Chapter 289 The source of God has no form (please subscribe)

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Three days later, in the evening, we were in another cave in Huotou Mountain.

Chu Ming looked at the illusory whip that turned gray and black above his head, and his face turned black.

This is the fifteenth time in the past three days that she has refused the divine grace challenge initiated by others.

The Xuannv mark on Chu Ming's head also changed from the original mixture of gold and silver to its current color.

Chu Ming was very worried about it.

She actually doesn't care much about 'divine favor' and the like.

Her father said that the way to practice martial arts lies in self-reliance.

God’s favor and grace are all external forces and cannot be relied upon.

What's more, with the financial power of the Chu family in western Beijing, why do they need to rely on any gods?

Therefore, Chu Ming didn't care much about the divine grace bloodline that others were eagerly waiting for.

If you have it, it's better, if you don't have it, it doesn't matter.

However, the giant goddess 'Taichu Xuannv' is said to be very vengeful and petty-minded.

She refused to fight fifteen times in a row, which had seriously disgraced the 'Xuannu Taichu'.

If the situation continues to deteriorate, Chu Ming is likely to be punished by Xuannv.

The power of gods is difficult to fathom. Even in this secret realm of time, the 'Lord of All Plans' has many ways to kill her.

On the one hand, Chu Ming was glad that the rule in the Secret of Time was that others could only challenge her five times in one day.

On the one hand, I was extremely angry and felt frightened secretly.

Of the fifteen people who challenged her, she was confident of defeating none of them.

The Chu family's news channels are extremely powerful, and they are also relied on by the palace officials and Jin Yiwei.

Three days before Chu Ming entered the secret realm, the Chu family had already listed the opponents she might face in the secret realm of time on a list one by one.

Chu Ming knew all the information about these people, so she was extremely frightened.

Something is very wrong with the Secret Realm of Time this time!

The fifteen people who challenged Chu Ming were, without exception, top-notch experts in the sixth grade.

Half of them have entered the Qingyun General Ranking.

The other half was also one of the top ten talents in the Northern Qingyun Ranking. They have accumulated experience for several years and their combat prowess is impressive, even to the point of terror.

Chu Ming even saw the names ‘Xuan Wushang’ and ‘Jian Shi Fei’ among them.

‘Xuan Wushang’, the sixth heaven of the Desire Realm, is currently the second among the Ten Great Swordsmen of Shenxiu and the 42nd on the Qingyun Ranking!

Dutian Shrine's "Sword Right and Wrong" is the first among the Ten Great Swordsmen of Shenxiu and the 45th in the Qingyun Ranking!

Why did such a character enter the Secret Realm of Time?

These two first-level sects have no control over the secret passages at all.

In previous years, when the secret realm of time was opened, both the Sixth Heaven of Desire Realm and Dutian Shrine were spectators and never participated.

Aren’t they worried that their future ‘Super Sky Pillar’ will be lost here?

Chu Ming secretly felt chilled and had goosebumps all over her body.

It seems that at this level of the sixth rank, all the heroes from all over the world have gathered here.

Are they all here for themselves?

Chu Ming's original plan was to choose a weak one among the challengers.

As long as you win one game, you won't have to participate in the Divine Grace Tournament for a month.

As long as she survives this method for a few months, when she is promoted to the fifth level, she will no longer have to worry about the Divine Grace Tournament.

This can also please the ‘Lord of All Strategies’ Taichu Xuannv.

The Xuan Nu Empress never likes to fight without a plan.

However, the current situation is that even if she wants to find a weak person, she can't find one.


This cold voice came from Chushan, the Taoist priest standing at the entrance of the cave.

He turned his head and glanced at the gray-black Divine Grace Seal on Chu Ming's head. A strange light flashed in the depths of his eyes, and then he said with a normal expression: "This black water has stopped, we should leave.


When Chu Ming heard this, he immediately looked outside the cave.

The rain outside is indeed not as strong as before.

Although the black rain was still falling, it was within the tolerance of the three of them.

They must leave Huotou Mountain as soon as possible.

The Secret of Time is surrounded by powerful enemies, so they are destined not to stay in one place for long.

