Chapter 412: Welcome to transformation again (please subscribe)

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Five days later, at the Heavenly Artifact Academy of the Wuxiang Shen Sect, Chu Xisheng, under the supervision of Yu Yunxiang, absorbed two groups of golden liquid into his soul bit by bit, and at the same time condensed it into the core of the sword.

‘Vajra’ originally refers to a thunderbolt at the source of the world that has no cause or effect, no beginning and no end, indestructible, indestructible, solid and incapable of cutting off.

It has no fixed shape, cannot be figured out, and cannot be destroyed.

However, when these two 'King Kong' are integrated into the ribs of the giant god, they can be smelted, reshaped into a fixed shape, and can also be crafted into tools.

Chu Xisheng spent three whole days shaping and polishing it. Finally, it was condensed into two golden thunderbolts about three inches in the shape of a straight knife.

If you look carefully, you will find that there are countless strange lines in this thunder.

They are very similar to the texture of the external scales of small flatheads.

——This is exactly the manifestation of Chu Xisheng’s 20th level of martial arts intention and the laws of heaven.

The ribs of the ancient giant were naturally incredibly large.

It is said that under normal circumstances, their bodies are five thousand feet long, and one rib is about eighty feet long.

However, the Wuxiang Divine Sect spent a lot of thought and effort, and used several rare treasures in the world to extract their essence, and in the end only the purest part remained.

"It's done?"

Yu Yun wanted to see Chu Xisheng open his eyes, and couldn't help but feel joy in his eyes. At the same time, he was full of curiosity: "Will you try it now?"

This is the first person after the Bloody Sword Master to master the first step of the Divine Will Touching Death Sword, the Divine Will Sword Heart.

Yu Yunxiang was extremely curious.

Chu Xisheng also wanted to know how powerful this move was.

He hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly: "Then give it a try!"

Yu Yunxiang immediately gathered a powerful sword intention and struck Chu Xisheng's soul.

He was very confident in Chu Xisheng's strength, so he used nearly 25% of his soul strength from the beginning.

But a moment later, Yu Yunxiang said "Hey, you" and leaned back.

Chu Xisheng sat on the same spot, almost feeling nothing. He only felt his two 'Divine Sword Hearts' tremble.

After Yu Yun wanted to withstand the backlash of the sword, he exclaimed loudly: "It's really powerful. It's worthy of the sword technique created by Lord Xueyan Sword! It's a pity that your own soul strength is still a little weak. If it reaches

At the level of the former Bloody Sword Lord, if you are below the second level, you will indeed die if you are touched by divine will!"

He shook his head in disbelief: "The key point is that the heart of your sword cannot be destroyed. It is stronger than your 'Nine Lights Divine Wheel Sword'. It's not in vain that we have worked so hard and spent so much material and cost to extract and smelt it."

.In the future, even if you meet a master who is a few levels higher than you, it is impossible for him to use his martial will and spirit to suppress and defeat you."

Now I don’t know how Chu Xisheng’s ‘Shenyi Sword Heart’ will perform in group battles.

However, there is no need to worry about this aspect with the sword skills passed down by Lord Xueyai Swordsman.

This has been tested in countless actual combats.

In the past, when Xue Yan reached the second level, he could defeat thousands of armies with one sword!

"Fortunate God! I hope that once your sword skills are perfected, the Wuxiang Divine Sect from top to bottom will be able to breathe a sigh of relief."

The most troublesome thing in the Ten Thousand Demons Cave is not only the ninety-six ancient giants sealed inside, but also the countless demons and evil beasts that were born from their blood.

In addition, there are the void passages created by the demons and gods from outside the world in the Ten Thousand Demons Cave.

Their true bodies cannot enter the mortal world, but they have many minions under their command who can enter the mortal world to fight.

And now, Chu Xisheng also has the capital to defeat thousands of armies!

Chu Xisheng continued to feel the heart of his sword and fell into meditation.

He had indeed reflected Yu Yunxiang's sword intent back, but other than that, he had left something behind.

That's a pure thought.

This ‘Divine Will Sword Heart’ can indeed refine and transform the awe and hostility of living beings, and use it to enhance one’s own strength!

Yu Yunxiang only had a temporary intention to attack him, and there was no real hostility at all, so the improvement was minimal.

However, Chu Xisheng discovered that his 'Divine Sword Heart' was absorbing the awe of people within a radius of twenty miles around him.

Because of his many great achievements since joining the Wuxiang Divine Sect, his ascent to the top of Qingyun, and his repeated defeats of powerful enemies, these fellow disciples of the Wuxiang Divine Sect all highly respect and admire him.

