Chapter 1551: Love, hate, and hatred are like clouds of smoke

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Suzaku sighed softly: "In the blink of an eye, decades have passed, and we are all full of children and grandchildren. I thought you had forgotten what happened back then. Until you went to see Qinglong and asked him to return to Dajin,

I just realized that he still misses you."

A trace of tears flashed in Xie Daoyun's eyes: "If I hadn't gone to see Qinglong for your request and asked him to find Murong Chui to deal with Liu Yu, maybe he wouldn't be dead now."

Zhuque said solemnly: "It was not you who killed him, but his ambition. Even if you didn't go to join him, he would have gone to Murong Chui on his own. Dao Yun, there is no need for you to attribute his death to yourself."

,it's not your fault."

Xie Daoyun sighed: "If he can really let go of all emotions and make rational judgments, he will not come back without being sure. The mechanism skills you promised him are not mature at all and have not been tested in actual combat.

He has to deal with the alliance between Liu Yu and Murong Lan, which will kill him."

Suzaku sneered: "Do you think he doesn't know this? He has practiced this powerful King Kong countless times. He once killed hundreds of elite killers by himself. Otherwise, how could he dare to go into battle in person like this? If he wins this time, he will

Countless mechas will be copied and swept across the world."

Xie Daoyun gritted his teeth: "But he never thought that you would actually mess with King Kong, and he never thought that this black demonic water would not only provide power to his killing machine, but would also become a weapon that could kill him.


Suzaku smiled slightly: "That's because he was greedy for power and didn't take back the repeating crossbow in time after firing. Who can blame him? Liu Yu is more powerful than I thought. After a few rounds of testing, I knew where the life gate of this powerful Vajra was.

This thing is invulnerable. Even with the knife in his hand, it is not easy to split this piece of hundred-forged steel. However, if the black demon water can be beaten out, then with just a spark, the King Kong can be reduced to ashes.

!I didn’t make the pipes for the black demonic water into fine steel, I just used ordinary bamboo pipes to run them, which left Liu Yu with this opportunity.”

Xie Daoyun sighed: "But Ah Chao is such a shrewd person, how could he not see this?"

Suzaku laughed: "Because I told him that when the black demon water flows, it will also generate heat and internal combustion. If it is contained in a steel pipe, it will easily generate heat and burn directly, and this bamboo pipe is insulated. As long as the black demon water

Water flows inside, what difference does it make if it is steel or bamboo? Moreover, all the wooden armors and iron armors I made before used bamboo tubes to flow black demonic water, including those Lu captured for him in Yecheng.

Xun’s mechas are all like this, so he can’t help but not believe it.”

Xie Daoyun shook his head: "I can't believe that you actually left such a back-up plan in order to deceive Qinglong. You don't want any of your hundreds of mechas?"

Suzaku sneered and said: "Yes, I don't expect these mechas to sweep the world. They are just experimental products. Just like the pills of immortals, they have to be tried many times before they can have their power. Qinglong is greedy for success and wants to pick it up.

With my ready-made benefits, I pretended to need his help and reluctantly gave him this mecha. And I only gave him this mecha technique after he captured Lu Xun's mecha. Humph, do you think he really did it in Yecheng?

Does he want to deal with Liu Yu? He knows that only when Liu Yu is alive will we ask for anything from him, so his burning the city with black fire is just an act. What he really wants is to take advantage of the chaos to seize those mechas.

, to study his mechanism skills, from the moment he agreed to go to Yecheng, I knew that he was really fooled."

Xie Daoyun sighed: "You people have calculated and fought for a lifetime, but in the end you still lost your life. Suzaku, Xi Chao was finally defeated by you today, but did you really win?"

A strange color flashed in Zhuque's eyes, and he looked up to the sky and sighed: "Yes, after fighting for a lifetime, we finally separated life and death, but I have never missed my old friend as much as I do now. Maybe, compared to you, I

I can’t bear to let him go like this.”

Xie Daoyun gritted his teeth: "You used Lu Xun and Xi Chao, but you still didn't get Liu Yu in the end, and he has made the existence of your mafia known to the world. The emperor will definitely investigate to the end. I advise you

You'd better stop as soon as possible to avoid ending up like Xi Chao."

Suzaku sneered: "Stop? Are you kidding? I have been planning to get rid of Xuanwu and Qinglong for so many years. Is it just to retire? Dao Yun, the arrow is on the string, and he has to shoot. Liu Yu has not come into contact with us.

He cannot find out the core secrets of the organization, and to be on the safe side, all our future contacts with him will have to go through your Wang and Xie families."

Xie Daoyun shook his head: "Don't involve Miaoyin, she is innocent. I'll help you, but I don't want our next generation to be like this."

Suzaku laughed: "Isn't Miaoyin the top spy you trained with your own hands? In my opinion, she is already better than you before. If you want her to quit, I'm afraid she won't even want to. We all

We are children of aristocratic families, these are our destiny. Unless the aristocratic family world comes to an end, this destiny will never end. It makes no difference whether we are the mafia or not."

Xie Daoyun sighed: "Have you really decided to attack the emperor? In the past hundred years of the Jin Dynasty, there have only been emperors replaced, not emperors directly killed. My husband told me later that if you don't kill the emperor, you are a member of the mafia.

Principle, because once you take this step, it means a change of dynasty. Are you really ready for this?"

Suzaku nodded: "If I don't kill him, he will come to kill us. Even without him taking action, other high-ranking families who don't have land deeds will point their fingers at us. At that time, maybe the emperor will directly use the law to kill us."

If the Lord comes to deal with these Wudi manors, the money, food, treasures, and ordnance accumulated by our organization over the past century will be exposed one by one, and our power to resist the imperial power will also be lost. This is absolutely intolerable, so Sima Yao must


Xie Daoyun sneered: "But Liu Yu will do his best to protect him. Moreover, with the cooperation of Murong Lan, Liu Muzhi, and Miao Yin, I'm afraid you won't be able to succeed so easily."

Suzaku smiled slightly: "Then you just wait and see. There is a person who is looking forward to Sima Yao's death more than us now. Liu Yu's performance today will probably make him make up his mind. Because if he is one step later, he may not be able to survive for the rest of his life.

There won’t be another chance!”

Xie Daoyun's expression changed: "Sima Daozi??!"

This chapter has been completed!
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