Chapter 1707 Subarachnoid hemorrhage

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 Liu Muqiao smiled bitterly.

How can two elderly people go crazy over an elderly woman?

Mitri is easy to handle, and Zeng Xuefei is helping him find a partner.

This situation may not be difficult to deal with. Mitri is not too old. He is only 54 years old. To put it nicely, he is still in his prime. Especially since he is a foreigner. It is said that foreigners are still relatively backward in evolution. Sexually, there are

They are a bit like wild beasts. Even if they marry a woman in her 30s, they are not afraid.

Besides, there are many divorced and widowed women. Mitri must be good-looking, with blue eyes and yellow hair, and even foreigners who are not handsome can look handsome. Financially, Mitri’s own family background is not to mention, even if Antai Hospital gives them

His salary is more than 1 million US dollars, even a fraction is a big sum of money.

His problem is easy to solve, but Kailin is in trouble.

Kailin just wanted to dance, so it was difficult to find a dance partner. Lin Xiaoyi danced well, and her appearance was also first-class. There were not many people who were good at both, especially Lin Xiaoyi's temperament. She was a professor, so her temperament was certainly not ordinary.


The problem to solve for Kailin is bigger.

After a busy day, Liu Miqiao came out of the pediatric department. It was already dark. Looking at the time, it was already past dinner time.

I just had a consultation with three patients and the discussion was very lively.

Nowadays, Liu Muqiao not only comes to consult and diagnose diseases, but more importantly, he wants other doctors to speak and teach them their ideas.

This is the way to train.

Unless Liu Muqiao is very busy, he always uses this method to train doctors.

It's the same today, let the pediatrician speak as much as possible, he listens, and then corrects everyone's mistakes.

Before I knew it, two and a half hours had passed.

He came to Master Wang's Noodle House and ate a bowl of shredded chicken noodles.

Master Wang returned to his hometown long ago, and the remaining apprentices have basically inherited the master's skills. The noodle shop's business is pretty good, with about 2,000 bowls sold every day.

The price of a bowl of noodles is 32 yuan, which is relatively high. I have no choice but to buy enough ingredients. The chicken alone is almost half a catty, as well as cloud fungus, mushrooms, chicken fir, etc. If I don't sell it at this price, I will lose money.<


Liu Muqiao ate some noodles and went out for a walk, and unknowingly arrived at Fengya Mingyuan.

The music of the square dance is still so arrogant.

Looking from a distance, the aunts have not lost their past joy because of Lin Xiaoyi's departure. They are all twisting their arms and waists desperately.

Professor Kailin's seat next to Aunt Hong has been replaced by a woman. Lin Xiaoyi's lead dancer seat is still vacant, and no replacement has appeared yet.

Liu Muqiao raised his head and glanced at Kailin's house. The lights were on and there were several figures on the balcony.

Liu Muqiao turned around and walked towards Kailin's house.

This is the phone ringing.

Zeng Xuefei's.

"There is news from the dating agency. There are many people who have signed up. 13 people have signed up. The conditions are all good. The youngest is 32 years old."

Zeng Xuefei was a little excited.

"We're making an appointment over there, and we hope to arrange a meeting as soon as possible. Since there are so many people, Aunt Liu said that we might as well meet together as a group. Meeting one by one will take half a month. Oh, by the way, she said, would Kailin also come?

Introduce someone? Someone is willing to say that over 70 is not old yet."

Liu Muqiao laughed to himself and said, "Don't panic, don't worry about Kailin, take care of Mitri first."

Liu Muqiao arrived at Kailin's home.

Several doctors in the department were there, and the table was full of fruits. Someone, as a prank, actually bought a porcelain doll.

Looking again, the porcelain doll turned out to be a traditional Chinese medicine ointment, which contained unopened traditional Chinese medicine - mainly used to treat headaches and dizziness.

It should be something like dog skin plaster.

After another look, I quickly rejected the definition of dog-skin plaster—made by the Pharmacy Department of Antai Hospital.

"Where is Professor Kailin?" Liu Maqiao asked.

"Inside, I'm in bed." A young doctor answered.

Liu Muqiao opened the door.


Kailin is really sick, and she still has this towel tied around her head.


"Headache. Liu Muqiao, are you here?"

"Have you vomited?"

"Spit up."



"Let me see."

Liu Muqiao asked Kailin to lie down and then checked.

Meningeal irritation sign?

The neck is a bit stiff.

"Hurry up and call 120! Oh, no wait, who drove the car? Send him to the hospital quickly, it should be subarachnoid hemorrhage!"

The car was ready, and we arrived at the hospital quickly and went straight to the CT scan.

Yes, Professor Kailin suffered a ruptured cerebral blood vessel and subarachnoid hemorrhage.

"Inform Xiang Lifang to prepare a room and ask for a single room. In addition, notify Zhao Yilin and ask him to take charge personally. The patient will be handed over to him."

Liu Muqiao is looking at the data on the computer in the CT room.

"Scan the spine again." Liu Miqiao suggested.

"Well, sure enough, there is blood accumulation in the spinal cord cavity. We are going to lumbar puncture and do cerebrospinal fluid replacement." Liu Maqiao said. The doctor beside him took notes in a small book.

Professor Kailin arrived at the ward, and Xiang Lifang was on hand to give instructions. Oxygen and infusion were quickly prepared, and ECG monitoring was also put on.

"Liu Muqiao, am I going to have no problem?" Kailin had been confused for a while, but now she came to her senses and knew that she was seriously ill.

Subarachnoid hemorrhage is a serious disease, with a mortality rate of one-third. If bleeding occurs again, the mortality rate rises to two-thirds; if it is the third time of bleeding, the mortality rate is close to 100%.

Therefore, subarachnoid hemorrhage is considered a serious illness.

Zhao Yilin is here.

"I'm critically ill!"

If you are critically ill, you have to ask your family members to sign.

Kailin's family is far away in Finland. He has a son, a daughter, and a bunch of grandchildren.

J has arrived.

He signed on behalf of his family.

"Are you doing it yourself?" Zhao Yilin saw Liu Muqiao preparing a lumbar puncture bag, and Zhang Changgong, who had rushed over, was helping to prepare physiological saline.

"Well, I'll do it." Liu Maqiao said.

Lumbar puncture, for Liu Miqiao, was completely child's play. It only took two minutes before flushing started.

Sure enough, the cerebrospinal fluid was bright red.

Zeng Xuefei is also here.

After watching for a while, she waited for Liu Miqiao to finish the operation before she stepped forward and whispered in Liu Miqiao's ear: "Mitri went to Shencheng."

Liu Muqiao was startled. But he quickly calmed down and checked the doctor's orders.

The doctor's order was given by Zhao Yilin, so there would be no big mistake. Stopping the bleeding and relieving cerebral vasospasm are the two key measures.

"Old Zhao, I want to try Tianlaizhen."

Liu Miqiao had a sudden idea that almost no side effects of Tianlai needle have been found, so there should be no problem if it is used in this emergency situation.

Zhao Yilin shook his head and said: "I think it would be safer to be more conservative and wait until it stabilizes before doing the Tianlai injection. I would suggest you use some Chinese medicine."

Liu Muqiao thought for a moment, nodded, and agreed.

He understood what Zhao Yilin meant. Europeans did not accept Tianlai Acupuncture. If by chance the patient had a problem, he would not be able to explain it clearly if he thought of Tianlai Acupuncture.

Liu Muqiao said: "Zhang Changgong made a note, I will prescribe a pair of traditional Chinese medicine, which can activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis." Then, he reported 12 traditional Chinese medicines, including the dosage.

This chapter has been completed!
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