Chu Xisheng thought that this was no different from the legendary method of "gods", and was even more magical.

The only flaw is that he cannot retain and store all these thoughts of awe.

But correspondingly, he also avoided being infected by people's awe.

This is to gain its advantages and avoid its disadvantages.

Chu Xisheng was overjoyed, and then he put away his distracting thoughts and bowed to Yu Yunxiang: "Thank you, Uncle Xiang, for your help. I have troubled you again this time."

"It should."

Yu Yunxiang laughed out loud and looked at Chu Xisheng up and down with relief: "Actually, Xisheng, you gave me a surprise. I didn't expect that with your cultivation level, you would be able to cultivate the 'Divine Will Sword Heart'. Let's work hard for this."

No matter how tired I am, my heart is still happy."

He then explained the matter carefully: "Next, you should improve your cultivation level as soon as possible. The Divine Will Sword is very strong and its power has almost no upper limit, but this all depends on the strength of your body and soul.

The higher your cultivation level is in the future, the smaller the threat the Ten Thousand Demons Cave will pose to the Wuxiang Divine Sect, and the lighter the pressure on your master will be. We, the Wuxiang Divine Sect, can no longer afford to lose another first-class member."

Speaking of Kung Fu, Chu Xisheng thought of the 'Heart of Chaos'.

He stared intently at the illusory screen in front of him.

In fact, before he started to shape the 'Divine Will Sword Heart', the number of his blood points had already exceeded 1.4 million.

And now three days have passed.

Chu Xisheng immediately raised the corners of her lips.

The blood point column is an exaggerated number of '2156211'.

In just three days, the number of his blood points increased by another 750,000!

The effect of the special issue of "Tianji Wupu" and the new issue of "On Wushenji" is simply amazing.

Chu Xisheng opened the treasure house of martial arts without hesitation and mentioned the Heart of Chaos.

And when he said goodbye to Yuyunxiang and left the Heavenly Artifact Academy, he had already hung this 'Heart of Chaos' around his neck.

Chu Xisheng has already tested it, and it can indeed increase his 'Divine Source Wuxiang Gong' by two levels.

‘Chaos’ means ‘no form’.

Chaos is one, and everything has no form.

This 'Heart of Chaos', like the 'Shenwan Sword', is a powerful magical weapon that is most suitable for phaseless skills.

With the thirteenth level of ‘Divine Source Wuxiang Gong’, coupled with his powerful physical fitness and horizontal training, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is now a fourth-grade martial arts cultivator.

Chu Xisheng felt that her hands were a little itchy.

He was already considering whether to practice with Chu Yunyun, try his hand, and see what his current limit was.

Of course Chu Xisheng knew that this would be dangerous, and Ji Qianqian was actually a more suitable target.

The problem is that Qianqian is cruel to others, but too soft to others.

This woman's 100% strength can only be used at most about 10% in front of him, making it unpleasant to fight.

The key is that after Chu Xisheng cultivated the ‘Sword Heart of Divine Will’, he had already expanded himself and gained the confidence to challenge Chu Yunyun head-on!

A few days ago, he tried a move with Chu Yunyun, and was beaten and repaired a bit badly by Chu Yunyun, who had just recovered her strength.

Chu Xisheng wanted to use his Divine Will Blade Heart and Chaos Heart to get back a fight.

When Chu Xisheng returned to Tianlan Residence with great expectations, he found that Chu Yunyun was drinking tea in the living room of Tianlan Residence with a strange middle-aged man in white.

Chu Xisheng walked in slightly surprised: "Who is this?"

To be invited to Tianlan Residence and receive tea personally from Chu Yunyun, his status must be of great importance.

When the middle-aged man in white saw Chu Xisheng, his expression became solemn, and he immediately stood up and saluted: "My subordinate Feng San, whose bandit name is 'Crazy Sword', has met the Lord!"

When this middle-aged man looked at Chu Xisheng, his eyes were filled with fanatical admiration.

Crazy Sword Style Three?

Chu Xisheng couldn't help but feel suspicious.

The person in front of me has a good level of cultivation and seems to contain an extremely powerful sword intent within his body.

The problem is that he has never heard of this person.

And when did I gain such a subordinate?

"This is the Taoist attendant that the sect has recruited for you, specifically to protect your safety."

Chu Yunyun introduced the two of them with a smile: "Mr. Feng was born in the human race of Kunlun Mountain. He is a famous casual cultivator in Kunlun Mountain. His cultivation is as strong as the third level. Although Mr. Feng is not well-known in our country, the sect leader commented that his combat power is enough to enter the country.

