Chapter 1893: Shattering Emperor Wu with bare hands!

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 The man in golden robe wearing a golden mask never thought of it.

After I open my mouth, this will be the result.

Now the man in golden robe has two choices.

The first one is to rely on the power of the reclusive Jin family behind him to fight the strange woman under the black robe in front of him.

Another option is to do as the woman in black robe said and take off the golden mask on her face.

But once he does this, he will undoubtedly become the laughing stock of the entire Hailin Continent.

The power of the Jin family will also be greatly reduced.

However, the man in golden robe can feel it.

If he didn't take off the golden mask on his face, he might really die.

Although my strength is higher than Lu Shan.

But even if I exerted all my strength, I couldn't use my palms to break into pieces the chopping knife that was transformed from the Creation Spirit Sting Weasel's Ten Thousand Blade Beast Weapon.

Not to mention scratching it to pieces, my palm touched the slashing knife made from the Ten Thousand-Blade Beast Weapon.

The palm will be immediately dripping with blood from the slash.

The more Hong Qian looked at the golden mask on the man's face, the more dazzling he felt.

Just when the imperial envoy Zhai Wanmi was about to take action, the man in golden robe reached out and took off the golden mask on his face.

Revealing an unusually ordinary face.

Seeing that the man in gold robe took off the golden mask on his face, Hong Qian did not let Zhai Wanmi attack the man in gold robe.

Instead, he asked Zhai Wanmi to attack the large army of the Lu family behind him through the ginseng tentacles extending from the body of the rotten flesh ginseng, which was the holy source.

Ginseng sipped and had a feast.

Each and every living life withered and turned into powder under the entanglement of ginseng whiskers.

A platinum-level golden wolf wants to bite off the ginseng whiskers with its sharp teeth to save itself.

But as soon as the teeth touched the fleshy ginseng tentacles, the substances secreted by the fleshy ginseng tentacles were immediately melted into energy and absorbed by the ginseng tentacles.

Zhai Wanmi's move made Lu Han feel sad for the loss of the Lu family's elite troops.

At the same time, he hurriedly commanded the more than a hundred remaining spiritual energy professionals of the Lu family who had fire-attributed spiritual objects, and used the spiritual objects to attack the tree fort.

Right now, the only way to save your life is to act according to the words of the woman in black robe.

There are more than a hundred remaining spiritual energy professionals in the Lu family who possess fire-attributed spiritual objects.

One by one, the crazy envoy spirits burned the tree fortress of the prosperous Chamber of Commerce.

It seems that the more energetically one's spiritual being burns the tree fort, the more likely one is to survive.

The man in gold robe ignored this scene.

If you say that you just took off the golden mask, it will make the Jin family lose face.

Right now, the deaths of hundreds of spiritual energy professionals in the Lu family are equivalent to the black-robed woman in front of them completely trampling the Jin family's face to pieces.

As a strong man of the Jin family, the man in golden robe is willing to fight for the glory of the Jin family.

Even if you know you are outmatched, you cannot allow others to trample on the dignity of the Jin family.

The reason why the man in gold robe did not take action was because he heard the woman in black robe mention "my master" twice from the words of the woman in black robe in front of him.

This shows that there is someone behind this powerful woman in black robe.

No matter what, I must find out who the person behind this black-robed woman is.

Otherwise, even if you die, your death will be in vain.

At this time, Zhuang Bei, who was standing in front of the Liyuan Chamber of Commerce's large force, was trembling uncontrollably.

A young man's face appeared in his mind.

It was that young man who commanded a strong man to burn everyone in the Shenhan Chamber of Commerce with fire.

That young man later entered the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

Since then, Shengfan Chamber of Commerce has been making great progress.

If the rapid development of Shengfan Chamber of Commerce is related to this young man.

Then the master mentioned by the strong man in black robes in front of him could not be that young man, right?

While Zhuang Bei was thinking, he saw not far away from him, the men of the Giant Eagle Chamber of Commerce were preparing to retreat.

At this time, the strange and deep voice of the woman in black robe sounded.

"Some people want to leave here. No matter if there are no audience or actors, the show will not be lively."

"If my master comes here and thinks the show is not good, then those of you who make my master unhappy will be punished by death!"

"If you take one step back, those people who just turned into ginseng rations will be your fate."

Zhai Wanmi's words caused everyone in the Giant Eagle Chamber of Commerce to immediately freeze in place, not daring to take another step back.

Including the powerful men leading the Giant Eagle Chamber of Commerce.

If you can come here, organize the people and watch the fun.

They are just waiting for Lu Han to lead the Shenhan Chamber of Commerce to solve the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

I want to share the business resources in Oak City with Lu Han.

Lu Han cannot be allowed to take away all the business resources in Oak City when he builds the Shenhan Chamber of Commerce again.

To be able to challenge Lu Han, every caravan has a strong person who is not weaker than Lu Han.

Now the eyes of these powerful men are all looking at Zhai Wanmi.

Zhai Wanmi won't let the Giant Eagle Chamber of Commerce leave, so if his own chambers of commerce want to leave at this time, they will definitely not be able to leave.

Zhai Wanmi has just shown his decisiveness in killing, especially when Zhai Wanmi's so-called master arrives.

Everyone watching the fun didn't know what would happen to them when Zhai Wanmi's so-called master arrived.

But now, if I and others dare to really leave.

It will definitely be turned into debris by those weird flesh-like ginseng tendrils.

Because of Zhai Wanmi’s words, the current scene became very strange.

Everyone present watched helplessly as Lu Han commanded the more than one hundred spiritual energy professionals of the Lu family to use their own fire-attributed spiritual objects.

Continuously create flames to attack the tree fort of the prosperous chamber of commerce.

Because many spiritual energy professionals are afraid, they use spiritual creatures to attack too quickly, causing the spiritual energy in their bodies to dry up.

The spirit object cannot cast skills again.

Just when these spiritual energy professionals who have exhausted their spiritual energy want to restore their spiritual energy on the spot.

These spiritual energy professionals were immediately digested by the rotten flesh and ginseng.

Zhai Wanmi's approach immediately made the remaining spiritual energy professionals deeply understand.

Why do Zhai Wanmi always mention usefulness and uselessness in his words?

Only useful people can live, and useless people will die.

At the moment, only those who use spiritual creatures to burn the tree fort are considered useful people.

Once the spiritual power in the body is exhausted, Zhai Wanmi will regard him as a useless person.

They will be executed immediately.

This makes the remaining aura professionals who possess fire-attributed spiritual objects use their spiritual power with caution.

But we don’t dare to let the spiritual creatures attack too slowly.

I was afraid of touching the brow of the woman under the black robe again.

Ding Chengshuo looked at everything in front of him and had a clearer understanding of the power Lin Yuan had.

Ding Chengshuo couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

I am secretly happy that I was able to attach myself to Lin Yuan so early and become one of Lin Yuan's subordinates.

Otherwise, Lin Yuan will cause trouble in Oak City, and there will be no possibility for him to live in peace.

This chapter has been completed!
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