Chapter 413 How bold are people (please subscribe)

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In Wuxiang Back Mountain Martial Arts Hall, Chu Xisheng and Chu Yunyun were facing each other at a distance of twenty feet.

Chu Xisheng is a man of faith who believes in his word and takes action in his actions.

When he said he wanted to compete with Chu Yunyun, he didn't mean anything, and he booked a martial arts hall in the back mountain that night.

They didn't bring anyone else with them this time, only their natal pets, the little lion and the little flat head, were accompanying them.

The two natal beasts were also standing face to face in the corner of the martial arts hall, and the atmosphere was tense with their masters.

Xiao Pingtou's heart was surging and he felt a little proud.

The master, who had always been unable to raise his head in front of Chu Yunyun, finally got tough this time.

As expected of his master!

Even though he knew there was such a big gap between the two of them, he still raised the challenge fearlessly.

This is in line with the way of Yaju!

No matter what the enemy is, they, the Yaju clan, are not afraid. They just hold their necks high and fight them hard.

And they have powerful mirror reflection powers and can reflect everything!

What if I win?

When Xiao Pingtou thought about this, he saw a bit of contempt and irony in the eyes of the Suan Ni opposite him.

This expression was not very obvious, but Xiao Yaizhen still noticed it.

It immediately became furious and glared at him.

How dare this guy look down on me and my master?

Suanni also lowered his head, looking down at Xiao Yasuan.

Chu Xisheng is no match for his master. He overestimates his abilities and wants to compete with his master! The same goes for you!

Little Yaizhen was shocked to realize that the little lion was actually much taller than him.

When this Suan Ni was fully liberated, it was already the size of three millstones. Its body was filled with flames and smoke, and its power was astonishing.

When the little flat head freed its animal body, it was only the size of a millstone. In front of the opponent, it looked like a little milk dog.

They were obviously born at the same time, but the gap between them is already so big.

But the little crew chief is not afraid!

The clan motto engraved in the blood of the Yaju clan is that life or death is a matter of indifference, and if you don't accept it, do it!

Without thinking, it pounced towards the flaming Suan Ni.

Then the next moment, Suan Ni's paw held its head down, preventing it from moving forward.

The little flat head couldn't help roaring, and immediately swung its claws to grab it, but its forelimbs and claws were obviously shorter than the opponent's. No matter how it bared its teeth and waved its claws, it couldn't hurt the opponent at all.

Xiao Pingtou found that he couldn't reflect Suanni's power back.

It was clearly the power of 'suppressing the sky', and it was mixed with an extremely powerful force, which made it helpless for a while.

——That seems to be the law of heaven called ‘Jue Tian’?

Xiaopingtou has seen it on Chu Yunyun.

The little lion should have shared this magical power from its owner through its natal spiritual contract!

The little flathead immediately changed his mind and went to grab the paw that the little lion was holding on its forehead.

However, the little flathead missed an opportunity. Every time it waved its claws, the little lion's right forelimb would turn into a ball of smoke and red flames.

After being transformed into fireworks, it actually didn't affect its ability to suppress Little Flathead at all.

However, the little lion also tried his best to tilt his head back to avoid being caught by the little flat-headed paw.

The little lion is actually not feeling well right now.

Although it borrowed the power of its master, it suppressed the crazy little thing opposite.

However, Xiao Pingtou’s power of ‘mirror reflection’ has also gained some momentum.

Not only does the other party have nearly complete laws of heaven, but it also has a certain amount of retributive power.

No matter how much force the little lion uses to suppress the little flat head, it will have to withstand the force of the backlash.

And the little flathead can also borrow strength from his master.

It actually used the method of killing the sky to offset part of the ultimate power, and also used all possible means to continue to close the distance between the two parties.

The key is that this guy also shared part of the Heng Lian Ba ​​body from Chu Xisheng. He is a body made of steel and iron, and he is not afraid of being beaten.

The little lion couldn't help but grinned.

However, while suppressing the little Yaizhen who danced its two front paws into wheels, it was distracted to see what was going on with its owner and Chu Xisheng.

Chu Yunyun put her hands behind her back and looked at Chu Xisheng expressionlessly.

"Can we start? How long do you want to warm up? In fact, your so-called warm-up is useless. Since it is a full-out effort, I will definitely give Xi Sheng the greatest respect for you."

She actually had some curiosity in her heart.

