Chapter 460 Hill's Magic Chapter Three

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 In the face of Hill's unpredictable expression, Aglaia happily took away the novels.

To a certain extent, this kind of chivalric novel is really an exciting topic for Hill.

He carefully dug out the biographies of some powerful ladies and goddesses in this world and asked Martha to give them to Aglaia. By the way, he mentioned some past events that Hill didn't want to mention again.

The miracle next door, after the rangers worshiped it for half a month, slowly returned to their winter routine.

Although there is still green grass in the clearing, the beautiful flowers have fallen off their branches.

Lynn still hasn't visited Hill as a guest, and even his maze has completely lost its tester.

After reading quietly for so long, Hill's heart gradually calmed down.

Artifacts are never easy to make, even if they are only half-finished products.

The birth of each artifact is an all-round test for the maker.

If Hill hadn't been a person who preferred auxiliary magic, and the first two chapters had been spent with powerful attacking types, he might have plunged into a point of no return.

Even so, he became confused because he didn't know how to design the third chapter.

Once he falls into anxiety because of the increasingly long interval, Hill doesn't know whether he will lose his original intention and put the creation of artifacts above his own strength.

It's just a matter of entering a magic circle that can accelerate the flow of time. There are countless ways to do it in Faerûn.

At first, he might just want to save a year or a few years of effort, but as the artifact becomes more and more powerful, Hill feels that he may not be able to control his desire to complete the artifact as soon as possible.

Except for the first 9 chapters, Hill can control his emotions and work slowly. When it comes to the next 102 chapters, if he wants to complete them immediately, even Hill, who has a life span of more than 100,000 years, can probably only do it for himself.

The artifact was buried with him.

Any magic circle that increases the passage of time must be presided over by someone.

Of course, Hill can also control other people to do it, but how is he any different from a demon like that? The reason why he is so powerful is inseparable from the position he sticks to.

If he falls into evil, everything will leave him, including the artifact that caused him to fall.

Hill stroked the beautiful cover of the magic book, and drops of sweat flowed down his forehead.

When he realized that the time for each chapter would probably double, he really had the thought that it would be better if the time could be shorter.

How powerful is the artifact in his hand! If he can produce more than 100 chapters, Hill feels that he might be able to sweep the universe.

But, what's the cost?

No matter which world it is in, it is impossible for one person to hold such a powerful artifact alone.

And the day when this artifact is successfully manufactured may be the only time his power appears. The gods would rather perish themselves than let Hill go.

Hasn’t he read many stories about the Tablet of Destiny?

Hill showed a wry smile, he didn't want to become the background of the legendary story!

He would rather have a simple magic book than a legendary artifact that is divided into individual chapters.

Hill quietly took out the three-series spell that he was not satisfied with at all, picked up the pen and slowly revised it.

What he needs is never a highly destructive spell. When he was making the second chapter, Hill was still thinking about how to survive!

What he should make is a spell that can be used in conjunction with the first two chapters. As for the lethality of the maze, he originally thought of relying on the elemental elves. How could he suddenly think of doing it himself?

Hill touched the magic book at hand again. Making an artifact really requires strong willpower!

He gradually calmed down and resumed his daily routine.

Have breakfast with the morning sun, have dinner with the sunset, read novels and interesting legends of Faerûn in the evening, and then have a good sleep.

During the day, I spent more than half of my time reading magic books and immersed in magic practice, and the other half was spent playing with Aglaia.

Although Hill felt that Aglaia would not fall into love enjoyment, she was more like Hill and valued her own power.

But both Aglaia's biological mother and Hill's mother Melanie made Hill wary of this kind of thing.

Even though Melanie is not the type who puts love first, one thing is that Hill has been too deeply impressed, and the other thing is that the decadent palace life is actually a direction for knight novels.

Hill had no intention of stopping Aglaia from reading novels. He himself had gone through adolescence and knew that when curiosity arises, no one's words are of any use.

And the more forbidden it is, the more I want to watch it. Once I can watch it casually, I quickly lose interest.

However, he still tried his best to instill in her more concepts like 'you are the most precious' when accompanying his little daughter.

Hill doesn't care. His little girl goes out to bully others. As long as he doesn't regard love as everything in his life and doesn't live his life in such a rotten way, Hill can completely ignore other people's misfortune.

As the days passed, it was finally time to register spells in the magic book again.

