Chapter 418: The Tribulation of All Gods (Please vote for me and subscribe)

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Also in Yan'an County, Youzhou City.

When Chu Xisheng was attacked, Chu Ming Yukong came to a pavilion on the southern outskirts of the city.

Tieshan Princess Qin Xiyan is sitting here, drinking tea with a leisurely expression.

Chu Ming raised her eyebrows and fell into the pavilion.

"They should have found traces of Chu Xisheng. I just saw a group of masters rushing over. The lowest level of cultivation is the fourth level, and their strength is very good."

Qin Xiyan's reaction was very dull: "Why worry? Since Junior Brother Chu dares to go out alone, he naturally has a certain confidence."

Chu Ming thought to herself that I would not worry about Chu Xisheng's safety, I wish he were dead.

But of course she couldn't say that in front of Qin Xiyan.

Chu Ming sat down opposite Qin Xiyan and poured herself tea: "That's not necessarily the case. I saw among those people there was Shi Xingxue Xinghan Shi Chongwei."

"One hundred and seventy-two on the Earth Ranking, with stone walking in blood, hands and stone heavy in power?"

Qin Xiyan raised her eyebrows, thoughtfully.

She then turned her head and asked, "Qin Sheng is back? When is it?"

"Go back to the princess!"

There was obviously no one outside the pavilion, but a voice came from the void: "I have just received the news that your uncle, General Anbei, has returned to Yan'an County early this morning."

"This is a coincidence." Lan

Qin Xiyan laughed out loud: "He is very decisive. Speaking of which, I am a little worried about Junior Brother Chu."

Chu Ming couldn't help but feel slightly moved.

I heard that Shi Chongwei, the ‘Stone Blood Hand’, had been recruited by a big force, so he was able to reach the third level two years ago.

Judging from Qin Xiyan's demeanor, this rumor may not be groundless.

Moreover, the man behind Shi Chongwei was probably Weiyuan Hou Qin Sheng, the great general of Anbei at that time, who oversaw the military affairs of Bing, You, Ji, and Jue four states.

She narrowed her eyes and said, "Senior sister, are you just a little worried?"

"This is enough to worry about." Lan

Qin Xiyan said in a leisurely voice: "Junior sister, when do you think they will take action?"

"It shouldn't take too long, it's expected to be done within a moment."

Chu Ming only thought about it for a moment before decisively answering: "The sect has handed over the Sun-Breaking Divine Boat to Chu Xisheng. Once it sets off at full speed, it will be difficult for a master as strong as a first-class upper-level master to catch up.

Even if they could barely keep up, their true energy would not be enough, and they would be thrown away by him sooner or later. They didn't know what Chu Xisheng was doing in Yan'an City, and without knowing when he would leave Yan'an City, they didn't dare to wait.

Go down."

"But if you don't give it a try, it's hard to be willing to accept it, right? In the art of war, this is called not knowing the enemy, being inadequately prepared, and rushing to fight."

Qin Xiyan shook her head: "Although Junior Brother Chu may only have one Taoist attendant and a spiritual pet, he is unlikely to be their opponent in any case, but I am still not optimistic about it. Judging from Junior Brother's past behavior style

See, he is definitely not an impulsive person."

Chu Ming couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Although she wished Chu Xisheng would die immediately, she had to admit that Qin Xiyan's judgment made sense.

Judging from Chu Xisheng's past experience, that guy is indeed not someone who can be easily dealt with.

Chu Ming actually hoped that Qin Xiyan would take action personally.

She knew that Princess Tieshan still had a powerful force hidden in her hands.

However, it is obvious that Qin Xiyan would never show hostility to Chu Xisheng rashly if she was not completely sure that she could hide it from the Wuxiang Divine Sect.

This is exactly the same situation she was in a year ago.

"Just watch." Lan

Qin Xiyan continued to drink tea, with a nonchalant expression: "That person has invested a lot of money. If he doesn't take action, he will do it with all his strength. With the power of these people, even if they can't keep Junior Brother Chu, they can still test him out."

The foundation of it.”

She was thinking about Anbei General Qin Sheng.

It is impossible for his uncle to not know that Wuxiang Shenzong allowed Chu Xisheng to travel alone, so there must be a way to protect him.

But he still did not hesitate to use all the hidden power of the Tieshan Qin family within Yan'an City.

He still wanted to give it a try.

