Chapter 1479 Master, the true master

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 In the western restaurant, Zhang Lingzhi hosted a banquet to receive Jiang Wei.

And Wang Yi.

She didn't understand why Jiang Wei wanted to bring Wang Yi to attend. They were having a high-level conversation. Although Wang Yi is excellent, you are not on the same level.

However, Zhang Lingzhi did not do anything rude to Wang Yi.

"Explain, I am not in good health and need someone to take care of me at any time." Jiang Wei said.

"Are you not in good health? What's wrong? Can you tell me?" Zhang Lingzhi asked tentatively.

"Sleep disease, a rare sleep disease." Jiang Wei did not explain in detail.

"Oh, I understand." Zhang Lingzhi is well-informed and has seen a lot of sleep.

Some people suffer from sleep sickness and can suddenly fall asleep while doing things. It is common for people to fall asleep while washing their feet or taking a bath.

Of course, the so-called common refers to large hospitals like Xiangya, especially Xiangya’s neurology department, which is a key discipline and a brand discipline, and sleep disorders are often seen.

If you go to a county-level hospital or even a city-level hospital, this disease is very rare. If you are a doctor for a lifetime, you may not be able to see one.

I understand, there is another meaning. So far, there is no particularly effective drug treatment for sleeping sickness.

Therefore, she expressed sympathy.

There was a dark period in Zhang Lingzhi's mind for a second. Alas, what a pity, why didn't she get sick during the competition?

If she had fallen asleep during the game, this situation would not have happened.

This time, Xiangya lost the first place at the last moment, which was of course a great pity. Zhang Lingzhi was very unconvinced.

In fact, they were defeated by one person, and that was her.

"I didn't expect Jiang Wei to be so good. How did you become interested in the nursing profession?" Zhang Lingzhi began to ask.

"It's accidental. After being in the hospital for a long time, I feel that if I don't learn some medicine or nursing, I always feel unreliable."

Jiang Wei had a hard time answering this topic, so she could only answer briefly and perfunctorily.

"Tsk tsk, it's unbelievable. Just because of this reason, you have become a big boss in the nursing industry. I feel shameless to sit in this position."

Zhang Lingzhi is now the deputy director and chairman-elect of the National Nursing Association. Ordinarily, she is the super boss.

She got to where she is today after decades of hard work and training, and she was personally trained by Master Lin Qiaoer.

Well, now, a woman majoring in liberal arts, just because she works in a hospital and is afraid that others will say she is an amateur, has surpassed almost everyone with her hard work and has become a super boss in the nursing world.

Although Zhang Lingzhi doesn't want to admit defeat in front of Jiang Wei, he doesn't dare to say that she is better than Jiang Wei. With Jiang Wei's performance in the competition, Zhang Lingzhi doesn't dare to say that she can beat her.

To be fair, the questions she can answer will not score higher than Xiaoyun, and she is still far behind Jiang Wei.

This is not accidental. Doing these questions cannot be done by luck. You must have real talent and practical learning.

Jiang Wei said politely: "Professor Zhang, of course you can only hold the top spot in the nursing field. How can I, a layman, stand your praise?"

Zhang Lingzhi smiled bitterly and said, "Don't say that. Today, I just want to ask some questions."

The implication is to test how powerful Jiang Wei is.

Just at this time, the waiter came in. Today we were chatting and drinking some red wine. The dishes were relatively simple, including a grouper, a plain-cut chicken, a plate of fried tofu, and the others were just a few side dishes.

The red wine is a brand Jiang Wei has never seen before, a famous Danish brand.

It should be very expensive.

Jiang Wei can drink, but she drinks relatively little. In the past, she only drank a few sips when Liu Maqiao drank, and she was not addicted to alcohol.

Zhang Lingzhi is not addicted to alcohol either.

But Zhang Lingzhi always likes to use red wine to enhance the atmosphere during grand occasions.

She is a fastidious person.

"Come, let's have a drink for today's acquaintance." Zhang Lingzhi said sincerely.

"I, Jiang Wei, am honored to be with my senior."

Jiang Wei sincerely respects Zhang Lingzhi. Although her level may be higher than hers, she has made it step by step through her own efforts, and today's achievements are the result of hard work.

Zhang Lingzhi is a respectable person.

Jiang Wei is a well-organized person, and will not succeed at being a villain. The reason why she is where she is today is purely opportunistic, not really capable.

"The food is relatively bland. I don't know if Jiang Wei and Wang Yi would like it." Zhang Lingzhi herself likes spicy food, and most Hunan girls like spicy food.

"Very good." Jiang Wei said.

In fact, Jiang Wei also likes spicy food, but today she is a guest, so she can eat whatever she wants. Besides, the grouper and white-cut chicken should be light.

"I have a question. Is there any good way to care for Alzheimer's disease?"

When Zhang Lingzhi asks a question, it is an extremely difficult question. This is an international nursing problem.

"Well, regarding this issue, the focus is still on humanistic care." Jiang Wei said lightly.

"But how to implement personal care for Alzheimer's disease?" Zhang Lingzhi asked.

"Pull open a crack in the soul." Jiang Wei said.

"Huh? Please explain in detail." Zhang Lingzhi was surprised.

"Patients with Alzheimer's disease forget their recent and intermediate memories, but they remember their distant memories. We can role-play and act as their childhood friends or relatives, and soon they can become the patients' spiritual partners. He

You will no longer be lonely." Jiang Wei answered this question briefly.

Zhang Lingzhi was horrified and didn't speak for a long time.

Yes, it makes sense. This should be the correct solution to this world-class problem.

"Is it difficult to implement?" Zhang Lingzhi is eager to know the real effect.

"How do you say this? With higher-quality nurses, it should be possible to implement it, because patients often reveal their secrets and call out the names of people in their memories. We can ask their relatives to understand some of their backgrounds, play roles and

It’s not difficult. Because the patient is also vague about this role, and he also has a process of re-understanding.”

Having said that, Zhang Lingzhi no longer needs to ask.

If you continue to ask, it will appear that you are too low-level. Jiang Wei has already made it very clear.

After talking about this, Zhang Lingzhi felt clear that Jiang Wei is a master, a real master.

She couldn't help but be in awe.

Today I met a real expert.

She thought of her teacher Lin Qiaoer. Lin Qiaoer is an academician and still persists in scientific research at the age of 89. Only a master is worthy of answering Jiang Wei's questions.


Really, after more than ten years, after Lin Qiaoer passed away, Zhang Lingzhi no longer had anyone to help her solve this kind of problem.

"There is another question, Jiang Wei, please answer me. Do we need humanistic care for people in the plant state?" This question is not a false proposition with superficial hypocrisy, but a question that needs someone to answer correctly.

In academia, this is a long-debated issue.

They are divided into pragmatists and idealists. The debate between the two groups has been going on for hundreds of years, and there is still no conclusion.

This chapter has been completed!
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