Hill's heart had become very calm. He sat at the desk and gently opened the magic book in front of him.

Starting from the very beginning of magic, flip through each piece to gain a new understanding.

When he opened the blank first page, Hill's first reaction was the mist of water.

This water-based auxiliary magic, which has been used in conjunction with the forest array for many years, is indeed very suitable for Hill's original idea.

The original idea of ​​his maze forest formation was to establish a territory by the sea.

Hill smiled and began to write out the spell model of Water Mist one by one. Even though he was once confused by the powerful power, when he sobered up, he still knew clearly what was most important.

His strength is not weak, and he can face any enemy head-on. Rather than increasing his already strong abilities, his primary goal now is to ensure the security of that future territory.

He doesn't need to worry about powerful enemies, but he needs to prevent the enemy's harassment tactics. He can't force him or Aglaia to fight any enemy of any level.

What Hill needs is a combat system that can automatically form even if neither he nor Aglaia takes action. The maze is just a means to separate the enemy, and it is only a defense on land.

They also need to face the ocean.

On the second page, he chose the water-based blood-adding and detoxifying spell that he had originally named Chao Wu Yue Ying. Of course, Hill now knew that it was the water-based magical spell he inherited from Crystal Flower.

Then there's Tranquil Water.

This set of water-based recovery spells can be used inside a camp surrounded by a maze, and is very suitable for long-term battles.

Hill hesitated for a few minutes and then wrote the rainstorm spell on the fourth page.

On the fifth page, there is a control magic: control the water level to control the rise and fall of the water level.

It seems simple, but the most important thing is that you can create vortexes of various sizes.

It will be very useful for future seaside territories and can easily stop some enemies from the sea.

Then Hill needed to consider the long Northland winter.

So on the sixth page, he put the spell Winter, which is a Faerun spell that Hill later learned.

Perhaps because he has held the Ring of Winter for a long time, Hill easily learned this spell. Its original effect is to turn the weather into cold winter within 1,000 square meters. In this cold environment, it can turn the water in the air into

Ice creates continuous snowfall and cold winds that naturally form blizzards when they reach a certain level.

With Hill's current ability, he can at least control the weather within a ten-kilometer radius.

Since Hill became a legend, it has been easy to learn spells related to the laws he controls, but he cannot cast them instantly.

In fact, the more important task of the cold winter spell is to create a cold environment. The winter in the North is indeed very cold, but the days when it is so cold that people can't even go out are only more than a month.

Other times, even though it's very cold, it doesn't stop people who want to cause trouble.

Hill? It’s impossible to use the Ring of Winter all the time. It’s best to use it at more important moments. Hill doesn’t have any backup now, so he must give himself a little more leeway.

Then he wrote Ice Shield.

In Hill's mind, it would be best to add this spell to all elemental elves at the same time.

In a cold environment, adding a layer of ice shield is a way to keep warm, unless Hill only plans to summon water elemental spirits.

But even if they only have the water element, ice shields are still useful. Coupled with the water element shields they carry, it is enough for them to unleash their combat power.

Hill hesitated for a moment, and then wrote a pure blizzard spell after the cold winter.

This is a spell engraved in his spiritual sea, and it is much more powerful than the blizzard summoned by the cold winter.

Moreover, you don’t need to be limited by the winter control range, you can have as many as you want.

On the last page, Hill wrote Ice Blade Domain. This spell is actually a typical representative of knives from the sky, but they are just ice knives.

Hill hesitated for a long time between the spell that could drop ice blades within a certain range, the deep freeze spell, and the stronger tsunami spell.

In the end, I chose Ice Blade Domain.

Not to mention the tsunami technique, although it was powerful, it would only hurt the continent where he was, and he didn't want to go into the water.

But for deep freeze, he actually thought about it for a long time before giving up. Although it was fun to use, it didn't suit his plan.

Hill needs to always remember that his target is low-level monsters, and powerful beings are best left to Aglaia to deal with.

He wanted Aglaia to use his name instead of completely protecting her under his wings.

Sometimes, Hill has to control his desire to do it all.

Water mist slowly rose around the magic book, and Hill felt refreshed, and the mental energy consumed in writing spells was completely restored.

Then it became colder and colder around him. It was the coldest temperature in the polar regions.

Snowflakes were falling in the room.

This chapter has been completed!
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