Chapter 255 Brutal (please subscribe)

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After killing Blood Rain Sword Yu Chiyang, Chu Xisheng only stayed on the spot for fifteen breaths before continuing to run north towards Taizi Lake.

Together with Bai Xiaozhao, he hastily cleaned up the battlefield.

Bai Xiaozhao was responsible for blowing away, destroying, and sweeping away all traces left on the battlefield, and tearing the mechanical springs inside all the 'Immortal Tribulation' syringes into pieces; Chu Xisheng focused on collecting magic weapons.

Mainly to collect various small things such as jewelry, which are not only valuable, but also small in size and light in weight, and will not affect his movement speed.

Large items such as armor and weapons were not considered by Chu Xisheng.

He only took a spare Yanling Sword and Yu Chiyang's Blood Rain Sword.

The Yanling Knife is a magical weapon of the sixth grade, which can replace the Xunfeng Thunder Knife.

The strength of this Xunfeng Thunder Knife is at the same level as most fifth-grade weapons. However, during Chu Xisheng's fight with Yu Chiyang and others just now, the blade of this knife still cracked several small pieces.

Small gap.

The gap is not big, just sharpen the knife afterwards.

Chu Xisheng had to take precautions and prepare a knife as a backup.

He actually had two spare knives, but this time the incident happened suddenly and he didn't bring them out.

The Blood Rain Sword is a lower-grade fifth-grade sword. The key is that it is not an evil magic weapon.

No one under Chu Xisheng used a rapier, so he planned to sell the thing afterwards, as it was worth a lot of money.

In fact, most of these people carry a lot of elixirs, magic silver, and banknotes with them.

Chu Xisheng was too lazy to search.

It is also troublesome to deal with these things afterwards, especially those registered banknotes.

If you want to use a registered banknote to get the bank to spit out the money, it is simply more difficult than climbing to the sky.

And when Chu Xisheng continued to run north, he made a knife with his right hand and gestured in the air with joy.

When he fought with Blood Rain Sword Yu Chiyang just now, Chu Xisheng had a new understanding of the "Xu Tang Hanging Mirror" move, which made his Yiwu Rongyi more perfect.

So much so that Chu Xisheng himself never expected that he could reflect Yu Chiyang's sword power cleanly and neatly and kill him with one blow.

But what surprised Chu Xisheng the most was that his sword, 'Xu Tang Xuan Jing', actually produced a bit of the charm of heaven under the influence of the eleventh level of Ya Can's true meaning.

Its power is so powerful that it seems to be no less than the ultimate move.

Half a moment later, Prince Lake was already in sight in the distance.

Chu Xisheng narrowed his eyes, his face as cold as ice.

Just because there were four people standing on the lakeshore in front of them.

They have different appearances, some are tall and strong, like iron towers; some are short and skinny, like old monkeys.

But without exception, they all wore six-door police uniforms and were shackled.

This is a fifth-grade red-coated chief arrester and three sixth-grade red-coated deputy chief arresters.

Chu Xisheng did not change direction, nor did his body speed slow down at all.

His entire body slid along the ground, like a ghost, or like a rapidly surging cloud of smoke.

Chu Xisheng ran until he reached the shore of the lake, only twenty feet away from the four six-door arresters, and then he stopped.

"Is the Rock Eagle God hunting Master Zhao Qi?"

Chu Xisheng looked at the old man standing in the center of the four people.

He raised his sword eyebrows and said with surprise: "Your Excellency is the chief arrester of Linhai County. Why do you want to wade into the troubled waters of our Xiushui County?"

Back in Linhai County, he met the chief catcher under the recommendation of the Linhai Zhou family.

Even the other three people, Chu Xisheng recognized, "Ghost Hand" Kan Zhongze, "Iron Sword" Luo Xiang, and "White Ape Sword" Yan Liu. They were all famous sixth-grade head catchers in Linhai County. They had drank together.


