Chapter 171 Retreat

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Shangguan Shenhao looked indifferent and stared at Chu Xisheng without any response for a long time.

The atmosphere a hundred feet away from Zhiweiju was filled with a chilling atmosphere.

The surrounding area was as quiet as death, and you could hear a needle drop.

The soldiers of the Shangguan family were breathing heavily and tightly holding the weapons in their hands.

The young men on the big boats on the river were also a little nervous.

But at this time, more ships gathered upstream and downstream, and one by one they merged into the fleet. In less than a hundred breaths, twelve more large ships were added.

A large number of dock laborers and trackers also gathered in the direction of the dock. Their number reached three thousand, each carrying weapons.

This made the faces of many young men on the ship glow with blood, their hearts agitated, and their morale as high as a rainbow.

The iron madman's demeanor was calm and composed from beginning to end.

The sarcasm in his eyes became even more intense.

The longer time passes, the greater his chance of winning, and the less likely it is that the Shangguan family will choose to go to war.

"How?" Tie Kuangren looked at the 1,500 Shangguan clan soldiers below: "Remind the family leader that the seven warships of my Tieqi Gang, 1,200 gang members, and Tie Mou's battle armor Tie

The pagoda is only fifteen miles away. If we don't take action, your Shangguan family will have no chance of winning."

Shangguan Shenhao's cheeks were slightly bulging, and the back teeth were clenched tightly, as if he wanted to grind his silver teeth into pieces.

Just when he took a long breath and was about to speak, a figure suddenly appeared from the distance.


The voice was thick and domineering, spreading for dozens of miles on the river, like thunder: "You are gathering people here to cause trouble and use weapons. Do you want to rebel?"

Following this sound, a man wearing black armor came from the sky above the river, and landed on the ruins of Zhiweiju like a rainbow.

Shangguan Shenhao took a look in the distance and saw that the man's face was as heavy as a jujube, and his facial features were three-dimensional as if carved.

That was Shen Zhou, the county lieutenant, who was in charge of all the military, military, military, and military affairs in the county.

However, there were two people following behind him, it was Lei Yuan and Ye Zhiqiu who were invited to the Commandery Mansion by Shen Zhou.

At this moment, the two of them obviously knew that today's banquet was deliberately planned by someone to lure them out of the Zhengyang Martial Arts Hall.

At this time, their expressions were extremely ugly, and the eyes they looked at Shangguan Shenhao were extra cold, filled with anger and hatred.

After Shen Zhou arrived, he first reprimanded Shangguan Shenhao: "Master of the Shangguan family, I allowed your family soldiers to enter the ancient market because I wanted you to investigate the murderer of Shangguan Longjian. I did not want you to fight with weapons and gather all living beings in the market.

Do you still take me seriously?"

Then he turned to Tie Kuangren again, with the same cold expression: "Iron Banner Master, can't you say it properly? Do you have to cause such a big scene? Shen knew that you mobilized troops to protect this young hero named Chu.

.But those who don’t know, most likely think you are preparing to gather a crowd to rebel.”

The iron madman glanced at him, and then laughed out loud: "Why do you officials always like to put the hat of rebellion on other people's heads?"

His expression was indifferent, and his eyes were mocking: "Tie Mou does not have to use weapons today. But the man opposite me said that even if all the generals and soldiers under his command were killed, he would still want my people to die here.

How could Tie Mou not let him get his wish——"

Shangguan Shenhao didn't wait for Tie Kuangren to finish speaking, and said calmly: "Retreat the troops!"

He put the meteor heavy sword in his hand into its sheath, flicked his sleeves, turned around and left in the air.

He has no chance of winning today. There is no point in trying to stay here. It will only lose face.

"Courageless people!"

Tie Kuangren was not surprised, he raised his eyebrows slightly: "But you just left like this? You hurt my little Chu like this, why won't the head of the Shangguan family give you an explanation?"

Shangguan Shenhao was too lazy to pay attention and continued to fly to the south of the ancient market.

Tie Kuangren sneered: "Tie wants to rebuild the incense hall in Huogu Cave, and he has taken a fancy to your Shangguan family's three shops, six warehouses in Huogu Cave, and your dock in Huohe Town. The head of the Shangguan family might as well advance it.

Get ready, Tie will definitely send someone to get it tomorrow afternoon!"

Shangguan Shenhao's body suffocated, he frowned, and continued flying as usual.