It's best if you can succeed the first time. Even if you don't succeed, you can still pave the way for others.

Qin Xiyan thought about this, and a sarcastic smile appeared on her lips.

It seems that the Wuji Sword Master who has risen to power in just two years and is invincible to the younger generation has also made the prestigious Anbei General Qin Sheng restless, like a thorn in his back.

Uncle, he has a guilty conscience after all——

At the same time, on the south wall of Yan'an City, a burly middle-aged general wearing heavy armor and a dark red cloak on his back was looking into the distance with his hands behind his back.

His face was heavenly and plump, his facial features were straight, but his expression was as cold as iron and full of majesty: "Have you received my instructions?"

"It has been passed on. It would be best if we can attack and kill him this time. If not, then try his best to test his depth while ensuring safety. Also, try not to leave any corpses or anything behind in this operation.


Behind the middle-aged general was a thin man, also wearing the Anbei army's mountain-style heavy armor.

He bowed slightly and said, "At this time, they should have already taken action." Lan

The middle-aged general's eyes narrowed slightly when he heard this.

He had sensed the sudden outbreak of violence over there.

The next moment, he frowned.

He felt from a distance that there were at least three powerful spiritual ideas at the third-grade level near the battlefield over there.

However, these three people are not his subordinates.


In front of the ruins of the mountain temple, Chu Xisheng was already floating in the air. At the same time, he pressed the long sword in his hand to build up the power of the sword.

He sensed the enemy sneaking in from deep underground, and the distance was no longer less than a hundred feet away.

Chu Xisheng did not intend to stand there and be beaten.

Although he has mastered the first form of the 'Divine Will Touch Death Knife', there is no need to kill a chicken with a bull's eye.

Xi Bitian, the nearby Divine Fist Judge, also had a reaction.

He immediately roared angrily and punched directly into the depths of the ground.

"Get out of here!"

There was a loud thunderous noise from the ground.

At this moment, a figure suddenly flew out from under Chu Xisheng's feet.

He laughed heartily: "What a move, the Hundred-Step Divine Fist! It's a pity that your punching power is still a little weak. Why don't you tickle me? You're ranked twenty-seventh on the Earth Ranking, and you don't deserve your name!"

This man was two feet tall and his body was covered with black stone.

If it weren't for the vast blood and Qi around him, he would look like a stone giant.

Xi Bitian frowned when he saw this: "'Shi Xing Bloody Hand' Shi Chongwei?"

This is a horizontal training master who specializes in the power of earth element, and has cultivated the Waigang Hegemon Body to the pinnacle!

He is also proficient in the art of earth escape and can lurk deep underground for several days and nights.

Shi Chongwei flew up from the ground and actually resisted Xi Bitian's five-shot Hundred-Step Divine Fist. He quickly approached Chu Xisheng who had already flown two hundred feet into the air.

Just when the two sides were close to a distance of thirty feet, Shi Zhongwei, who had been bombarded by Xi Bitian until all his orifices were bleeding, suddenly reached out and grabbed his hand. Instantly, a huge bloody hand condensed in the void and grabbed Chu Xisheng.

This bloody hand not only condenses his power and blood, but also contains the power of petrification, which can transform any external power, living flesh and blood, or even any substance it touches, into stone.

But at this moment, he saw a sneer on Chu Xisheng's face.

"Ji Yuan is prohibited here!"

That is exactly the technique of "one word becomes a motto" performed by the Outer Magic Eye, borrowing the power of the two books of precepts.

Boom! Lan

In an instant, four huge sea ice thunders violently bombarded the stone giant below.

At the same time, a mirror-like silvery white light emerged around Chu Xisheng.

"Gang Qi Transformation Knife?"

Shi Chongwei couldn't help but sneer secretly.

This Wuji Sword Lord actually condensed Wai Gang into a sword, intending to reflect his 'Stone God's Bloody Hand'!

This guy, do you think he, Shi Chongwei, is Wan Jiansheng? Is he the so-called God and Demon Sword Lord who has cultivated to the fourth level?

Wan Jiansheng is truly a genius, ranking second among the younger generation.

However, among the people in this world who can reach the top of the Earth Ranking with a third-grade cultivation level, which one does not have the qualifications of Chaotianzhu? Which one has not mastered the complete laws of heaven?

——This guy is looking down on the heroes of the world!

His stone is bloody, his hands are powerful, and he is ranked one hundred and seventy-two on the earth rankings!

