Chapter 290 Wood Sword Fairy (please subscribe)

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When Chu Xisheng entered the cave, he replaced the white tiger bloodline with the Yaizhen bloodline.

The 'Blood Jade Fantasy Ring' can increase the Jijian bloodline by two levels when there is no need to simulate the blood of the white tiger.

At this time, Chu Xisheng was using the 11th-level Yaju sword intention and the 11th-level Yaju bloodline to deflect all the surrounding external forces.

This also includes the thick ‘death fog’ here.

There is no grass growing in this cave, and there is no living thing.

Not to mention the crickets and beetles that are common in dark environments, there are not even ferns and moss.

There were only many human and animal skeletons scattered on the ground.

There is also a black-gray mist that ripples throughout the cave.

This is the ‘death mist’, a water mist that contains the power of death.

Before the Wuxiang Shenzong mastered the 'Secret Realm of Time', many people had entered this secret realm.

The secret realm was opened more than a hundred times before and after, and countless martial arts cultivators died near Huotou Mountain.

No one paid attention at first, until the Wuxiang Shen Sect came into contact with the Secret Realm of Time, summed up previous experience, and believed that Huotou Mountain contained power beyond the sixth level specifications, so it marked the center of Huotou Mountain as a place of death and strictly prohibited disciples from approaching it.

Even outside the mountains is not safe.

For ten miles around Huotou Mountain, only the first nine days are safe.

Bai Xiaozhao stood on Chu Xisheng's shoulder. She looked at the death fog surrounding her and felt a little scared in her heart.

Bai Xiaozhao instinctively felt that the mist was dangerous.

It was generated by the combination of the strong poisonous death energy and the rhythm of 'death', and its source was also the blood of the giant god.

Those with lower cultivation levels may even die if touched.

At this time, it was all up to Chu Xisheng to continuously use his ultimate move 'Returning Light' to resist the power of death contained in the fog.

In fact, he was not able to fully reflect this strange power. He relied more on the repulsion and stirring of the several-foot-long sword to force them away and prevent them from getting close.

This is another place that surprised Bai Xiaozhao.

The 'Reflection of Light' is an extremely expensive move that you can tell at a glance, but Chu Xisheng can perform it once every two breaths.

Chu Xisheng's true energy seemed to be endless.

However, Bai Xiaozhao couldn't help but ask: "Brother, why do you want to risk going deep into the heart of Huotou Mountain? Don't they say this is an extremely dangerous place to die?"

Zhou Liangchen was also curious and looked sideways at Chu Xisheng.

He also stayed by Chu Xisheng's side obediently, not daring to move arbitrarily. It was only because of Chu Xisheng's protection that he could walk safely in Huotou Mountain.

Chu Xisheng pondered for a moment after hearing the words: "Xuanwu Ice Mountain, Huotou Mountain, Fengxue Cave, Lei Zhen Valley, Gold and Silver Mountain, Towering Tree, Black Sea, Iron Stone Mountain, and Dragon Flame Mountain are the nine special places in the Secret Realm of Time.

They are almost all formed from the corpses of giant gods. Now they are either the entrance to the secret realm of time, or they contain terrifying power. They correspond to 'life, death, wind, thunder, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth'

Nine powers.

Some people have speculated in the past that these nine places may hide the core secrets of the Secret of Time, so I want to see what happens. Anyway, the method to enter the second level of the Secret of Time is quite simple."

In fact, more than ten years ago, after Qin Muge stayed on the first floor for two months, he went to visit these nine places one by one out of boredom.

When Tan saw the fifth one, Qin Muge sensed something was wrong.

Unfortunately, she was short of time at the time and only saw seven of them before having to enter the second level of the Secret Realm of Time.

Otherwise, this fate would not be his turn.

However, Chu Xisheng could not speak frankly about these matters in front of Zhou Liangchen, nor could he explain them to the senior officials of the Wuxiang Divine Sect afterwards.

Fortunately, in the notes recorded by former disciples of the Wuxiang Shen Sect, many people did put forward speculations about these nine locations, believing that there might be great secrets hidden in them.

Some people have tried to explore its secrets, but no one has succeeded.

They either lacked ability and gained nothing; or they were unlucky and died in the secret realm.

Among these nine places, the five places of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are relatively simple, and with Qin Muge's experience, it can probably be done in a day or two.