The longer you stay here, the less safe it becomes.

And judging from the time, the things in Huotou Mountain will wake up at any time.

But just after Chu Ming walked outside the cave and walked a certain distance in the black rain, she turned her head again and looked towards the south side of the mountain with unpredictable eyes.


Chu Shi, the Taoist servant on the right, looked at Chu Ming suspiciously: "If we don't leave, the black rain will stop soon."

Although this black rain contains poison, it is the best way to conceal their whereabouts.

The violent poisonous rain can clean away all traces.

Chu Ming's eyes flashed with suspicion.

She wondered why Chu Xisheng would risk staying in Huotou Mountain?

This guy was also the target of many people, and his situation was so bad that it was only slightly better than her.

Also, this kid died two days ago!

Is it because the change of landing place disrupted Long Heihu's plan?

That ‘Tian Yuan Magnetic Core’ really messed up a lot of things.

I wonder if those people driven by Long Heihu can adapt to changes?

The murder of Chu Xisheng is of great concern.

Once the news leaks out, not only will she, Chu Ming, no longer have the possibility of learning the ‘Divine Will Touch Death Knife’, but the Chu family in the west of Beijing will also be attacked by the Wuxiang Divine Sect.

Although Chu Ming had many doubts in her heart, she never dared to discuss it with her two Taoist servants.

She hummed softly, continued to use her body skills, flew through the air, and flew to the dense forest in the distance.

Chushan Chushi followed closely behind them. They were ten feet close to the ground and soon disappeared into the rainy jungle.

And just as these three people left.

Bai Xiaozhao was hiding on a giant tree in the forest.

While holding a pine nut the size of her fist and chewing it, she looked thoughtfully at Chu Ming who was gradually going away.


At the same time, Chu Xisheng was looking at the illusory screen in front of him.

Character: Chu Xisheng

Reputation: Seventh Rank (Super Genius)

Martial Arts: Kamikaze Mirror Sword (ninth level), Phantom Cloud Trace (ninth level), Divine Thunder Cave True Finger (eighth level), Nine Wheels Divine Blade (fifth level), Secret Technique* Promise Slash

Martial Intent: True Intent of Yaizhen (Tenth Level), Three Phases of Martial Intent (Seventh Level)

Yuan Gong: Phaseless Kung Fu (Seventh Level/Seventh Level), Nine Refining Extreme Yuan Purple Gold Body (Seventh Level)

Blood point: 2164.8

Talents: Blood of Eternity (Level 6), Yazhu (Level 9), Divine Shang (Level 6), Heaven Burial (Level 6), Pure Yang (Level 8), Supreme Psychic (Level 8), Wind Control

Hands of Electricity (Level 8), Body of Time and Shadow (Level 8)

Status: Six Yin Resurrection Curse, Symbiosis (Level 3), Eye of Greed

Lifespan: 405 days

The reason why he specifically checked his character panel today was because Chu Xisheng had developed a new bloodline talent.

Hands that can control wind and electricity (eighth level) - Allows the person to control wind with his hands and control electricity with his fingers, which increases the limb speed, double the dexterity, and double the reaction speed of an ordinary person, and strengthens the meridians.

At the same time, super strong wind and thunder power is generated in the body, and 57 blood points are required to initially control the wind and thunder within a radius of 30 feet.

The eighth-level wind-controlling hand has no changes, except that it makes his sword speed faster and more dexterous. Then the range of the wind and thunder he controls expands to thirty feet, and he becomes more and more like a magician.

Therefore, there is a reason why magicians in this world are not welcomed.

"Nine Wheels of God" has also been upgraded from the fourth level to the fifth level.

The spiritual power within the Secret of Time is extremely strong.

Not only is Chu Xisheng's speed in practicing Wuxiang Gong more than double that of the outside world, but his progress in "Nine Wheels of God" is also advancing by leaps and bounds.

His Phantom Cloud Trace has also been upgraded to the ninth level.

This is the joint effect of Chu Xisheng’s participation in the study of ‘Wuji Slash’.