At the next moment, Shi Chongwei heard a heavy 'dong' sound next to his ear.

His stone god's bloody hand was reflected back as it was, causing the energy and blood all over his body to turmoil.

Shi Chongwei's pupils suddenly dilated.

How is this possible?Lan

While he was frightened, he tried his best to remove the petrified blood all over his body.

Unlike the stone armor covering his body, after the blood gang is petrified, it is not only difficult to control, but also becomes brittle!

The four sea ice thunders blasted through his outer shell, causing his stone armor to be covered with a layer of ice.

But just as Shi Chongwei started to resolve it, he felt an extremely domineering and unparalleled sword intent cutting into his mind.

That was Chu Xisheng's sword intention, which gathered the hostile killing thoughts of more than twenty fourth-grade and five third-grade people around him, and bombarded Shi Zhongwei's soul.

His counterattack was like thunder, fierce and swift.

Divine Fist Judge Xi Bitian was the first to attack. He launched his long-prepared ultimate move 'Broken Jade Hammer Bead', which violently penetrated into Shi Chongwei's body, destroying his internal organs.

Chu Xisheng unsheathed his long sword, causing a huge red mark in the void.

The phantom of Demon God Burial Sky began to appear behind him.

That is the most powerful move near the gods - God Burying God!

However, the first thing that struck in front of Shi Zhongwei was a white light shadow shooting out from above Chu Xisheng's head.

That is none other than Bai Xiaozhao!

I don't know what method she used to stay above Chu Xisheng's head, but she was able to hide it from everyone's sight and inspiration, almost becoming invisible.

At this time, her right claw was not only wrapped in wind and thunder, but also wrapped in a ball of golden power.

That is the most fundamental bloodline magical power of the Chenghuang lineage - years!

Bai Xiaozhao's grasp blasted away Shi Zhongwei's blood-qi outer gang like a piece of stone, leaving a deep claw mark on the stone armor.

Bai Xiaozhao retreated at the slightest touch.

Her purpose was just to clear the way for Chu Xisheng's sword. Before Shi Zhongwei started to fight back, she had already flashed to the other side.

At this time, Chu Xisheng's Shura Demon-Slaying Sword had already arrived!

When Shi Zhongwei saw the red sword light, his heart suddenly palpitated, the hair all over his body stood up in fear, and his mind was filled with panic.

He already felt the danger.Lan

Shi Chongwei instinctively wanted to use the stone escape method to escape deep underground.

However, the other party did this intentionally and deliberately lured him into the air.

Countless thoughts popped up in his mind in one thousandth of a finger, and then converged into one in one thousandth of a finger.

Shi Chongwei dismissed all distracting thoughts and gathered all his remaining strength to bombard the sky.


When his huge fist collided with Chu Xisheng's, it was broken apart by the force of the sword's light like a broken bamboo.

Shi Chongwei's expression couldn't help but be startled again, and then his pupils shrank.

"The Heaven-Destroying Sword!"

He even forgot to integrate his most powerful stone and sky method into Fist Gang!

This was undoubtedly the power of the Heaven-Destroying Sword, which allowed him to use less than 30% of his 100% strength.

But the more deadly danger came from behind Shi Chongwei.

A long blue sword pierced from behind him unexpectedly, piercing his heart!

It turned out to be Mad Sword Feng San, and he laughed with great admiration: "This Heaven-Destroying Sword, my Lord, is so beautiful! It's so superb!"

Just now, Chu Xisheng used the Heaven-Destroying Saber Intention to cover up, so that Shi Chongwei could not sense his approach, and also ignored the reminders of his companions. Lan

Easily, a siege was completed!

‘Crazy Sword’ Feng San was extremely satisfied.

This lord is brave and resourceful, and the cooperation between the two parties is a perfect tacit understanding.

Then he frowned slightly, and a strange thought came into his mind.

Feng San felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

He seemed to have fought like this before, joining forces with someone who was good at the Heaven-Destroying Sword.

Chu Xisheng glanced at Feng San with a strange look, then slashed down with his long sword, blasting Shi Zhongwei's head.

The killing power on the knife instantly killed all of Shi Chongwei's flesh and blood and consciousness.

The ‘Stone Blood Hand’ who was ranked one hundred and seventy-two on the Earth Ranking, was killed in just one round when the three of them joined forces to attack him!

Chu Xisheng then sheathed the sword and stood in the air with a leisurely expression: "Continue! I don't want these people to leave here alive. It's best to leave two alive."