Mr. Zhao Qi is in his sixties, with gray hair, thick eyebrows and a nose like an aquiline.

This man drooped his eyelids and looked solemn: "The Dongzhou Inspector General has ordered that the Six Gates of Dongzhou must capture you as soon as possible at all costs. I have been ordered to capture the leader of the banner of Young Master Chu and bring him to justice."

His hands were slightly bent, as strong and powerful as eagle talons, and the nails at the ends flashed with a cold light like blades: "I advise Master Chu not to resist! For the sake of our past friendship, I must

I will do my best to protect you in prison. Otherwise, I will recognize you, but my pair of eagle talons will not recognize Master Chu."

Chu Xisheng burst into laughter and continued to walk towards the group of four: "Then I would also advise you to get out of the way as soon as possible and don't risk your life for this matter that has nothing to do with you. Chu also had no friendship before the knife.


Zhao Qiye raised his eyebrows slightly, and then sighed: "Young flag master, why are you doing this? You raised troops to cause chaos in Xiushui County, causing hundreds of thousands of people on both sides of the river to suffer from military disasters. And once the imperial court decided to raise troops to quell the chaos, more troops would

A series of disasters spread to several surrounding counties."

I know that the culprit this time is not your Iron Banner Gang. However, now that the matter has come to this, I would like to ask the Young Banner Master to put down this catastrophe for the sake of nearly tens of millions of people in the three counties of Xunyang, Xiushui and Linhai.


Chu Xisheng shook his head disapprovingly.

The corners of his lips slightly raised, revealing a sarcastic smile: "I also want to ask why the government is bothering? Why didn't the imperial court capture Sikong Chan? As long as the imperial court takes away this person's official position, Xiushui County will surely enjoy peace."

Master Zhao Qi was stunned when he heard this, then he turned cold and snorted: "Absurd!"

How could the majestic Daning court bow to a mafia tycoon and a gangster?

At this time, his robes were no longer dancing in the wind, and his whole body was gradually suspended in the air.

Zhao Qiye's eyes were cold and sharp: "If the young flag master insists on doing this, then don't blame me for being ruthless -"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a white light striking towards his face.

That was Bai Xiaozhao, and he was waving his claws, as sharp as a knife.

"Five-tailed wind beast?"

Zhao Qiye's pupils narrowed slightly, and then he sneered.

This demon's cultivation level is one level weaker than his, but its talent is far superior to his.

However, what he cultivated was the ‘Rock Eagle Divine Claw’, which could control all small beasts in the world.

Wind-born beast is one of them.

As Master Zhao Qi struck down with his claw, the thirty wind blades that Bai Xiaozhao blew were shattered by his blow.

One man and one beast then collided with each other, making a sound like gold and iron.

Bai Xiaozhao's claws are as fast as the wind and as fast as lightning; Zhao Qiye's rock eagle claws are powerful and sharp.

Bai Xiaozhao only fought with him for a moment before being suppressed.

Her figure began to turn into a strong wind, fluttering everywhere in an unpredictable manner.

Zhao Qiye's figure gradually lifted out of the sky, like a real rock eagle, coiling in the sky above Bai Xiaozhao. He continued to exert pressure on Bai Xiaozhao, looking for flaws with great patience, waiting for a fatal blow.

Just as one man and one beast were fighting fiercely, Chu Xisheng had already walked ten feet in front of 'Iron Sword' Luo Xiang.

With just one step, they could kill each other with the weapons in their hands.

Iron Sword Luo Xiang's face was expressionless. He held a shield and a sword in one hand: "Luo never thought that after that banquet, you and I would have to meet each other in war only half a year later."

Chu Xisheng had a complicated look on his face: "I'm just doing it for the sake of three worthless people. You are all Linhai Divine Catchers with fair reputations, but today you died in vain for the personal interests of Dongzhou Inspector and Sikong Chan. It would be too unjust.


White Ape Sword Yanliu had already walked behind Chu Xisheng. His expression was casual and he looked carefree.