He is one of the top two hundred on the Earth Ranking, and has extraordinary attainments with the Divine Will Like Heart Sword. Because Mr. Feng admires your reputation, brother, and also envies the martial arts inheritance of the Wuxiang Shen Sect, he is willing to join your sect and be your Taoist servant."

While she was talking, she gave Chu Xisheng a wink.

Chu Xisheng suddenly understood.

This so-called ‘Crazy Sword’ Feng San’s true identity must be Xia Baishi, the ‘Supreme Sword Heart’!

Chu Xisheng did not expect that the Wuxiang Divine Sect would change Xia Baishi's appearance.

Not only was her hair dyed black, her eyebrows and facial features were also slightly modified, making it almost impossible to see her previous appearance.

The fabrication of ‘Crazy Sword’ Feng San’s life experience is also ingenious.

It is impossible for any great master in the world to pop out of a stone out of thin air.

'Crazy Sword' Feng San's past interpersonal relationships and life trajectory will become flaws that awaken Xia Baishi's true memory.

The Wuxiang Shenzong simply arranged for him to become a casual cultivator in Kunlun Mountain.

The Northern Giant Spirit has four sacred mountains and royal courts, namely Buzhou, Tiandi, Changliu and Kunlun.

Kunlun Mountain is in the northwest of China, extremely far away from Wuxiang Mountain, 7.5 million miles away.

This giant spirit imperial court is the most friendly to the human race.

Under the Kunlun Mountains, there are not only several human kingdoms with a population of nearly 100 million, but also many inheritances of human martial arts.

The spiritual practice community there is relatively closed, and because of the distance, there is no communication.

No matter how nonsense the Wuxiang Shenzong makes it up, there is no need to worry about being exposed.

The name is also very good, ‘Crazy Sword’ Feng San – a good name!

Isn’t it just crazy, crazy?

But why is it a third-grade cultivation level? Can't it be set to be stronger?

"It turns out to be Mr. Feng!"

There was a look of surprise on Chu Xi's face. He first cupped his hand, but then felt that he was not enthusiastic enough. Then he walked over and grabbed the hand of 'Crazy Sword' Feng San, shook it vigorously, and shook it: "Now

Under Chu's command, there is a master like Mr. Feng who can take charge of his own business. Chu is very lucky to be favored by Mr. Feng."

Feng San felt strange.

In his memory, he was extremely optimistic about Chu Xisheng and had high expectations.

Because he was born in the Kunlun Mountain human race, the person he respected the most in his life was the 'Blood-Yai Sword Lord' who once suppressed the four giant spirit imperial courts.

The 'King' of Jue Erzhou.

Therefore, he also worshiped Chu Xisheng enthusiastically, believing that this was the hope for the future of the human race.

In the era when the 'Bloody Sword Lord' dominated the world, nearly 10 billion people in the north lived a good life.

Those giant spirit tribes did not dare to enslave and oppress the human race excessively, for fear that Lord Bloody Sword would come to question them.

However, when he actually met Chu Xisheng, Feng San found that he was in a very calm mood.

Feng San felt a little excited and a little fanatical, but not as much as he imagined.

All in all, it's weird and there's something wrong with it in every aspect.

"Don't dare take it!"

Feng San suppressed the strangeness in his heart, and said with a serious face: "It is Feng's honor to serve in front of the Lord! Miss Chu has also told me the rules between the Wuxiang Divine Sect and the Lord. Regardless of the Lord,

If you have anything to do, feel free to send me a favor, no need to be polite to me. As long as Feng is here for a day, I will definitely protect the Lord and be safe and sound!"

He then hesitated for a thirtieth and clicked his fingers, and then said with a sigh of relief: "But the Lord is right about one thing. These Taoist servants under your command are all trash and scum. They are really too much."

If you are weak, you will be vulnerable to a real master."

Zhou Liangchen in the room had a cold face and dark eyes.

Although he felt very unhappy after hearing Feng San's words, this person was a senior with a third-level cultivation, and his combat prowess was indeed beyond his reach now.

Zhou Liangchen could only feel cruel in his heart, but he still had to be more diligent in martial arts practice and improve his cultivation level as soon as possible.

Otherwise, not only will he not be able to help the Lord, he will also be looked down upon and humiliated by others.

After the trip to Yunhai Immortal Palace, he and Xiao Xuanwu had already entered the fifth level realm.

If this were placed in Dongzhou in the south, he would be able to stand alone and join the ranks of masters. But if he were placed in the north, he would not be able to be mentioned.