Did this guy take the wrong medicine? He actually offered to spar with her? He also said that he wanted to ‘give it his all’.

What kind of medicine is this guy selling in his gourd? What kind of evil idea is he planning?

Where did Chu Xisheng get the courage to think that he has the ability to fight her with all his strength?

Is it Chu Xisheng’s newly condensed ‘Divine Will Sword Heart’, the seventeenth level of Divine Will Touching Death Blade?

It's strange, this guy would never do anything like this to ask for trouble.

Chu Xisheng did not answer.

He continued to twist his waist and stretch his legs.

He also knew that this warm-up method was useless, but it could relieve the tension in his heart.

After a while, Chu Xisheng took out a long breath, took a deep breath, and then looked at Chu Yunyun with his knife: "For the sake of fairness, you can't use the Anti-God Flag Spear! I'm afraid you'll cheat, so it's best to

Throw it away."


Chu Yunyun almost laughed out loud, but she still nodded slightly with an indifferent expression and said concisely: "Okay, I don't need to."

She threw out the Anti-God Flag Gun in her sleeve.

The Anti-God Flag Gun was only the size of a toothpick in her hand. After it flew out, it immediately rose up in the wind, and finally stuck to the ground with a clang.

Chu Yunyun then raised her hand and summoned a large iron gun from the weapons rack in the distance.

The rank of this iron gun is as high as level 6, but apart from being strong and durable, it has no other abilities.

"You can't use other magic weapons on your body, and you have to ban the battle map!"

Chu Xisheng's eyes flashed with excitement: "Otherwise it's still unfair!"

With the help of the Wuxiang Divine Sect and the financial resources of the Yunhai Immortal Palace, Chu Yunyun now not only has a second- and third-grade magical weapon, but also has at least eight top-notch war pictures tattooed on her body.

If before Yunhai Immortal Palace, external forces such as the Anti-God Flag Gun increased the impact on Chu Yunyun by only more than four times, close to five times. Then now it is at least seven times!

"Okay!" Chu Yunyun raised her hand again, causing all the magic weapons around her to fall off automatically, and she threw them aside.

"There are parts of the battle map that I can't do anything about, but I promise to use only 80% of my strength in this battle."

She then raised her eyes and looked at Chu Xisheng slightly dissatisfied: "Are you satisfied?"

Chu Yunyun was already a little impatient.

For some reason, she suddenly felt a little uneasy. She always felt that this guy had some evil intentions. The purpose of today was not just to compete.

"That's it!" Chu Xisheng took another deep breath, and then his eyes flashed: "Be careful!"

However, when he mentioned the word 'small', he had already taken action.

In an instant, the distance between the two sides was eliminated, and then a red-gold sword light was slashed, mercilessly slashing towards Chu Yunyun's white and slender neck.

However, Chu Xisheng's goal failed to succeed.

Chu Yunyun refused to defend and counterattacked, and the force of her spear was like a poisonous dragon, forcing Chu Xisheng to turn back the light of the sword.

With the sound of "dang", Chu Xisheng was hit by the gun and flew thirty feet away.

"Good sword skills!"

Chu Yunyun couldn't help but let out a soft praise.

Just as Chu Xisheng was pushed back, her whole body was forced to slide back seven feet by the reflected force.

Naturally, Chu Yunyun did not admire Chu Xisheng's own sword skills, but the Divine Will Touching Death Blade created by the Bloody Sword Lord, which is the "Divine Will Sword Heart" technique.

Chu Xisheng has tried to integrate the "Shenyi Sword Heart" into his own Yaizhan Sword. Not only does the sword's power increase, but it can also reflect various powers more easily.

And just after dissolving this reflective force, Chu Yunyun's figure swept forward like a stream of light.

The black iron gun in her hand was like a wild dragon coming out of the gate, biting and impacting in the direction of Chu Xisheng, even trying to swallow him whole.

Chu Yunyun said that she would give Chu Xisheng the greatest respect and would never break her promise.

What surprised Chu Yunyun was that Chu Xisheng actually blocked her four consecutive shots of the 'Ten Thousand Gods Tribulation'.

It wasn't until the fifth shot that he was able to block it, and was hit in the body by Chu Yunyun's spear tip.

However, Chu Xisheng's domineering body was extremely powerful. Chu Yunyun was unable to pierce through it with a single shot, but was only blown away and slid back in all directions, creating a deep ravine.

