Chapter 411 Victory without any move (please subscribe)

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While Zong Sanping and a group of fellow disciples were discussing, the Demon Sword King in the sky was solemn, but his expression turned extremely ugly for a moment.


Jian Qi Xiao Xin Cang Hai Shi gave a soft compliment: "In just a few short months of not seeing each other, he actually integrated the Yajuan Sword into his own body."

He then sighed and comforted: "Actually, the gap between the two of them is not that big, but Chu Xisheng's way of responding to the challenge is indeed a great humiliation to your disciples. If he continues to fight, his Taoist heart will...

I’m afraid it will break into pieces!”

Chu Xisheng's essence is to challenge Wan Jian Sheng's sword with Wai Gang, Sha Li and Ba Ti, and counterattack everything with the Yaizhen sword!

From Cang Haishi's point of view, even if Chu Xisheng drew his sword out of its sheath, he would not be able to quickly defeat Wan Jiansheng, the Lord of Divine and Demonic Swordsmen.

There is actually not much difference between the two in the way of swordsmanship. Wan Jiansheng's martial arts cultivation is even better than Chu Xisheng's.

But now, Chu Xisheng is unique.

He did not draw his sword, nor did he make a formal move.

This is undoubtedly a great humiliation.

The Demon Sword King's solemn expression turned even darker.

Although Cang Haishi tried his best to pretend to be worried and sympathetic in his tone and demeanor, the gloating in his eyes could not be concealed at all.

This young man's famous "Jian Qi Xiao Xin" is not good at hiding his own feelings.

He is usually arrogant, arrogant and disdainful——

Demonic Sword King Zhuang Yan felt a little regretful, and was secretly frightened.

Zhuang Yan never thought that there would be someone in this world who could stand up to Wan Jiansheng and resist his eighteen levels of gluttonous martial arts!

His disciples should be invincible in the world!

Zhuang Yan never expected that Chu Xisheng's strength would be so strong.

It has only been two short years since this boy entered Zhengyang Martial Arts School to practice!

Both "Tianji Wupu" and "On Wushenji" commented that this person's talent is superior.

It's really not wrong at all.

Zhuang Yan's mind raced with thoughts for a moment, but in the end he stood still where he was.

He still decided to believe in his disciples and Wan Jiansheng's endless magic and bloodline abilities.

The key is that he can't stop this battle now.

The result of forced intervention is no better than a disastrous defeat.

At this time, in front of the mountain gate, Chu Xisheng felt that Wan Jiansheng's power was growing every moment.

The way of self-improvement makes his power almost endless.

Wan Jiansheng can also swallow more of the surrounding heaven and earth spirits, swallow more of the power of the temporal void, and use it on his 'Spirit Swallowing Sword'.

He even wanted to swallow Chu Xisheng!

But they were all defended by Chu Xisheng's Yaoyandao.

Not only did he guard against Wan Jiansheng's swallowing of the sky and Wan Jiansheng's sword power, he also reflected all of the opponent's gluttonous martial intent.

"not enough!"

Chu Xisheng looked at the other side with a cold and contemptuous expression: "Such a level can't make me draw my sword."

He has become more and more skillful in the fusion and use of his own Gangli, Shali and Yaizhan Sword.

The reason why he held the long knife back was just to prevent accidents.

Chu Xisheng will never give the other party any opportunity to take advantage of him.

This is called strategically contempt for the enemy, but specific tactics require attention.


Wan Jiansheng responded to Chu Xisheng with even more crazy sword moves!

Not only was his whole body burning with black fire, the flames also burned onto the knife.

——That is the fire of greed!

The essence of jealousy is reflection, and the essence of gluttony is greed!

Wan Jiansheng also cultivates the endless method, and his strength is endlessly improved!

However, Chu Xisheng's Vajra, Immortality and Eternal Martial Intent also gradually appeared. They were integrated into Chu Xisheng's Wai Gang and began to take shape.

Wan Jiansheng, the God and Demon Sword Lord, slashed wildly, his hands completely turned into afterimages that were difficult to see with the naked eye, and the long sword evolved into an endless blade storm.

Three thousand knives!

Ten thousand dollars!

Twenty thousand dollars!

Wan Jiansheng is completely tireless, every breath time is at least 450 swords!

The power on the sky-swallowing sword is also continuing to increase.

His killing intent was so intense that it solidified into reality.

This is the first time since his debut that he has such a strong desire to kill someone.

