Chapter 133 Sweep (the climax of the third update, please vote for me)

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Mu Ling frowned, wondering where the uneasiness in her heart came from.

Chu Xisheng was still ten feet away. He was being chased and intercepted by Zhuo Baiyun and others, and fled in embarrassment, swimming in circles around the Mengzi Monument.

This person's body skills are more agile and agile, and his sword skills are more powerful and domineering, stirring up wind and thunder, forcing the surrounding ninth-grade martial arts cultivators to be unable to get within a foot of him.

However, his movements became even stiffer. His face was flushed and he was sweating profusely.

Mu Ling guessed that Chu Xisheng was temporarily burning his own essence and bursting with potential.

Although Chu Xisheng's combat power was strong, he was obviously ill. His endurance should be far inferior to ordinary people.

It is expected that this person will not last long.

Within fifty breaths at most, this person will die under the swords of Zhuo Baiyun and others.

Zhou Liangchen and the Zhou family in the distance are even more in danger.

The formation they formed has been torn apart under the impact of dozens of ninth-grade martial arts cultivators.

Zhou Liangchen's swordsmanship is domineering, and he can fight ten with one, and so far he has killed four people in a row.

But he was unable to reverse the situation where the formation of the Zhou clan was about to collapse, and everyone in the Zhou clan would soon be cut into pieces.

This should be his misunderstanding. He worries about gains and losses before success and thinks too much.

However, just in case, Mu Ling walked to the ground not far away and found two forest-white bone beads about the size of a human fist, engraved with elixirs and jade talismans.

Mu Ling's luggage had long been chopped to pieces by Chu Xisheng, and her belongings fell to the ground, leaving her almost naked.

These two white bone beads also rolled down here.

At this time, the veins in Mu Ling's right wrist suddenly cracked, releasing a large amount of blood.

The blood seemed to have its own will, stretching and rolling on the ground like a snake, and soon formed a three-foot-circle bloody formation.

The two white bone beads also escaped from Mu Ling's palm and floated in the air.

Si Huangquan, who was next to him, looked at this scene and his pupils narrowed slightly.

——This is the dragon bone. This person should be casting a spell called 'Dragon Bone Taoist'!

As Mu Ling formed seals with his hands, the white bone beads began to change, rapidly growing and growing amidst bursts of 'clicking' sounds, and finally transformed into two bone soldiers about eight feet tall, with silver-white flames burning all over their bodies.

The corners of the magician Mu Ling's lips also raised slightly.

These are his trump cards, two ninth-grade dragon-bone Taoist soldiers with the combat power of Qingyun Tianjiao.

Unfortunately, Chu Xisheng's previous attack caught him off guard, and the speed with which he drew the knife was incredibly fast, leaving him too late to use it.

But now——

Mu Ling glanced at Chu Xisheng in the distance, her eyes cold.

Since the uneasiness in his heart all originated from Chu Xisheng, then the source should be cut off.

This guy is just a little cheap.

When Mu Ling thought about the scene where Chu Xisheng was repeatedly cutting and dismembering her body, she felt a dull pain all over her muscles and bones.

He originally wanted to save it until the end, execute the man in Ling Chi, and cut his body into thousands of pieces to vent his hatred.

"kill him--"

Just before Mu Ling's words fell, he heard a loud 'bang'.

That was Lu Chen, a silver-striped tiger who was fighting with Chu Xisheng. For some reason, this person was blown out of the crowd and slid back seven feet away. He staggered to his feet and stood there, bleeding from his mouth and nose.

The magician Mu Ling looked at this scene and couldn't help but look stunned.

what happened?

Now that we have reached this point, why was Lu Chen knocked out? Is that guy still so powerful?

Chu Xisheng, who was ten feet away, had stopped and stopped running.

He stood in the middle of the crowd, wielding his sword freely, blocking the various weapons coming at him.

Chu Xisheng's action seemed simple and casual, but it turned three feet of his body into a forbidden area of ​​​​thunder pool, making it impossible for anyone around him to cross even half a step.

There were even ninth-level martial arts cultivators who were continuously blasted away by Chu Xisheng's rune-blood sword. They either fell to the ground or were knocked unconscious and could no longer move.

At the same time, Chu Xisheng twisted his neck from side to side and stretched his limbs as he pleased, causing his whole body to make a "gurgle" sound like fried soybeans.