Judge Divine Fist Xi Bitian's eyes couldn't help but condense slightly.

His feelings towards Chu Xisheng changed again.

Not only was this Lord extremely talented, but his cleverness in slaying the 'Stone Blood Hand' and his grace and grace reminded Xi Bitian of the First Lord.

After the Lord experienced that disaster, his personality also changed greatly.

"Follow the order!"

Xi Bitian suddenly clenched his fist, and then his figure flashed and flew away in the south direction.

His Hundred Step Divine Fist can use up to 90% of its power to bombard enemies forty miles away from the air.

As long as it can be sensed by his spiritual mind, it is within his attack range.

But if they want to keep all the remaining people, he can't stay here forever.

'Crazy Sword' Feng San also temporarily put away his thoughts and laughed wildly: "They are just a bunch of clowns, they can't escape."

His figure actually disintegrated in front of Chu Xisheng.

Then it was formed into a foreign body at Sishili.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xisheng couldn't help but be secretly shocked.

Just now Feng San really broke up and reunited!

——Not only his physical body, but also his soul was disintegrated!

This means that Feng San’s enemies cannot kill Feng San, even if they crush his body and soul!

As long as the will of the three points of Feng remains, the body can be reshaped.

This is the Divine Will Like the Heart Sword!

It is a first-level position, and the will and belief are close to the perfection of God's Will Ruxin!

Chu Xisheng thought that the seal given to Feng San by the sect leader seemed not very strong.

Only a few days later, Feng San had already broken the shackles and used his first-level power.

He then shook his head slightly, gathered his thoughts, and continued to cover the whole place with his thoughts.

The strength of Feng San and Xi Bitian is enough to defeat these enemies.

With the combat power of the three major land rankings, this lineup is truly luxurious.

However, Chu Xisheng cannot be careless and careless.

He was still on alert.

This is not only to guard against possible dangers around them, but also to provide cover for the three of them and prevent these assassins from escaping.

At this moment, the 'Iron-faced Judge' Luo Yang, who was twenty miles away, was striking his opponent with his pair of judge pens like a violent storm.

Each of his strikes carries a huge 'Hai Shui Ice Thunder'.

The power of a body of discipline not only strengthens his power of martial arts, but also regulates all aspects of his enemies.

Disable true energy!

Disable blood energy!Lan

No retreat!

No dodge!

His opponent was completely at a loss as to what to do. Not only was most of his body frozen by the Hai Shui Ice Thunder Seal, but even his true energy was blocked and suppressed by the power of Luo Yang's discipline.

Luo Yang was newly promoted to the third level, and he only had seventeen levels of attainments in the commandments and laws of heaven, which could only condense the incomplete laws of heaven and earth.

The weapons in his hands are only at the fourth level, and without the support of the Daning court, the overall strength is on par with his opponents.

However, the power derived from the Second Book of Commandments can not only complement Luo Yang's commandments and rules, but can also mobilize the extremely powerful 'Haishui Ice Thunder'.

The 'cold sealing' and 'extreme heaven' methods contained in that thunder can even freeze a fourth-level master in the ice with just two strikes.

And after the two sides fought fiercely for 170 breaths and 19,300 rounds, his opponent finally lost his strength.

Affected by the cold force, this person's reaction and speed are getting slower and slower, and he is completely unable to keep up with his speed.

The judge's pen in the hand of the iron-faced judge Luo Yang actually hit the person's eyebrows without any hindrance, directly exploding the entire head and body of this third-grade martial artist into a piece of ice.

At this moment, Luo Yang was slightly stunned, then he lowered his head and looked at his hands intently.

Luo Yang still couldn't believe that he could have such power!

While killing a master of the same level in just one hundred and seventy breaths, he also sent three fourth-level martial arts cultivators to hell!

This combat power is even enough to enter the bottom of the land rankings!

And his current cultivation level is only below the third level!

Chu Xisheng felt something in his heart. His eyes moved and he glanced sideways at the Iron-faced Judge Luo Yang.

"When you have time, you can go to Yunhai Immortal Palace and study the two books of precepts. These two ancient sacred books can help you improve the true meaning of the precepts."

The martial arts practiced by Luo Yang have great potential.

Chu Xisheng's cheap father, Chu Fengge, was very attentive in training Luo Yang.

