Chapter 627 Water Spirit Pearl! Spiritual Veins Upgrade! Changes!

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[Congratulations, you have completed the Nuwa Dream Return mission and obtained a water spirit bead! 】

Guo Lin couldn't believe it when he heard this.

He had received a broken Wind Spirit Pearl before, but this time he was directly rewarded with a complete Water Spirit Pearl.

This is a bit awesome.

The water spirit bead is one of the five spirit beads in the Immortal Sword. It is a treasure that the Immortal Sword can never hide from.

Guo Lin did not expect that this mission would directly reward him with this thing. He entered the Game Daoyuan with an idea and saw the floating water spirit bead on the Daoyuan table.

There is a soft blue water-attribute power floating on the entire spirit bead.

That water attribute power is not only gentle, but also very mysterious.

Guo Lin reached out and grabbed the water spirit bead in his hand, and saw the note information:

"This is a special treasure water spirit bead. It possesses very mysterious power. It can explode with very terrifying power, and it also has an amplifying effect in places with strong water-attribute spiritual energy.

Skill: Water God"

This water spirit bead is somewhat similar to the remark information of the previous wind spirit bead, but because it is complete, the skill Water God is also complete, and it also has the attribute of amplifying effect in places with strong water-attribute aura.

Thinking about how powerful the Wind God with the incomplete Wind Spirit Pearl was before, one can imagine how powerful the Water God with the complete Water Spirit Pearl is.

Guo Lin was already a little eager to try it, and he quit the game again with an idea. But just after exiting the game, he got another game prompt:

[Congratulations, you have detected a special treasure and your spiritual veins have met the upgrade conditions. Do you want to use the special treasure to upgrade? After the upgrade, the attributes of the treasure will be changed to the attributes of the sect's residence, and the skills of the treasure will be changed to the special skills of the sect! 】

Guo Lin was pleasantly surprised when he heard this prompt, and immediately looked at the sect's station for information about spiritual veins.

Level 3 spiritual veins: It can provide very rich spiritual energy. Relying on the spirit gathering array can be more effective. It has initially met the requirements of a small immortal cultivating sect.

Upgrade requirements:

1. Qiankun Secret Realm reaches level 5.

2. A spiritual mountain vein or a special treasure!

Previously, he only needed a special treasure or the Veins of the Spirit Mountain to upgrade his spiritual veins.

He had never understood what the Spirit Mountain Vein was before, and he didn't know where to find special treasures. He didn't expect that this water spirit bead could be used to upgrade the spiritual vein.

This was really unexpected and an unexpected surprise.

Although the water spirit beads are precious and have a water god skill, in reality, these things are not as helpful to Guo Lin as upgrading his spiritual veins.

After the spiritual veins are upgraded, not only the spiritual veins can be upgraded, but the sect's station can also be upgraded. The only thing missing is the requirement of a level 4 spiritual vein.

After the sect’s station is upgraded, the Cave Heaven Paradise can also be upgraded to level 3.

Regardless of whether it is the upgrade of the sect's station or the upgrade of the Cave Heaven Paradise, there are rewards.

Previously, Dongtianfu Disheng had rewarded an Eight Directions Integrated Sword Formation.

Therefore, after receiving this game prompt, Guo Lin had no intention of experimenting with the water god, so he directly chose to confirm the upgrade.

The next moment, the game system prompt appeared:

[Congratulations, your spiritual veins have met the upgrade conditions, and now your spiritual veins are being upgraded...]

Almost at the next moment, the water spirit bead in his hand floated out and floated directly above Qingfeng Temple.

At that moment, the water spirit bead burst into light, and a white light cover enveloped the entire Qingfeng Temple again.

This upgraded light cannot be seen by others. However, the water spirit beads floated and emitted so much light that they were noticed by believers and Qingfeng Temple disciples.

But then, something even more shocking to everyone was about to happen.

Seven Star Tower.

