Chapter 1547: The best choice for cooperation

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Liu Yu's face darkened and he said sternly: "Miaoyin, what you said is too much. How could I need this civil war? My ambition is to expedition to the Central Plains to the north, regain the lost territory, and expel the barbarians. The civil war will only make it impossible to achieve this goal of mine."

, No one in the world hates this civil war more than me, because it will destroy the Jin Dynasty’s manpower, material resources, food, and ordnance in the flames of war, and it will no longer be able to go north."

Zhi Miaoyin smiled slightly: "My brother Yu, how much you look down on yourself. If the Jin Dynasty wants to expedition to the Central Plains, does it need to gather hundreds of thousands of troops and millions of dan of military rations? I'm afraid not. You

You can defend Luoyang with a few thousand troops and attack Yecheng with less than 10,000 troops. This is your ability. Therefore, you do not need a rich and powerful south, but only tens of thousands to completely obey your orders.

For your elite soldiers, of course, you also need enough food, grass and weapons for the army to fight for several years. Even the Jin Dynasty after the civil war can fully meet your requirements. And what you get is a

A real army, a real name."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "If this army and this title requires me to lead troops to massacre civilians and destroy Jingyang to achieve this goal, then I would rather not go on the Northern Expedition for the rest of my life."

Zhi Miaoyin sighed: "Even if you don't do this and stay in Jingkou, someone else will do it. If you don't come out, this civil war will not be fought? Brother Yu, I'm talking about the impact of this civil war on you

It is the most beneficial. Logically speaking, you also need this civil war the most. I just made it very clear that the ultimate goal of our Xie family is to eliminate the mafia. How can we achieve this goal without civil war? You don’t really think that

The mafia will obediently hand over those century-old land deeds and return power to the emperor."

Liu Yu said in a deep voice: "So your solution is to kill the emperor and trigger a full-scale civil war? Zhi Miaoyin, I really don't know if you are confused. You say one thing but act another!"

Zhi Miaoyin smiled slightly and looked at Murong Lan: "Sister Lan, I think you should have figured it out. Brother Yu has been trapped in the vicious circle of family and country justice and cannot get out of it, but as a smart person like you, you should be able to

Explain clearly."

Murong Lan said coldly: "Why should I explain to Brother Lang? I would rather he put down everything and take me back to Jingkou to live in seclusion. You people are fighting for power and profit, and the war is raging. Don't affect him. At least, even if the troubled times begin,

, Jingkou is also peaceful, and no one is crazy enough to dare to lead troops to attack the hometown of Beifu Army."

Zhi Miaoyin sighed: "How can the eggs be destroyed when the nest is overthrown? As the strongest army in the world and the strongest army in the Jin Dynasty, how can the Beifu Army stay out of the civil war? If you disarm and return to the field, the military power will fall to Liu Laozhi

, Liu Yi's hands, who are they now? You don't know that once the civil war begins, the rich land of Sanwu and the fertile land of Jingxiang will be destroyed by their tigers and wolves. These are what you want to see

Is it? Brother Yu."

Liu Yu's eyes were shining, but his hands were trembling slightly. He gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "It is precisely because I want to prevent something like this from happening that I want to protect the emperor and prevent the civil war. If you kill the emperor,

The battle for the throne will inevitably begin, and I'm afraid it will completely get out of control by then."

Zhi Miaoyin said coldly: "The mafia has even found the emperor's heir. You probably don't know yet, but the prince is a fool who doesn't know whether he is warm or cold and can't even speak. Is there any better puppet than this?

And how could Sima Daozi be willing to let a fool take the throne, so he would definitely let his party members everywhere revolt, so I say that this civil war is impossible to prevent. The mafia and the emperor are now in irreconcilable conflicts, and they will not negotiate.

A hundred-year land lease will inevitably kill the emperor. You should be very clear about the mafia's great ability and power. Now, what can you do to fight them? Without soldiers and power, even their

I don’t even know my identity, Brother Yu, do you really think that you can turn things around with your passion?”

Liu Yu took a step forward and looked directly into Zhi Miaoyin's eyes: "As long as you tell me how to contact them, meet them, and tell me where their headquarters is, I will definitely have a way to eliminate them."

Zhi Miaoyin sighed: "Our Xie family is not a mafia. We don't know their identities or their secrets. Even the land deeds of our Xie family are in their hands. If they want to deal with us, Wang Er

Family, as long as I transfer these land deeds to Diao Kui, Yu Yue and others, they can take away my Xie family's property. Now we don't even have Beifu soldiers, and we can't protect ourselves. What can we do to fight with others? Even so.

If you want to eradicate the mafia, you can only do it step by step, gain their trust first, and break into their ranks before we can talk about it later."

Liu Yu sneered and said: "You don't think that by helping the tyrants to do evil, you can make them unable to defend themselves. The mafia will always be on guard against your Xie family, and they will be on guard against me. If you really bow to them, you will be doomed."

Zhi Miaoyin's eyes flashed coldly: "So you are the one who needs this civil war the most. The one that the mafia can control our Xie family is Tian Qi, and the one that can control you is the power to control the army. Tian Qi can pass the civil war

It became a piece of paper, and the power to control the army can be consolidated through wars and military exploits. Now it is impossible for the Jin Dynasty to make another northern expedition. Without foreign wars, do you think you can rely on Emperor Su Wei to control the army?


"Sima Yao will never trust you like this. Even if he is alive, he will let you take the guards and horses to seize the land of those aristocratic families. In the end, you will only end up grudges against the small and medium-sized aristocratic families from all over the place, as well as the powerful locals in Wu.

Where the Mafia really controls, you can't take it back."

"Then these small aristocratic families who suffered great losses and the local tycoons in Wu started to rebel one after another. The civil war could not be stopped. The Beifu Army, led by Wang Gong and Liu Laozhi, became the main force in the civil war. At this point, your company will pass through

There is no way to control the Beifu Army through military exploits. Brother Yu, if you think my proposal is wrong, you might as well ask Liu Muzhi, you should believe his words, a wise man."

Liu Yu said in a deep voice: "I have always been very strange, why you also advised me to cooperate with the mafia, and the fat man also advised me like this. What kind of relationship do you have with the mafia? Do you want to speak for them like this! Could it be that, through my

Can't an act of loyalty defeat their conspiracy? Here I am, relying on my own efforts to successfully kill Qinglong. You have all seen it, why do we have to give in and cooperate with the mafia?!"

Murong Lan suddenly sighed: "Brother Lang, Miaoyin is right. If you really want to bring peace to the world instead of living in seclusion, then cooperating with the mafia is the only option. You don't think that I have anything to do with the mafia.

It’s an ulterior relationship!”

This chapter has been completed!
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