He burst out laughing when he heard this: "It seems that the Young Banner Master himself is very confident. I feel sorry for the Young Banner Master. Your Excellency, the young hero, is a thief, but he has already died at an early age."

‘Ghost Hand’ Kan Zhongze’s face was green and cold, and he didn’t speak.

He knew that his three colleagues were stalling for time.

Kan Zhongze was fully confident that with the combined strength of the three of them, Chu Xisheng would be defeated or even seriously injured.

However, this man's body method is strange and his talent is extraordinary. The "Phantom Cloud Trace" of the Wuxiang Divine Sect is even more famous all over the world.

If this person wants to escape, they may not be able to stop him.

Kan Zhongze was therefore happy to see the three of them chatting and giving time for many colleagues from the six gates to surround them.

But at this moment, Chu Xisheng stepped forward again, and veins popped out in the right hand holding the knife.

Kan Zhongze's pupils shrank: "Kill!"

At this moment, Kan Zhongze's figure suddenly flew forward.

His figure was like a ghost, and his hands expanded twice as much in an instant. The palms were covered with cold evil force, showing a blue color.

It didn't look like a normal arm, but rather like the hand of a mountain spirit mandrill, which contained countless evil poisons.

But before Kan Zhongze took action, Chu Xisheng had already drawn his sword with a clang.

Time flies!

At this moment, the speed of time around Chu Xisheng dropped by a full 50%.

The ultimate move* is to control the wind and thunder!

Although Chu Xisheng's ultimate move that gathers the power of wind and thunder is not as powerful as the 'Three Phase Divine Sword', its speed is not inferior to it.

With the blessing of the 'Rhyme of Heaven', the 'Iron Sword' Luo Xiang's forehead was cut straight at an incredible speed.

The small iron shield in Luo Xiang's hand was always protected on his chest, but he had no time to cover his forehead. He could only raise the ghost-headed sword in his hand and seal the center of his eyebrows.


With this huge sound of metal clashing, sparks flew between the two blades.

At this time, Chu Xisheng's Xunfeng Thunder Saber was slightly tilted to one side, and the second blade suddenly erupted from the tip of the blade.

Luo Xiang sneered and quickly threw his head back.

Six Doors holds all the information about Chu Xisheng’s fights since his debut.

The fact that Chu Xisheng may possess a double sword is already well known in the Six Gates.

But in the next moment, Luo Xiang's forehead was still pierced by the sharp sword, and the entire Tianling Cap was sliced ​​off.

And just before Luo Xiang completely lost his memory, he had only one thought in his mind.

Chu Xisheng’s sword is so long!

This guy is only at the seventh level of cultivation, but the sword he inspired is three feet and two inches long, almost equal to the length of a sword, and the width is beyond expectations.

And it's extremely sharp! It can easily break through his true energy, which is as high as the sixth level.

——What kind of blood talent is this?

At this time, Yan Liu, the 'White Ape Sword' behind Chu Xisheng, had already stabbed Chu Xisheng's heart with his sword.

He saw with his own eyes that his colleague who had been with him for many years died tragically under Chu Xisheng's knife. He couldn't help but feel his eyes tearing apart and he was inconsolable.

Yan Liu originally only used 90% of his sword power, but now he used 12% of it, trying to kill Chu Xisheng.

However, White Ape Sword Yan Liu's sword missed the target.

Just because of Chu Xisheng's figure, he suddenly turned into clouds.

——Qin Muge’s seventh-level top move, ‘Phantom Cloud Trail* Smokey Cloud Sky’!

When Chu Xisheng's figures gathered together again, he had already appeared behind White Ape Sword Yanliu.

"Chop suey!"

Yan Liu's pupils widened angrily, and he slashed behind him with his sword.

He used all his strength to strike with this sword, and a huge white ape with arms appeared behind him, with amazing momentum and domineering power!

When Chu Xisheng saw this, he couldn't help but laugh. His sword's power changed, as if it turned into a round mirror.