At this time, Lei Yuan said coldly: "Master of the Shangguan family! From now on, the Zhengyang Martial Arts Hall will refuse to accept all disciples related to the Shangguan family. Please remove all the clan members and soldiers of the Shangguan family from our Zhengyang family before tomorrow.

I will recall you from the martial arts hall to save your face from being ugly."

He looked sideways at Shen Zhou: "Before the Shangguan family gives me an explanation for the Zhengyang Martial Arts School, the same goes for you! Please ask the county captain to recall all personnel. Also, all the soldiers and generals in your Xiushui County are not allowed to use our academy from now on.

The Divine Weapon Academy and the Blood Origin Pillar.”

This Shangguan Shenhao, knowing that he now regarded Chu Xisheng as a thorn in his side, still dared to attack him. It was so arrogant!

He now even hates the commander-in-chief Shen Zhou.

Lei Yuan would never believe that Shen Zhou knew nothing about the turmoil in the ancient market today.

However, as the owner of the Zhengyang Martial Arts School, he can't take much revenge on the Shangguan family now.

A more powerful method of revenge would still have to be taken by the leader of the Wuxiang Divine Sect.

Shen Zhou was also livid. He actually didn't know anything about Chu Xisheng, but he ended up covered in shit.

If Shangguan Shenhao can really capture Chu Xisheng, then today's matter will be easy to solve.

A dead genius is just a corpse.

But after today's battle, Lei Yuan will only pay more attention to Chu Xisheng.

Zhengyang Martial Arts School's revenge is not without its fierceness.

The Divine Weapon Academy of Zhengyang Martial Arts Hall allows people to refine the superior Gengjin evil force; and the Blood Source Pillar allows martial artists to awaken their bloodline talents——

Especially the ‘blood source pillar’ is very important.

Ordinary civilians, without blood inheritance or elixirs to inspire support, can only use the 'blood source pillars' controlled by major forces to unseal the seals in the blood and awaken the various talents left by Pangu and the ancestors of the human race.

Only true disciples of Zhengyang Martial Arts School can access this object, but there are also forty places in the county every year.

Many county soldiers who have reached the eighth level of cultivation have unlocked their bloodline and awakened various innate powers through the blood source pillar of Zhengyang Martial Arts Hall.

If the Zhengyang Martial Arts Hall had always banned the use of county soldiers, then it would be difficult for him, Shen Zhou, to explain to his superiors and subordinates.

Shangguan Shenhao in the sky also frowned and his face became serious.

He looked back at Lei Yuan, as if he had never expected that this person would be so decisive!

The ‘Blood Origin Diagram’ of the Zhengyang Martial Arts School is not only important to the county soldiers, but also a boost to their Shangguan family.

The Shangguan family also has a "blood source pillar", but it is not enough to support thousands of soldiers.

Therefore, the Shangguan family arranges for some outstanding disciples to enter the Zhengyang Martial Arts Hall every year. On the one hand, they seek true inheritance and penetrate into the Wuxiang Divine Sect; on the other hand, they use the 'Blood Origin Pillar' of the Zhengyang Martial Arts Hall to stimulate their hidden talents.

At this time, Lei Yuan smiled coldly and raised his hand towards Shangguan Shenhao: "Not only Zhengyang Martial Arts School, but after today, Lei will also call upon the seven sects including Wuxiang Shenzong, Supreme Xuanzong, and Nantianmen in Dongzhou.

Nineteen martial arts schools refuse to accept the children of the Shangguan family. Master of the Shangguan family, please take care of yourself!"

These sects he mentioned are all allies of the Wuxiang Divine Sect.

Shangguan Shenhao clenched his hands tightly, and then walked away from this place with control of his energy.

If Lei Yuan can really do it, then this matter will have a huge impact on the Shangguan family.

But at this moment, nothing he said would work, it would only make him more embarrassed.

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu came to Chu Xisheng's side.

The way she looked at Chu Xisheng was a little complicated.

This kid, who has always frightened her recently, also always surprises her.

"how are you now--"

Before Ye Zhiqiu could finish his words, he saw Chu Xisheng's body falling backwards.

The injuries inside his body were getting worse all the time.

At this time, when Shangguan Shenhao and the Shangguan family's soldiers left one after another, he lost his enemies, and his "Heaven Burial Dance" and "God's Sorrow" states also disappeared.

Chu Xisheng suddenly lost all his strength and could no longer hold on.

Fortunately, he was still conscious and did not faint.

Ye Zhiqiu also immediately reached out and hugged Chu Xisheng into his arms.

This chapter has been completed!
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