Hanyu brought two outer disciples into the tower as usual.

This Seven Star Tower has a very high status in Qingfeng Temple, because this is where the founders of their Taoist temple live and where they worship their ancestors. Therefore, it needs to be cleaned every day.

Every day, outer disciples are also assigned to take turns cleaning.

And he will bring people to check the situation every day. If the Seven Star Tower is not cleaned, the person on duty will be punished.

That is tantamount to disrespecting the ancestor, and is absolutely not allowed in Qingfeng Temple.

Hanyu checked it over and was still very satisfied. No one dared to reveal the ancestor.

He then led the people out of the Seven Star Tower, but just after they left the tower, he and the two outer disciples behind him all looked at the sea in surprise.

"What happened?" an outer disciple exclaimed.

Another person couldn't believe it: "This must be another god appearing again."

For the disciples of Qingfeng Temple, they have seen many miracles and are certain that gods exist.

Therefore, when it comes to the matter in front of them, they will think that it is an act of gods.

"It must be a god." Hanyu said with certainty. At this time, an unbelievable scene appeared on the sea. Water drops slowly floated on the sea.

There were more and more water droplets, and finally they all floated towards their Qingfeng Temple.

Moreover, not only the sea surface in front of them was like this, but also the sea surface facing Qingfeng Mountain was almost like this, and it spread over a long distance.

As if summoned by something, those water drops quickly gathered towards Qingfeng Mountain, more and more, and finally gathered together to form an increasingly larger water curtain.

Everyone in Qingfengguan was attracted by this scene.

Guo Lin naturally saw it too, and he guessed that this should be a miracle caused by using water spirit beads to upgrade the spiritual veins.

Not far away, people in Qingfeng City also saw this magical scene.

When Zheng Kai heard the report, he immediately looked towards Qingfeng Mountain, only to see that Qingfeng Mountain was soon mostly covered by a layer of water curtain.

Looking from here to that side, it seems that most of the area is invisible, and only a water curtain can be seen.

Moreover, the water curtain seemed to be closing quickly, completely enveloping the Qingfeng Temple inside.

"Something big must have happened in Qingfeng Temple." Zheng Kai said in surprise.

People in Qingfeng City basically believe in the existence of gods, so when they saw the mountain completely wrapped in a curtain of water, some people started to worship.

At this time, Guo Lin had once again multi-tasked and controlled the incarnation of Shen Yuan because he found that something was wrong with the girl Zhou Qingyun who was protecting him.

"Nvxia Zhou, what's wrong?" Guo Lin asked doubtfully.

"I received a distress message from Junior Brother Yan. He was ambushed." Zhou Qingyun said, waving his hand, a special communication symbol appeared, and a virtual curtain appeared, with a picture on it, which showed Yan Renying being killed by several people.

People in black robes surrounded him, and their bodies were already covered in blood.

Guo Lin was surprised. This should be an upgraded version of the communication symbol, right? It changed from voice communication to video communication.

"Fellow Taoist, I have to rescue Junior Brother Yan." Zhou Qingyun said hello and flew out with his sword.

Guo Lin always felt something was wrong. Seeing this, he quickly followed with his sword.

Not long after, Zhou Qingyun fell into a valley, and Guo Lin followed closely behind him. He also saw at a glance that this valley was the scene where the communication symbol was transmitted.

Zhou Qingyun saw Yan Renying's figure lying on the ground and hurriedly ran over: "Junior Brother Yan."

But just as she got closer, Yan Renying suddenly stood up and sprinkled a special powder towards Zhou Qingyun.

At that moment, Zhou Qingyun's expression changed drastically: "Desire is gone! Junior Brother Yan!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt her body getting a little hot.

Almost at the same time, I saw pillars of light rushing up from all around, with a hint of blood in the pillars of light, and then, I saw a prison cover instantly covering the surrounding area.

"Not good!" Guo Lin was shocked.


This chapter has been completed!
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