The most dangerous places are Xuanwu Iceberg, Huotou Mountain, Fengxue Cave and Lei Zhen Valley, especially Huotou Mountain!

Qin Muge has never been to this place. She only made a rough guess about the situation here.

Chu Xisheng originally wanted to start with the simplest one.

After all, the place where the disciples of the Wuxiang Shen Sect came to the secret realm was near the towering tree.

But since he was disturbed by the 'Tian Yuan Magnetic Core' and came to Huotou Mountain, he might as well settle this place first.

Zhou Liangchen was relieved after hearing this, but he also cursed in his heart.

The method of entering the second level of the 'Secret Realm of Time' is actually not simple at all.

They want to find twelve 'time blood stones' that are at least the size of a finger in this secret realm.

It was biochemically formed from the 'blood of the ancient gods' and the 'chronological secret stone'.

The Wuxiang Divine Sect uses the 'Time Sequence Secret Stone' to open the secret realm.

After this 'Time Sequence Secret Stone' is driven into the Secret Realm, it will turn into countless fragments and be scattered on the first level of the Secret Realm of Time.

At the same time, thunderous black rainstorms in the secret territory every day, mixed with thin divine blood, wash away the world.

Part of the ancient god's blood was combined with fragments of the Time Sequence Secret Stone, eventually forming the 'Time Blood Stone'.

Therefore, the number of ‘Time Blood Stones’ produced is limited. The largest number in previous years was only 4,800.

It is expected that only 300 to 400 people will be qualified to enter the second level of the secret realm in the end.

The disciples of each sect not only have to search for the 'Time Blood Stone' in this secret realm that stretches more than 3,500 miles from north to south and east to west, but they also have to guard against being snatched by others. The competition is extremely cruel.

But Zhou Liangchen knew what Chu Xisheng had in mind.

Find it yourself, where can I grab it directly?

Zhou Liangchen was eager to try this, feeling that the sword at his waist was already thirsty.

He is usually a decent person, but occasionally gets excited when he does bad things.

What's more, those who robbed people from hostile sects and demon sects should be ruthless and ruthless, leaving no way for them to survive.

The three of them walked forward, and after passing through a fiery cave, they entered the depths of the mountain.

At this time, a strange scene appeared before their eyes.

It was a large lava lake, covering an area of ​​more than 70 acres, with countless red magma rolling inside.

What is shocking is that there is a giant snake floating on top of the magma.

This giant snake is covered in red scales, and has four transparent wings on its back. Its body is more than a hundred feet long, coiled in circles.

Chu Xisheng observed attentively and found that the giant snake's eyes were half-open and half-closed, with no focus in the pupils, and it was obviously still in an unconscious state.

It is waking up, but not fully awake yet.

Chu Xisheng looked across again. On the other side of the lava lake, there was a cave that could only accommodate two people.

There is a large amount of black and gray death fog inside the cave.

That should be the source of the death fog in the cave. Most of it was burned by the moxibustion fire in the lava lake, and some of it was forced by the fire and rushed towards the direction where Chu Xisheng and the others were standing.

Chu Xisheng stood by the lava lake and looked around, his brows furrowed involuntarily as he fell into deep thought.

The place he wanted to explore was the cave that contained a lot of death power.

There are two difficulties now. One is the big snake in the lava lake.

If they pass by from above, they will definitely wake up.

The power of this big snake is beyond the sixth level.

Generally, nine days after the Secret Realm of Time is opened, this big snake will fully wake up. This will cause a volcano to erupt, with huge magma spurting out from the top, and a fierce sea of ​​​​fire covering the surrounding area for more than 20 miles.

There have been several martial arts cultivators who have been promoted to the fifth level in the Secret Realm of Time, but they could not even hold a breath in front of it.

Secondly, the death fog inside the cave entrance is too dense.

This was beyond Chu Xisheng's power.

His 'Reflection of Light' probably couldn't fully reflect the power of death.

What should I do next?

After a while, Chu Xisheng had an idea.

He began digging a hole a hundred feet above the lava lake.

Judging from the cave they came from, the 'water level' of the lava lake was not high, and even when it was erupting, it was never submerged.

However, Chu Xisheng chose to dig a hole higher up just in case.

The rocks here are formed by the accumulation of volcanic ash and ejected magma over time, solidifying and cooling, and are extremely strong.

