Chapter 408 Diamond Bone (please subscribe)

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At the same time, Xingxu Fairy Mountain located in the Zhongtiao Mountains.

Located at the gate of the Fairy Mountain, Purple-browed Heavenly Lord Shui Ruge is manipulating the latitude and longitude of the sky, using the power of the stars in the sky to quickly shuttle through the void, avoiding the deadly light and shadow in front of him.

It was a long and narrow sword, also moving through the void, following it like a shadow, like a gangrene attached to the bone.

The coldness at the tip of the knife was always locked on Shui Ruge's throat, causing a trace of the knife's energy to cut his throat, and his soul was also cold and cold.

All his counterattacks and all the power of the stars he used were swallowed up by the opponent.

Even some of Shui Ruge's thoughts were swallowed up, which was similar to the Heaven-Slaying Sword Chu Xisheng used on him a few months ago.

This is the sacred sword technique of Wan Jiansheng, the ‘God and Demon Sword Lord’ – the Heaven-Swallowing Endless Sword!

At this moment, Wan Jiansheng's sword force increased again, and with a roar, he broke through the star sword curtain woven by Shui Ruge. The sword force penetrated the heavy defenses and cut half of Shui Ruge's throat.

Come on.

As the blood mist spread wildly, all the disciples watching the battle at the Xingxu Immortal Sect's mountain gate became buzzing with excitement. Most of them had darkened expressions and sighed.

"you lose!"

Following this cold and slightly hoarse voice, a young man with white hair waved his hand slightly and put the long and narrow sword back into its sheath.

He looked at Shui Ruge from a distance, his eyes full of disappointment.

"Shui Ruge, who ranks fourth on the Qingyun list, is nothing more than that."

Shui Ruge failed to answer immediately.

It wasn't until part of the wound on his neck had recovered that he said with a solemn expression: "This is the Endless Dafa and the Heaven-Swallowing Endless Sword? It's amazing."

Especially the endless Dafa.

Taking righteousness means that a gentleman strives to constantly strengthen himself.

After the two of them fought, the power of the God-Demon Sword Lord was increasing every moment!

This person's self-improvement seems to have no limits.

At least Shui Ruge didn't see the limit.

The white-haired boy paid no attention.

He made a move towards the sky, signaling an airship above to land.

But just as he was about to board the ship, the white-haired boy turned around: "Since I came out of the mountain, you are the only one who can catch my ten swords. You are slightly stronger than that 'Red Thunder Heavenly Lord' Lei Xiao


Next, let’s work harder and cultivate to the first level as much as possible. I don’t want to not even have a decent opponent after my official debut in the future.”

Shui Ruge was not angry when he heard this. He touched his neck and smiled: "Will you have no opponent? That is too unreasonable to worry about. There is still a person in this world who you cannot defeat no matter what."


'God and Demon Sword Lord' Wan Jiansheng was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed dumbly: "You are referring to Wuji Sword Lord Chu Xisheng. It just so happens that Wan also wants to go north to see what the so-called invincible Yajuan Sword looks like.


But do you really think that the guy who fought with you for a long time and ended up in a draw, with no distinction between superior and inferior, can beat me? He is only at the fifth level."

"Isn't it scary to be able to compete with me even if you are only at level 5?"

Shui Ruge shook his head slightly, with a strange look in his eyes: "And that was several months ago. His sword skills and his martial arts are growing every moment, and they are advancing by leaps and bounds every day.

At this time, his martial arts skills are beyond my expectation."


Wan Jiansheng squinted his eyes and showed a look of great interest: "Then I will have a little expectation for him. I hope he can pick up my ten swords and give me a little surprise."

After he said this, he stepped onto the flying boat and turned into a black-red brilliance and fled towards the north.

At this time, the crowd near the mountain gate started buzzing with discussion again.

"I didn't expect that even Senior Brother Shui would be defeated."

"It's normal to lose. The problem is that it's only ten moves! How strong is this swordsmanship born from ten thousand swords?"

"Listening to what he just said, he should be going to challenge the Supreme Sword Master. I wonder how many moves Chu Xisheng can sustain?"

"In my opinion, the combat power of Master Wuji Sword should be on par with Senior Brother Shui. After these few months, he may become stronger, but his strength is limited."

"Didn't you hear what Senior Brother Shui said? Chu Xisheng's strength is far beyond his expectations."

"Young people have a temperament and can't be embarrassed. There is no need to take it too seriously. The maximum is thirty swords. Chu Xisheng has only been practicing for two years and has only reached the fifth level. He can handle thirty swords, which is already very good."

