Chapter 626 Doubts! Surprising rewards!

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Facing this sneak attack, Guo Lin frowned immediately, because the person who attacked him also had the strength of the peak of Nascent Soul.

The two of them came to a fight in an instant.

When Zhou Qingyun saw the person coming, he hurriedly shouted: "Junior Brother Yan, please stop, fellow Taoist, please don't do anything."

While the girl was speaking, she had already stepped between the two of them, forcing them to stop.

"Senior Sister Zhou, I sent you several communication symbols but there was no response. I thought you were in danger, so I searched all the way." The man said softly.

Zhou Qingyun quickly shook his head and made up a sentence: "No, it's just that I lost the communication symbol."

In fact, she didn't know how to answer. The more doubts she had in her heart, the more confused she became.

She didn't know when it started, and she didn't know how to deal with this junior brother Yan.

Guo Lin also probably knew who the man who attacked him was.

Yan Renying.

The only man among the three heroes and two clouds.

In fact, many readers think that in Shushan Swordsman, why did the three heroes and two clouds have to add a man? Wouldn't it be more fun to have five girls?

There is not much description of this Yan Renying, and there are few scenes. All we know is that he was a disciple of a master, that is, he originally had a master, but he became a disciple of the Emei Sect, and he was also the disciple of Zui Taoist.

This is also where many people are confused. What the Emei Sect needs is control. Either the orphans are helpless and absolutely loyal to the Emei Sect to be trained, or the elders of the sect and the descendants of the leader are to be trained with strong backgrounds.

These people are easy to control and will be loyal to the sect.

People like Yan Renying, who are apprentices in art, should not be chosen as three talents and two clouds, because such people are even harder to control.

Perhaps just because of Changmei's prophecy, the Emei Sect had no choice but to follow suit.

Those people regard "three heroes and two clouds, my way shall prevail" as their criterion, and for this reason they often do some domineering and unreasonable things.

He remembered that in Shushan Swordsman, Yan Renying and Zhou Qingyun were said to be in love for three generations, right? They were said to be entangled and destined to be together in this life.

It's just that in Shushan Swordsman, he has very few roles, and he seems to be a marginal character, a passer-by.

Even from the beginning to the end, there was no plot that expected him to rise to prominence, let alone seeing him having sex with Zhou Qingyun's sister, which is also very puzzling.

Guo Lin now has a relatively good understanding of the Emei Sect in this game world. Based on the way the Emei Sect behaves, he has a suspicion.

Three Yings and Two Clouds was regarded as the only truth by the Emei Sect, so they had to drag Yan Renying into the Emei Sect.

But because Yan Renying was introduced to the arts, he was not a close confidant, nor was he a descendant of Emei's powerful people, so he was not trusted. Therefore, he did not participate in many important decisions. He was afraid of problems in many things, and the Emei sect did not allow him to participate. Unlike others,

There are 4 people, there are a lot of scenes, and they will be involved in many things.

But the other party is also a man of three talents and two clouds, and the Emei sect has nothing to do. It must be cultivated, and it cannot lose its prestige, or let the saying "three talents and two clouds of Emei" become a joke.

In addition, knowing that Yan Renying had an admiration for Zhou Qingyun, he directly made up a three-life love relationship and wanted to use Zhou Qingyun to tie up Yan Renying in order to achieve the purpose of control.

This is really possible.

Just like some men and women, because they have known each other since childhood, many parents have said that they are a couple since they were young, and hope that they will be together. Then gradually, they both feel that they should be like this, and finally they are really together.

Naturally, some people also feel disgusted.

But both situations are possible.

Moreover, the Emei Sect is a sect with strong brainwashing ability, so it will naturally operate well. In addition, in ancient times, there were words from matchmakers, orders from parents, and other moral principles.

The elders and masters of the sect had said so, so Zhou Qingyun wouldn't doubt anything, or didn't think much about it.

In the end, the Emei Sect's goal was achieved.

This was just Guo Lin's own conjecture, but he felt it was very possible.

It is also the greatest possibility.

Yan Renying didn't say much after stopping: "Senior Sister Zhou, the elders in the sect are very worried about you and hope you can go back to the mountain gate as soon as possible."

When Zhou Qingyun heard this, she immediately thought of Junior Brother Hu. She couldn't help but ask: "Junior Brother Yan, do you know that your disciples are secretly practicing the Divine Art of Bliss?"

Yan Renying frowned and said: "How is it possible that the old demon of bliss was killed? This kind of evil skill has long been destroyed by the elders."

"I also feel confused, so I will investigate this matter secretly first." Zhou Qingyun said immediately: "So, I can't go back to the faction for the time being."

Guo Lin frowned slightly when he heard this.

This girl's brain is a bit weak. If you tell such things directly, if Yan Renying is also a participant and insider, wouldn't this mean that you know the news about this matter?

If you are from the Emei sect, people may try to brainwash you. After all, they have experience in this.

But he might be in trouble.

The elders of the Emei Sect are all powerful enough to transform into gods, and are known as the True Immortals of the Land within the Ten Kingdoms. It would be troublesome for just one of them to appear.

Zhou Qingyun did not think of this and continued: "Junior Brother Yan, please send you back first and tell the elders that I will go back after I have investigated clearly."

"Senior Sister Zhou, please take care of yourself." Yan Renying seemed to be very graceful. Without saying anything, he turned around and left with his sword. But not far away, a gloomy look appeared on his face.

When he reached a mountain stream, he fell down, took out a communication talisman, and sent a message to his master: "Zhou Qingyun, has discovered the matter of "Bliss Demonic Art"."

Zhou Qingyun and Guo Lin didn't know about this, and they soon received a visit from a big shot, the Sword Master of Shushan.

This person didn't have anything else to do. He just came to visit and said a few polite words: "The Immortal was still thoughtful and found Yue Pengju in advance. He heard that Yue Pengju accepted a challenge in the capital, and his abilities overwhelmed other generals.

, has now been entrusted and escorted to the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun."

He didn't care about those Jin people, but he couldn't use his sword control skills and kill them himself. That would be tainted with karma, and he didn't want to be tainted with it. Therefore, they only resisted the Buddhists, and the mortal army still had to rely on the mortal army to solve the problem.

It's just that he didn't expect that this immortal thought very far. Without Yue Pengju, they would really be in trouble.

Judging from Yue Pengju's performance in the capital, the formation of troops is absolutely amazing.

After the Sword Master left, the time waiting for the war to break out became boring.

Guo Lin, on the other hand, pretended to practice, absorbing the accumulated merits and wishes, and also controlled his body with two minds, playing "Leisure Shushan". Xiao Lizi has a new plot here, called "The Past".

This seems to be an adaptation of some of the plots of the TV series, which tells the story of Xiao Lizi being transported back to his childhood in the Nuwa Temple, and participating in the witch queen's youth when she was framed by the Moon Worshiper.

It only took him some time to finish the plot, but the game system gave him a huge surprise.

After submitting the task and completing it, an incredible game reward prompt appeared.


This chapter has been completed!
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