He was experiencing this feeling of physical and mental comfort and surging energy.

Thirty breaths ago, Chu Xisheng had already redeemed the ‘Shen Shang’ from the martial arts treasure house.

Unlike the bloodline talent he exchanged before, this time it was very painful. He felt as if something was being pulled out of his bones, and his fascia twitched violently.

The pain of cracking bones and extracting marrow greatly affected his fighting, making his steps unsteady. Whether he was swinging the sword or moving, he was even stiffer than when he was controlled by the 'Heart Drawing Gu'.

It lasted for a long time, as long as thirty breaths, and put him in danger several times.

Fortunately he made it through.

The cramping and marrow-sucking feeling was fading away, and a more powerful and violent force was growing in his body.

At this moment, Chu Xisheng felt his throat feel sweet again, and a large ball of liquid with a strong fishy smell suddenly gushes out from his lungs.

Chu Xisheng spit it out involuntarily, only to find that it was a ball of dark black blood.

He carefully examined it and found that there were many insects as thin as gossamers in the black blood, and some of them were even squirming.

This is one of the benefits of redeeming God's Sorrow.

Although the process of awakening his bloodline took him thirty breaths of excruciating pain, it also helped him force out the heart-drawing Gu lurking in the deepest part of his body.

"Vicious enough!"

Chu Xisheng felt horrified when he looked at the insects in his blood.

Thinking of these things that were hidden in his body not long ago, Chu Xisheng felt sick and wanted to vomit.

He then raised his head and looked at Mu Ling with a sneer: "You used this poisonous poison to cause trouble today and killed so many people, just to reshape your body for your master? More than four hundred people died just to make you like this

Master’s cultivation has gone further?”

Mu Ling and Chu Xisheng looked at each other from a distance, but they felt cold all over their bodies.

Chu Xisheng made it clear that he was still standing ten feet away, but Mu Ling felt that the man's knife seemed to have been handed to the front of his throat, and he could easily cut open his throat.

This person was able to condense his spiritual thoughts into an unparalleled sword force, locking him to death from a distance.

Mu Ling's pupils shrank slightly: "Kill!"

At this moment, not only the people around Chu Xisheng became even more crazy, but the dozens of ninth-level martial arts cultivators who were besieging Zhou Liangchen and others also rushed towards Chu Xisheng.

Mu Ling's eyes were like dark fire, and his expression was ferocious, revealing a ruthless look.

He was getting more and more uneasy, and his thoughts felt like they were being pricked by needles.

So he must do everything he can to get rid of the source of this uneasiness!

However, Chu Xisheng in the distance did not change his expression.

He looked at the people rushing around him, and at their faces covered with veins and like crazy beasts. Instead of being surprised at all, he let out a cold cry.

"A lot of people? Useful?"


His Yazhan Blade Intent instantly transformed into a ferocious beast with a length of two feet, a dragon head and a jackal body, and roared towards the crowd.

The long knife in its mouth also made a sharp clang sound, and the sharp and ferocious knife intent instantly swept across all living creatures within a five-foot radius, crushing them all.

At this moment, all the ninth-grade martial arts cultivators around Chu Xisheng were so suppressed by his Yaizhan sword intention that they suddenly knelt down.

A small number of people were half-kneeling on the ground, still trying their best to resist the impact of Chu Xisheng's knife intent. Most of the others had their eyes turned white, their orifices were bleeding, and they immediately lost consciousness.


Zhuo Baiyun's body was also suppressed until he was half-kneeling, but then, under the control of the heart-drawing Gu, he rushed up and stabbed Chu Xisheng between the eyebrows with a sword.

This is his most powerful sword, "a drop in the ocean", which can make the sword almost without leaving a trace.

Zhuo Baiyun didn't want to do this, but at this moment, the power of the heart-pulling Gu suddenly increased so much that he couldn't help it.

However, Zhuo Baiyun's sword had just penetrated less than two inches. He saw a white sword light striking in front of him.


Zhuo Baiyun was completely defenseless and was hit on the forehead by Chu Xisheng's knife blade.

He flew more than ten feet away, and at the same time his vision went black and he completely lost consciousness.

At this time, the entire white marble square was filled with dead silence.

Not only the magician Mu Lingyan showed a frightened look, Si Huangquan who was standing on the altar, but also the Zhou family members all had blank eyes and could not believe it.

This chapter has been completed!
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