But the people around watching the battle became even more silent.

Many Jianghu martial arts cultivators even looked pale.

Still can't cut it open!

Wan Jiansheng's spirit-swallowing sword cannot cut through Chu Xisheng's powerful Wai Gang.

Every ounce of his strength was reflected back.

This can be seen from the surrounding environment.

The land behind Chu Xisheng has always been safe and calm.

Behind Wan Jiansheng, deep ravines were cut out by the reflected sword light.

"You are so angry, aren't you?"

Chu Xisheng tilted his head and looked at Wan Jiansheng with interest: "The problem is that no matter how angry you are, you can't improve your strength."

It's so cool that he wants to make people immovable.

Of course, the premise is that you can't just passively get stabbed like before.

The one with the thickest armor gets the most severe beatings.

Chu Xi thought that she would have to keep up her efforts in the future.

Wan Jiansheng did not reply, but blood vessels in his eyes had burst.

This not only made his vision scarlet, but also made his eyes turn bright red.

The sword speed of Wan Jiansheng, the Divine Sword Lord, also increased by at least 20% at this moment!

But just after the fifty thousandth blow, Wan Jiansheng suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

This finally caused the crowd watching the battle to commotion and make a buzzing sound.

"Why are you vomiting blood?"

"Are you injured? How is that possible? Chu Xisheng has never used a knife before?"

"It should be the limit of the endless Dafa. Although his method of self-improvement has no limit, his physical body has its limit. He can't bear it anymore!"

"More than that, have you forgotten the Yajuan Sword? Most of the power of Wan Jiansheng's sword was borne by himself. The harder he exerted, the more he reflected."

"But this Wuji Sword Lord's horizontal training is really powerful. Wan Jiansheng's sword power has surpassed many third-grade swords and reached the Earth Ranking level. He can actually withstand it and confront him head-on.


"That's right! As the saying goes, one force can defeat ten skills, one skill can break a thousand pounds. Skill and strength have always been complementary to each other. If his Wai Gang is not strong enough, he will not be able to hold up the Yajuan Sword, nor will he be able to defeat Wan Jian Sheng.

The force of the knife is completely reflected."

"Have you ever counted the levels of this guy's outer strength? There are ten levels of inner and outer strength, which is simply shocking!"

"Is Wan Jiansheng bound to lose? He used to be so arrogant and arrogant. But now he can't force Chu Xisheng to draw his sword. If it were me, I would collapse."

At this time, Tieshan Princess Qin Xiyan was also standing in the crowd, looking at the scene in front of her with slightly frightened eyes.

She used to only suspect that Chu Xisheng had saved his strength during the battle with her, but now she was sure of it.

"Very powerful, right?"

Chu Ming didn't know when she stood beside Qin Xiyan. She stared at Chu Xisheng with complicated eyes: "This guy's talent is so powerful that it makes people despair. He is not afraid that the wind will destroy the trees that are beautiful in the forest. If he grows up, he will be destroyed by the wind.

It's scary to be that high."

"He is already showing off in the forest. No matter how tall or short he is, there are people who want to cut him down."

Qin Xiyan smiled: "There are people who protect the forest. At least today, those who want to cut down the trees have no chance."

She has a keen sense of spirituality.

Sensing that inside and outside the Wuxiang Sacred Mountain, dozens of powerful Qi machines were suppressing it.

Anyone who tries to attack Chu Xisheng at this time will be surrounded and killed by the No. 1 in the world at the headquarters of the Wuxiang Shen Sect, together with dozens of masters on the earth rankings.

Qin Xiyan looked sideways at Chu Ming: "Tell me, what is your purpose?"

This woman would not come over to talk to her for no reason.

"Help me!" Chu Ming looked calm: "We get what each other needs. I have my eyes on some tasks in the Foreign Affairs Hall, but I am unable to complete them due to my limited strength. And now that you are in the door, you also need a helper."

Now the resources given to her by the court have been greatly reduced, and the Chu family's support for her is also not as good as before.

Qin Xiyan smiled.

Is this a group hug to keep warm?

However, Chu Ming, with his noble status as the emperor's nephew, was willing to bow to her, which surprised her.

It seems that Miss Chu, who has always had a proud personality, has grown a lot in the past six months.

She did not refuse or agree immediately, but remained noncommittal: "I'll think about it."

While they were talking, a bloody mist suddenly exploded on Wan Jiansheng's arm.

Everyone watching the battle was shocked.

