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Chapter 550 Inborn God, Flying Dragon Protruding Face

A snake cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without wings.

As the divine seal that controlled and commanded the Necromorphs was swallowed by Chen Mu's Celestial Clan embryo and no longer released control signals to the outside, the Necromorphs fell directly into a state of frenzy.

The necromorphs, who had no IQ but only instinct, rushed towards the defense line composed of war machines and human Federation soldiers.

The fierce and fearless Necromorph cannot escape the fate of destruction when faced with the crushing force of weapons.


Bang bang bang!

All kinds of weapons launched deadly attacks, and millions of necromorphs turned the place blocked by the human federation into a hell on earth.

The dust released by the burning of these corpses is like the dust from a volcanic eruption. When the wind blows it away, it covers an area of ​​more than ten kilometers.

It's full of ghosts and ghosts, so scary.

The second hour after the divine seal is absorbed...

With the final sizzle of the plasma gun, the last necromorph let out a strange cry and then exploded into two pieces.

This wasn't the end yet, a small incendiary grenade was thrown at the zombie monster.

The blazing flames burned the monster to ashes, and the large-scale zombie craze in Xinhang City was completely over!

The danger has disappeared, but the chain reaction caused by the divine seal and the necromorph continues to ferment.

The Necromorph incident has been broadcast live, and the evil aspects of the Seal and the Unification Sect have also been announced one by one.

People were extremely frightened when they saw these things.

But they also have high confidence in the human federal army!

This is thanks to the Human Federation's live broadcast of how they bully the Necromorphs like chopping vegetables.

This approach dissipates people's inner fear and uneasiness to a certain extent.

After the live broadcast, the survivors in Xinhang City were also rescued, and reporters interviewed them about their experiences.

They spoke in unison about the horror of the divine seal, and when they were hiding here, there was a strange voice calling from deep in their hearts, asking them to merge into one and achieve eternal life~

When the audience heard their stories, they were all shocked and inexplicable.

These people are lucky, they survived.

They are also unlucky. The mental attitude released by a large number of Necromorphs has also made these survivors sensitive and fragile.

Fortunately, the human federation soldiers who represented justice rescued them from the sea of ​​misery.

In order to make humans wary of divine seals and to give people more opportunities to survive, the Human Federation continues to publicize ways to deal with these things!

It's not okay to hide some dangerous things.

Just like parents who pamper their children infinitely, children will grow very slowly if they don’t experience ups and downs!

Only by straightening things out can people learn how to deal with crises.

Just like foreigners dancing all over the world.

Regardless of whether it is liberalizing or blocking, the same group of demons and ghosts are all against the grain.

Since the live broadcast of this incident, people have become extremely sensitive to the Unionists and Necromorphs.

In a society with the Internet, the speed of information dissemination and the chain response system are inextricable.

We used money, honors, etc. to encourage the entire population to actively participate in the search for unstable elements such as the Unificationists, and used the human wave tactic to achieve fruitful results.

After the zombie transformation craze was dealt with, the smart hotline was flooded with calls, and countless people reported people related to the Unification Faction.

The information command center quickly classified these people into multiple categories for monitoring and correction work.

Not to mention, the power of the people is powerful.

When people's subjective initiative was brought into play, the speed at which they captured the Unificationists was greatly increased.

While searching for the Unificationists, they repeatedly destroyed places where large and very large crimes were committed~

The next day, the Chunfeng Brigade unexpectedly found two more unmade divine seals.

These divine seals were secretly made by the spiritually polluted Unification Church members, and even Daniel and others were unaware of their existence.

Obviously, the main control brain of Shenyin should be well aware of the principle of the cunning rabbit's three caves, and has many backup methods.

But these backhands cannot escape people's sharp eyes in the end.

You must know that if the army is mobilized to clean up these rats hiding in the gutters, endless resources will be consumed.

Maybe it will cause some chaos~

The Human Federation, which gave full play to the subjective initiative of the people, finally spent only 7 billion credits to wipe out the Unification Faction.

This time, more than 500,000 senior unification fanatical believers temporarily lost their freedom.

These people are seriously contaminated by the divine seal. They are unstable factors. These people may not attack others, but they will commit suicide and become necromorphs.

If the Seal that has not been cleaned breaks out again, these people will quickly transform into the Seal's puppets, become a member of the Necromorph army, and then become the weapons of the Seal.

These unification fanatics will temporarily lose their freedom.

But this is their only chance to survive~

This may be a bit inhumane, but it is very reasonable.

Perhaps it was because the top leaders of the Unification Faction influenced by the divine seal were arrested. In the following fifteen days, there were only two zombie outbreaks and hundreds of small riots of varying sizes on Mars, and then everything calmed down.

Mars Administrative Command Center.