"The reason why Chu Xisheng is ranked at the top of Qingyun's general list is that he has been practicing for a short time, and he has mastered the Yajuan Sword, which has great potential in the future. But when it comes to his combat power, it is definitely not that of a god.

Demon Sword Lord Wan Jiansheng’s opponent.”

"This Divine Sword Sect is really amazing. The disciples it has cultivated over the years are all so outstanding. Not one of them is ranked lower than the top five on the Qingyun Ranking. It is worthy of being the top hidden sect."

"It's a pity that the Divine Sword Sect is unwilling to accept disciples on a large scale, otherwise this would be a first-class divine sect that is superior to the Wuxiang Divine Sect."

At this time, brothers Hu Kan and Hu Lai were among the crowd.

Following the orders of the Tianji Pavilion, they tracked down the traces of Wan Jiansheng, the God and Demon Sword Lord, and monitored his whereabouts.

At this time, neither of them dared to participate in the discussion. When Wan Jiansheng left in the boat, they both controlled a flying magic weapon and hurriedly flew into the air.

But just when the two were about to pursue Wan Jiansheng's figure, Hu Kan suddenly felt a slight movement in his mind and drove the magic weapon to Shui Ruge's side.

"Shuitianjun, do you really think that Wan Jiansheng, the Divine Demon Sword Lord, is not Chu Xisheng's opponent?"

Shui Ruge looked sideways at the two of them, and then gave a shy smile: "I'm a bit embarrassed, I'm just talking, don't take it seriously. But -"

Hu Kan and Hu Lai both nodded slightly when they heard this. They both guessed the same thing.

However, they heard the word 'but' behind Shui Ruge.

Just as the two of them were looking forward to it, Shui Ruge shook his head slightly: "Forget it! Chu Xisheng's current martial arts must be better than mine! At the same level, he can compete with Wan Jiansheng."

What he actually wanted to say was that Chu Xisheng's Yaoyandao should be more restrained than Wan Jiansheng's.

However, in a top-level martial arts confrontation, there is no such thing as absolute restraint. The key lies in the skill of application and personal martial arts attainments.

At this time, Wan Jiansheng, Lord of the Divine Demon Swordsman, was sitting cross-legged in the boat, looking at the two books in front of him.

Those were the February editions of "Tianji Martial Arts" and "Lunwu Shenji", and they both turned to the Qingyun General Ranking page.

Both books ranked Chu Xisheng, the ‘Master of the Infinite Swordsman’, above him, ranking first on the Qingyun list!

Wan Jiansheng pressed the knife with his hand, an inexplicable color flashing in his eyes.

"Wuji Sword Lord Chu Xisheng, I hope you won't disappoint me."


In the first hall of Wuxiang Shenshan Dao, Li Changsheng still didn't dare to let Chu Xisheng watch "The Will of God Touches the Death Knife" like this.

He moved the location to Daoyi Hall, then called Chu Yunyun over, and together he protected Chu Xisheng.

Chu Yunyun covered her face and her whole body was covered in a black robe.

Wang Baimei was quite puzzled when he saw this, and looked at Chu Yunyun suspiciously, wondering who this person was.

Could this woman be the guest elder hired by Li Changsheng? Is this the reason why the bells of the Ancestral Master Hall rang six times in a row today?


There are rumors in the world that the reason why their Wuxiang Divine Sect took over Yunhai Immortal Palace was with the help of a mysterious master.

Wang Baimei soon stopped caring about the woman in black robe and focused on Chu Xisheng.

He soon felt uncomfortable. At this time, Chu Xisheng was surrounded by a powerful sword intention. Not to mention their spiritual sense, even their eyes were reflected back.

In Wang Baimei's field of vision, Chu Xisheng was nothingness at this time, an existence that they could not sense and could not grasp.

"What a domineering Yaju Dao!"

Wang Baimei was shocked, knowing that this was the sword intention of the former Bloody Sword Lord.

That man has been dead for nearly nine hundred years, but the sword intention he retained in the book "Divine Will Touches the Death Knife" is still powerful enough to make even a second-grade martial artist feel uncomfortable.

Wang Baimei sighed secretly.

He is also at the second level of cultivation and is considered a great master in the world, but why is the gap between him and the Bloody Sword Master so big?

But Wang Baimei was more worried about Chu Xisheng.

Can this kid hold on?

Is this little guy taking such a risk for the sake of the 'Blood Burning Sacrifice'?