Chu Yunyun failed to pursue her. She stabbed five times in a row, but all of them were reflected or deflected by Chu Xisheng's sword light.

Even if the final shot hit Chu Xisheng's body, only 30% of the gun's power actually had an effect.

This guy--

Chu Yunyun's eyes showed surprise.

I didn’t expect that ‘Shenyi Sword Heart’ would have such a great effect on improving Chu Xisheng’s Yaizhen Sword!

Without using the Anti-God Flag Gun or any magic weapon, her current combat power can rank among the top thirty on the Earth Ranking.

However, Chu Xisheng was able to block four of her shots!

If he had a powerful Pingtian Saint to assist him now, wouldn't he be able to fight against thousands of armies on the real battlefield?

The thoughts in Chu Yunyun's mind were spinning, and she continued to chase Chu Xisheng's figure.

In her heart, she was very pleased with Chu Xisheng's growth, but she was merciless in her actions.

Next, Chu Xisheng was like a sandbag, being hit here and there by Chu Yunyun's big gun, flying and rolling back and forth in the martial arts hall.

After the 300th move, Chu Xisheng was no longer able to withstand Chu Yunyun's offensive.

He had to use the 'Eternal Wall' and rely on the power of the Ancestral God Pangu to resist Chu Yunyun's powerful spear.

However, this layer of golden light that made Canghaishi and Wan Jiansheng helpless was easily broken by Chu Yunyun.

With only seven hundred shots, she forced Chu Xisheng to take the initiative to remove the 'Eternal Wall'.

Otherwise, all his true energy will be completely drained by this golden light film.

But as a result, Chu Xisheng's situation became even worse.

The king's martial arts has evolved from ten thousand to one, exhausting the truth of martial arts and changing extremely.

Even if Chu Xisheng tried his best, he still couldn't defend himself against the opponent's gun.

Most of the time, Chu Xisheng couldn't keep up with his thinking and couldn't figure out how to prevent it.

Sometimes I think of it, but my limbs react by dragging me back.

Fortunately, his supreme psychic power has now reached the fourteenth level, and he has also condensed two ‘Divine Will Sword Hearts’!

Taishangtongshen has powerful inspiration, the ability to communicate with the mysterious and divine knowledge.

The two sword cores are like two mirrors, helping him observe and analyze the changes outside, and generate various hints.

The two complemented each other, allowing him to instinctively swing the sword even when he was unable to accurately discern Chu Yunyun's intentions, and he could be fooled nine times out of ten.

However, the difference between the two sides lies more in their reflexes, sword speed and body skills, as well as their mastery of the laws of nature.

Chu Yunyun was stabbed with ten spears every time. Chu Xisheng could only resist five of them, and the other five could only be resisted by his horizontal training body.

Just after the two sides exchanged about fifteen hundred shots, Chu Yunyun temporarily stopped her hand. With a straight face, she pointed her spear at Chu Xi and said, "You should have given up a long time ago!"

For them, one thousand five hundred shots is just two breaths of time.

Within these two breaths, Chu Xisheng already had several scars on her body, all caused by Chu Yunyun's spear.

However, these wounds look dripping with blood. In fact, the wounds are very shallow. With Chu Xisheng's physique, he can recover in a moment.

Chu Yunyun still couldn't bear it in her heart.

She had tried her best to stop.

The problem is that the poisonous curse in her body cannot accurately contract its power once she becomes nervous.

She didn't feel any nervousness when fighting Wenzhuyi, but when fighting Chu Xisheng, she was afraid of hurting him.

As long as Chu Xisheng doesn't offend her, Chu Yunyun will be very measured when giving guidance on his martial arts practice.

"It's not over yet!"

Chu Xisheng stood with his back against the wall, breathing heavily and trying his best to absorb the essence of heaven and earth.

While Chu Yunyun stopped, she tried her best to restore her true energy and blood.

The corners of his lips were slightly raised, his eyes were shining brightly, and he looked at Chu Yunyun with a fighting spirit: "I am a person who has practiced Tyrant Body. How can this injury be fatal?"

Chu Xisheng was feeling anxious in her heart.

Why hasn't the person outside taken action yet?

It was agreed upon at this time before, and the guy promised well, but now he has broken the promise.

This dough is so unreliable!

Chu Yunyun's eyebrows frowned slightly, and the uneasiness in her heart became more and more intense.