Ji Qianqian sneered and said with stern eyes: "You are not worthy of saying this in front of me!"

She pressed the knife with her right hand: "You might as well give it a try. I want to see if your Divine Will is as strong as you said, and whether it is really capable of protecting the Lord. I also want you to learn a thing or two about me, this waste

Scum's sword skills."

She cultivated the 'Only Self-respecting Sword', and after sensing Feng San's 'divine will is like the heart's sword', she instinctively felt disgusted with this person.

At this time, she heard Feng San's contemptuous words and couldn't bear it.

The previous Canghai Stone was just that, there was indeed a gulf-like distance between the two sides.

Cang Haishi had an arrogant temperament and looked down upon her, a little shrimp.

Although Ji Qianqian has strong confidence in his sword, he is not so arrogant and ignorant that he thinks he has the ability to challenge the fifteenth place on the contemporary Heavenly Ranking.

However, this 'Crazy Sword' Feng San's cultivation level is only at the third level, so what right do you have to say that to her?

'Crazy Sword' Feng San squinted his eyes, glanced back at Ji Qianqian, and then laughed out loud: "Am I the only one who respects the sword? That's fine, Feng will give you some pointers. Today Feng will let you, a kid, see what it is."

I am the only one who is supreme, and God’s will is as good as my heart!”

Ji Qianqian didn't say anything, and his figure flashed, flew into the yard outside, and raised his hands to Feng Sanyi: "Please!"

Seeing this, Chu Xisheng couldn't help but feel a slight headache. He first scolded him sternly: "Qian Qian! Mr. Feng is our senior, and he came to serve me millions of miles away. We treat each other sincerely, and it's too late to be friendly and close. You

How can it be so unreasonable?"

She was counting the money but had no intention of giving up. She still stood in the courtyard, holding the knife in her hand and looking at Chu Xisheng with a bit of defiance.

Chu Xisheng was too lazy to pay attention to her, and turned to look at Kuang Jian Feng San: "Mr. Feng, I think you guys should forget about this. You two are serving under me, and we will be colleagues from now on. Fighting will hurt your harmony.

If you have this strength, it’s better to use it on your enemies, then you can naturally tell the difference.”

Mad Sword Feng San said disdainfully: "What's the point of hurting your kindness? This little girl's dominance over the sword has not yet become a reality. I promise not to hurt her even one bit."

He also stepped out, walked calmly to Ji Qianqian, and said in a casual voice: "Draw your sword, I can give you three moves!"

Counting money, Qian Liu raised his eyebrows.

She drew her sword without any politeness and moved forward. In an instant, thousands of black lights surrounded her body and blasted away at Mad Sword Feng San.

Those black lights were clearly the traces of Taixu controlled by Ji Qianqian, and the time sequence was turbulent! It originated from the ‘Invisible Arrows of Dayi’ she practiced!

"This knife is not bad."

Mad Sword Feng San commented casually, but with only one side step, he avoided the point where the Qianqian Sword was most powerful.

But the surroundings of Mad Sword Feng San were windless and waveless, with no strength, and even a bit of black light could not come close.

When Chu Yunyun in the living room saw this scene, her eyes couldn't help but light up, and she showed a bit of surprise: "As expected of Master Xia, this Divine Will Ruxin is superb, and it can be used even more on Canghai Stone."

She then looked at Chu Xisheng with a meaningful look in her eyes: "So you still love her very much."

Chu Yunyun saw that the reason why Chu Xisheng stopped the fight was actually because he didn't want to lose money.

In his heart, he yearned for Qianhu, the Jin Yiwei of his family.

"She has to make trouble for herself. I don't know what happened in the past few days. She has been very angry."

Chu Xisheng pretended not to understand, he sighed helplessly, and then asked curiously: "Why is Master Xia's cultivation level only below the third level? Although his Taoist heart is broken, his martial arts body and physical body are still there, so he shouldn't

Is that so?"

Chu Yunyun shook her head: "The sect master said that he couldn't go any higher and sealed the memory of a first-grade master. Is it that simple? This is also convenient for you to use the technique of 'deceive the mind and deceive the gods'. His cultivation level still remains at the second grade.

, then 'deceiving the heart and deceiving the gods' will have no effect at all."

Only then did Chu Xisheng think of the most crucial thing.

"Speaking of which, how should I use deception on him?"

Judging from the brief exchange between the two in the courtyard, Xia Baishi's consciousness was extremely sharp.

If Chu Xisheng only uses the third-grade ‘Near Mo’s Black Divine Power Card’, there shouldn’t be much of a problem.