Trying to get in touch with more inheritance of the Yaizhi sword and awaken stronger Yaizhen bloodline.

This is actually a bit urgent.

Chu Xisheng is now very strong, powerful enough to make his peers despair.

However, Wang Baimei still agreed with Chu Xisheng to take a risk.

Divine Will Touches the Death Knife is too important to both Chu Xisheng himself and the Wuxiang Divine Sect.

For Chu Xisheng himself, this means a strong fighting force.

For the Wuxiang Divine Sect, even the first move of divine will to touch the death knife is enough to reduce the threat of Ten Thousand Demons Cave by several levels.

In addition to this, Wang Baimei has full confidence in the 'divine power again' with Demon God Zangtian.

This is actually due to the giant god's bloodline talent 'blood power', which allows many giant gods to explode with extremely powerful power at levels below the fifth level, but it will become ineffective above the fifth level.

The Wuxiang Divine Sect has been extracting the blood of the giant gods in the Ten Thousand Demons Cave to refine the 'Divine Power Pill' for use by the low-level disciples of Zhantang and Midang.

Demon God Zangtian integrated this 'blood power' into his own bloodline in the past, and developed the power of 'divine power again'.

It can endlessly activate power and enhance combat effectiveness.

In the past, when Zang Tian first ascended to the realm of gods, he raised the flag of rebellion against the gods and conquered the sky. His fighting power increased to the point where he was close to the master of creation, and he fought with the Emperor of Heaven for dozens of days and nights.

Chu Xisheng has not yet inherited the complete 'Blood of the Buried God', but the further enhancement of his divine power is worth looking forward to.

Li Changsheng and Chu Yunyun had solemn eyes.

Their eyes could observe Chu Xisheng's condition through the reflection of the sword's will.

At this time, Chu Xisheng's entire body was like a broken porcelain doll, covered with cracks and on the verge of breaking apart at any time.

The sword intent of Lord Xueyan Sword was impacting Chu Xisheng's body and soul, as if it were a billion-dollar boulder that was about to crush him.

Fortunately, Chu Xisheng held on.

The black burial fire burned blazingly.

Chu Xisheng's divine power increased, and his strength was infinitely close to the fourth level; the fifteenth level of eternal blood allowed the injuries in his body to continue to recover.

The problem is that this divine power is not unlimited, and he does not yet have the complete blood of the Burial God.

Chu Xisheng must complete the first technique of Divine Will Touching Death Knife before his power is exhausted.

Li Changsheng's eyes were extremely focused, observing the situation inside Chu Xisheng's body.

He did not dare to relax for a moment, and was always ready to help Chu Xisheng before he was completely crushed.

"It's almost two days and nights, Xisheng, you don't need to be brave."

Li Changsheng noticed that Chu Xisheng's black fire was burning even more fiercely, and couldn't help wiping cold sweat: "This book is here, and it won't run away. If you can't understand it this time, it will be the same next time. It will be divided into several parts.

It’s not impossible to participate in research for the first time.”

The fiercer the Heaven Burial Divine Flame burns, the more Chu Xisheng's divine power is activated, and the more unbearable the condition inside his body becomes.

Chu Xisheng half-closed his eyes and held "The Knife of Divine Will Touching Death" motionlessly.

This book of swordsmanship, "Divinity Touches the Death Sword", has only nine pages in total, and each page is made of five-color black stones collected by the Bloody Sword Master from the Kunlun Mountains.

But even the five-color black stone can only barely carry his martial arts and sword intent. Some cracks have already appeared on the thick five-color black stone.

There are a total of seven sword moves in the book.

After completing the first move, he can transform his Tianxia Divine Will Sword into the seventeenth level Divine Will Touching Death Sword.

The perfection of practice is twenty-three levels.

However, according to the words of the Bloody Sword Lord in the book, only the first three movements of the Divine Will Touch Death Sword are truly perfect.

The last four sword techniques have flaws.

They can be used, and their combat power is quite good. Especially the last two moves, both are god-level sword moves. Their power is comparable to that of gods, but they are not enough to help him achieve enlightenment.

There are also four pages, which are the improvements made by Mr. Xue Yaidao on the Hunyuan Phaseless Kung Fu, Yuan Shen Cultivation Method and Escape Method, which can be regarded as a supporting set of "Divinity Touching the Death Knife".

Chu Xisheng can only read the first page now.

At this time, he had used up all his "sky-peeping" abilities.

Fortunately, in the next period of time, Chu Xisheng continued to enter the "Dong Xuan" state, allowing him to quickly understand the sword moves.

