Chapter 3274 The ruthless iron ball secretly reveals

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He Langang opened his eyes wide, his face full of suspicion: "Ruthless iron ball? What is it? Why haven't I heard of it?!"

Gongsun Wulou laughed: "Of course you can't have heard of it. That was the murder left behind by Murong Ke, King of Taiyuan of Dayan, when he conquered Guanggu for the first time in order to prevent the enemy from attacking the ghost wall in the south city.

Zhao, do you think that there are only side walls among the walls of the southern city?"

He Langang frowned: "Is there any other killer move that we don't know about? Are you here just to use this killer move?"

Gongsun Wulou smiled slightly: "Of course, I came here to destroy the Jin army under these cities, and this ruthless iron ball can finally see the light of day again!"

He said, waved his hand, and saw dozens of guards around him nodding and saluting. The leaders took out a few drawings and pointed at these people. They understood, turned around and ran towards the surrounding city walls.

People form a group, one of them ties a rope around his waist, and then he is lowered outside the inner wall and slowly lowered into the air.

Helan Gang and a group of officers from the Helan tribe also followed them to the inner wall and stretched their heads to look around. They saw these sergeants descending from the city. When they reached some walls, they stretched out their hands to knock and slap on the walls, and some

The seemingly ordinary city bricks will gently protrude and turn into twisted structures, exposed to the outside.

He Langang said in surprise: "This, how come we never know about these agencies?"

Gongsun Wulou smiled "hehe": "If you had known earlier, would you still be the secret weapon of the defender? In this city wall, a large number of secret techniques to kill and injure the enemy troops have been prepared early, especially in this section of the city wall

, The King of Taiyuan knew back then that there would be enemy troops thinking that there were no stones in the city foundation, and wanted to dig holes to attack the city, so he had already prepared a killing move for the dense enemy troops digging holes under the city, and this is it!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand and saw a sergeant who had lowered his section of the city wall. He grasped the mechanism on the protruding city wall and twisted it left and right. He only heard a "click" sound.

, just behind Gongsun on the fifth floor, less than four or five steps away, suddenly the underground city bricks moved, and a sound originating from the realm of ethereal nothingness reached everyone's ears.

The people on the city wall quickly took two steps back, only to see a hole in the ground about five or six feet in diameter appeared in front of everyone, and a four-foot-wide, black iron ball with a long surface on it.

If I had to use anything to describe it, it would be that the mines on warships of later generations were highly similar in size and shape, and they appeared in front of everyone.

He Langang frowned and looked at the big iron ball with thorns. He continued to look down and saw a bracket composed of six wooden grids supporting the big iron ball. Under the big iron ball,

Section after section of dark passages slowly opened. It turned out that under the big iron ball, there was a passage that opened up the entire city wall. Looking in this direction, it went straight to the corner of the wall.

Behind He Langang, a deputy general stuck out his tongue: "Is this some kind of ruthless iron ball? Look at the passage below. The ball is rolled out along the passage and thrown outside the city to attack those on the city wall.

The enemy troops below?”

Another lieutenant general smiled and said: "It must be true. Look, there are so many thorns on this iron ball. The purpose is either to smash people to death directly, or to open a passage and roll out from the outside of the city wall. All the way up

, any enemy we encounter will be stabbed to death by these thorns. These big iron balls with a radius of five feet have such power."

Having said this, he pointed at the more than ten openings near this section of the city wall that were exposed to the ground amidst the sound of the mechanism. In almost every opening, large spiked iron balls emerged, and Gongsun Wulou led

The guards on the top of the city quickly rushed to the entrances of the caves in groups, each standing still and scolding the Helan sergeants who were commanding the surroundings.

Arrows and rubble at the top of the city.

Gongsun Wulou grinned: "How can this ruthless iron ball be so simple? If it is just an ordinary iron ball, just throw it from the top of the city and kill more people. Why bother and put it on the wall?

What about within the city walls?”

He Lan just reacted somewhat: "Did you consider the fierce competition at the top of the city and throw this iron ball directly downwards? I'm afraid that the throw may not be accurate, or it may not hit the enemy troops protected by top shields, such as those who are currently under the city.

The enemy troops are using the car as a cover to dig into the corners of the wall. Therefore, by rolling the iron ball directly from the hole at the bottom of the city wall, can it directly kill the enemy troops under the shields and ceilings?"

Gongsun Wulou nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, Mr. Helan is half right. However, if an iron ball can only be used to roll out and crush a few enemy soldiers, it will not have much effect and cannot kill too many enemies."

There were so many thieves that King Taiyuan searched all over the world for skilled craftsmen, and even found alchemists from Persia, to make this kind of ruthless iron ball. What he wanted was the power of killing a hundred people with one ball, so that the Jin Dynasty within twenty steps of the city could

The army, all died without a burial place!"

All Helan's generals took a breath of cold air. Helan Gang shook his head gently and looked at the ruthless iron ball: "How can this thing be so powerful? Although King Taiyuan's reputation is unparalleled, but, I

Still don’t quite believe it!”

The flesh on Gongsun Wulou's face was beating. At this moment, he stretched out his hand, and the guard on one side stepped forward and handed over a burning torch. He grabbed the torch, smiled evilly, and pointed at the iron ball,

Made of a piece of inconspicuous cotton strip, like a wick version of the rope, he said in a deep voice: "Now, I will let you see for yourself the power of this ruthless iron ball!"

As he spoke, he shouted in a deep voice to the guards on the side: "Open the hole at the bottom of the city!"

The guard turned around and ran to the inner wall. He shouted to the guard who was still hanging in the air and turned on the mechanism: "Master Gongsun has given an order to open the mechanism hole at the bottom of the city."

There was a "click" sound, and at the end of the dark passage, a few rays of light suddenly penetrated, and the shouts of the Jin army outside the city could even be heard here: "Ah, what's going on on this city wall...


Gongsun Wulou lit the cotton rope with a grin. As the flames rose, the six iron grids suddenly retracted backwards. The whole ruthless iron ball quickly fell from the passage and went straight to the outside of the city. Gongsun Wulou's roar

Then he went: "Kill them, ala, ala, ala that wow wow!"

This chapter has been completed!
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