Chapter 1,543 Xie Ans Instructions to Destroy the Black Hand

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A trace of surprise flashed across Zhi Miaoyin's eyes, and she sighed faintly: "Brother Yu, you have really made a lot of progress. These words can no longer deceive you. That's all. Since I want to negotiate terms and cooperation with you today,

, I don’t need to hide anything anymore. A gentleman like you can’t be bullied. It’s best to tell the truth.”

Murong Lan said coldly: "I have told you a long time ago, never try to deceive Liu Yu. He is sincere to you. Once you find out that you are not like this to him, it will only make you unlucky in the end."

Zhi Miaoyin sneered and said: "You don't need to teach me this truth. Anyway, I met Liu Yu much earlier than you. It took me longer than you to fall in love with him."

When Liu Yu saw that the two beauties were jealous again, he quickly said: "Okay, now is not the time for a dispute of feelings. Aiqin, please step aside first and let me talk to her."

Murong Lan hesitated to speak, but shook her head and stood aside. Without looking at her, Zhi Miaoyin took off the cloak on her head, revealing her smooth head. She did not wear a nun hat today.

The scar, just on the top of the head, looks like a waste of natural resources, which makes people sigh and make them feel sympathy.

But Liu Yu said to himself in the bottom of his heart that all the actions of this woman now may have their own intentions. This conversation between him and her may determine his own future, and even determine the future of Dajin. He must not have any selfish motives.

existence, he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Miaoyin, it is impossible for the Xie family to give up the dignity of the family and live under the mafia. This is not what my husband wants. Tell me the truth. You

What is the purpose of cooperating with the mafia, and what can I do to help you?"

Zhi Miaoyin bit her red lips and said in a deep voice: "Our goal is to fulfill Mr. Xianggong's last wish, which is to completely defeat and eliminate the mafia. From now on, the world will be restored to a peaceful world, and there will no longer be so many people.

Conspiracies and calculations.”

Liu Yu laughed: "But this is completely opposite to what you are doing now. I don't see that what you want me to do now is to kill the emperor and cooperate with the mafia to achieve this goal."

Zhi Miaoyin shook her head: "Because this emperor is not worthy of your support at all, and he cannot be helped up. He is not a British master, and he does not have the ability and determination to fight against the mafia. He does not even know how powerful his opponent is.

, how terrible, it’s like he doesn’t know what those land deeds mean. He thinks that if there was a chance to take back these, Sima Rui, the founding emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, would not do it?”

Liu Yu said coldly: "Because the emperor has no soldiers and no power in the court, he can be at the mercy of the aristocratic families and the mafia. But if I am willing to help him, this problem will no longer exist."

Zhi Miaoyin sneered: "Do you think Sima Yao will really trust you like this? Are you very familiar with him? Are you going through life and death with him like the Beifu brothers? Or are you just like the fat man? You don't even have a basic understanding. You

I don’t know what kind of person he is, and he doesn’t know what kind of person you are. If I hadn’t interceded for you, I’m afraid he would have ordered you to be killed. Even now, you are someone who can be killed at any time in his eyes.

For those who give up and trade, the forgiveness given to you is not your ability, but a kind of gift and charity. In his eyes, you are just like a dog."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "The emperor has no experience in the world and does not know people's hearts. It is not surprising to have such thoughts, but I believe that as long as I stay with him for a long time and influence him with my loyalty, he will naturally not be like now

In this way. When I was in the Beifu Army, I was incompatible with Ah Shou at first, but what about now?"

Zhi Miaoyin sighed: "The difference is that Liu Jingxuan is a martial artist, and he and you are just competing for superiority in the army, while Sima Yao is the emperor, and you will never be allowed to interfere with his imperial power. You and Ah Shou don't have to fight or be acquainted with each other.

There is absolutely no possibility for Sima Yao. Brother Yu, I don’t want your sincerity to end up being regarded as a donkey’s liver and lungs. I have been with Sima Yao for too long, and I know very well what kind of person he is. If it weren’t for his quarrel with Sima Daozi, what do you think?

Will he listen to me like this now? It's just because someone threatens his imperial power, and he needs to establish a new alliance with his former enemy, the Xie family. For a person like him, there is nothing that cannot be given up."

Liu Yu sighed: "But he is the emperor after all. As a minister, loyalty is the minimum. Otherwise, what is the difference between him and the mafia conspirators? Even if he can't trust me, I will do my duty as a minister.

Moreover, I believe that we have a consensus and can cooperate with each other on taking back the land deeds and returning the land people to the court. Without the emperor's edict, I would not be able to realize these ideas. The mafia will never

Maybe you can give me these."

Zhi Miaoyin curled up her lips: "But the forces on both sides are not balanced at all. Now that you have left the Beifu Army and are only in charge of the guard, is it possible that you can defeat aristocratic families from all over the country just by relying on the palace defenders? They

There are various reasons for delaying the transfer. Even if the land is legally occupied by titles, as long as the nephews and nephews all attack those virtual titles, it will be enough to save the vast majority of the land. In the end, the big family will not be able to take over the land.

The small and medium-sized aristocratic families have been deprived of a lot. In this way, these people who should have supported the emperor and benefited from Tuduan will turn to hate the emperor. Your method of Tuduan is a dead end!"

Liu Yu said in a deep voice: "No, the destruction of land is a righteous move that benefits the country at the top and the common people at the bottom. Those farmers and tenants who are confined to the land for aristocratic families and have to work as cattle and horses from birth will definitely

Those who will be grateful and support such Tu Duan will definitely stand on the side of the court and the emperor, just like so many people here today. With their support, there is no need to be afraid of those big families and the mafia.


Zhi Miaoyin sighed: "Brother Yu, don't you think about why Wang Mang at the turn of the Han Dynasty was defeated in the end? Do you think he was attacked and destroyed by the rebel armies of the world? Let me tell you, the world will be in chaos

, the rebels everywhere are the ones he wanted to carry out through the reform of the ancient system and return the land to the people, and these rebels are the tenant farmers you said were liberated and freed, and should be grateful to Wang Mang!"

Liu Yu opened his eyes wide and said in a deep voice: "Impossible, Wang Mang went against the grain and the world was in chaos. For example, the Green Forest Army was forced into the mountains and forests by the people, and the Red Eyebrow Army was oppressed by the officials. There were Donghai Lu Mu and Donghai Lu Mu who could not redress their grievances.

For all the people in the county, how can Wang Mang, who has committed so many crimes and forced the people to rebel against him, become a good deed for the people? Is it possible that these people are so cruel and want to repay kindness with hatred?"

Zhi Miaoyin smiled slightly: "Yes, that was how it was at that time!"


This chapter has been completed!
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