"What a mess!"

Chu Yunyun snorted softly, and her figure turned into a ball of silvery white light again.

She decided to make a quick decision.

No matter what evil idea Chu Xisheng had, he just needed to make it impossible for him to implement it.

At the same time, just outside this martial arts hall.

Jian Zangfeng was thinking about the deal between himself and Chu Xisheng, scratching his head with a headache.

When he heard Chu Xisheng's explanation, he felt that this guy might have some dark thoughts.

Just want to have a fair fight with Chu Yunyun with equal cultivation? This guy is lying!

If he really thinks this way, why should he be so sneaky? Wouldn't it be better to explain it directly to Chu Yunyun and let him take action before the war?

But the money Chu Xisheng gave was too much.

Jian Zangfeng was now touching the three gold tickets with a denomination of ten thousand taels in his sleeve, but he only felt that the gold tickets were slightly hot to his hands.

However, after weighing it for a moment, Jian Zangfeng still gritted his teeth.

He thought about it carefully, and it shouldn't be a big deal.

With the martial arts of Chu Xisheng's three-legged cat, even if he improves his martial arts, what can he do to the king?

Jian Zangfeng immediately formed a sword technique with his hand, and a huge phantom of a scale appeared behind him.

"The Pingtian Sword* is called baht with yi!"

The martial arts hall can isolate the inner and outer breath and spiritual thoughts.

However, Chu Xisheng left a secret method before, allowing him to input power into it.

At this time, in the martial arts hall, Chu Xisheng, who was being chased by Chu Yunyun and running all over the floor, suddenly felt a surge of energy.

"Is this the Pingtian Sword?"

Chu Yunyun frowned. What did she want Chu Xisheng to do?

This isn't right! It's very wrong!

This guy obviously has a plan!

Chu Yunyun immediately put away her offensive, and at the same time thought in her mind, intending to summon the Nishen Flag Gun in the distance into her hands.

Chu Xisheng chuckled at this moment: "It's too late!"

The heart of chaos hidden in his chest instantly emitted a burst of light.

Chaos is endless!

Chu Xisheng's Divine Source Wuxiang Gong was promoted to the thirteenth level in an instant!

God’s power comes again!

Chu Xisheng's true energy, as well as his strength, were increasing to the limit.

"This is?"

Chu Yunyun's vagina is slightly closed.

She discovered that Chu Xisheng's power had suddenly risen to a level close to hers through many increases!

Chu Xisheng's current martial arts body has almost reached the second level!

At this time, Chu Yunyun's mood calmed down, and her eyes were as cold as ice.

Want to defeat her based on these alone? It’s not enough!

There is still a big gap between the two of them in terms of their physical and mental abilities.

But the distance between them is by no means limited to their physical and mental abilities.

At the moment Chu Xisheng's body flashed and he violently counterattacked.

Chu Yunyun's spear pierced through, and the 'Golden Wind and Jade Dew Sword' in Chu Xisheng's hand flew away with one shot.

This is her true level!

Even without the use of the Anti-God Flag Gun, Chu Xisheng, who has entered the second level of martial arts, can be defeated with one shot!

Before, she might not have used even 10% of her strength.

However, the next moment, Chu Yunyun was slightly stunned.

When he saw Chu Xisheng, he actually took out a gold and red sword from his sleeve!

——That is the Bloody Divine Sword!

This guy actually hid the Bloody Divine Sword inside his magical weapon.

For some reason, this magical sword and sword spirit can endure it?

Chu Yunyun was puzzled, but her thoughts were as cold as ice without any fluctuation.

The spear in her hand was like a dragon, and she stabbed continuously. In an instant, she fought with Chu Xisheng no less than a hundred times.

Chu Xisheng, who was holding the 'Blood-Yai Divine Sword', had obviously transformed in strength. His blood-Yai Heavenly Rules were intact and he could use them freely.

Every time Chu Yunyun shoots, Chu Xisheng can reflect back nearly 90% of the power.

At the same time, Chu Xisheng's Heaven-Destroying Sword continued to close the distance between the two parties.

An inch long means strong, and an inch short means dangerous.

This supreme principle of martial arts is still useful even in battles at their level.

After Chu Xisheng closed the distance, it was difficult for Chu Yunyun to stretch out her gun.

At this time, the Anti-God Flag Gun was already approaching.