But this is not a problem for Chu Xisheng and Zhou Liangchen.

The two of them were holding spare weapons. One sword made a hole, and one sword made a piece of stone.

The main force is Bai Xiaozhao. Her claws are better and her digging speed is ten times that of the other two.

It only took them half a moment to dig out a cave about thirteen feet deep.

The cave itself is low on the outside and high on the inside. The deepest part inside is two feet higher than the outside.

Chu Xisheng then used rubble to seal the entrance of the cave.

He was very careful and had to seal the stone layer without leaving any gaps to ensure that the expanding and erupting lava would not flow back into the cave.

Bai Xiaozhao looked at the closed entrance of the cave and was confused: "The thing in the lava lake seems to be a soaring snake, at least part of the soaring snake blood. What should I do next?"

She couldn't guess the purpose of Chu Xi's announcement.

No matter how you look at it, this looks like courting death.

By hiding in the cave, can you avoid the sensation of the crimson-feathered serpent?

This thirteen-foot-long cave could not withstand the power of the feathered serpent.

But Chu Xisheng was calm and composed: "Just lure that flying snake away."

Chu Yunyun said that the giant basalt turtle in the basalt iceberg has little intelligence, usually acts according to certain rules, and lacks the ability to adapt.

Chu Xisheng guessed that this red snake was probably the same.

If the plan doesn't work, they can also use the 'Hengtian Holy Sword' to escape in advance.

Chu Xisheng specially kept a large amount of good deeds in order to invite this sect's artifact to come to him.

The 'Hengtian Holy Sword' is a sect-suppressing artifact specially created for the 'Liangtian Holy Legend', and contains a complete 'measurement' rule of the sky.

This is a powerful tool for escaping and saving your life.

Chu Xisheng only had to shrink the land of ten miles to an inch under his feet, and the two of them could leave in one step.

This is the magical power of shrinking the ground into an inch——

Bai Xiaozhao and Zhou Liangchen immediately looked at each other.

Lure away a flying snake? How to lure it away?

The two of them were probably not able to survive fifty breaths in the death fog.

And that soaring snake could probably burn them to ashes with just one look.

But Chu Xisheng had his own way.

This matter can only be left to the disembodied Xiaopingtou.

Whether it's the death fog or the flames, nothing can be done about it.

Chu Xisheng raised his hand and patted his chest and abdomen, then released the little crew chief from his body.

This Yaju evil spirit instantly transformed into a ball of golden wind and two qi.

Before Zhou Liangchen could see clearly, it drilled directly out of the stone layer.

Chu Xisheng didn't wait long. Just a moment later, there was a sudden tremor below them.

The Baizhang Soaring Snake also let out a low roar at this moment, and there was a small wound in the center of its eyebrows. This caused the Baizhang Soaring Snake to wake up quickly, and stood up staggeringly from the lava lake, its body unsteady, and Dong

Stumble around.

At this time, the entire lava lake was boiling, countless slurries erupted, and the 'water level' of the lava continued to rise.

After about ten breaths, the soaring snake finally woke up. It was actually wrapped in a large amount of fire-colored lava and flew out from the top of the volcano.

"The soaring snake has been lured away." Zhou Liangchen sensed the situation outside: "As expected of the Lord!"

He looked slightly surprised.

I wonder what Chu Xisheng released just now?

Zhou Liangchen only felt that the evil force of that thing was very heavy and extremely powerful!

Chu Xisheng also secretly gave Xiaopingtou a thumbs up in his heart.

But at this moment, he heard a roar filled with grief and anger outside the cave: "Everyone, please run away from me! Let me cut off the rear with my fierce spirit!"

Chu Xisheng was suspicious after hearing this.

I wonder who this person is? His voice is so loud.

Is there anyone else outside this mountainside?

Listening to his voice, it seemed to be full of fear, anxiety, sadness and anger.

However, it would be really tragic if this person stayed near Huotou Mountain at this time.


A moment ago, when Chu Xisheng was digging a hole in the mountain, Leng Shijia was looking inside the big-mouth-shaped hole in Huotou Mountain.

He was still wondering what the two people and the beast were doing in this cave? Didn't he know that there was a giant snake inside that had some of the power of a flying snake?

