Chapter 1895 The boy from afar!

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 Lu Han and the man in gold robe beside him only listened to the young man's words.

"The opera is well sung, but the ending of each scene must have a certain ending."

"The Lu family over there, when you decided to attack the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce, you should have already thought about the outcome of the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce."

"I think you are willing to put the fate of the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce on yourselves."

The words of the young man in front of him were tantamount to pronouncing the fate of himself and others.

It took Lin Yuan so long to arrive because Lin Yuan wanted to establish a reasonable identity for himself in this conflict.

As long as Lin Yuan throws this identity out, people from the Shenmu Federation, Iron Hammer Federation, and Deep Brahma Federation will take the initiative to contact him.

Instead of yourself, take the initiative to contact other people.

Lin Yuan had this idea for a long time.

This allowed Hu Quan to take time out while building the underground palace to help him build this spiritual object carriage.

Those four diamond-level 10th-level legendary phantom dragon horses were specially cultivated by Lin Yuan for Cleverness.

Otherwise, there was no need for Lin Yuan and Liu Jie to do this when they got off the spirit vehicle.

Lin Yuan had already placed node tentacles between the underground palace and Oak City.

If you want to come over, teleporting through the skill node of the ethereal jellyfish is just a blink of an eye.

But people on the Haimeng Continent pay attention to this.

The more inscrutable you make your score, the more attention it will receive.

Lu Han looked at Lin Yuan, thinking about how to plead.

Compared with the black-robed woman just now, Lin Yuan undoubtedly looks much easier to talk to.

Lu Han didn't even notice that the golden-robed man next to him was staring at the blue-gold jade pendant around Lin Yuan's waist.

Lin Yuan was observing the situation in front of him, and naturally noticed the golden-robed man's gaze towards his waist.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

It seems that this man in gold robe may have sensed the extraordinary power of the Fish Realm and Sea Master Card.

People who can feel the extraordinary treasures must have seen the treasures.

If you are a person who has no concept of treasures, you may think that the main card of Fish World and Sea is exquisite in shape.

Thinking about it, I won’t focus too much on the main card of the Fish Realm and Sea at this time.

There has never been a five-star builder on the Scarlet Continent.

But the man in the gold robe has probably seen the treasure.

It seems that the people behind the Deep Brahma Federation should have the resources of five-star builders.

This is interesting!

Architects are born step by step.

According to the thinking of the aboriginals of Hainwen Continent, once a four-star peak builder finds his own way, he becomes a five-star builder.

This four-star peak builder will definitely tell the world immediately, there is no way he can hide it.

The Deep Brahma Federation is a federation whose functions are traveling merchants.

All the big and small forces in the federation are running chambers of commerce.

In the competition with the Shenmu Federation and the Iron Hammer Federation, the Deep Brahma Federation has always been the weak side.

Once a five-star founder appears in the Deep Brahma Federation, the Deep Brahma Federation will suddenly become the strongest federation from a weak federation on the Haima Continent.

Only people with other purposes are willing to hide themselves in the dark.

Lin Yuan can basically be sure that the people behind the Deep Brahma Federation should be outsiders of this terrifying continent like himself.

Lin Yuan's white short boots, which were not stained by a trace of dust, were stepping on the stone road.

Every step Lin Yuan took touched the hearts of everyone present.

As an emperor-level powerhouse, Lu Han hasn't been so psychologically oppressed in how many years.

I came here this time to seek revenge against the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

To attack the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce's tree fort, it is natural to kill all the people in the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

The young man in front of me said that he would take the fate of the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce into his own hands.

That is asking yourself to die.

After Lu Han became an emperor-level powerhouse, he enjoyed absolute rights.

What you want is what you want.

Under such living conditions, Lu Han simply did not have the courage to face death.

Lu Han stepped forward quickly, came to Lin Yuan and quickly bent down and said.

"This young master, it is better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies."

"As a wealthy family in the Deep Brahma Federation, our Lu family is not as powerful as the hidden wealthy families, but we are still a giant."

"My eldest brother is the head of the Lu family. If you let me go, if the young master needs anything in the future, our Lu family is willing to help!"

Lin Yuan looked at Lu Han, who was standing not far in front of him, and didn't speak for a long time.

Lin Yuan's silence made Lu Han feel like he was sitting on pins and needles.

Lu Han vaguely sensed ridicule in Lin Yuan's expression.

This is exactly the case.

Lin Yuan's expression when he looked at Lu Han was no different from looking at a fool.

You have already led the Lu family to kill my men, how can I spare you?

On a road where force is the most important, once one of the two parties has murderous intentions, there is no possibility of reconciliation.

I think Lu Han was relying on the Lu family's status in the Deep Brahma Federation to seek his forgiveness.

In other words, this itself is also a warning from Lu Han.

Lu Han is now only eight steps away from him.

This distance already falls within the attack range of an emperor-level powerhouse.

Liu Jie and Zhai Wanmi, the monarch-level weapon controlled by Hong Thorn, were both standing behind him.

If Lin Yuan hadn't informed Liu Jie and Hong Qian in advance, Lu Han would have had no chance to approach Lin Yuan and would have been blocked.

Lu Han stood so close to him, and he would not let go of the Lu family once he said it.

Lu Han will definitely do something to himself.

Lin Yuan was actually willing to talk nonsense with Lu Han, just waiting for Lu Han to take action against him.

At this time, Lin Yuan had summoned the five-star treasure Hanhai Tide Flute and held it in his hand.

The young man is graceful, holding a long aqua flute in his hand.

Invisibly, Lin Yuan's temperament became much gentler.

No one present felt that Lin Yuanci had a kind face.

Because the lives of everyone present will be decided by Lin Yuanlai.

When Lin Yuan took out the five-star treasure Han Hai Sheng Tide Flute, Lin Yuan looked at the man in gold robe.

Lin Yuan found that the golden-robed man's gaze immediately shifted to the Han Hai Tide Xiao in his hand.

Lin Yuan's eyes flashed with a more confident look.

Lin Yuan plans to use the five-star treasured weapon, the Vast Sea to generate the tide flute, to kill Lu Han with his own hands.

Firstly, I wanted to try out the feeling of using treasure weapons to fight.

To kill Lu Han, there is no need for Lin Yuan to inject too pure water element energy into the vast sea.

There is no need for the Zihan Siren Emperor to increase the level.

As long as he makes the tide rise in the vast sea and summons two swimming fish that reach the high-level Emperor level, he can easily kill Lu Han, who has just entered the Emperor level.

Secondly, Lin Yuan was not prepared to deal with the people watching the fun.

Lin Yuan asked Zhai Wanmi to keep those people here just because he hoped that these major forces in the Deep Brahma Federation could spread the news that they had treasures to the ears of the people behind the Deep Brahma Federation.

This chapter has been completed!
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