Chu Xisheng has gradually understood the mystery.

The first style of "Divine Will Touches Death Knife" is called "Divine Will Knife Heart", which is the core of the entire set of sword techniques!

It is necessary to combine an extremely powerful natural material and earthly treasure to refine the sword intention of a body into the seed of sword intention and hide it in the soul.

In the future, whenever others have ill intentions towards him or are acted upon by external forces, the 'Divine Will Sword Heart' will spontaneously activate and reflect them back.

Chu Xisheng was secretly surprised.

'Divine Sword Heart' is created by combining a variety of methods. It not only incorporates the core essence of Yajuan Tiangui, but also combines a top secret method of 'Dayan Heavenly Art', and also adds the second element of the magician's sacrifice.

God’s Dharma.

In the future, this 'Divine Will Sword Heart' will not only be semi-independent of his consciousness and react completely automatically, but it will also be able to temporarily differentiate into a second soul.

In addition, Lord Xue Yaidao seems to have penetrated the secret of the devil, and can transform all the thoughts of 'respect', 'fear' and 'hostility' around him into his own spiritual power for use in battle.

This is different from his previous Yaoyandao.

In the past, his Yajuan Sword was purely activated by stimulation and reflected hostility; but the "Divine Will Sword Heart" had an additional process of absorption and refining.

At this time, he was still a little bit closer to fully realizing the wonder.

The 'Divine Will Sword Heart' has no fixed moves and is not considered a real sword move, but it is more powerful than the two near-divine moves mastered by Chu Xisheng.

The 'Divine Will Sword Heart' can enhance people's understanding and be integrated into any moves to enhance their power, which is equivalent to a power amplifier.

Chu Xisheng had a headache at this time. He found that he could hardly hold on anymore, but he was still only a little bit closer to completing the technique.

He felt a little unwilling.

The ability to recharge the divine power is very powerful, but it takes fifteen days to use it once.

I didn’t finish the research this time, so I have to wait fifteen days.

At this moment, Chu Xisheng suddenly had a thought and directly opened the martial arts treasure house.

——Do you want to use 10,000 blood points to exchange for the ‘Qin Muge Fourth Grade Character Card (official version)’?

The official version of the character card can only be used for two minutes.

Chu Xisheng changed without hesitation.

In fact, he still has the ‘Xueyidao Lord 4th Grade Character Card (Trial Version)’ and ‘Shen’ao Sanren 4th Grade Character Card (Trial Version)’ which are useless.

However, this was Chu Xi’s way of suppressing the sound of his voice, and he was reluctant to use it.

Fortunately, Qin Muge's understanding was astonishingly high. After Chu Xisheng redeemed this card, combined with his supreme psychic ability, he was able to instantly understand the subsequent content of "Divine Will Sword Heart".

Chu Xisheng then continued to think, deducing the shortcomings of Shenyi Sword Heart, and even derived a lot of inspiration for sword moves from it.

Unfortunately, this 'official version' can only be used for two minutes.

After Chu Xisheng finished, he didn't dare to use it. He just felt exhausted.

The mental consumption in these two minutes is not ordinary, and even exceeds the previous total.

At this time, he had an even bigger regret.

There was a large piece of information in Chu Xisheng's mind.

——Because the time of contact with the relics of the Bloody Sword Lord was too short, the power of the relic was too strong, and it was impossible to refine the second-grade character card of the Bloody Sword Lord (trial version).

There is a lot of information at the back, such as 20% off talent cards, ultimate trick cards, etc.

Chu Xisheng knew that he would not be able to hold on until the system could extract this character card. He did not dare to neglect and sent the "Divinity Touching Death Knife" sword scripture in his hand towards Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng immediately flicked his sleeves, carefully put the book into his sleeves, and then looked at Chu Xisheng expectantly.

"How's it going? Are you ready for the research?"

He saw that Chu Xisheng clearly couldn't hold on any longer, so he didn't hold out much hope.

Li Changsheng said calmly to Yan Yuese: "It's okay if you didn't succeed in participating in the research once. Let's do it again next time-"

At this moment, he saw Chu Xisheng nodding his head: "The disciple has successfully participated in the research. Now he only lacks the materials to condense the heart of the sword."

Li Changsheng was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Wang Baimei with infinite surprise.

He had read this book of swords in his spare time before and maintained it, so he knew what it was.