Kamikaze Mirror Sword*Xu Tang Hanging Mirror!

He already has great experience in the use of this move. At this time, under the 50% time flow speed of "Time in a Flash", this sword is even more perfect and more subtle!


Yan Liu's body suddenly stiffened slightly.

The sword sword he blasted was reflected back by Chu Xi's sound, and the sword sword pierced his chest.

Although Yan Liu avoided the vital point of his heart at the last moment, the sword still twisted his heart into a mess.

At this time, Chu Xisheng's sword was swung again.

Extreme move* Trace of Wind!

Yan Liu tried his best to dodge, but at this time nearly half of his strength had disappeared.

Chu Xisheng's three-foot-two-inch long sword easily cut off his head.

"Beast! Die for me!"

That was Kan Zhongze, the 'ghost hand'. He opened his eyes wide and roared like a wild beast. A pair of huge 'ghost hands' struck Chu Xisheng's back.

Chu Xisheng killed Luo Xiang with the Iron Sword and Yan Liu with the White Ape Sword in succession, but it was too late to make any evasive moves.

He didn't intend to dodge, so he just stood firm and slashed Zhongze's throat with his sword.

This is the ultimate move *Recall Slash!

Kan Zhongze's ghost hands had already slapped Chu Xisheng's back, making a loud noise.

But the scene that followed left him stunned and in disbelief.

In front of Chu Xisheng, three layers of Wai Gang were generated, which were shattered one after another after being bombarded by his ghost hands.

However, Chu Xisheng still has two layers of armor, both inner and outer!

This is actually easy to handle.

Kan Zhongze's palm power is both hard and soft. He can penetrate iron armor with his flexible palm power and shock Chu Xisheng's heart.

But he was surprised to find that not only was his palm power blocked, but at least 50% of the power was reflected back from the opposite side.

Kan Zhongze was caught off guard, and was shaken by the force of the soft palm, causing his heart to tremble and blood to flow from his mouth.

But what was even more terrifying at this moment was that Chu Xisheng's knife had already struck in front of him.

Kan Zhongze could only use all his strength to try to push Chu Xisheng forward.

However, Chu Xisheng's sword speed is too fast; his sword's blade is also incredibly long; it is so sharp that it can penetrate gold through stone!

As a fountain of blood erupted, Kan Zhongze's head flew up instantly.

Chu Xisheng was pushed five feet away by Kan Zhongze's palm. As he backed away, he looked at the three corpses in front of him with complicated eyes and sighed: "Why are you here?"

Kan Zhongze's vision had turned black and he was about to lose consciousness.

He was thinking to himself, what exactly are the three of them doing?

This time it was really a big loss. The three Linhai chieftains actually lost their lives here for the sake of a Xiushui County governor.

And just when Kan Zhongze's consciousness was about to disappear, Chu Xisheng was already like smoke, flying towards the Yanying God to catch Zhao Qiye.

Zhao Qiye's face no longer looked calm.

His face was gray and his eyes were painful, filled with endless sorrow.

The three of them, Kan Zhongze, have been following him for six years, but they didn't expect to end up here.

He tried his best to kill Bai Xiaozhao.

However, although Bai Xiaozhao is at a disadvantage, he does not lack the ability to deal with the situation.

She used her skills to avoid direct confrontation with Zhao Qiye, and occasionally counterattacked, which was so sharp that Zhao Qiye had to reserve a third of his strength for defense and response.

When Chu Xisheng came over like a phantom, he cut Master Zhao Qi down from the sky with a single blow of his sword.

The wind blades and thunder spears summoned by Chu Xisheng struck at Master Zhao Qi like a violent storm.

His Xunfeng Thunder Saber only attacks but does not defend, it is fierce and domineering.

Zhao Qiye was able to decipher Bai Xiaozhao's wind magical power, but he couldn't even suppress Chu Xisheng's 'Hand of Controlling Wind and Lightning'.

