need this jade seal to find an excuse for your nephew to take refuge in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The last time you let Liu Yu go, you should have given the jade seal. Originally, my eldest son returned the favor."

I want to settle for the next best thing and want you to meditate on him, but I also know that this is impossible."

Fu Jian sneered and said: "It is not impossible to abdicate. If it is given to the Emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, I have nothing to say. But Yao Chang is a despicable villain. He received my great kindness but did not think about repaying it. Instead, he gave him a favor when I needed him most."

If a soldier rebels, even if he relies on force to run rampant for a while, he will definitely receive retribution from God. I would rather be shattered to pieces than meditate on him. Just let him die."

Yin Wei nodded: "I agree with the King of Heaven on this point. Fu Qin's energy has been exhausted, but my lord's dynasty may not last too long. Who will win in the world is still unclear."

Fu Jian softly said "Oh": "Why, you are not worried about Yao Chang? Are you not optimistic? Didn't you say that he can use the evil of people's hearts in troubled times?"

Yin Wei sighed: "In troubled times, people who use unscrupulous means and are insidious and evil can naturally be extremely powerful for a while, but the so-called good things for the bottom are what the top is good for. If we only rely on conspiracy and deception, there will definitely be many treacherous and evil people among our subordinates. Once they can be pacified,

Rebellions will inevitably arise and clans will fight each other. The Jin Kingdom of the Sima family is the best example of this."

Fu Jian sighed: "This is what Wang Jinglue once taught Gu. He said that God's way is good, but retribution is not good. Those who do not show kindness and justice will die in the conspiracy. This is true. Gu's kindness and righteousness have come from Gunan.

The war has ended, and Yao Chang's good days will not last long. Yin Sima, since you can see so clearly, it is better to go to Nantou to the Jin Kingdom as soon as possible to follow the true Mingjun Holy Lord."

Yin Wei shook his head: "No, the Jin Kingdom is by no means a wise king and a holy master. Their emperor is just a puppet, and the major families are scheming. The defeat of the Beifu Army this time is the result of their internal fighting. The so-called gentleman will not enter a dangerous country.

, this was the reason why Wang Meng refused to follow Huan Wen back to the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Because if foreign talents joined rashly, they would be involved in this cruel power struggle and not end well. Fu Lang, the cousin of the King of Heaven, was one of the famous northerners.

In order to fight for it, he voluntarily surrendered to the Jin State and was even sent to Qingzhou. Isn’t it inevitable that he would die?"

Cold sweat broke out on Fu Jian's head: "So, it was Liu Yu who deceived me? Even if Gu's son fled to Jin, he would die?"

Yin Wei said sternly: "As long as you don't get involved in the disputes in the Jin Kingdom, you should be fine. King of Heaven, do you have any last words that you need me to convey to your family? Although I can't save your life, I may be able to spare your life.

On the one hand, letting Fu Hong escape from Chang'an is my final reward for my kindness to you as your former minister."

Fu Jian gritted his teeth: "Before I die, I am still a little unwilling. Sir, you are very knowledgeable. I want to hear your views on the future of the world."

Yin Wei frowned slightly: "I can't see clearly now, otherwise I would follow the wise master in my heart. It's because I can't see the future trend clearly, so now I can only temporarily stay here with Yao Chang. So.

It depends on the current situation. But since the King of Heaven asked this, I might as well try to explain it."

Fu Jian looked at Yin Wei, with a look of expectation flashing across his face. Domination of the country and empire is the dream of every hero. Even if it cannot be realized in his own hands, even if death is right in front of him, he still cannot conceal his feelings for him.

desire for this.

I only heard Yin Wei say slowly: "Here in Guanzhong, the fall of Chang'an is inevitable. Xiyan will conquer Chang'an, but he will not stay for a long time. In the end, my lord will occupy Guanzhong, but his favor has not been restored, and there are still people everywhere.

Many forces loyal to the King of Heaven will unite to counterattack, and the struggle in Guanzhong will last for years."

Fu Jian frowned: "The power of being loyal to Gu? How come Gu can't see it?"

Yin Wei shook his head: "Maybe I didn't express it clearly. I am not loyal to the King of Heaven personally, but to Fu Qin and the Di people. In other words, it is the power of the Di and Han people. When the King of Heaven is in power, he talks about benevolence and righteousness to other ethnic groups.

, On the contrary, it weakened the status of the Di tribe and caused dissatisfaction among these people. Multiple rebellions are a concentrated expression of this contradiction."

"So when the King of Heaven was trapped in Chang'an, these people formed camps to protect themselves, or gathered tribes to support themselves. Although occasionally some loyal people risked their lives to aid Chang'an, most people chose to wait and see, just like Hu Kong nearby.

Fortress, General Xu Song is such a person. We set up an ambush in Wujiang Mountain. Originally, there were only a few hundred cavalry. He knew it well, but he had thousands of soldiers and horses. He did not come to rescue because of this intention.

Once the King of Heaven dies, they will have a legitimate excuse to stand on their own feet."

A trace of anger flashed in Fu Jian's eyes: "I thought there were loyal people everywhere, but they just didn't have enough strength. I didn't expect that they are still these gangsters who are greedy for life and afraid of death, and have their own agendas!"

Yin Wei said coldly: "This is human nature, King of Heaven, never think too much about this!"


Please remember the first domain name of this book: ..:m.

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