The day before yesterday, when he saw the true intention drawn by Chu Yunyun, he suddenly had an epiphany and understood the key points of Phantom Cloud Trace.

Chu Xisheng was directly promoted to the ninth level without practicing this level at all.

He sighed secretly in his heart.

This supreme ability to communicate with the gods was too mysterious, making him unable to feel down-to-earth.

However, Chu Xisheng's mastery of the Nine-level Phantom Cloud Trace is solid and without any water.

In addition, the word "evil" in his reputation has disappeared, and the impact of him being wanted by the government has finally completely subsided.

The lifespan has also increased to 405 days.

Chu Xisheng is still a little concerned about lifespan. This is firewood, which is used for burning. The more firewood, the longer it will burn.

But the most important thing is the 'Secret Technique* Promise Slash' at the end of the martial arts column.

After Chu Xisheng devoted himself to studying for three days, he finally mastered this secret technique.

When Chu Xisheng focused his attention, a piece of information instantly flowed into his mind.

——Do you want to use 1,000 blood points to integrate the ‘Secret Technique* Wuji Slash’ into the ‘Shadowless Kung Fu’?

Note: After the secret method * Wuji Slash is integrated into the Wuxiang Gong, the power of the Wuxiang Gong can be strengthened by 20%, the true energy can be increased by 50%, and more of the charm of heaven can be integrated into it. Wuji Wuxiang, the changes are endless!

And the Wuji Slash can be integrated into any martial arts and moves.

Chu Xisheng raised her eyebrows and chose yes without hesitation.

It has to be said that the integration of this secret technique, the Infinite Slash, is quite expensive, and consumes several hundred times more blood points than the previous White Horse Feima!

But this also proves that the ‘Wuji Slash’ is extraordinary.

What's more, it can also strengthen the power of the Phaseless Kung Fu by 20% and increase the true energy by 50%!

These improvements alone are worth 1,000 blood points.

After all, the most important thing in martial arts is Yuan Gong, which is the foundation of all martial arts!

When the number of blood points suddenly dropped to 1164.8, Chu Xisheng felt as if his brain was being hit hard. Countless information and memory images emerged from the depths of his mind, making him feel that his consciousness was close to exploding.


Chu Xisheng hadn't experienced this feeling for a long time.

His Yuan Shen is getting stronger and stronger, and his spiritual consciousness is increasing. He has also cultivated the "Nine Wheels of God" and has nine divided souls.

Chu Xisheng's thinking ability and speed were a hundred times higher than before.

But now he was almost knocked unconscious by the huge amount of information in his mind.

Chu Xisheng finally got through it.

Just as he was rubbing his brows, trying to relieve the sharp pain in his head, he noticed some changes in the Yuan Gong column.

The original "Phaseless Kung Fu" became the words "Divine Source Wuxiang Kung".

Chu Xisheng was stunned when he saw this.

I wonder if this change will affect his subsequent practice of Formless Kung Fu?

As he focused his attention, a piece of information emerged.

——Your ‘Phaseless Skill’ has been essentially improved, and it has begun to trace back to its source and return to its original appearance.

——You have mastered the eighth-level cultivation method of the Phaseless Kung Fu. Do you use one hundred blood points to deduce the eighth-level cultivation method of the ‘Shenyuan Wuxiang Gong’?

——Should we use a thousand blood points to deduce the follow-up content of ‘Promise Slash’?

Chu Xisheng thought for a while and then changed the cultivation method of the eighth level of Shenyuan Wuxiang Gong.

At this time, another piece of information and pictures emerged from the depths of Chu Xisheng's memory.

Chu Xisheng understood it carefully.

I found that the changes were not big, but there were some more contents that could not be expressed, described, or recorded in words.

The charm of heaven contained in it is even richer. It is indeed infinite and formless, with endless changes——

Chu Xisheng couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

When the phaseless skill reaches the twelfth level, it can be transformed into the "Hunyuan phaseless skill".

By cultivating the 'Hunyuan Formless Skill' to the peak of the eighteenth level, all the restrictions in the human body can be lifted, reaching the limit of humans and gods.

