Chapter 1475 Reversal

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 The second half of the game begins.

Starting today, Zhao Jing, Wang Yi, and Liang Fei will participate in the competition one after another. They will participate in 3 games each, for a total of nine games.

36 teams, one event per day, half the number compared to the first half, because the competition is much more difficult now.

10 days.

Today’s appearance is Liang Fei.

According to the order of the temporary draw, Liang Fei is the third one to appear.

What’s interesting is that Xiangya’s appearance is the first one and Tongji’s appearance is the second one.

This is the first round. Two people from each team participate, so there will be a second round.

In the second round, Xiangya ranked 11th, Tongji ranked 17th, and Qingjiang team ranked 23rd.

The event of the competition is rescue.

High score!

Xiangya's players are indeed experts, with a score of 99.8, which is almost a perfect score. The slightest flaw would not be noticeable if the referee's level were not so high.

Video playback, Xiangya’s nurse approves and signs.

That's right, 0.2 points should be deducted.

This kind of deduction is quite strict.

But it doesn’t matter, this is a very high score. It is very difficult and almost impossible to exceed this score.

Tongji's appearance, perfect! No, 0.2 points deducted.

99.8 points.

The nurse who came out accidentally tripped over the doctor's shoe.

In the rescue process, there are many people, so we need to be busy but not chaotic. A little flaw may lead to great risks.

Normally, I would not care about this kind of mistake, and even if it is a game, no points will be deducted, but today is a high-level game.

Even if it is an inconspicuous fault, points will be deducted.

Only 0.2 points were deducted, indicating that the error was extremely minor.

"Serve." After watching the video, Tongji's nurse signed and approved.

However, she is still very happy. With a score of 99.8, the probability of winning first place in the skills competition is very high, as high as 99%.

She didn’t know that Xiangya’s score in front was also 99.8.

The third one appears.

Liang Fei.

She performed the operation calmly, and every move was so perfect that the referee said, "That's great."

I didn’t find any points deductions.

Watch the video.

Oh, Liang Fei’s hand shook a little while holding the ampere. It was very inconspicuous, but it still met the standard of deducting points.

Deduct 0.2 points.

99.8 points.

Haha, there are 72 people competing, and the first three have already decided the winner.

If the scores are the same, the referee has the right to re-score according to the video playback and decide the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

For a whole day, no one exceeded 99.8 points, and the best was only 99 points.

99 points doesn't mean much anymore. She can only get the original points and cannot get additional points.

Finally, it’s time to re-score.

Among the 9 judges, 3 awarded Xiangya first, 3 awarded Tongji first, and 3 awarded Qingjiang first.

This is difficult.

The chief referee is out.

She is an expert in winning the country.

After reading it twice, she finally decided that all three teams were in second place, and each team received 5 points.

This is dramatic.

This is the first time there are three runners-up.

Everybody feels sorry.

What a failure.

Liang Fei was a little frustrated. She was aiming for the first place. Although she got the first place, she was only considered the runner-up.

This kind of extra points is the most reasonable. The total points added to the three runners-up are 15 points, which is only 2 points less than the total score of 17 points for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. It is more reasonable for other teams.

If there is a tie for first place, 10 points will be added, and the total score will be 30 points, which is 13 points more.

This result is unfavorable to both Tongji and Qingjiang teams, but it is a great benefit to Xiangya.

Zhang Lingzhi smiled with satisfaction when he saw this result.

Fortunately, she used her trump card today.

Her trump card can be used 3 times.

I was able to hold back Tongji on my first try, and that’s the result.

On the 7th day of competition, Xiangya still had the trump card. There is no doubt that they won another first place.

In this way, Xiangya has already won 6 first places and 6 second places. The total bonus points are 90 points, not counting the bonus points for third place.

The Qingjiang team had no harvest on the 7th day.

Tongji won one second place and one third place, adding 7 points.

Zhang Lingzhi really smiled this time.

The gap between Tongji and them is really 100 points.

There are only 8 projects in the back. You have to counterattack. Unless you win 8 first places and 4 second places in a row, is this possible?


All the pressure on Zhang Lingzhi’s heart is gone.

What she expected happened the next day.

Although they did not get any results, Tongji only got 1 third place, which added 2 points.

Qingjiang is lucky today, with one first place and one second place.

Liang Fei won first place, and another nurse, Song Jia, performed well and won second place.

15 points added.

The Qingjiang team rose to third place, surpassing the Beijing University team.

Zhang Lingzhi smiled happily.

She was only worried about Tongji, not the Qingjiang team. She also prayed that tomorrow, the Qingjiang team would be the same as today, with one first place and one second place.

If Tongji doesn't get good results tomorrow, then they will be out.

The next day's game went as expected. Zhao Jing of the Qingjiang team took the first place, Liu Ling took the second place, and the Qingjiang team added another 15 points.

It seems that Jiang Wei's surprise training for the Qingjiang team on the first night was very effective.

After all, he is a master-level and grandmaster-level trainer, and Liu Miqiao's grandmaster-level instructor. The two of them worked together to train, and the team members' level and confidence suddenly increased.

In the following two days, the situation was exactly the same. The Qingjiang team once again captured the first and second places.

4 first place, 5 second place.

At this time, Zhang Lingzhi became a little nervous, seeing that the Qingjiang team was trying to catch up.

Maybe her spell worked. On this day, the Qingjiang team only got one first place, and the second place was taken by the Tongji team.

The situation is relatively clear now.

There are 3 games left.

Xiangya team ranked first.

Qingjiang team is second, 40 points behind Xiangya team.

Tongji team is third, 85 points behind Xiangya team.

In the three games, the Qingjiang team’s goal is to get three first places and three second places, but they still can’t allow the Xiangya team to score.

This is difficult.

Winning all three games, let alone the Xiangya team, the Tongji team would not agree, not to mention that there are several strong teams that have not played for a long time, and they should win a few places.

There are three more games.

Take a day off in between.

Players don’t have to take a break, but referees can’t take a break.

This is the first time they have seen such a high-level competition. The Xiangya team and the Qingjiang team were so outstanding, it was almost a perfect performance.

The first half was completely Xiangya's stage, and the second half became the Qingjiang team's stage.

They fought each other and made Tongji, who was in third place, very anxious.

They have only one last stand, and they must win all the subsequent games.

The current situation is that both the Qingjiang team and Tongji must win completely. Can they compete?

Taking advantage of this day of rest, Jiang Wei took a lot of Huiqi Pills. She didn't care whether there were any side effects. Today's training was the key.

If you can't score 45 points, you'll have to rely on your own play-offs.

In the play-offs, Jiang Wei also has weaknesses, her psychology is her weakness.

"Today, let's all have a go. Liu Miqiao and I will train with you all the way until 2 a.m. tomorrow morning." Jiang Wei made a plan.

"We must win from behind, win them all, and get the first and second place." Jiang Wei added.

This chapter has been completed!
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