Chapter 1,549 Keep your conscience until the moon comes to light

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Liu Yu was silent for a while. His eyes slowly swept over the faces and bodies of the three people around him. He knew that these three people were his closest and most trustworthy people, no matter what their opinions were.

How hard it is for myself to accept it, but there is no doubt about my sincerity, and intellectually speaking, their suggestion is right, and this is indeed the path that is most beneficial to me.

But Liu Yu still shook his head firmly: "I appreciate your kindness. But I will not choose this path."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Liu Muzhi's eyes: "Why, is it still for the ideals and justice in your heart? Jinu, we are no longer young people, and we should not be so naive. We cannot improve by relying only on the justice in our hearts.

You can defeat powerful enemies by yourself."

Liu Yu sighed and said calmly: "Just now, for a moment, you almost convinced me. Thinking of Sima Yao's cold-bloodedness and the pain of those who were taken advantage of and gave their sincerity, I almost accepted your offer.

My suggestion is to cooperate with the mafia and take control of the military."

Zhi Miaoyin shook her head: "But you still refused. I want to know what made you change your decision. You are not a person who changes easily."

Liu Yu's eyes moved to the ground to one side, the pile of charred remains of King Kong. He walked slowly over, bent down, and picked up the piece on the ground. It was burnt to black, but he could still vaguely identify it.

The mask in the shape of a green dragon said: "When I saw him, it was as if I saw myself in the future. Can you understand what I mean?"

Murong Lan said quietly: "You are different from him. He has betrayed all his relatives, but you have companions and relatives like us who share life and death together."

Liu Yu shook his head: "You share life and death with me because I am sincere and sincere to others, and I am willing to sacrifice myself to protect you. Therefore, both you and the brothers from Beifu will share life and death with me."

"I believe that Xi Chao was once such a person. He was full of passion and talent, and wanted to establish an immortal legacy and be famous forever. But when he suffered betrayal and betrayal again and again, the hope he once had turned into

Huge disappointment, the ideal that supported his struggle was gone. He fell into darkness, teamed up with conspirators, and sold his soul to the devil. He became the kind of person he hated the most, although he still

He is extremely talented, but all his talents are used for his own personal gain and personal enrichment at the expense of the country. Therefore, he changed from a hero of the Jin Dynasty to the most dangerous enemy, and even he could not recognize himself.


Liu Muzhi sighed: "You don't have to go so far and sink so deeply like him. He is too crazy and paranoid, and wants to take revenge on everyone, but you are not like him."

Liu Yu said loudly: "The reason why I am not a person like him is because I stick to my bottom line, that is, no matter how much suffering or injustice I suffer, I will use justice to seek justice.

Not that I have fallen into the dark, colluded with others, and used shameful and despicable means to retaliate against those who have harmed me. I, Liu Yu, stand upright, upright, and do things with a clear conscience. If I become like Xi Chao, I will use whatever means and use everything

People who can be used, in the end, even you will become my pawns, used by me, betrayed by me, and eventually turn against each other. Even the most precious true feelings, friendship and trust in the world are gone. Even if you can control the power of the world, you still have

What kind of happiness can there be?"

Murong Lan breathed a long sigh of relief: "Brother Wolf is Brother Wolf, a man who is upright and a hero of all ages. This is the Liu Yu I know, and this is the Liu Yu who deserves my love."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Jinu, what you said makes sense, but those who achieve great things don't have to stick to small details. You can cooperate with Murong Chui and Tuoba Gui. They are not good people. Why this time?

Why are you so opposed to cooperating with the mafia temporarily?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "Because the cooperation with Murong Chui and Tuoba Gui will not harm the Jin Dynasty, nor will it violate loyalty. But the cooperation with the mafia requires me to regicide, or

At the very least, knowingly killing the king and standing idly by, this kind of thing has crossed my bottom line, Liu Yu, and must not be done!"

Zhi Miaoyin's beautiful eyebrows frowned: "But Sima Yao is not a wise king, and he has no kindness to you. It is not a wise move for you to be so foolishly loyal to him, let alone loyalty."

Liu Yu said seriously: "This has nothing to do with whether Sima Yao is kind to me. In any case, he is the emperor of the Jin Dynasty and represents orthodoxy. If he had not gone against the grain and brought trouble to the world, he would not have taken the initiative to kill him or overthrow him.

The reason is that we are all subjects of the Jin Dynasty. Loyalty to the emperor and patriotism are the first priority. Even if the emperor has some power and tricks, at least it has not harmed us or the country now, and we have no reason to do anything rebellious."

Liu Muzhi said coldly: "I'm not asking you to rebel, I'm just asking you to temporarily cooperate with the mafia after they get rid of the emperor. And even if you cooperate with the mafia, it's only temporary. Miaoyin made it very clear.

The Xie family takes back the military power of Beifu, and if you can become a general in Beifu, you can join forces to eliminate the mafia and completely restore peace to the world."

Liu Yu sighed: "Just because the emperor is of no use to him, he joins forces with others to destroy or kill him. Isn't that what Xi Chao did? If a person's loyalty and integrity collapse, today he can

To betray the emperor, you can betray your relatives tomorrow. Once the bottom line is exceeded, you can do any evil thing in the future. I believe that when Xi Chao did his first evil, he must have been struggling and wavering in his heart, and his conscience would be tortured.

, but when he does more bad things and gets bigger, he will become numb, and slowly he will no longer have a sense of right and wrong, only a cold choice of interests."

He looked at the mask in his hand, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "When Xi Chao was alive, his greatest hope was to make me become a person like him. For him, he could play around in the world, gain power, and even

The emperor is no longer the greatest hope. Let all kind and upright people fall into the devil like him, and let me, Liu Yu, become a person like him. This is what he wants to see most. Only in this way can he persuade

Only when you make the right choice can you completely abandon the last bit of conscience."

At this point, Liu Yu threw the mask heavily to the ground, stepped on it, and walked out of the field without looking back. His voice followed the wind: "The difference between him and me is at the end.

Bottom line, I'm sorry, Fatty, Miaoyin, I have to protect the emperor now, no matter what the outcome is, I still choose to be loyal to my conscience this time."


This chapter has been completed!
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