Li Changsheng laughed loudly: "You don't need to worry about this! This matter is related to the rise and fall of the Ten Thousand Demons Cave and our sect. The entire treasure house of the Wuxiang Shen Sect is at your disposal, free of charge! The stronger your sword heart, the better -"

When Li Changsheng said this, he suddenly remembered something and smiled slightly: "Actually, there is something that is quite suitable. I have a way to help you refine the Rahu Divine Eye in Guixu. Not only can this help you become a powerful

The heart of the sword can also strengthen your Heaven-Destroying Sword."

The power of Luohu's Divine Eye is very high, but Li Changsheng can temporarily force it down to a level that Chu Xisheng can bear.

This thing can even make Chu Xisheng reach the sky in one step!

Chu Xisheng was immediately moved.

If you refine the Divine Eye of Rahu, it will be very awesome.

It doesn't take much sacrifice to refine the sword, but it can make many martial arts cultivators in the world change their expressions.

However, he immediately saw Chu Yunyun's expression hesitant to speak. Chu Xisheng's mind was racing with thoughts and he shook his head: "Although Luohu's divine eye is powerful, it is not suitable for disciples. It is best to wear something that is extremely strong and sharp."

, the most rigid and powerful, the most yang and the most rigid, a treasure of heaven and earth with a certain degree of toughness; it is best to be something that is eternal, indestructible, indestructible, and indestructible."

Li Changsheng knew Chu Xisheng's thoughts after hearing his words.

This is because the upper limit of Rahu's divine eye is too low and its power is too complex.

Chu Xisheng would rather choose a good material and make it from scratch.

Li Changsheng wanted to praise him for his great ambition.

However, when he heard the last few words of Chu Xisheng, he could only smile bitterly: "The materials you want can only be found in ancient times, and they can be used as embryos for creation artifacts."

Wang Baimei's expression moved slightly: "Our Wuxiang Divine Sect really has what he wants!"

Li Changsheng looked at Wang Baimei in astonishment.

Does their Wuxiang Divine Sect have this treasure? As the sect leader, why doesn’t he know about it?

"You forgot about the giant god sealed at the bottom of the Ten Thousand Demons Cave!"

Wang Baimei's face showed a strange color: "This giant god was born before Pangu opened the sky. He experienced an adventure. His two ribs contain the purest 'Vajra' power. We only need to pay a small price, but we can still

Take out one of them by force."

The essence of 'King Kong' is a red-gold thunder, which is said to be produced at the very root of the world.

This thunder has no cause or effect, has no beginning or end, is indestructible and indestructible. It has existed since ancient times and will be immortal in the present and future. It also has indestructible power and can slay demons and destroy evil.

Li Changsheng couldn't help but hiss and fell into meditation.

Wang Baimei looked solemn: "There are three strands of 'Xuanhuang Mother Qi' in the door. Only one strand can help shape it. There are also more than a dozen 'Great Sun Yuan Yang God Core' and three strands of 'Zhengfa Zhengtian Xuanxuan Qi'


The former can be refined into a liquid to refine and purify this ray of diamond power; the latter can increase its power, make up for its lack, and trace it back infinitely to the earliest moments of ancient times. We can also find ways to acquire it from outside. I remember the Xingxu Immortal Sect,

There are several places like this in Shenhuang Eternal City and Demon War Building."

"That's a good idea."

Li Changsheng's eyes brightened, and then he turned to look at Chu Xisheng: "Although the power of this object is not comparable to that of Rahu's Divine Eye, its upper limit is unknown. In the future, it can even reach the limit of creation. But you have to use it as a sword.

The basic material of the heart will be confused with the giant god in the future.

This god witnesses eternity and is immortal. If you cannot kill him in the future, you will not be able to completely erase the divine thoughts that belong to him in this rib. His thoughts will entangle you, corrode and infect your body.

Mind. He and His relatives and friends will not stop retaliating against you and will use all means to get back His ribs, which will always be your flaw and your weakness."

Chu Xisheng thought about it and wondered what the difference was between this and the 'Rahu Divine Eye' in Guixu.

Luo Hu is not completely dead and may return at any time.

Chu Xisheng shook his head without hesitation: "Can you help me get both diamond bones?"

Since he is a god suppressed in the Cave of Ten Thousand Demons, he must be his mortal enemy in the future and a being that he must destroy.

Chu Xisheng is now accustomed to using two swords, one for attack and one for defense.

Mr. Bloody Sword didn't say that this 'Divine Will Sword Heart' cannot be duplicated.

Li Changsheng's white and tender face twitched slightly, and then he smiled: "Then wait, it will probably take ten days."

It is not an easy matter to skin and remove the bones of a god.

This chapter has been completed!
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