But if you dare to use 'Deception' on Xia Baishi, you will definitely be noticed.

"You will know about this later. The sect master gave me something that was specially made by another master of the weapon refining academy."

While Chu Yunyun was talking, she was observing the battle situation in the courtyard.

By the time they finished speaking, three swords had already passed in the front yard.

Ji Qianqian didn't even hit Mad Sword Feng San with a single slash, and couldn't even get a piece of his clothes off.

The first of the three blows of the Mad Sword Wind caused Ji Qianqian to be defeated.

What's surprising is that Feng San couldn't win together.

Ji Qianqian continued to retreat. Although he was in a sorry state, he was extremely tenacious and managed to narrowly avoid being locked by Feng San's sword.

The same was true for the dozens of rounds that followed. Ji Qianqian couldn't even catch a sword from Mad Sword Feng San. Every time she came into contact, she was defeated and vulnerable. However, she was able to maintain an undefeated situation. Every time she was struck by Mad Sword Feng San, she was defeated.

The sword force chased him and he retreated all over his body.

Chu Yunyun thought thoughtfully: "Her self-saber intention is indeed very strong!"

Surprisingly strong.

Under the oppression of Xia Baishi, the 'Supreme Sword Heart', the money-minded sword-mindedness not only did not collapse, but became stronger with each war.

But Chu Xisheng shook her head: "Uncle Xia still gave me some face and saved her strength. I just want to defeat her, not hurt her."

In fact, he is arrogant.

We will definitely do what we say! Even if he hurts a single hair, he loses Kuang Jian Feng San.

This also gives room for struggling with money.

"Tsk! Now that Master Xia's memory has been wiped away, why not also change his personality?"

Chu Xisheng knew that this was unlikely.

It is said that the country is easy to change, but the nature is difficult to change.

Anyone who cultivates the Divine Will, such as the Heart Sword and the Sovereign Sword, will not be able to achieve anything famous if he does not have a little pride in his heart.

Chu Xisheng discovered that Xia Baishi's power was gradually increasing as time went by.

In order to get the money without any damage, Xia Baishi had unknowingly unlocked his power.

Chu Xisheng frowned and thought of something again: "By the way, how will Master Xia improve his cultivation level in the future? It's impossible to let him use the second-grade secret medicine again?"

"It's not a bad idea!" Chu Yunyun smiled: "The key is to make him believe that he has already used the secret medicine."

Chu Xisheng suddenly understood.

So that’s it, I just tried my best to deceive Hu Nong.

He then said calmly: "By the way, you and I will go to the back mountain war hall later and borrow a martial arts hall."

"Martial arts hall?"

Chu Yunyun looked confused: "Why are you going to the martial arts hall? If you want to practice swordsmanship with me, you can do it at Tianlanju."

The whole body of the martial arts hall is made of "secret pattern marble", which is the same material as the Fengshen Tower of Yunhai Immortal Palace.

The materials used by Wuxiang Shenzong are more solid, making the interior of the martial arts hall extremely strong. Even if a first-level master attacks with all his strength inside, there will be no disturbance.

But this is not necessary.

Chu Yunyun's control of her true energy has been greatly improved, and she can ensure that she can give guidance to Chu Xisheng without alerting outsiders.

"It's not about practicing swordsmanship, it's about sparring!"

Chu Xisheng put her hands behind her back and danced in her robe without any wind: "I want to fight Yunyun, and I will fight with all my strength!"

Chu Yunyun turned her head back in surprise, her eyes even more suspicious: "Brother, are you serious?"

She wondered in her mind whether she had used too much force during the actual combat in the past few days?

“Couldn’t be more serious!”

When Chu Xisheng spoke, he flashed to the courtyard and forcefully inserted himself between Ji Qianqian and Feng San.

With a flick of Chu Xisheng's robe sleeves, the two men were forced to slide back several feet away.

"Mr. Feng, please stop. That's it for today!"

Chu Xisheng turned around and stared at Ji Qianqian, who wanted to avoid him and fight again with his sword: "Qian Qian! You should know that Mr. Feng has been merciful and you should know when enough is enough."

We can't let these two fight anymore. The more Feng San's martial arts skills are unlocked, the more likely it is that Xia Baishi's memories will be awakened.

Ji Qianqian couldn't help but "tsk" and put away his sword with a bit of displeasure.

Feng Sanze's eyes were solemn: "Is this the Jiayi Dao?"

Chu Xisheng had just used his Wai Gang as a sword, and the sword force he blasted away was reflected back.

This Wuji Sword Master's Yajuan Sword is stronger than he knew!


This chapter has been completed!
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