Leng Shi always wanted to get in and take a closer look, but the gray-black mist that filled the cave made him extremely afraid, so he had to give up the idea.

How did that guy resist these 'death fogs' when he was only at the seventh level of cultivation?

Just when Leng was puzzled for a moment, his ears shrugged.

Leng's expression suddenly changed and he looked behind him.

Immediately a look of awe appeared in his pupils.

Leng instantly saw fifty giants wearing heavy armor, marching quickly towards Huotou Mountain in the jungle thirty miles away.

This is a group of elite night wolves.

Not one of them is lower than the sixth grade!

The leader was actually a Night Wolf Qianhu!

Theoretically speaking, the strength of a Yelang Qianhu is between the fifth and fourth levels.

Since the Yelang Clan failed to attack the Wuxiang Mountain and was destroyed by Qin Muge's army, the average level of the Yelang Thousand Households has dropped significantly.

However, under normal circumstances, the strength of the remaining Qianhu of the Night Wolf Clan will not be lower than the fifth level.

This person must have used some secret method to lower himself to the realm and enter the secret realm of time.

Without any hesitation, Leng immediately retreated, returning to his cave like smoke. After taking out the round ice coffin, he fled towards the south of the mountain like a rabbit.

Priest Yelang also saw Leng Jiji, and raised his eyebrows: "The body technique this person uses is 'Phantom Cloud Tracking Step', and he is also a disciple of the Wuxiang Divine Sect."

"No matter!" Yelang Qianhu's voice was as hard as a stone: "Our goal is just Chu Xisheng."

He continued to move forward until he reached the heart of Huotou Mountain.

When they arrived here, Yelang Qianhu stood at the entrance of the big-mouth-shaped cave, frowning: "Are you sure that Chu Xisheng is inside?"

"I'm sure that even though the magic weapon that senses the white tiger is invalid, I can still smell the scent of the five-tailed wind-born beast."

Night Wolf Priest also looked puzzled.

In the past, the wolf clan often used the smuggling passage to send young people into the Secret Realm of Time.

They still understand the situation in the secret realm and know that it is a place of death.

What's more, the death fog in the cave is clearly there.

The problem is that the Night Wolf Priest also firmly believes in his own sense of smell.

The night wolves have an extremely sensitive sense of smell, and priests like him are the best among them.

Although he could no longer sense the white tiger's bloodline, he could smell the 'five-tailed wind-born beast' next to Chu Xisheng.

This five-tailed white ferret has a part of the Chenghuang bloodline and has a special body fragrance.

The Night Wolf Priest's nose can smell it from ten miles away.

Yelang Qianhu couldn't help but frown, feeling troubled.

This cave is huge on the outside, but very small on the inside. With their size, they cannot enter at all.

Even if you enter, you will still be killed by those 'death fog'.

He tilted his head and thought for a moment, then sneered: "We'll wait here until they come out."

The Night Wolf Priest was not surprised when he heard this.

As things stand now, we can only wait.

Wait in Huotou Mountain until Chu Xisheng comes out, or until the volcano erupts and the Baizhang Tengshe wakes up.

At that time, this person will either be killed by the ‘death fog’ or burned to ashes!

The Night Wolf Priest nodded slightly: "I will arrange the manpower to build a house and camp to prepare for the black rain——"

None of the night wolves like sitting in caves.

At this time, Priest Nightwolf noticed a violent shaking under his feet, and a thunderous roar came from inside the mountain.

The next moment, a red flame erupted from the top of the mountain, dyeing the entire sky red.

There is also a large amount of magma, carrying countless volcanic ash, blasting out from the top of the mountain and sputtering in all directions.

The volcanic ash formed a huge cloud in the sky, and at the same time, little bits of hot magma fell like raindrops.

Then, a red fire snake a hundred feet long emerged from the top of the mountain.

It coiled its body on the top of the mountain and looked around, then its golden-red vertical pupils locked firmly on the fifty night wolf giants at the belly of the mountain.

At this time, all the giants, including Yelang Qianhu and Yelang Priest, were pale and their eyes were ashen.

And just when the hundred-foot-long snake roared again and pounced downwards.

Yelang Qianhu felt chills all over his body at first, then he took a deep breath, pulled out the two battle axes behind him, and let out a roar like thunder: "Everyone, run away from me! I will cut off the rear with my fierce spirit!"


