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Ju Jian walked in from outside.


Ju Jian respectfully saluted Xue Zhujun.

"Ju'er, is there any news about that boy Ye Wuhan?" Xue Zhujun asked as he recovered his thoughts.

Ju Jian shook his head, "To be honest with you, Master, I've searched all over the area but couldn't find any trace of that kid. Maybe he was killed by the bomb, or where he died."

"Impossible, that kid won't die so easily. Arrange people to increase the search area. If you want to see people dead, I want to see corpses!" Xue Zhujun said angrily.

"Yes, my maid will make arrangements immediately!"

Ju Jian turned around and was about to walk out, but was stopped by Xue Zhujun, "Hey Ju Jian, do you have any news about your master wife and that little boy?"

Ju Jian bared his teeth slightly and said to himself that the two of them often appeared in the sect. Almost everyone in the sect knew about it, but you probably didn't.

But she didn't dare to say that.

"Not yet!" Ju Jian said with cupped hands.

"Find them two as soon as possible, and tell me immediately if you have any news." Xue Zhujun said again.


Ju Jian then turned around and went out. She must have finished arranging things. She came in again when time was short. She bowed to Xue Zhujun's charming face and said: "Master, the weather outside is nice today. Why don't I ask you to go out for a walk?"

Speaking of which, you haven’t seen the light of day for several days.”

Xue Zhujun thought about it and realized that this was indeed the case. He also really needed to relax and relieve his depression.

Whether it was his son's death or his wife's betrayal, he felt extremely unhappy, and these were not conducive to his complete recovery and further cultivation.

"Okay, just push me out for a walk." Xue Zhujun said, leaning back on his wheelchair calmly.

"Yes, your servant obeys your orders!"

Ju Jian came over and pushed Xue Zhujun out of the hall and walked outside.

There is a rockery in the middle of the garden that blocks the view. Looking into the distance, I can already vaguely see my wife's residence.

"Ju'er, do you think I have neglected your master's wife these years?" Xue Zhujun suddenly asked.

Ju Jian knew what he wanted to say, and suddenly said: "It has nothing to do with this. Some people are just like this. They can't stand loneliness. If you don't wait, she will cheat anyway."

I have to say that this Ju Jian is very good at talking. Saying this, Xue Zhujun feels quite calm.

In fact, how did he know? This was Ju Jian's personal experience. She didn't have a husband, and no one treated her lightly. Didn't she still get together with that little boy? So she just told the truth.

Involuntarily, Xue Zhujun looked at his legs again. He was now disabled. He said that his wife had cheated on him, but even if he didn't, he was probably too weak to satisfy his wife.

"I heard that with the cultivation technique, you can completely regenerate your limbs when you reach a certain level of immortality. I wonder if it is true?" Xue Zhujun suddenly said to himself.

Ju Jian was looking at him from behind, with a sneer flashing in his eyes.

"Hey Jujian, why did you go to the rockery instead of taking the side path?" Xue Zhujun suddenly asked.

Although he just asked casually, Ju Jian felt nervous for a while. After all, Xue Zhujun had accumulated prestige for a long time, and she was afraid that he would see something.

"Oh, the peonies over there are blooming. I'll take the master to see them. Don't you usually like peonies the most?" Ju Jian said with a trembling voice.

Xue Zhujun glanced at her in surprise, but his trust in this maid made him ignore it and nodded immediately, "Well, speaking of which, I haven't seen peonies blooming for a long time. It would be good to go and take a look.


As he spoke, Xue Zhujun closed his eyes and raised his nose, as if he could smell the fragrance of peony flowers.

So Ju Jian pushed him and walked toward the rockery instead of taking the usual path.

"Oh!" A woman's pleasant and suppressed moan suddenly came from behind the rockery, causing Xue Zhujun to open his eyes at once. The most important thing was that the voice sounded so familiar to him.

"Quick, go over and take a look!" Xue Zhujun urged, Ju Jian accelerated and pushed him closer to the rockery.

As he got closer, the sound behind the rockery became more beautiful and urgent. Hearing this sound, Xue Zhujun felt that his blood was burning, and his hand holding the handle of the wheelchair was trembling.

At this time, he couldn't wait for Ju Jian to push him over. He slapped the handrail suddenly, and like a big bird, he flew behind the rockery with the wheelchair.

The huge force of the shock sent Ju Jian flying out. Ju Jian was so frightened that his face turned pale. Xue Zhujun's move did not look like he was poisoned. He was afraid that the situation would be out of control and she would

Also involved.

After Xue Zhujun came to the rockery, what he saw in front of him made his blood boil wildly, and he was so angry that he almost suffocated.

Behind the rockery was none other than his wife, who was always known for being gentle and virtuous, and that ugly and disgusting little boy.

The little boy was sitting on a flat stone, holding Yu Mansha in his arms, moving his hands up and down. The voice he heard just now was that of his "gentle and virtuous" wife.

"This...!" Xue Zhujun's face was deformed with anger, and his whole body was trembling.

At this moment, his wife's image in his eyes was completely overturned. He couldn't believe that this was still his gentle, virtuous, and elegant wife? Look at her enjoying it like that.

"You are shameless!"

Xue Zhujun was furious, he slapped the handrail, flew up, and wanted to kill the two of them with his palm.

But at this moment, as he roared, his heart was burning, his blood was running backwards, his throat was sweet, and he suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood.


Xue Zhujun suddenly fell to the ground.

" could this happen?"

Xue Zhujun was extremely horrified. He found that he couldn't raise any of his skills, and his hands were trembling, as if he didn't listen to him.

Puff puff!

With his blood flowing backward, he spat out a few more mouthfuls of blood. At this moment, his scholar-like face was covered with blood stains and dirt, and he looked extremely miserable.

Seeing this, Yu Mansha hurriedly got up from Shadi and arranged her clothes in a panic.

To be honest, even she herself could not believe that one day she would really do such a thing and let her senior brother see it.

It can only be said that there is no turning back. From the moment she was captured by the little boy, it was destined that she would no longer be the Yu Mansha she used to be.


The little boy here who already knew he was coming stood up and took the long sword that had been inserted beside him and prepared.

"Old guy, I never thought you would be here today. How old are you? Isn't it interesting that you still act like a scholar all day long?"

The little boy came to Xue Zhujun with a slight jump, pointing the sword directly at Xue Zhujun.

In his opinion, Xue Zhujun must be poisoned and he can do whatever he wants.

" couple of bitches, you will not die in peace."

Xue Zhujun was so angry that he kept vomiting blood, and sometimes he was so angry that he couldn't speak at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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