This was obviously because the flesh and blood on Wan Jiansheng's arms could no longer support his strength or the speed of his sword.

"Have you reached your limit?"

Chu Xisheng looked at Wan Jiansheng with calm eyes.

Just like Wan Jiansheng's attitude at the beginning.

I don’t care, so there are no disturbances.

However, there was still a hint of disappointment in Chu Xisheng's words: "Is this all you can do?"

Unfortunately, this person is still a little short of breaking the limit of his outer strength.


Wan Jiansheng roared like a wild beast. He tried to cut out a heavier and faster sword, but he couldn't help it.

His bones cracked and cracked.

The flesh and blood of a pair of arms collapsed. Not only was the speed of slashing greatly reduced, but the strength was also not as good as before.

Although Wan Jiansheng was furious, he knew that continuing would be useless.

Not only will this not hurt the opponent at all, but it will worsen your own injuries.

He suddenly stepped back ten feet and took the initiative to distance himself. Then he knelt forward a little, while trying his best to recover from his injuries, while panting violently like a wounded beast, and sucked in the heaven and earth essence in big mouthfuls.

His eyes were scarlet, and he stared at Chu Xisheng: "What a swordsmanship! Wan Mou admires it. I now believe that the former Bloody Sword Lord is indeed invincible in the world."

Although the opponent did not draw his sword, his sword skills were undoubtedly demonstrated in the previous confrontation.

"Is this what you want to say?"

Chu Xisheng reacted coldly: "If it's this kind of nonsense, I don't want to hear it. Today's battle can be over."

"Of course I won't let you down!" Wan Jiansheng grinned, with a hint of madness on his face: "You should be honored. You are the first person in this world who can see my divine body."

At this time, the muscles all over his body expanded rapidly, and all his clothes were stretched open.

Wan Jiansheng's body increased to two feet in an instant, and was covered with scales. Two heads and four arms stretched out from his body.

Chu Xisheng couldn't help but be stunned when he saw Wan Jiansheng's greatly changed appearance.

"Three heads and six arms, the blood of gods and demons! No wonder the Tianji Martial Arts Book gave you the title of Lord of the Divine and Demon Swordsmen."

At this time, most of the people near the mountain gate also changed their colors.

"With the blood of gods and demons, this guy is actually half-human and half-god!"

"The descendants of humans and gods and demons? No wonder this Wan Jiansheng is so talented and can practice martial arts to this extent at such a young age."

"Who are his parents?"

"I didn't expect him to have such a hand! I'm afraid this fighting power will expand several times, and Chu Xisheng's Wai Gang may not be able to hold it anymore."

At this time, among the clouds, Canghai Shi raised his eyebrows: "With the body of a demigod, this is what you can rely on to let him walk alone in the world, right?"

In ancient times, the most extraordinary martial arts cultivators in the world were called ‘demigods’.

They are all existences that have broken the boundaries between mortals and gods, and are between mortals and gods.

However, this young man named Wan Jiansheng was born a demigod! He also possesses many magical powers that only demigods can have.


Demonic Sword King Zhuang Yan had no intention of answering, but looked at the two people below him intently: "I didn't expect this Wuji Sword Master to be able to push Wan Jiansheng to this level."

"Using this incomplete demigod body will probably cost you a lot. It will not only damage your own divine energy, but you may also lose one or two years of your life span."

Jian Qixiao Xin Cang Haishi shook his head with emotion: "Why bother with this? It's a waste of life."

Zhuang Yan was stunned when he heard the words, and looked at Cang Haishi in surprise: "What did you say?"

——That's the body of a demigod! It's enough to increase Wan Jiansheng's combat power to a new level in all aspects!

"I said he wasted his life in vain! Don't you think he can defeat Chu Xisheng like this?"

Cang Haishi shook his head and looked at Chu Xisheng with complicated eyes.

Compared with that day's battle, Chu Xisheng's cultivation level has been improved by half a level, and various bloodline powers and various martial arts have also increased tremendously.

His Eternal Wall should be stronger, right?

Maybe now Wan Jiansheng still can't force him to use the sword——

The timing of Wan Jiansheng's debut was wrong. He bumped into Chu Xisheng, which was a bad luck for him.

Cang Haishi also had a premonition that the Wuji Sword Lord would also be his strong enemy in the future.

At this time, the sword intentions of Chu Xisheng and Wan Jiansheng had collided again, causing all the surrounding clouds to roll away.