Whether it is the 'Dazhong Zhengqi Jue' or the 'Iron Painting Silver Hook Brush', they are both extremely powerful martial arts techniques.

Moreover, the Chu family in the west of Beijing has a relatively complete inheritance, which can allow Luo Yang to cultivate to the second level.

Although this person has now betrayed the Chu family, the Dazhong Zhengqi Jue collected within the Wuxiang Divine Sect is more complete than that of the Chu family in the west of Beijing.

If there is a chance in the future, he can even ask for it from the Six Gates and the Ministry of Punishment.

Luo Yang couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief and saluted in the direction of Chu Xisheng.

"I would like to thank you for your gift, young master!"

This young master came back from the dead and appeared in front of him completely, which was actually the greatest gift to him!

The big change two years ago was a permanent scar in his heart.

Chu Xisheng couldn't help but laugh. Just as he was about to say something, the two 'Divine Will Sword Hearts' in his soul sea sensed again.

This hostile and murderous intention was so powerful that it caused his "Divine Sword Heart" to tremble violently, and he couldn't help but want to reflect it back.

Chu Xisheng's expression immediately changed and he looked towards the north.

He saw two figures wearing red-gold mountain-text heavy armor and blood-red cloaks flying over there.

Among them, the one at the head was tall and strong, with a full heavenly body, upright facial features, a domineering and majestic aura, and a voice like a loud bell.

"He Fang Xiaoxiao? How dare you act so recklessly in my Youzhou!"

He actually shot from a distance of several miles, and a magnificent sword energy shot across the sky thousands of feet and landed in front of Feng San.

This person seemed to be attacking a fleeing third-level martial arts cultivator, but the tip of the sword energy locked the figure of Mad Sword Feng San in it.

Feng San's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he sneered.

"It's a pity that the Tieshan Qin family's Ten Thousand Gods Tribulation has not been mastered yet. How can you stop me? If you wish, break it for me!"

A huge sword energy erupted from all over his body, impacting the thousand-foot sword energy cut in the air until it was shattered into pieces!

At the same time, the distance between Feng San and the third-grade martial artist had narrowed to less than ten feet!

As Feng San stretched out his hand, he was only one foot away from the third-level martial arts cultivator.

The expression of the golden-armored general in the sky changed immediately. He clenched his fist suddenly, and a huge illusory door suddenly opened behind him.

Countless weapons of various forms spurted out from inside, including swords, guns, swords and halberds, axes, axes, hooks and forks, whips, maces and sticks, blasting out a rain of weapons in the direction of Feng San.

And each weapon contains different powers, powerful and powerful.

They were like fleeting meteors flying to the ground, making bursts of roars, and violently detonating when they hit the ground. They continued one after another, and waves of huge power impacted in all directions.

That momentum destroyed the heaven and earth, destroying and killing all matter within several miles around!

Chu Xisheng couldn't help but narrowed her eyes slightly.

This is the top-notch ‘Le Corruption Gate’!

The person who came here is the favored one of Li Tan, the Lord of Ten Thousand Arms. Because he killed a large number of giant spirits, he obtained the divine favor of Li Tan, the Lord of Ten Thousand Arms. He can borrow all second-grade and lower weapons from the arsenal of the Lord of Ten Thousand Arms, Li Tan.


This person had just mobilized at least 700 third-grade weapons, combined with the power of the Tribulation of the Gods, to create a powerful force that could destroy an army of ten thousand people.

Chu Xisheng then looked at the golden-armored general, looking at his majestic and square face.

"General Anbei, Qin Sheng?"

Just when Chu Xisheng suppressed the murderous intention in his heart, Mad Sword Feng San also dodged and retreated from the mushroom cloud that continued to explode.

His white clothes were completely intact, and he looked calm and composed.

Feng San's words were full of disdain: "Tsk tsk! Look at this Tribulation of the Ten Thousand Gods. It's so powerful. Do you want to kill people and silence them? But I have said it before, your Tribulation of the Ten Thousand Gods has flaws."

He actually held the third-grade martial arts cultivator in his hand.

Although this martial artist was covered in scars and blood, he fell into a coma.

But this person is still alive!

Anbei General Qin Sheng's face twitched in the air.

These subordinates of his were carefully recruited and cultivated by him who spent a lot of money and thought in the past two years.

But the entire army was wiped out here!

Not only was the entire army wiped out, but they were also left alive in the hands of the other party!


This chapter has been completed!
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