Chen Aiguo and others gathered together~

"Since this period of time, in addition to dealing with the Unification Faction and the Divine Seal, the three planets have also been accelerating the production of various weapons... The number of military-type plasma segmentation guns specifically designed to deal with the zombies has reached 670,000, and the energy battery is universal

Sex is very strong, so there are no restrictions..."

"... There are currently only 50,000 handheld anti-gravity retarder units, which is very insufficient... The production of modified deflagration shotguns has reached 4.2 million, and the production of plasma weapons and bombs has reached 4 million..."

"The distortion methods of the zombies are weird. Our mass-produced mental anti-jamming devices have only been produced in batches for more than 16,000 people. The coverage range can only reach 100 meters. The output of the anti-jamming devices is too small, which greatly limits the tactical team.

operational efficiency..."

"Because we have to consider that there is a certain probability of necromorph distortion occurring in other worlds, we are planning to modify more than 300 space warships within the Human Federation and load them with large-scale mental calming devices to prevent the contamination of the divine seal. However, we need to

It takes a lot of time to transform large warships. It will take at least 50 days to transform a batch of warships..."

"The warship China Life and military factories are producing individual-type defense equipment. Military exoskeletons are now being rapidly modified into full-body exoskeletons with better defensive effects, which can withstand the assassination of the zombie's attack limbs..."

After Ju Chengyan reported on the transformation and production of various military products, everyone expressed satisfaction.

In fact, at this stage, even without Chen Mu's help, the Human Federation has gained the ability to interfere with the spiritual interference of the opponent's divine seal and the zombie army.

But the war with the Divine Seal cannot be ended in a short time, and all aspects must be taken into consideration.

Such as the institutional issues of the human federation.

The Human Federation now occupies more than thirty planets. Its footprints have already spread out of the solar system and reached the Milky Way.

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These places nominally belong to the Human Federation, but in fact they are a bit separatist.

You must know that there is not one divine seal, but many.

There are so many planets in the Human Federation, but there are always some places that are special~

For example, although a planet called Millican is nominally democratic, in fact this planet is a typical religious country.

It’s already the 26th century, and the appointment and dismissal of some positions actually depend on the Pope’s coronation~

Such backward things usually don't cause much trouble, but they are very afraid of Shenyin's high-level infiltration strategy.

The divine seal infects the target's spirit with the things that human beings believe in through mental interference to achieve the purpose of inducing distortion. It can also trigger a craze of necromorphs.

Therefore, you must be prepared for a protracted war with the Divine Seal.

Back to topic!

After Ju Chengyan finished his report, the high school team also reported to everyone the settlement work of the three planetary squadrons in the past few days.

"After nearly 30 days of sweeps on Mars, the Earth and the Moon, at least 99% of the members of the Unification Faction in the three regions have been controlled. The remaining fish that have slipped through the net are hidden very deep. It may take a long time to find them.

Ten times more time…”

"After intensive publicity, people have become sufficiently disgusted and wary of divine seals. The purpose of publicity has basically been achieved. We need to promote spiritual meditation to calm everyone's hearts as much as possible..."

"For all types of opposition, our secret forces have implemented special hypnosis. When we carry out the internal transformation of the Human Federation, we can ensure that the scale of the opposition will be controlled to a certain scale and no large-scale bloody conflicts will occur..."

"Everyone has done a great job. The three most important planets of mankind have basically completed the iron barrel strategy. It is time to infiltrate and transform other human planets."

After completing the transformation of the birthplace of mankind and ensuring the stability of the rear base, they expanded their armaments and eliminated the potential safety hazards of human civilization.

While the Chunfeng Brigade was gathering resources to deal with the zombies and divine seals, Chen Mu, who was in retreat, suddenly sensed changes in his clones.

"Should we start?"

After the Celestial Clan embryo absorbed the divine seal composed of millions of humans, it immediately began some kind of evolution after it was full.

Half a month passed, and the embryo took shape and has now transformed into a humanoid creature.

It is 5 meters tall, looks like gold but not jade, exudes a hazy luster, looks dry and thin, and looks malnourished.

Chen Mu immersed himself in accepting the consciousness of his clone.

"Hungry~very hungry..."

A strong sense of hunger came over, shaking Chen Mu's soul.

Holding back this hunger, Chen Mu absorbed the changes and instincts of the young bodies of the Celestial Clan!

After the soul completely absorbed the larvae of the Celestial Clan, Chen Mu's face showed a look of ecstasy.

He is worthy of being a born god, possessing magical talents since birth.

For example, if human beings need to practice and master various energy equations and activation methods in order to release various elements of earth, wind, water, and fire, the Celestial Clan will naturally release these magical powers.

The power of earth, wind, water, fire and thunder was released by the Celestial Clan like the instinct of breathing.

The birth of every Celestial Clan is a cruel manifestation of the gods.

Explain what a divine appearance is!