What makes Zhao Qi Ye even more troublesome is that this person and the beast seem to be able to communicate with each other. The Yanling sword and the two claws work together as if they are one person, with an incomparable tacit understanding.

They used Chu Xisheng as the main attacker, and the Five-tailed White Marten as the auxiliary.

The five-tailed white ferret resisted his eagle claws, while Chu Xisheng focused on cutting the Xunfeng Thunder Knife into his body!

After the two sides fought for seventy rounds, Zhao Qiye was forced into a situation where he was unable to cope with the situation.

He could only take risks and probed Chu Xisheng's wrist with one claw.

At this time, Zhao Qiye's right hand was like gold and iron, forcibly resisting Chu Xisheng's sword strike. At the same time, he reached into the depths of the sword curtain and firmly grasped Chu Xisheng's right hand!

"Let me go!"

Zhao Qiye suddenly exerted his strength, trying to force Chu Xisheng to abandon the knife, or to crush his wrist.

Unexpectedly, Chu Xisheng abandoned the sword, but he grabbed Zhao Qiye's right wrist with his backhand.

Zhao Qiye used the palm power of the "Rock Eagle Divine Claw" and clenched his fingers tightly.

Theoretically speaking, even a low-grade sixth-grade weapon would be crushed by his claws at this time.

But Chu Xisheng was unscathed. Countless tiny scales grew on the skin of his right hand, which in turn pulled Zhao Qiye so hard that he couldn't escape.

"Third Level Wai Gang? Nine Refining Ultimate Purple Gold Body?"

Zhao Qiye's pupils shrank into needle shapes.

He recognized the Henglian Ba ​​body practiced by Chu Xisheng, but what was going on with the three inner and outer outer gangs? What was the situation with these small, smooth silver-white scales?

And the force of the eagle claw that bounced off Chu Xisheng's wrist made him even more confused.

However, Zhao Qiye had no time to think about it, as Chu Xisheng's left hand was already pointing like a knife, and he was striking at him with a fierce force like a dragon.

The ultimate move* is to control the wind and thunder!

What was different from before was that this time Chu Xisheng used the 'True Finger of Divine Thunder Cave' to trigger this extreme move, and countless wild lightnings spread instantly.

His knife finger pierced no less than ten fingers in an instant, slashing at Master Zhao Qi crazily.

And at the eleventh finger, the small tornado hurricane that Bai Xiaozhao turned into had penetrated Zhao Qiye's chest and crushed his lungs and heart into pieces!

Blood flowed from Zhao Qiye's mouth.

He knew in his heart that he would die today, so at the cost of having his palm shattered, he grabbed Chu Xisheng's knife finger with one hand, and at the same time looked at the young man in front of him with reluctance and anger.

"Hateful! You are a wise and brave man, and cruel and ruthless. You are clearly a hero. I don't know what kind of disaster you will cause to the entire Dongzhou in the future! I only hate that Zhao is incompetent and failed to kill you and eliminate this big trouble for the imperial court——"

Chu Xisheng's eyes were cold and indifferent.

"I said that as long as Sikong Chan is buried with my crazy uncle, Dongzhou will be peaceful and nothing will happen. I also said that if you want to act as an aide to the tiger, then there will be no friendship with Chu's sword.


"Siding with someone else?"

Master Zhao Qi couldn't help but raise his thick eyebrows.

He wanted to say something more, but the storm of claw blades stirred up by Bai Xiaozhao had completely crushed his head!


Just when Chu Xisheng killed Yan Ying Shen and captured Zhao Qiye and others.

Blood Bat Mountain inner disciple 'Yao Shen' Lewen brought a group of people including 'Mountain Cone' Zhu Mingshan, 'Ghost Shadow Sword' Lu Han, and 'Blood Wind Sword' Li Daogui to the Blood Rain Sword Yu Chi.

The scene of Yang Shen's death.