Just as he finished speaking, the hundred-foot-tall snake had fallen down, and the endless red flames enveloped dozens of giants in it.

Just thirteen miles away, Leng Shi, who had been watching the movements of these giants from a distance, couldn't help but shudder when he saw this.

He was full of sympathy for these giants in his heart, and at the same time, he used his body skills to continue running southward like clouds and smoke.

If Chu Xisheng were here at this time, he would have discovered that the body speed of this ‘Snapshot Sword’ Leng Jisuna was far beyond his previous body speed, more than double that of before!


When the sea of ​​crimson fire swept across the surrounding area of ​​Huotou Mountain, Chu Xisheng was inside the cave, looking above his head with doubtful eyes.

He found that there was another 'Seal of Divine Grace' on his head.

It was a beautifully decorated nine-section whip, which was the mark of Taichu Xuannv, the ‘Lord of All Plans’.

The color is gold and silver, with more gold and less silver.

"The whip seal of Taichu." Chu Xisheng couldn't help but be stunned for a while: "It's strange, how did I win the favor of Xuannv of Taichu?"

Zhou Liangchen was equally puzzled. He put his chin in his hand and muttered: "My Lord must have done something to win the favor of Xuannv Taichu. Xuannv Taichu is the master of all plans, and what I appreciate most is clever strategies."

Zhou Liangchen didn't know why, but he admired him even more.

He thought that he was worthy of being his master, and he was able to win the favor of three gods of war.

This is obviously courageous and resourceful.

Chu Xisheng was still confused after hearing this.

Doesn't it count to lure that hundred-foot-long snake away?

It's a pity that this 'Seal of Divine Grace' did not bring him any divine grace.

Chu Xisheng also put away his thoughts.

This was the moment when the clock was ticking, and he had no time to think about it.

Chu Xisheng led the man and the beast and quickly dug through the stone layer outside.

At this time, the lava lake in the heart of the mountain is still erupting.

A large amount of red magma was sprayed out like cannonballs, and the entire mountain was filled with a lot of dust and a pungent smell of sulfur.

Chu Xisheng did not dare to neglect, he used the "returning light" sword force, resisted the rushing lava flow, and rushed towards the black hole on the opposite side.

At this time, all heat and impact were cut away by his sword energy or directly reflected.

The three of them crossed the lava mist as quickly as possible and arrived at the small black hole that was constantly emitting thick 'death mist'.

"Xiao Zhao!"

Bai Xiaozhao has been ready for a long time.

Chu Xisheng had already told her the plan before launching it.

At this moment, Bai Xiaozhao's whole body erupted with fierce winds, blowing back the death mist that was erupted.

With the help of the infinite flame power when the lava lake erupts, the fierce wind and heat waves she blows are so fierce that they actually continue to compress the death mist inwards, refining and melting it.

After about ten breaths, the scene inside the Death Fog Cave finally appeared before their eyes.

The inside of the cave is about ten feet square. The four walls are as smooth as an axe-cut, but the whole is a dead gray color. At the moment of the volcanic eruption, the cave walls have no reflection at all, as if they are dead.

Chu Xisheng's eyes immediately fell on the center of the small hole in the black mist.

There was the source of the black mist—a broken stone monument embedded in the ground, and a blood-colored hot spring that was boiling three feet wide.

The distance between the two is only less than five feet.

The hot spring contains highly poisonous water, and countless bloody mist is evaporating from it, and the fishy smell is astounding.

However, the power of death came from the incomplete stone tablet.

These blood-colored mist mixed with the power of death on the stone tablet and turned into black-gray water mist.

Chu Xisheng's eyes suddenly lit up, this scene was far better than he expected.

"Good minister!"

Zhou Liangchen did not hesitate, strode to the front of the hot spring, and pressed his hand on the ground.

"Control the sea!"

He has the gift of "Heart of Controlling Thunder and Sea". As he pressed down his hands, the mist erupting from the blood-colored hot spring was actually controlled by him and separated from the stone monument.

These blood-colored mist are still deadly, and the poison contained in them is much more intense than the black rainstorm in the Secret of Time, but it is far less deadly than before.

Bai Xiaozhao's expression suddenly relaxed.

She uses her magical power to control the strong wind to suppress the black mist, and the loss is almost equivalent to maintaining her ultimate move all the time.

