Chapter 128: Switching from troop reinforcements to troop withdrawals

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 As time went by, more than a thousand enemy troops were stationed in the market town as the reconnaissance target of the new regiment. Many enemy armed forces gathered, and new battles were likely to break out at any time.

However, when a new group of soldiers was gearing up to fight, the underground traffic officer sent a piece of information.

"Have the Japanese Japs retreated?"

"Withdrawn, but not completely." The political commissar explained to the regiment leader, "According to the military intelligence weekly report transferred from the brigade headquarters, our troops in western Hebei ambushed a group of supply convoys and captured a lot of money. It is speculated from the location of the battle,

It is possible that the enemy lost ordnance and supplies along the way of attacking our unit, and was forced to retreat."

"This speculation is somewhat based on cause and effect. Do you have any supporting materials on hand?" The regiment leader took the warm cloth handed to him by the guard and wiped his face. He picked up the iron tea jar that the political commissar had just filled with cold water and asked casually.

He said, "I was called to a meeting by the brigade commander. I don't know anything about the news sent back by the reconnaissance team today."

"Oh, you're talking about this!" the political commissar beamed, not bothering to talk about it and got straight to the point, "What happened yesterday afternoon, Wang Chengzhu went into the town alone to conduct reconnaissance in disguise.

"I avoided curfew patrols at night, lit a fire, and ignited a courtyard dedicated by the Jin gentry to store grain. Comrades responding to the incident on the mountain outside the town observed that the warehouse burned from late at night until almost dawn before it was put out.

"According to the news from the town maintenance chairman's brother-in-law, the garrison captain issued an order early this morning to urgently requisition the grain reserves of more than a dozen old families, barely enough to provide half a day's rations for more than 2,000 people."

Most of the residents who have the conditions to live in market towns have a well-off family or have the skills to make a living. It is not uncommon for their houses to have enough food for half a month. However, when soldiers and bandits attack, it is more important to save their lives, so they can't take care of external things.
This time, thousands of invading troops and an equal number of puppet troops swept along the highway. The maintenance committees and security chiefs of the counties, towns and villages along the way received the news in advance and had already provided food, wine and food to the laborers.

Unexpectedly, after an encounter, the vanguard troops returned to the town where they were the night before. After this operation, the town maintenance president couldn't help cursing in his heart. In order to satisfy the ferocious Japanese devils and the puppet troops who were pretending to be powerful, he had to do it twice.

Hemorrhaging labor.

Although the president can take advantage of the opportunity to line his own pockets and get some kickbacks, there is a limit to catching a sheep and plucking its hair back and forth. With his feet growing on someone's legs, he goes to the countryside to borrow food from relatives in the countryside on the pretext that he has nothing to eat, and then runs away.

The dozens of households whose homes have been occupied are examples of this.

Good guy, in the middle of the night, the expropriated house of a wealthy family in the town was leaked. Two warehouse sentries ran on the street with their bodies covered with flames, and were killed by the patrol team on the spot. After organizing the puppet troops to put out the fire, we collected them during the day.

Most of the two thousand kilograms of grain and dozens of jars of soybean oil that arrived have turned into black and white and charred ashes.

Now it's better, the requisitioned food is gone, and labor supplies were requisitioned for the third time in just a few days. Two-thirds of the townspeople were forced to leave, abandoning their family businesses and going to live with relatives. Not much surplus food and floating wealth could be scraped.

The long-term and day-to-day workers left, and the bitter consequences fell on the townspeople who were reluctant to part with their family property.

More than a dozen servants from Jia Xingshang's shop and wealthy households from nearby villages were invited to the town hall for a meeting by the maintenance chairman. The topic was the distribution of tasks. Think of the more than 2,000 skin-scraping troops in the town who are like wolves and tigers.

, faced with the gun-toting sentry standing at the door of the town hall, the old moneymen gave up their useless resistance and distributed the apportionment fairly and efficiently.

As for the speeches of more than a dozen wealthy men from northeastern Shanxi and the performance of Quanwuxing at the third labor apportionment meeting, the brother-in-law did not go into detail at the dinner table. In short, the mixed troops of the invading army who received the food requisition looked as if they were mourning.

The batch of gentry walked along the road to see them off and withdrew from the market town, and withdrew their troops eastward.

"In this way, Comrade Wang Chengzhu unintentionally defeated the enemy without fighting, and is a blessed general of our new regiment."

"No, Comrade Commander, let me tell you." The political commissar took out a few pieces of information from a pile of letter paper and handed it to the Commander, who was rubbing his hands after drinking water, "Not only did the disguised reconnaissance make a contribution, Comrade Wang Chengzhu

Under the request of the instructor of the first battalion, we followed the reconnaissance troops and ensured that several soldiers who encountered the enemy escaped safely..."

This chapter has been completed!
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