However, it is said that in the past dynasties of the Wuxiang Divine Sect, there have been some masters with extraordinarily powerful understandings. They have discovered two complete laws of heaven in the 'Hunyuan Wuxiang Gong' and possess extremely powerful combat power.

Just because these two 'Celestial Rules' were too powerful, they could not describe them in words, nor could they describe their true intentions.

They can only continue to improve the "Phaseless Skill" step by step, making it infinitely close to the two "Celestial Rules".

Has his own ‘Divine Source Wuxiang Gong’ also embarked on this path?

Later, you can use a thousand blood points to exchange for the advanced version of Wuji Slash.

The corners of Chu Xisheng's lips twitched, and then she chose "No" without thinking.

After this secret realm is over, he can ask Chu Yunyun for help.

With Chu Yunyun's talent, it is estimated that this matter can be completed within half a year. There is no need to waste blood points on this.

Now, with one move of his Wuji Slash sword technique, he can take away 50% of his true energy.

If it is an extreme move such as Feng Sha Lei Xing and Three Phase Divine Sword, it will consume about 40% to 60%.

So there is no need to upgrade Wuji Slash, and he won't be able to use it if he upgrades it.

Chu Xisheng felt a little strange when she thought of Chu Yunyun.

He misses this cheap sister a little bit, and wonders what the situation is like outside now?

Not seeing each other for three days is like an autumn.

Chu Xisheng immediately thought that one day outside is equal to twelve days here.

I spent three days here, and it was estimated that only three hours had passed outside.

And just when Chu Xisheng was laughing at himself for this, Bai Xiaozhao in his original form walked in holding a pine nut the size of a fist.

Her cheeks were bulging into two bags, and she didn't know how many pine nuts were stuffed inside.

Most of the things in the Secret Realm of Time are poisonous, with the exception of the seeds of the trees outside, which are also the most reliable food for disciples of various schools after entering the Secret Realm of Time.

There are large areas of blood pine trees near Huotou Mountain. The pine nuts they produce are not only as big as fists, but also very delicious.

This coke spoiled Bai Xiaozhao.

Before she transformed, her favorite food was pine nuts.

Inside these pine nuts, there is also the purified blood of the ancient gods.

Although the concentration is extremely thin, for Bai Xiaozhao, it is no less than the essence of the sun and moon that she usually swallows for a day.

The demon clan practices slowly.

With Bai Xiaozhao's aptitude to reach the five-tail level, if he swallows the essence of the sun and moon for a day, his demon power will only increase a little. He might as well eat a pine nut of this kind of blood pine.

It's a pity that Bai Xiaozhao doesn't have a void magic weapon, otherwise he would have filled it with pine nuts.

It is estimated that if she eats five thousand of these pine nuts, she will be promoted to the fifth rank.

"Brother, you guessed it right, they left just now."

Bai Xiaozhao was eating something in his mouth, and his words were unclear: "And that Chu Ming, the mark of divine grace on her head is gray-black."


Chu Xisheng couldn't help but narrowed her eyes.

This surprised him a bit.

In three days, Chu Ming didn’t challenge even once?

This woman has always been arrogant and arrogant. She can't be so cowardly, right?

Except for these challengers, none of them Chu Ming could handle with confidence.

This time in the Secret Realm of Time, it seems that there is a gathering of heroes.

Chu Xisheng thought thoughtfully: "What about Leng Jijia?"

The ‘violent sword’ Guo Nu and the ‘wind and thunder double pole’ ancient sword had already left Huotou Mountain when the rain stopped yesterday afternoon.

Now there is only one cold moment left.

"He didn't leave. He was still hiding in his cave, guarding the ice coffin." Bai Xiaozhao shook his head: "This man is so strange. He has only come out once in the past three days."

Chu Xisheng was also suspicious.

But he didn't plan to wait any longer.

After mastering the 'Wuji Slash', he can now run rampant in the secret realm.

He had to start exploring the 'destiny' that Chu Yunyun told him.

"Let's go." After Chu Xisheng said this, he walked out of the cave and headed towards the hinterland of Huotou Mountain.

The shape of Huotou Mountain is similar to a human head.

