Chapter 1705 A fight

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 Liu Muqiao was worried about Kailin. A few days later, he came to Fengya Mingyuan again. The square dance was still as arrogant and loud as before.

When Liu Muqiao walked in, the female professor Lin Xiaoyi in the white dress was twisting vigorously. Her well-proportioned figure was so beautiful in the music that even Liu Muqiao couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Especially her buttocks, which are quite provocative.


Liu Muqiao was surprised to see a person, an old man, dancing there.


He is dancing vigorously.

His dancing posture is very good, he bounces up and down, he is very serious, and his movements are on point.

Beside him is Aunt Hong.

Aunt Hong is definitely serious about dancing, but one thing must be said. Even though she is strong, her dancing is not ugly.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be the second lead dancer.

Liu Muqiao did not alarm Kailin. He wanted to see who Kailin was.

After dancing a few songs, the style suddenly changed. It was originally a square dance, but now it has become a ballroom dance. Kailin’s dance partner is Lin Xiaoyi.

As an old man in his 70s, aren’t you afraid of breaking your bones?

Liu Muqiao thought.

Who knows, after watching it for a while, Liu Miqiao had to overturn his perception. Kailin is the king of dancers here!

Not only can he not break bones, he can also hold Lin Xiaoyi and perform various difficult moves.

There are many moves that even young people can't do, but he can turn 360 degrees while carrying Lin Xiaoyi.


It seems that this guy is a crazy old man, and he and Mitri might have a duel.

After watching for a long time, Liu Miqiao quietly left the scene. He didn't want to be discovered by Kailin.

Liu Muqiao called Zeng Xuefei and asked if the soundproof wall had been built.

"Dean Liu Muqiao, I was about to report to you. Professor Kailin did not agree with the disguise. He said he was used to it. He also said that he liked this scenery very much." Zeng Xuefei said.

"Oh. Where are the others?"

"As far as I know, other people have objections to Auntie's square dance, but they are not intolerable. They all say that they gradually get used to it."

Liu Muqiao smiled.

Two days later, the worrying thing still happened.

Mitri and Kailin had a fight because of Lin Xiaoyi.

Mitri really wanted to marry Lin Xiaoyi, but old guy Kailin had a hand in it and danced with her every night. No matter how gentlemanly he was, he couldn't stand it.

Mitri wrote first and warned Kailin several times. Unexpectedly, Kailin replied firmly, you like Lin Xiaoyi and so do I. We compete fairly.

Mitri's alveoli were so angry.

"You are an old guy, how can you still do that? You should focus on raising your grandson, why should you find a woman!" Mitri is more than 20 years younger than Kailin, and he is full of confidence.

Who knows, Kailin is not discouraged, "What's wrong with me being older than you? Some women just like to be old, and old is the best. You don't understand this?"

"You are shameless!"

"You have no shame!"

The two of them exchanged words with each other. After several rounds, they finally took action.

Naturally, it was Kailin who suffered the loss. After all, she was too old to beat Mitri in boxing.

However, this kind of thing cannot be solved by fighting. In the end, they brought the matter to Liu Muqiao.


Having no experience and not knowing how to deal with it, Liu Muqiao had an idea and gave this task to Zeng Xuefei.

Zeng Xuefei also had a headache, so she found Lin Xiaoyi.

Lin Xiaoyi was shocked.

"Who said I want to fall in love with them?" Lin Xiaoyi has no such idea at all. Dancing has nothing to do with falling in love.

Lin Xiaoyi is a teacher at a normal university. She has participated in the school art troupe and is good at singing and dancing, especially Latin dance. She is also good at national standards.

Mitri plays the violin well.

Lin Xiaoyi has a good singing voice. Once, Mitri played the piano and Lin Xiaoyi sang a song "My Heart Will Go On", which mesmerized the people around her.

Just this time, Mitri fell in love with Lin Xiaoyi.

Indeed, it is difficult for Mitri not to be intoxicated by the feminine charm displayed by Lin Xiaoyi.

Kailin, on the other hand, grew from hatred to love. He hated square dancing so much that he got so angry that day that he wanted to argue with his aunt.

When I walked to the square dance scene, I was quickly attracted by Lin Xiaoyi's dancing. Not only did she have a good figure and sexy, but more importantly, her dance had soul.

It just so happens that Professor Kailin is young and romantic, and is also good at singing and dancing. She can dance many kinds of dances, including Latin, cowboy, and hula, not to mention ballroom dancing.

He found an opportunity to dance with Lin Xiaoyi once. After that, where could he stop? He came every day, so he simply joined the aunt group.

Lin Xiaoyi is not the only one in the Auntie group who can dance, there are several others who are also very good at dancing. Therefore, Professor Kailin has become the most popular person in the Auntie square dance group.

Kailin never expected that she would become friends with 80 women at the same time, and all of them would like to dance with him. This feeling is not ordinary and wonderful.

Of course, after a few days, many people were eliminated. In fact, there were no more than 10 people who could dance with Kailin. Among them, Lin Xiaoyi was the one who could dance Latin dance with him.

They must dance two dances every night.

Kailin no longer hates his aunt, nor does he hate square dancing anymore. He called his friends thousands of miles away and said that square dancing in China is the most worthy of learning from the whole world. Square dancing can not only exercise the body, but also make the spirit happy.

, and can also improve women’s social status.

Kailin is extremely happy.

Unexpectedly, extreme happiness can lead to sadness. The ancestors were so wise. They have long told everyone that happiness is accompanied by pain. Don’t forget the misfortune that may come in the happiness.

Mitri came to your door.

There was a fight and the matter reached Zeng Xuefei.

Lin Xiaoyi felt very nervous and hesitant.

To be honest, at her age, she doesn't even think about falling in love. She just wants to be happy every day.

These two old men are both good and of high quality. One plays the instrument very well and the other dances well. I play with them every day, sing and dance, and have fun.

Who knows, these two old men want to go further.

This is not okay, absolutely impossible.

"Please tell them that I, Lin Xiaoyi, can be their friend, but I will never fall in love. If anyone has such inappropriate thoughts, I will break off our relationship with them!"

His words were decisive.

Kailin listened to Zeng Xuefei's message and remained silent for a long time.

"Professor Kailin, Lin Xiaoyi said that she is willing to be ordinary friends with you. She can dance but not sleep. You are already over 70. I advise you to give up."

Zeng Xuefei said sincerely.

"Okay, I give up. However, there is one condition, Mitri must also give up." Professor Kailin also knows that in terms of competitive advantage, she will definitely not be able to compare with Mitri.

Zeng Xuefei has done Professor Kailin's work well, and the next step is to do Mitri's work. Will it go smoothly?

This chapter has been completed!
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