Chu Yunyun didn't care. She reached forward with her left hand and held the middle part of the gun body. Then she exerted force here, spraying a dense shadow of the gun in front of her.

Juetian Tongxuan Dafa*Puncture!

This is a self-created method that she has not yet perfected, but Chu Xisheng cannot support it.

Following a series of dense clanging sounds, countless dazzling sparks erupted between the two, and countless pieces of flesh and blood powder also erupted from Chu Xisheng's arms.

This was caused by his physical body being unable to carry his own strength and unable to resist Chu Yunyun's power.

Just like Wan Jiansheng, the God and Demon Sword Lord back then.

But what surprised Chu Yunyun was that the distance between the two became closer.

Chu Xisheng would rather suffer more injuries and go all out to close the distance between them.

What does this guy want to do?

Chu Yunyun's heart grew more suspicious, and the gunfire became more violent.

Just thirty seconds later, she shot the Bloody Divine Sword out of Chu Xisheng's hand.

Chu Yunyun was not happy but was surprised.

Just because Chu Xisheng’s stabbing was clearly intentional!

He actually used some of the third-level techniques of the 'Infinite Divine Slash', and briefly deceived her spiritual sense.

So much so that after Chu Yunyun's spear knocked Chu Xisheng's Bloody Divine Sword away, it penetrated forward and was unable to withdraw its strength for a moment.

At this time, Chu Xisheng rushed over like a wild beast. He was less than three feet away from her, and they could already hear their breath.

Chu Yunyun was stunned for a moment, suddenly panicked, and a flush appeared on her pretty face.

She thought of a possibility, a ridiculous possibility!

Could Chu Xisheng be thinking——

Chu Yunyun no longer dared to think further and could not help clenching her fists.

She could also raise her fist and knock Chu Xisheng away with one punch.

However, Chu Yunyun was in a panic in her heart.

Is she not sure if she should do this?

How much force should be used? Will Chu Xisheng be injured?

Just when Chu Yunyun's thoughts were racing and she finally made up her mind, she saw a purple and gold jade talisman on Chu Xisheng's chest explode into pieces.

That's a first-grade Tiangang technique - a dreamy bubble!

Chu Yunyun's blue eyes suddenly lost focus and showed a bit of confusion.

Her mind was not so fragile in the first place, and was deceived by a jade talisman that lacked the control of a real magician.

However, the turmoil in her heart at this moment gave Chu Xisheng an opportunity to take advantage of.

When Chu Yunyun recovered, she found that Chu Xisheng was not only close to her, but also pressed his lips on her red lips.

He sucked gently and carefully, as if he was tasting some unparalleled delicacy.

Chu Yunyun first felt an electric shock in her mind.

However, there was a loud bang in his head, and his entire thoughts turned into a lake of slurry.

Her true energy was completely out of control, exploding wildly outside.

Chu Xisheng hugged her tightly.

He locked Chu Yunyun's delicate body firmly to the wall.

Even though her body was severely damaged by Chu Yunyun's power, she still persisted.

At this time, the Bloody Divine Sword Blade Spirit was sluggish for a while, so that its blade lost control and fell directly to the ground.

Chu Xisheng had previously promised it that he would advance to the fifteenth level of Yaizhan bloodline as soon as possible so that it could absorb blood essence again.

But the Bloody Divine Sword must do its best to help it fight Chu Yunyun.

At that time, Dao Ling reluctantly agreed. It also wanted to experience for itself what level of martial arts its 'predecessor' had reached now.

However, Shen Dao Dao Ling never expected that Chu Xisheng, a thief, would have this purpose!

But this has nothing to do with it! It is definitely not an accomplice.

This is because Chu Xisheng has evil intentions and is simply ambitious!

The little lion in the distance was also stunned. It forgot to suppress the little flat head for a moment, so that the little lion broke away and swung its paw towards its head.

The little lion woke up at the last moment and hurriedly turned into a ball of fire and smoke to avoid it.

It was not able to completely avoid it, and several bright red claw marks appeared on its neck.

The little lion didn't care about this injury. It still looked at the two people in the distance quietly, its eyes as big as copper bells.

This is the first time that Xiao Pingtou has injured this Suan Ni in the past two years.

It was secretly proud, but also puzzled.

And when it followed the gaze of the little lion, its entire body froze, and there was an incredible look in its eyes.

Master, what are they doing?

This chapter has been completed!
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