Chu Xisheng suspected that this mountain might also be the corpse of a giant god, similar to the Fire Bone Cave.

Therefore, there is also a huge cave in the belly of Huotou Mountain, which looks like a human mouth.

Chu Xisheng stood at the entrance of the cave for a moment, summoning the power of the 'Tai Shang Shen Tong Shen' to concentrate, and then walked in without hesitation.

Just as the figures of Chu Xisheng and Zhou Liangchen disappeared from the entrance of the cave.

At the top of Huotou Mountain, Leng Shi also walked out of the earth cave he dug himself.

He looked down with a bit of surprise, wondering what Chu Xisheng wanted?

Doesn't this person know that there is great danger inside the cave entrance?

Once that thing wakes up, even a fifth-grade Tianzhu-level martial artist cannot survive a single breath in front of it.

At the same time, in a dense forest hundreds of miles away, a group of extremely large humanoid creatures were walking in the dense forest.

The bodies of these giants are more than three feet tall. The leader is five feet tall.

Their bodies are covered with thick hair and covered with a thick layer of black iron armor.

Under the dim light of the secret realm, the shadows they cast on the ground seemed to be giant wolves.

These giants, numbering about fifty, walked in the dense forest without making any sound. Only a cold breath spread in all directions, causing the indigenous creatures in the secret realm to avoid them.

And just when they saw Huotou Mountain in the distance, the giant with the strongest body waved his hand to signal his subordinates to stop.

The fifty or so giants actually stopped in their tracks at the same time despite the order and prohibition.

One of them was lying on the ground.

He was holding a magic weapon inlaid with a snake head, sniffing the ground like a wolf.

Instantly, a trace of green fluorescence was inhaled into his nostrils.

The golden vertical eyes of the snake-headed staff also shone with a strange luster.

After a moment, he stood up and said, "Qianhu, the trees here tell me that the person with the blood of the white tiger you are looking for is in the volcano in the shape of a human head in front of you."

The strong giant's eyes narrowed, and then he continued to move his feet towards the direction of Huotou Mountain.

His steps were more determined and faster.


The giant holding the snake-headed staff immediately followed him, but a strange look appeared in his eyes at this moment: "Qianhu, don't you think the situation this time is strange? The smuggling passage in the Secret Realm of Time was blocked ten years ago.

The Tieshan Qin family took over.

How could this passage be so coincidental that it suddenly moved into the territory of our tribe? What’s even more coincidental is that we also got a magic weapon that can sense the blood of the white tiger."

"My priest, this must be a cunning trick of the human race. They regard us as chess pieces and drive them at will."

The five-foot giant's face was as hard as rock, and his eyes were as firm and stubborn as steel: "But in my opinion, no matter what their thoughts were, they actually helped us. Priest, I can't forget that

Qin Muge, the king of the human race, will never forget the disaster and humiliation that woman inflicted on us."

The giant priest holding the snake-headed staff suddenly fell silent.

When he heard the words 'Qin Muge', his pupils shrank and a look of panic appeared on his face.

They were originally the overlords of the three Bingjijue states, controlling this land that was 30,000 miles wide and containing hundreds of giant spirit survivors.

They even had the prototype of a dynasty and could mobilize tens of millions of troops to fight in all directions.

But now, they can only hide and lick their wounds in this land like voles being preyed upon by giant snakes.

This is all thanks to King Qin Muge!

"Someone told me that even if these two people can't master the divine will-touching death knife, they can be like Qin Muge in the future, one against ten thousand on the battlefield. If they master the divine will-touching death knife, it will definitely be the annihilation of our Yelang clan.


In the eyes of the five-foot-tall giant, there was already an infinite killing intent: "No matter what, these two candidates for Yaizhen of the Wuxiang Divine Sect must be eliminated! First kill the Chu Xisheng who has the blood of the white tiger, and then remove the Chu Ming -


At this moment, the giant priest was slightly stunned.

It looked at the snake-headed staff it was holding in confusion.

"Strange." The giant priest looked forward suspiciously: "I have lost the trace of the white tiger's bloodline."

For some reason, his feeling for that person suddenly disappeared completely——

This chapter has been completed!
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