Chapter 1476 A crucial match

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 The Qingjiang University team thinks so, the Tongji team, the Beijing University team, and even the Xiangya team also think so.

The further you get to the back, the more difficult it becomes.

On the 8th day, Zhao Jing appeared.

Today is the anaphylactic shock rescue.

The key is that the simulated patient is a 90-year-old man allergic to penicillin.

This is difficult.

Age is a problem.

A 90-year-old person is in his final years, and any disturbance may be fatal, let alone an anaphylactic shock at this time.

The doctors who cooperated with the competition were from a team of Union Medical College. They deliberately created some difficult problems and made some mistakes that doctors are prone to make.

In fact, at this time, the participating nurses need to control the situation.

It's very difficult.

Originally, during major rescue operations, doctors with seniority and professional titles took the lead. Nurses were cooperative and subordinate, and were only those who carried out the doctor's orders.

It's different today. The scene is set with a young attending doctor taking command, and the participating nurses have to correct the attending doctor's mistakes.

However, nurses must abide by the procedures.

The correct protocol is that the doctor is the commander.

This is the main premise.

Of course, the bigger prerequisite is to rescue the patient.

The Xiangya team was not very lucky and was the first to play. One of their two players scored 98.5 points and the other 87 points.

Quite high!

The next 7 or 8 teams all averaged around 95 points, with the lowest being only 91.5 points. Beijing University scored 96 points.

Today is critical.

The Tongji team comes on stage.

They have talented players who are bound to win.

It took 15 minutes to go up, and the score came out, 99 points.

Surpassed the Xiangya team.

The leader of the Tongji team smiled. Although the smile came a little late, he still came.

They don’t believe that anyone will surpass them.

99 points, which is almost a perfect performance. In other words, there are very few minor mistakes, and it is almost completed according to the designer's ideas.

At this time, Zhao Jing from the Qingjiang team came on the field, as well as Zhang Ning.

Zhang Ning’s score came out first, 99.1 points.

Zhao Jing's score came out immediately, 99.3 points.

The leader of the Tongji team was so angry that he threw something.

99 points, an incredible result, and someone has surpassed it!

Liu Muqiao also nodded with satisfaction.

Jiang Wei's hard work paid off yesterday. The effect of targeted training is very good. It is at the master level after all. The effect of training is really good.

It can be said that the last few tests are not basic skills, but the knowledge of "Basic and Clinical Nursing - Part 2", which is completely in Jiang Wei's bowl.

On the 9th day, Wang Yi appeared.

This is another trump card in Liu Muqiao's hand. The content of the competition is to care for a 100-year-old heart failure patient.

It’s time to test your real kung fu.

Only an all-around player can do the job, and they also work hard, turning the patient over, bathing, etc., which are all physical tasks.

In addition, knowledge of psychology is also required.

The patient must be comforted and kept quiet. Drugs cannot be used to sedate, because the respiratory function of such an old person has declined. Although there is no principle error in giving sedatives, the patient will be hypoxic. Physical means can be used to calm the mind.

Calming the patient down is the best option.

The exam was quite difficult.

Today, the Qingjiang team is the fourth team to play, relatively ahead.

Wang Yi scored 96 points.

Sun Xiu scored 95 points.

None are very high.

The reason why they suffered a severe deduction of points was that the patient they comforted was from a county in the south and could not speak Mandarin. The language barrier was very difficult. It was difficult for the patient to understand Mandarin and the participating nurses could not understand the patient's appeal.

In addition, this level has a very long process and there are too many mistakes. With a score of 96, Wang Yi has done his best.

Sun Xiu felt that it was beyond her ability.

However, objectively speaking, this score is only 96 points. It is somewhat difficult to get first place.

In the afternoon, Tongji’s results came out. Of the two results, the best one only had a score of 94.5.

The results of Beijing University came out immediately, with a score of 92.

None of them are ideal, and they all suffer from the language barrier.

I have never seen such a scene. It is really difficult to compete against a person who cannot communicate without losing points.

Wang Yi became more and more nervous as he got to the back.

Because she saw hope.

Most people's competition scores are around 90 points. It seems that her score of 96 is considered high. No one has surpassed her and Sun Xiu's scores.

The most powerful Xiangya team is on the field.

They are also from the southern team, and their language is similar to that of the patients, so they should have certain advantages in communication.

In addition, the two people who appeared this time came back from abroad. In a foreign country, good foreign language may not necessarily mean that you can communicate well. Many times you need body language to communicate.

That is to say, they are good at dealing with people who do not understand the language.

This is their advantage.

Zhang Lingzhi is full of confidence.

Just over 96 points is enough.

The results are out.

96 points.95 points.


Exactly the same as the Qingjiang team.

The referee quickly watched the video.

9 judges watched it twice and couldn’t tell the difference.

In the end, two firsts and two thirds.

This kind of verdict is a blessing from heaven for the Xiangya team.

It is impossible for the Qingjiang team to catch up with the Xiangya team. The total score difference is more than 30 points.

The Tongji team has been completely rid of it.

In theory, the Qingjiang team still has a chance, that is, on the basis of a complete victory tomorrow, the substitute team will play in the extra match the day after tomorrow, and the Qingjiang team must win by a big score.

On the last day, only one team was nervous.

Xiangya team has already won, it doesn’t matter whether they win the 20th game or not.

Tongji is already in third place, with no suspense, and Beijing University is in fourth place, with no chance of change.

Only the Qingjiang team is nervous.

If we win completely and score 15 points, we will only be 15 points behind the Xiangya team.

The gap of 15 points was left to Jiang Wei in the end, leaving her to solve the additional questions, and there was still a glimmer of hope.

The last scene is still Wang Yishang.

She has lived up to expectations and won two first prizes. This is her third appearance.

The third game was a medical dispute.

It is not the job of nurses to mediate medical disputes, but it is reasonable for nurses to participate in handling disputes.

Wang Yi has seen medical disputes, but has never dealt with them head-on. The same is basically true for other nurses. Therefore, this competition is about overall quality.

It is necessary to have both medical knowledge and sociological knowledge, among which the application of psychology is very important.

To deal with disputes, the first step is to persuade the other party and the second step is to negotiate. Both of these require skills.

To persuade the other party, you must have enough reasons. In the process of persuasion, you cannot let others get the upper hand. You must always occupy a favorable position.

Second, handling disputes is actually a process of mutual compromise. Sometimes, this kind of compromise is necessary. You can't say that every dispute will be litigated. In many cases, it still needs to be negotiated.

Negotiation requires skills.

Wang Yi came on stage. She was very serious and confident.

This chapter has been completed!
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