All her demon power was almost exhausted and she was exhausted.

So when Zhou Liangchen took over, Bai Xiaozhao swallowed a pill without hesitation and lay on Chu Xisheng's shoulder to try to recover.

The way she regained her demon power was by chewing pine nuts from blood pine trees.

Bai Xiaozhao's cheeks swelled into two bags, with several large pine nuts hidden inside.

She doesn't practice human skills, so she can only recover her demon power by swallowing the essence of the sun and moon.

However, there is no sun or moon in this secret realm, so the conventional method is to chew pine nuts.

Chu Xisheng stood in front of the stone tablet, looking at the words and graphics carved on the tablet.

This is an ancient type of writing, with a simple and rough shape, large and horizontal fonts, solid and solid, irregular and uneven.

If you observe carefully, you can find that the strokes contain vast mystical meanings, and the words are continuous and echo each other from a distance.

As for the pictures, there are nine pictures in total. They are also continuous, natural, wonderful, and expressive in one stroke.

It looks like a towering tree, using its dozens of huge branches that are as sharp as swords to wield a sword.

Is this a giant tree using a sword?

Chu Xisheng still doesn't know what's going on.

But he didn't have to figure it out at this time.

Chu Xisheng's eyes were fixed, and the 'Nine Heavens Thought Wheel' suspended behind him was spinning rapidly.

Chu Xisheng devoted all his energy to memorizing the patterns and words on the stele, trying to remember every word, every stroke, and every detail on the stele.

Fortunately, the pattern itself is not very complicated.

As time went by, Zhou Liangchen also sweated on his forehead.

His control of these blood-colored water mist also consumes a lot of money.

After only sixty breaths, the true energy in his body was completely gone.

At this moment, outside the Huotou Mountain, the hundred-foot-tall snake was setting fire wantonly.

It flapped its wings, triggering the red flames, burning the Night Wolf Qianhu that turned into a huge stone in front of it. A fierce light appeared in its pair of vertical pupils.

Just when the hundred-foot-tall snake was about to erupt its 'Lihuo God's Light' and completely melt the five-foot-tall human-shaped boulder, it suddenly felt something in its heart.

Then the Soaring Snake had a ferocious face and let out a violent roar. It flapped its wings and flew towards the crater, carrying infinite flames.

At this time, we were in the ‘Daoyi Hall’ on the top of Wuxiang Mountain.

Li Changsheng, who was still sitting in the hall, suddenly frowned.

He looked into the distance with a hint of surprise on his fat, white face.

It seems that he has seen the giant tree painted on the stone tablet before?

Li Changsheng fell into meditation and dug into his past memories.

A moment later, Li Changsheng's eyes flashed, and he stretched out his sleeves, causing an illusory figure with white beard and white eyebrows to suddenly appear in the hall.

——That is none other than Wang Baimei, the Great Elder of the Scripture-Depository Pavilion of the Wuxiang Divine Sect!

This man was originally holding a scripture and sitting cross-legged on the ground. Then he felt something in his heart, frowned slightly, and looked at Li Changsheng with great dissatisfaction.

"Sect Master, you should give me an explanation."

Fortunately, at this time, he was not doing anything unspeakable, otherwise how could he have the face to see others?

"It's my fault today! But there is an emergency now, so you must obey the authority!"

Li Changsheng's face was extremely solemn: "Wood Sword Immortal! I want to check all the literature and classics on Wood Sword Immortal. It is best to find out how Wood Sword Immortal is related to the Secret Realm of Time."

"Wood Sword Immortal?" Wang Baimei looked confused: "Could it be the Wood Sword Immortal from 23,000 years ago? The Wood Sword Immortal who demonstrated the Tao in the body of a blood pine, broke through the limitations of mortal blood, and proved to be the supreme Taoist?

How does this person relate to our Mystery of Time?"

"Originally there was no connection."

Li Changsheng's tone was very strange: "The question is, I have now seen with my own eyes the handwriting left by Mu Jianxian in the Secret of Time. There are a total of twenty-four characters and nine true intentions. Does it matter?"

Wang Baimei was stunned when he heard this, and his eyes gradually became solemn.

"I'm going to look for it now, but Master, you'd better draw out the pictures and words he left behind one by one. I want to see what happens!"

This chapter has been completed!
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