"Tianji Pavilion once sent me a letter asking me for the title I wanted, and Wan chose the word god and devil!"

Wan Jiansheng raised his hand slightly and pulled out five long and narrow swords from the pouch on his waist, one in each hand.

He looked at Chu Xisheng with the middle head, and his eyes returned to indifference: "I can't control this demigod body at the moment. Draw the sword, otherwise don't blame me for not holding back."

But Chu Xisheng laughed out loud and shook his head: "The problem is that you are still not qualified to let me use the sword!"

He was thinking in his mind.

Can Tianji Wupu win its own title? Is there such a good thing? Why haven't I encountered it?

Wan Jiansheng's eyes turned a little scarlet again.

He slashed down with his sword without hesitation, and the six long and narrow swords slashed left and right, waving a deadly cold light.


Wan Jiansheng was confident that his attack would be able to easily crush Chu Xisheng's outer gang and evil force.

If you don't draw the sword, you will die!

However, the next moment, he saw a golden barrier suddenly appeared in front of Chu Xisheng.

That's exactly it - the Wall of Eternity!


Wan Jiansheng's six sword rays blasted through all of Chu Xisheng's body-protecting power, but were blocked in front of the golden barrier.

Wan Jian had six arms, and in the next moment, he slashed more than 1,320 times in succession, but was unable to shake the golden light at all.

His pupils shrank slightly, completely unable to understand the scene in front of him.

It can’t be cut? Why can’t it be cut?

What on earth is this?

There was a buzzing sound among the surrounding crowd.

"What is this? Wan Jiansheng is helpless?"

"I actually managed to defend it! Wan Jian vividly used his demigod body. This power is probably enough to make even the Earth Ranking avoid it!"

"Holy shit, this Wuji Sword Master is actually so good. He didn't draw his sword. He even stood where he was and didn't even move."

"It's the Wall of Eternity! The fifteenth level of the Blood of Eternity, the Wall of Eternity that the kings of the past used to conquer the world!"

"As long as Chu Xisheng's spiritual energy is not exhausted, the wall of eternity will remain unbreakable, and even a first-class master will be unable to harm his body."

"Isn't it true that it can never be broken? He has the blood of eternity!"

"It depends on whether Wan Jiansheng's powerful sword force can suppress Chu Xisheng's recovery ability. Moreover, the wall of eternity mainly consumes divine thoughts."

Chu Xisheng squinted his eyes and thought that if it was just this, it would not be enough.

Wan Jiansheng's slashing power was far less than one-tenth of that day's Canghai Stone.

But if it is just a purely passive defense, it will not last long and it will be broken by the opponent sooner or later.

Chu Xisheng was thoughtful and thought that since everything in the world can be used as a sword, then——

He began to try to control the golden wall of light in front of him.

Chu Xisheng quickly shook his head and gave up.

His spiritual thoughts are completely unable to control this 'eternal wall', let alone use this thing like a sword to deal with the enemy.

Is it because this golden barrier is not your own?

This is a powerful magical power obtained with the help of the power left by Pangu.

However, Chu Xisheng also learned an additional piece of news: the 'eternity' in this 'Eternal Wall' is not irreplaceable.

In the future, he will raise his true meaning of 'eternity' to more than thirty levels, and he can completely replace Pangu's eternal divine seal and use his own eternal wall!

But at the moment, Chu Xisheng still has to rely on the power of this ancient ancestor of the human race.

Chu Xisheng immediately changed his tune.

He began to rely on the 'Eternal Wall' and continued to use his outer gang and evil power to fight back.

Wan Jiansheng can cut more than a thousand knives in one breath, but among these more than a thousand knives, the power of the sword is not uniform.

Among them, Chu Xisheng reflected those that could be reflected back without hesitation, and tried his best to resolve the deflections that could not be reflected.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The continuous sound of metal clashing continuously shakes people's eardrums.

The fight between Chu Xisheng and Wan Jiansheng was extremely boring, with one side standing still and the other beating them repeatedly like forging iron.

However, everyone was forced to retreat further and further away, and some even suffered broken eardrums.

Don't look at the fact that the time between the two of them was relatively short, less than three quarters.

However, Wan Jiansheng could slash nearly 600 swords with just one breath before, and after revealing his three heads and six arms, his slashing speed doubled, already exceeding 1,300 swords!

One moment, a total of 300 breaths, and a total of more than 300,000 kills!