However, Blood Rain Sword Yu Chiyang's body, as well as the corpses of the water bandits and pirates, had been turned into minced meat and scattered in the surrounding area, and no useful clues could be seen.

The smell of blood here also attracts a large number of wild beasts from the mountains and fields.

Le Wen could only see that the bodies of Yu Chiyang and others were crushed by the wind blade.

The dense and sharp wind blades formed a powerful vortex, grinding all the corpses into powder. Only a few relatively strong magic weapons remained in place.

Among them is an arm armor of Yu Chiyang.

Le Wen's face looked extremely ugly.

Yu Chiyang is a super genius who has almost reached the Qingyun Ranking. He is expected to be ranked in the future and is highly regarded in the Blood Bat Mountain.

Unexpectedly, this promising young man would die here.

"That five-tailed white ferret spent a lot of mana destroying corpses and eliminating traces. He must be trying to hide something."

Zhu Mingshan's eyes were cold and he glanced around: "If we don't find out the secret, we may not be able to kill this person."

Lu Han, the Ghost Swordsman, was still frightened.

He was originally scheduled to guard the main road here. It was because after the arrival of 'Demon Shear' Lewen last night, in order to protect Yu Chiyang, a super genius, he was forced to place Yu Chiyang in the rear, so that he could escape.

This calamity.

When Chu Xisheng turned around and headed north, Yu Chiyang, who was almost as powerful as him, lost his life.

Ghost Sword Lu Han then took a deep breath: "I don't know what secret is hidden in this. I only know that there is Yu Chiyang here, and three sixth-grade people. Together they can't stop Chu Xisheng. Yu Chiyang releases fireworks.

After that, I didn’t even last a hundred breaths!”

In order to surround and kill Chu Xisheng, they pulled a net in all directions and formed more than 20 teams with the seven fifth-grade and sixty-seven sixth-grade combatants mobilized yesterday as the backbone.

They were more than ten miles apart from each other, forming a huge encirclement.

Theoretically speaking, as long as Yu Chiyang lasts more than a hundred breaths after sending the warning message, the surrounding teams will hear the message and come within visual distance.

Within fifty breaths, weapons such as bows and crossbows can be used to help.

The problem is that after their people arrived, they couldn't even see the backs of Chu Xisheng and others.

Le Wen raised his hand to pick up a few silver needles scattered in the mountains and fields, and looked at them carefully.

"These 'immortal tribulations' have been activated, sixteen in total!"

That's 16,000 silver needles, and Chu Xisheng was helpless with them all.

'Demon Scissor' Lewen's face was solemn: "Inform me, from now on we will merge the people into a group of 200 people. Each group must have at least one fifth-grade person, five sixth-grade people and thirty 'immortal tribulations'. In addition,

Then find a way to dispatch some 'Nine Stars' heavy crossbows. This kind of powerful heavy crossbow may be more effective."

Like Ghost Sword Lu Han and others, he is also an inner disciple of Blood Bat Mountain, but because his Yuan Gong has reached the peak of the fifth level and his bloodline talent is close to the Tianzhu level, his status is even higher than these people.

Le Wen came to Dongzhou originally to handle a private matter, but yesterday he received the order from Blood Bat Mountain and rushed here overnight to help, temporarily presiding over the siege and killing of Chu Xisheng.

Le Wen originally wanted to come, they were just seventh-grade people. As long as they could find them, they could capture them easily.

But at this moment, he felt that the matter was unexpectedly difficult.

Bloodwind Sword Li Daogui also felt a headache: "I will try my best to arrange the Nine-Star Heavy Crossbow, but I heard that the Nine-Star Heavy Crossbow on the market has been sold out by the Iron Banner Gang. It is estimated that there will not be many left."

He is a local boss and this matter can only be handled by him.

Then Li Daogui looked bitter again: "The problem is that after forming a team like this, we can't block his way at all. We don't have enough people in Blood Bat Mountain."

What's more, Chu Xisheng has already left most of them behind as he heads north.

