Chapter 3269 The devil kills without regrets

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Ding Wu laughed loudly: "Brother Jinu, you can't leave me alone at this time. When the time comes, please let me go and rush into the city with Brother Ashou. I promise to be the first to kill the blood."

Hu Fan also gritted his teeth and said: "Commander, I will ask you to provide bow and arrow cover under the city. Maybe the enemy will shoot at our troops from high places, and we still need bows and arrows to suppress it."

All the generals also asked for battle one after another. Even Liu Zhong was holding the order flag and looking at Liu Yu eagerly. He hesitated several times, if it weren't for the fact that he was Liu Yu's messenger and military judge.

, I couldn’t leave even half a step, I was afraid that I would have asked for orders and come forward like others.

Liu Yu sighed softly and said calmly: "Do you really think this strategy is foolproof?"

Wang Zhene's expression changed slightly, and his brows furrowed: "Brother Jinu, I have repeatedly calculated this along the way. This move is definitely an unprepared attack on the enemy, because we are now attacking the city from all fronts, and the attack is the hardest."

The most dangerous direction is still at the city gate, and arrows and stones are also being fired at other sections of the city wall. The infantry brothers brave the rain of arrows and flying stones to climb the city, and there are also warriors who have stormed the city to fight the enemy. I am afraid that the Yan army will not

Pay special attention to this place."

Liu Yu nodded and said calmly: "If we change places, you are the general of the Yan army and you are in black robe. First of all, wouldn't they know what Duan Hong knew? Maybe when Murong Ke attacked the city

I don’t know, but as a famous general in the world, wouldn’t he still be able to find out the secret of this city wall after capturing this city? You know, building that strong wall is not just a matter of a few adults of the Duan clan, but also of the people.

Thousands of civilians were dispatched, and many people would know about the killing of surrendered soldiers in Shihu Pit and the burial under the city wall."

Wang Shennai's beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly: "Everyone in the world knows that Shihu slaughtered Guanggu and killed tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians, but I'm afraid not many people know that he was buried under this city wall."

Liu Yu shook his head: "Those of us in the south may not know it, but Shi Hu did this back then to make everyone feel his terror. Think about it, everyone, a piece of the city wall is missing, and the bottom is not a mountain foundation, but

It is a mass grave. What is the purpose of it? This is the nature of a Jingguan. It is used to scare all those who dare to be enemies of Shi Zhao. How could it not destroy the land of Qilu, at least the entire Guanggu City?

Do you know?"

Wang Zhene murmured and nodded: "Yes, this practice of missing a corner of the city as punishment was not only done by Shi Hu, but also by the former Qin Emperor Fu Jian, who was famous for his benevolence and righteousness. At that time, Xinping City in the north of Lingbei was

After surrendering to him, he rebelled again, so after Fu Jian broke the city, he did not go on a killing spree, but he still specially cut off a corner of the city to leave a section of the wall as punishment."

"Later, during the crisis in the former Qin Dynasty, the people in Xinping City were grateful for Fu Jian's kindness in not killing him. They fought to the death and resisted Yao Chang for nearly a year. Later, the old thief Yao Chang used a trick to trick the people in the city into surrendering instead of killing him.

But after the city was broken, tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in the city were trapped and killed. Later, Yao Laoxie was killed by a resentful spirit. I am afraid this is the evil ghost in Xinping City."

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, this can be regarded as a custom of the Hu people. These Hu people do not build city walls and live by water and grass. However, they have suffered countless hardships in front of our strong cities in the Central Plains and Han Dynasty.

, so in their view, making a hole in the damn city wall is a kind of shock and an act to vent their anger. Therefore, there are many people who know about this kind of thing, and Duan Hong is definitely not the only one."

"Murong Ke is a famous general. Even if he didn't know the secret of this new wall at the time, he would definitely find out the reason from the prisoners and the people in the city afterwards. He must know the secret of this missing wall, and he would even connect the waterway of Wulongkou afterwards.

After everything has been changed, some arrangements will be made for this section of the city wall, or at least the secret will be told to his brothers who are also accustomed to fighting."

"Later, Murong Chui and Murong De conquered Guanggu successively. You don't know about this section of the city wall. Since it is a weak point, you will not fail to protect it. You think you have found the enemy's weak point, but in my opinion,

Alas, I'm afraid I'm about to fall into the enemy's trap."

The corner of Gu Wang Zhen'e's mouth twitched slightly, and he gritted his teeth and said: "It's because my subordinates are not thinking carefully. I will tell them to retreat immediately!"

Liu Yu waved his hand: "No, it's too late, and..."

When he said this, a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Perhaps their vigorous attack can attract the enemy's troops and attention, creating better opportunities for brothers in other directions!"

Guanggu, the head of the inner city.

The black robe has returned to the original city head, with a relaxed look on his face. On the east city city wall, there is still a white smoke, a lime cloud, blown by the wind, making it a few hundred steps away from the city wall.

It's hard for anyone to get close.

Hundreds of sergeants, wrapped in thick cotton and covering their ears and noses, were pushing a large ram, ramming against the gate of the East City again and again. Zhuge Limin's burly figure was like a man and a bear.

, even among a large group of warriors pushing carts to attack the city, like bears and tigers, he is particularly conspicuous. You can see that he is standing at the rear of the cart outside the city gate, personally pulling the tail iron rope that hangs the big log, time and time again.

The ground pulled up this huge piece of wood, and then suddenly let go and released it, completing the impact on the city gate again and again!

Murong Lan had changed into a silver armor and white helmet, and even the tassels on the helmet were white. She was holding a silver spear and stood beside Hei Pao. There was a hint of sadness in her eyes, just like Hei Pao, looking at

At the gate of the east city, no words were spoken.

The black robe smiled slightly: "The power and toxicity of this lime water will take more than three days to dissipate. I didn't expect that Zhuge Changmin would let his brother attack the city in this way now. He is really ruthless. Look.

Come on, those dwarfs at the top of the city are his elite subordinates, Zhuge Changmin. Otherwise, how could this guy who always likes to conserve his strength change his gender this time?"

Murong Lan snorted coldly and looked at the inside of the city gate. Yesugei was commanding hundreds of sergeants behind the city gate, taking turns to step forward to hold up the city gate. There were even dozens of sergeants carrying two soldiers.

A huge door bolt is waiting at the back. Obviously, once the big wooden bolt holding the city gate is broken, they will replace it with a new one. This is the best way to guard the door.

Murong Lan said in a deep voice: "Aren't you afraid that the ghosts of Helan Harimu and thousands of soldiers will come to demand your life?"

The black robe smiled and shook his head: "In my life, I have fought, attacked cities and destroyed countries, massacred cities and washed the land. I have killed more than a million people. If I was afraid that they would take my life, I would have died hundreds of thousands of times. Look, now

Aren’t I still living well?”

This chapter has been completed!
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