Update instructions during the limited period, and recommend books easily

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Due to the support of all book friends and the love of the editor, this book will be available for free on the 10th, which is today, for a limited period of two days. Because there are many things at the end of the year, Tiandao is not writing books full-time, so the manuscripts are not enough to explode. I have to go out for a few days of meetings on the weekend, so I can only say sorry to all the book friends who hope to update. There will be only one update per day during the three-day free period on the 10th, 11th, and 12th. From the 13th, it will resume two updates per day. More, I hope everyone will support me.

By the way, I would like to recommend a few books, starting with two of my own works:

In the late Sui Dynasty, Yin Xiong pointed at the clouds and laughed at the way of heaven 1

The son of a businessman from the Sui Dynasty, he broke his leg while trying to purchase goods. He broke his mouth when he sold things. He encountered official gangsters while doing business. He lost money in gambling and was beaten to regret. He went through the right way and went through the wrong way. Since this is a murderer with a thousand swords. If the world doesn't allow people to stand out, then let's dominate the world and create troubled times.

From then on, he was scheming, dark, scheming, and decisive in killing, and he became a Yin hero.

He plays tricks on every occasion, speaks cleverly, has insight into people's hearts, and is a villain all his life. He is the best actor.

The cat ghost case, deposed Yang Yong, deposed Gao Xi, supported Yang Guang, pacified the Turks, killed Emperor Wen, and harmed Yang Su. Behind the series of strange events was his gloomy face.

The war is rising, the golden drum is urgent, and in this era of great strife, there are so many heroes, can he stand out?

Let’s take a look at Wang Shichong’s imperial path.

This is a complete old book with 7 million words. It can be regarded as Tiandao's famous work in the history genre. For those who have not read it, please give me some advice.

Cang Langxing pointed at Yun Xiaotian and said

The sound of the piano is lingering, and the dream returns to thousands of years. The cows and sheep are stuffed and empty promises are made. How much love and hatred are there in the world? The mysterious assassin of the Jin Yiwei, who is burdened with a blood feud, has struggled all his life, for love? For dreams?

The grievances in the past life, the huge conspiracy in this life, the mountains and rivers are picturesque, the beauties are like jade, the spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums are so beautiful. The mysterious sect in Mobei, the Japanese pirate treasures in the southeast, the strange poisons in Miao territory, the martial arts struggle in the Central Plains, the Han Dynasty Thousand-year-old ancient tombs, layers of mysteries, lead to a shocking secret that has been laid out for forty years, all in the rough and bumpy life of Wudang senior brother Li Cangxing, codenamed Tianlang.

Welcome to follow this mysterious Sirius who has experienced many vicissitudes of life and has tasted the ups and downs of the world. With his deep and wise eyes, you can enter his world.

Write books carefully and write different books.

This is a five-million-word martial arts book, and it is also Tiandao’s first online work. It has achieved good results in the martial arts genre, and there are also corresponding publications, audio books and other IP developments. Friends who like martial arts, please read Appreciate step by step.

Yang Guang’s Counterattack by Mo Xiaowang 1

I am the world

I will regain the kingdom that I have lost.

You can’t rob this world if I don’t give it to you

This is a new book written by a loyal book friend of Yinxiong in the late Sui Dynasty who devoted himself to writing online. It is also a hard work and of high quality. I hope that friends who like Tiandao's works can take good care of it.

Finally, let me talk about the book friend group number: 219263410. Book friends who like history, martial arts and want to communicate more about works are welcome to join the group for discussion. I believe everyone can get what they want from the exchange based on their interest in history.

This chapter has been completed!
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