"If you can't stop people, it's better than being wiped out by his sword. If people are too scattered, they will be defeated by him one by one."

Yaojian Lewen shook his head with a calm expression: "Go and negotiate with those killers and catchers and ask them to help. This time the prefect of Xiushui County made a big move. It is said that almost all the six gates of Dongzhou were moved. Five or six

There are more than forty gold and silver level killers here, and more people are rushing this way. But if we still fight on our own, we can't stop him."

At this moment, Le Wen saw a blood bat falling from the sky in front of him.

After the blood bat fell, it hung upside down on the tree in front of it. It closed its eyes tightly and seemed to have fallen asleep. However, in front of its forehead, a human-shaped soul shadow as small as a finger condensed.

"Bad news, Yanying Divine Catcher Zhao Qiye is dead! Together with three of his subordinates, they died in the hands of Chu Xisheng and the five-tailed white ferret. Judging from the entire battle, it should not have exceeded fifty breaths."

Everyone present was buzzing and shocked.

Although the Yanying Divine Catcher Zhao Qiye is not a fifth-grade Tianzhu or super-Tianzhu level, he is still one of the more outstanding among the fifth-grade. He has rich experience and complete magical tools.

The combined power of this man and his three subordinates is much more powerful than those of Yu Chiyang.

Demon Shear Lewen couldn't help but frown slightly. He looked at the blood bat mountain magician in front of him who had transformed with the help of the blood bat's spiritual power: "Can this blood bat clearly remember the smell of Chu Xisheng's blood?"

"They are not injured, how can they remember the smell?"

The magician let out a light gasp, then let out a light sigh, and said in a solemn voice: "Trouble, your junior brother Dai Lei has been beaten to death! He was killed by a punch. Those two mysterious masters are really terrifying, compared to the Eight Arms

Vajra Sword Bu Yancheng and Ye Zhiqiu are even more terrifying. So far, the number of killers and fifth-grade disciples of Blood Bat Mountain who have died in their hands has reached seven. They were all attacked and killed after being left alone. No one can survive in their hands.

One round.”

Yaojian Lewen's heart couldn't help but twitch slightly.

His junior brother Dai Lei, nicknamed the Flame Sword, is a master who can keep pace with the Yanying Divine Catcher Zhao Qiye.

Not long ago, the disciple sent for reinforcements from Blood Bat Mountain was actually punched to death?

This mission is not only difficult, but also extremely dangerous!

I really don’t know who those two mysterious masters are, so cruel?

What Yaojian Lewen didn't know was that at this time, Ji Qianqian was standing by the lake with his face covered, looking at a man in black clothes with two thin swords at his waist.

Ji Qianqian looked at the totem of two intertwined phoenixes painted on the man's neck, and his eyes were sharp: "Are you the gold medal killer of Shashenglou, Shuangfeng Dao Kangming?"

Kang Ming's expression was solemn, he pressed the knife with both hands, and looked at the money counter with vigilance: "I will not change my name in business, and I will not change my surname in office! Since you recognize my double phoenix totem, how can you not know my identity! Then your Excellency, what's the matter?

Who is it? What do you want to do by blocking my way?"

Ji Qianqian raised his eyebrows and said, "It's fine if it's you. I'm afraid I'll kill the wrong person."

When Kang Ming heard the word "kill", he felt the opponent's violent martial intent, pressing down like a mountain.

He looked stern and drew his sword first.

However, Kang Ming found that his sword power was as slow as a snail, and his spiritual thoughts were as insignificant as an ant in front of the martial intention of the person opposite him.

The next moment, his body exploded into blood and dust!

Ji Qianqian punched Kang Ming to death, then walked in the other direction without stopping.

At this time, her spiritual thoughts had locked onto another fifth-grade person from afar!

Ji Qianqian's eyes were filled with an icy coldness.

——She will let these killers who gather like vultures know that the two million taels of magic silver in the Killing Tower are not that easy to get!

This chapter has been completed!
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