Chapter 3268: Sharing merits and righteousness

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Duan Hong looked around, and all the ballista operators around him were staring at him with bright eyes, full of longing. Duan Hong turned his head and looked at Wang Zhene, and said in a deep voice: "Wang Canjun,

These brothers in the crossbow team have all heard our plan, and if we let them stay here now, they have no intention of fighting. With such an opportunity to make great achievements, no one wants to give up."

"If you want them to continue to operate the ballista, you should have taken me to another place to talk about it just now. Now, my subordinates ask Wang Canjun to allow one hundred and four brothers here, including Captain Jiang Sheng, to go with me.

Dig the wall!”

Wang Zhene nodded: "Very good, Duan joins the army. When you get promoted, you will never forget your brothers in the same team. He is a hero who values ​​loyalty. I agree with your proposal. For this group of crossbows, I will select others from the reserve soldiers."

Come and operate, you just need to dig holes and raise pillars, oh, by the way, I have 200 soldiers who have joined the army, and they are all under your command."

Having said this, he turned to an officer beside him and said, "Captain of the guard, where is the master of Wang Tiehai?"

The officer immediately saluted and said: "Wang Canjun, my duty is to protect your safety. This is the order Ashougo has given me..."

Wang Zhene waved his hand: "Now I am safe in our military formation and do not need your protection. And as you just heard, digging pits and pillars and knocking down city walls is the top priority now, more than protecting me."

, now I am going to report the matter to Brother Ashou and Marshal Liu, and ask them to send more manpower, as long as the two brothers come back with me to recover."

Wang Tiehai nodded, turned around and said to a group of sergeants dozens of steps away: "Liu Si, Liu Qi, come here quickly."

Two young men in their twenties ran over with guns in their hands. Wang Tiehai said to them in a deep voice: "Listen carefully. We must protect Wang Canjun at all times. His life is your life. If there is any delay,

, just wait for the military law."

The two men immediately saluted and said: "Yes!"

Wang Zhen'e took out a token and handed it to Wang Tiehai: "Now you will take over the front line and mobilize ten troops to attack the city. Duan Canjun will command the three troops. After the deployment of the troops, all the guardsmen,

Including you, Lord Wang, all of them are under the control of Duan Canjun, and this token must also be transferred to Duan Canjun, do you understand?"

Wang Tiehai saluted and said yes, stepped forward and took the token.

Wang Zhene looked at Duan Hong: "There are rules in the Beifu Army. The person holding the token cannot be a complete stranger, so as to avoid enemy spies taking advantage of it. Therefore, I will leave the matter of troop deployment to Captain Wang. As for the attack

When we reach the city, we need you to put in more effort."

Duan Hong laughed: "Wang Canjun, don't worry, when you come back, I promise to build at least three big pillars."

Wang Zhene smiled and patted Duan Hong on the shoulder: "If your plan comes true, you will be the first to conquer Guanggu. I will definitely take credit for you in front of the commander. No, I will definitely take the lead personally.

You go to the commander-in-chief and publicize your achievements."

As he said that, he turned around and mounted his horse, slapped the horse's butt, and galloped away. Liu Si and Liu Qi also mounted two fast horses, following closely behind. The three horses raised dust, and kept rushing forward as they passed.

The infantry line headed straight towards the champion general's flag raised high a few hundred steps away.

Jiang Sheng's eyes were sparkling with tears, and he said excitedly to Duan Hong: "Brother Duan, no, Brother Duan, please disregard your past grudges, plead for me, and give me this opportunity to make meritorious deeds. I, Jiang Sheng, will never forget you in my life."


Duan Hong stepped forward and took Jiang Sheng's hand: "Captain Jiang, I, Duan Hong, have received a lot of care from you since I joined the King's Division. When it comes to reporting matters, you have your principles, and I also have my faults."

, it was a misunderstanding, it’s over now, I’ll still need your help when digging holes and erecting pillars later!”

Jiang Sheng laughed loudly: "Don't worry, I also fought with Jin Xiaowei Hu Jiujiu for several years before. I really have some digging skills!"

As he spoke, he turned to the people behind him and said in a deep voice: "Lao Niu, Er Blind Man, it's time to take out our Luoyang shovel!"

While they were talking, they heard a burst of chants of "Hey!" and "Hey!". Everyone turned around and saw fifty or sixty steps away, three buildings with a radius of three to four feet, and the top layer was covered with thick wet cowhide.

, a twelve-wheeled ram with a whole thick log hanging under the shelf, was pulled and mopped by dozens of sergeants, and slowly moved forward in the direction of the city wall. There were also six or seven rams in other directions.

From the back of the formation, they moved forward, mixed in with dozens of infantry carrying ladders, and carrying bows and arrows, and rushed towards the city wall.

Wang Tiehai personally pushed a wooden pole protruding from the side of the ram car and walked in the front. He turned to Duan Hong and shouted: "Duan Canjun, I've got the ram car here. You have to move faster.

The shovels and hoes are all in the car, ready for you. You have made a military order with Wang Shenjun to erect three big pillars before he comes back. There is no joke in this army!"

Duan Hong smiled and turned around to look at the hundreds of soldiers around him. They also took out a lot of shovels and diggers in their hands like magic: "Don't you know my tactics and carry these with you?"


Jiang Sheng laughed and waved a Luoyang shovel in his hand: "Duan Canjun, have you forgotten what Lieutenant Liu told us before we attacked the city? The infantry must dig trenches and build forts at any time when attacking the city. Our operations

The guy with the crossbow is half an auxiliary soldier himself, so of course he has to carry these things, and it just so happens that they will come in handy this time."

Duan Hong's eyes flashed coldly: "Very good, let's get in together!" He said, turned around and rushed towards the rush car where Wang Tiehai was.

South of Guanggu City, Shuai Terrace.

Wang Zhene looked at Liu Yu excitedly. The generals on both sides were all beaming with joy. Even Liu Muzhi squinted his eyes slightly, shook his feather fan slightly, and said with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "

If even the suppression of evil deems it to be good news, then it should be close to that. Commander, should we prepare to assemble elite commandos behind the new city wall and attack across the board once the city falls?"

Wang Shenai smiled sweetly and looked at Wang Zhene: "That Duan Hong, if he was a general of Nanyan in the past, then Liu Guanjun should know him. For such a big matter, it is not appropriate to just listen to other people's words. It is better to ask for verification.


Wang Zhene nodded: "When I found Brother Ashou, I also described the appearance of that Hong to him. I didn't mention his name, I just said it was a certain former Nanyan general. He said at that time,

Isn't this the Nancheng guard Duan Hong back then? I even drank wine and ate mutton hot pot with him."

Wang Shen'ai nodded: "That shouldn't be wrong. And even if you are a spy, there is no need to release this kind of information. Liu Cheqi, I think Ah Shou has been putting up with it for a long time. Otherwise, let him personally

How about leading a team and preparing to attack the city through the gap?"

This chapter has been completed!
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