When they continue their life extension, they will create a new universe.

During their growth, they will absorb the life form of a planet, which they call divine manifestation.

When a Celestial Clan is born, she will put her "seed" into a living planet in her own universe. That planet is actually the "cultivation tank" for the next generation of Celestial Clan.

The intelligent life forms on the planet are the nutrients that provide the next generation of the Celestial Clan. As long as the planet has sufficient population and sufficient nutrients, the new generation of Celestial Clan will "break out of their shells."

This is the manifestation of God.

They created the universe, created a planet with life, and then when they created the universe, they left behind their own ethnic group and allowed the ethnic group to multiply!

This is a natural god with great potential when mature.

Although the Celestial Clan larva under Chen Mu's control is a malnourished doll that requires countless life essences and souls to be nurtured before it can grow into a god. But the combat power it displays after being successfully cultivated is definitely worth the money.

Moreover, Chen Mu now has a way to accelerate the growth of larvae!

That is the Devouring Divine Seal.

Chen Mu previously thought that cultivating a clone would take a lot of time, but he didn't expect that the divine seal he absorbed gave him a big surprise.

The aggregation phenomenon of the divine seal is to distort, assimilate, and absorb the soul body of intelligent creatures, so that the flesh, flesh, and soul of intelligent creatures can be assimilated into one body.

This is evolution in a special sense.

Unfortunately, the larvae of the Celestial Clan also possess the characteristics of assimilation and absorption.

A natural god who can absorb a living planet and can create the universe at his peak is an instant kill against a divine seal that can only assimilate and infect matter through potential influence.

Chen Mu has already foreseen the future scene.

After the huge Blood Moon and the divine seal that controlled everything encountered the young Celestial Clan, the Celestial Clan stretched out its big hand and easily grabbed the divine seal, then sighed.



As long as he eats enough divine seals, Chen Mu's clone can evolve into a mature body.

Chen Mu trembled with excitement when he thought about the difference between his body in the movie and his size, which was as big as several Earths.

"We need to find the divine seal, and...are the divine seals enough?"

When the Celestials were still in their embryonic state, they would start to feel full after eating one divine seal. But now, the young Celestials who emerge from their cocoons and become butterflies can easily swallow ten times the divine seal without feeling full.

"We must find the divine seal as soon as possible!"

The current Celestial Clan clone is fragile, malnourished, unable to release any extraordinary power, and is just a giant giant baby.

Now only by swallowing the divine seal can the avatar of the Celestial Clan evolve into a true natural god.

He can't wait!

Catching the stars and the moon, destroying the heaven and the earth.

Chen Mu became excited when he thought of these scenes.

"We must capture the divine seal as soon as possible! I need food."

Chen Mu informed Chen Aiguo, who was busy, about his situation, and the latter's face became strange after hearing the news.

"The tasks in this world seem to have entered garbage time!"

New moon base~

After Chen Mu got off the spacecraft, he flew towards where Isaac was staying.

In order to find Isaac quickly, he didn't even hide his figure and flew in the sky.

Fortunately, people in the 26th century were knowledgeable and just regarded Chen Mu as a player who piloted an anti-gravity aircraft.

After arriving at Isaac's residence, Chen Mu was surprised to find that his mental state was slightly worse.

"What's going on? Are you wronged?"

When he looked up and saw that it was Chen Mu, Isaac stood up quickly: "I...I heard dangerous news about Ellie. I want to save her."

"Ellie?" Chen Mu's expression turned strange.

Didn’t Ellie break up with Isaac?

This guy actually still cares about him so much?

Chen Mu shuddered inexplicably when he thought of the Minotaur plot in the third part of Dead Space.

Foreigners, they are playing too fancy.

Isaac nodded fiercely: "Yes, Ellie's news, Ellie sent a distress signal, she needs my help."

"Where? We can send soldiers to rescue him." Chen Mu wanted to help this guy and didn't want him to be too sad.

"The Frozen Planet - Tower Frantis."

When he heard about the frozen planet, Chen Mu suddenly smiled.

The frozen planet Tower Frantis was also called the alien planet during its time in Dead Space.

Millions of years ago, aliens who studied divine seals and were obsessed with divine seals discovered the truth about divine seals. Divine seals are a tool and weapon that distort intelligent creatures.

In order to prevent the proliferation and expansion of the divine seal, the aliens used self-sacrifice to freeze the entire planet.

There are many divine seals on that planet.

"You provide the coordinates, we fly there, I want a flying dragon to ride on my face!"

"Flying dragon riding on the face?" Isaac didn't understand what this meant. He was only worried about his ex-girlfriend: "Can Ellie be saved? Those guys will always be wary of outer space."

Chen Mu patted the other party's shoulder and said earnestly: "Don't worry, we will also hide our traces, and we... can also rescue her!"

This chapter has been completed!
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