Among the crowd, even those masters with cultivation levels as high as the fourth level could not withstand the impact of the roaring sound on their thoughts.

It was essentially the remnants of the two's divine will and martial intent. Even the broken parts were enough to crush an ordinary person's soul.

On the left and right sides of Chu Xisheng, a large number of sword fragments began to appear, and deep knife marks were cut on the ground, and a large amount of smoke and dust was raised.

However, the land behind Chu Xisheng was still safe and sound.

He is like an eternal rock, firmly blocking the torrent of thousands of swords.

He is extremely stubborn and cannot be shaken. It seems that he can exist until the end of the world, and nothing can hurt him.

Chu Xisheng looked at Wan Jiansheng with cold eyes: "Is this what you said about not letting me down? But this half-human, half-ghost appearance is nothing more than that. Is there anything else? Use all your abilities

Take it out and show it to me."

Ye Zhiqiu, who was watching the battle from above, suddenly twitched the corners of his lips.

She felt that Chu Xisheng was a cheap person.

This is like saying to others, come and beat me. If you have the ability, come and beat me——

Wan Jiansheng's pupils were dilated, and his eyes were about to burst.


Absolutely impossible!

His power continues to grow.

The body of a demigod allows him to withstand more strengthening, and his sword power has increased by 30% compared to before.

He has also cut out 670,000 swords!

This is four times more than his usual training limit!

But even so, he still failed to break through Chu Xisheng's domineering body.

Still couldn't force this guy to draw his sword!

Wan Jiansheng was still slashing like crazy, but he didn't notice that traces of blood began to flow from his mouth, nose and seven orifices.

This demigod body is not something he can use at this stage.

The continuous strengthening of the 'Endless Dafa' doubled his pressure.

Chu Xisheng felt sad when he saw this.

He was like this in the past.

Every time I use ‘Shen Shang’ and ‘Burial Sky’ to increase my ultimate combat power, I will be seriously injured.

So he decisively swallowed the bait thrown by Jin Yiwei and cultivated the Nine Refining Ultimate Purple Gold Body.

Originally I just thought that it would be a good thing to strengthen my body a little more.

Chu Xisheng never expected that he could cultivate the Henglian Ba ​​Body to this point.

The next moment, Chu Xisheng's lips curled up slightly.

"It seems like this is your limit? Then this battle can end here."


Wan Jiansheng's body suddenly slipped away, a large amount of blood mist burst out from one of his arms, and a trace of bright red blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

His eyes were extremely dark.

It’s Jiyuan!

Chu Xisheng finally used the ultimate power in the 'Nine Refinements of Ultimate Purple Gold Body' to reflect his strongest sword back.

What made him shocked and angry was that Chu Xisheng actually took a step forward with his hand on the knife at this moment!

It’s just that he failed to break Chu Xisheng’s body-protecting power, but Chu Xisheng was still able to move forward with the force of his sword!


Wan Jiansheng's sanity completely collapsed, and his consciousness was swallowed up by rage due to the endless sense of shame.

"Go to hell!"

Countless blood-colored flames spurted out from Wan Jiansheng's body. He activated the true energy in his body at all costs, just wanting to cut through this damn wall of eternity and hack this damn bitch to death.

However, at this time, Chu Xisheng took another step forward.

Behind him, the giant beast with the head of a dragon and the body of a jackal, holding a sword in its mouth, suddenly let out a low groan that sounded like the sound of a sword.


The giant ‘Taotie’ beast behind Wan Jiansheng suddenly collapsed into pieces.

His ears also exploded, and a large amount of plasma spilled out!

He actually half-knelt on the ground involuntarily.

At this time, Wan Jiansheng discovered in horror that the forceful use of his demigod body and the continuous slashing at any cost for four quarters had exhausted his soul power to the extreme, even leaving it full of holes.

His face turned pale and he tried to struggle, but he still couldn't move.

Any resistance of Wan Jiansheng's soul, as well as all his hatred and hostility, were transformed into Chu Xisheng's power to suppress his soul!

Chu Xisheng, on the other hand, looked calm and relaxed, walking up to Wan Jiansheng as if walking in the back garden of his home, looking down at this arrogant God-Demon Sword Lord.


Just when Chu Xisheng was about to speak, a voice came from high in the sky.

Lord Demonic Sword closed his eyes solemnly, and sighed slightly with a gloomy look on his face: "You won! This battle ends here."

This chapter has been completed!
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