Chapter 2950: Debate between good and evil

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Doupeng said calmly: "Now is not the time to fully inform you of the Ten Thousand Years Taiping Plan. I have said before that unless you become a god, according to the rules of our organization, we cannot reveal this to you, even the apostles

We can’t know the whole picture.”

At this point, he paused: "Strictly speaking, you are only my ally now, not my apostle. My explanation of this ten thousand-year peace plan to you is already against the regulations of the organization, but now is an extraordinary moment.

, this plan is also similar to your usual philosophy, so, in order to realize this plan, I may be able to slightly change the regulations of our Divine Alliance for thousands of years. Once successful, whether it is your wish to save all sentient beings, or

The ideal of achieving righteousness can be realized."

Kumarajiva sneered and said: "I feel more and more now that your ten thousand-year peace plan is to make all the people in this world die. If there are no living people, then maybe the world will be peaceful, just like our Buddhism

The eighteen levels of hell in there are probably the peace you want."

Doupeng smiled slightly: "Great monk, have you ever thought carefully about why in the Buddhist theory you believe in, whether it is the Paradise or the Abi Hell, it is not like the human world, and why some people still resist or challenge these?

No matter how cruel the punishment is, the ghosts in hell will not dare to rebel, and the gods and Buddhas in the sky are all doing their own job. No one wants to challenge Tathagata Buddha, even in your Fahua Temple.

I can't make all the monks in the temple so obedient and completely obey you and the temple rules you set."

Kumarajiva’s white long-lasting eyebrows moved slightly, but he stopped talking.

Doupeng looked at the alms bowl in front of him and said calmly: "When I went to pretend to be a young novice and bring you food today, the monks who were sharing the porridge were talking about you, saying that you didn't see anyone all day long and didn't serve them.

I am quite dissatisfied with the fact that you have a female lay wife to take care of your daily life and food, but they can only abide by the rules and precepts. It seems that even in this temple, you are not so completely convinced."

Kumarajiva said coldly: "My female lay monk is also my cousin. She was forced upon me by Lu Guang back then in order to destroy my practice and destroy my golden body. You don't really think that

I still covet the pleasure of bed, the love between men and women."

Doupeng smiled and said: "Yes, you are an eminent monk, a half-step living Buddha, a living Bodhisattva who wants to save the world, the common people in the world. Naturally, you do not take power, women, and money in your eyes. But have you ever thought about it?

No, you still took possession of your cousin, you still made her your wife, and ruined her life. Could it be that, since you have married countless people, you will not consider marrying her?"

Kumarajiva gritted his teeth: "This is her fate in this life. I'm sorry for her. I hope she can achieve righteousness and be rewarded in the next life. If we really want to find the culprit and evil obstacle, it will be Lu Guang, and I will be forced to do so."


Doupeng sneered and said: "Hypocritical! If you really didn't want to harm others, you should have committed suicide back then and reincarnated as soon as possible to practice again, instead of being greedy for life and afraid of death and living to harm your cousin. You wanted to become a monk and practice, but he was still young.

, I just want to live an ordinary life, and I don’t want to follow you!”

Kumarajiva shook his head: "If she had a firm Taoist heart, she could have ordained as a nun early by herself. Or she could have committed suicide. I entered Buddhism long ago. According to the precepts, I cannot commit suicide. Otherwise, not only will I not be able to save people in this life, but I will also have trouble in the next life."

Falling into the realm of animals. Doupeng, if you don’t understand our Buddhist teachings, don’t talk nonsense here.”

Doupeng laughed loudly: "You are reluctant to die yourself, and you want to shift the responsibility to an innocent woman, blaming her for not committing suicide to help you? Monk, you are so shameless. You said that Buddhists cannot commit suicide. Then the Buddha cut his flesh to feed

The eagle even sacrificed his life to be eaten by the Peacock King to save the common people. Are these actions not committing suicide to save the common people? Could it be that your Buddha also fell into the animal realm?"

Kumarajiva said angrily: "Don't take things out of context and ramble here. I have indeed had some shameful things in my life. I'm sorry for my cousin, but I also cooperated with you, a villain, but I did it to save more people."

Common people, if you have no choice but to do so, Buddha will understand my painstaking efforts!"

Doopeng sneered: "Then you cooperate with Liu Bobo, the murderous demon, to take revenge on Yao Xing, just to save more people? Do you believe it?"

Kumarajiva said coldly: "Yao Xing's troops are like wolves and tigers, ruthless thugs who brutalize the people. When they attacked Liangzhou and wiped out the former Qin Dynasty, they were nothing but mountains of corpses and seas of blood. They committed many crimes and were in trouble. Yang Fosong

Among the generals, which one is not the one who has made thousands of bones dry up? The sins committed in the front will naturally be repaid later. If they are allowed to defeat Hu Xia, there will no longer be the power to restrain the Later Qin in Longyou in Guanzhong. Yao Xing will definitely rise again by then.

The army marching eastward to compete with the Northern Wei and the Eastern Jin Dynasty will only kill more people and make more lives miserable! I will use Liu Bobo's hand to destroy Yao Xing's army so that he can no longer go out to fight and harm people. This is exactly

Your behavior to save the common people is completely different from your behavior of creating war everywhere for the sake of eternal peace."

Doupeng smiled and said: "After you borrowed Liu Bobo, hundreds of thousands of Hou Qin troops were massacred and killed, more than 200,000 households in Lingbiao cities were destroyed, and Hetao grassland and Lingbiao cities were destroyed.

It was turned into a killing ground for Shura. Didn’t your disciples tell you about the tragedy of bones being exposed in the wild and being uninhabited for thousands of miles?"

Kumarajiva's mouth muscles twitched: "Later Qin is a big country after all, and its manpower and military strength are far stronger than Hu Xia's. As long as Yao Xing gives up his desire to dominate the world and his ambition and idea of ​​annexing neighboring countries,

How could Yan Wu Xiuwen have such a result? Today he wants to send troops to destroy Xia, and tomorrow he wants to annex the Liang states. After conquering the small countries, he will destroy the big ones. If I don't stop him, am I going to help him destroy the neighboring countries?

Carry countless common people and scholars into captivity and sell them into slavery like I did back then?"

Doupeng waved his hand: "Master monk, I really admire you for being able to find such righteous excuses for the evil things you have done, so that you believe that you are doing good things.

Purdue the common people, if I had your ability to be narcissistic, maybe I could sleep peacefully at night."

Kumarajiva laughed: "So you still know that you have done bad things, and you still have uneasy conscience. However, I have no way to save your soul, because you are a peerless devil, and only the Buddha can do it after death."

If I take you in, your soul will be gone and you will never be reincarnated!"

This chapter has been completed!
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